The Theosophical Society in Seattle
Living in the Question

Living in the Question

Lisa Capa PhD | Living in the Question

Part 1: Sunday May 5, 2024 | 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Part 2: Sunday May 19, 2024 | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
(please only attend part 2 if you attended part 1)
In Person

Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
You will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

— Rainier Maria Rilke, from “Letters to a Young Poet”

Instead of just mentally searching to get an answer to a personal question, how might you direct your attention to live your way into an answer? Doing it this way allows you to collaboratively participate with the flow of the Creative Source.
Using a unique and powerful combination of attentional work, Appreciative Inquiry, the somatic tool of Focusing, Carl Jung’s work on synchronicities, the divination tool of the I Ching, and other practices, learn to refine a question you have down to its essence and gain insight on how to live into the answer.
In this workshop, you will formulate a question you have and refine it. You will learn to sit with the refined question in order to observe how reality may be providing some guidance to consider. You may walk away with a juicy life question, gain insight on what gets in the way of living into the answer, or gain insight into the possible answer itself. Bring your journal or something to write on to help track your activities in this workshop. Also, for the 2nd class, optionally bring your favorite I Ching book, if you have any.
This is not a workshop to teach you specifically how to practice Appreciative Inquiry, how to do Focusing, to learn a lot about synchronicities, or how to use the I Ching, although you will learn a little about each of them. This workshop consists of two 2-hour classes. While there will be a period between the two classes when we are not meeting, this in-between time is important. You will be provided with guidance at the first class on how to pay attention during this time. This way you can witness how the Creative Source may be participating to support you as you are living in the question.

Lisa Capa, formerly a professor of Leadership and Personal Development, a tech manager and a visual artist, is currently living as a mystic in the Pacific Northwest.

Location: in person at 717 Broadway East, Seattle, Theosophical Society Library

Suggested donation: $5-20

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