The Theosophical Society in Seattle
The Singing Circle

The Singing Circle

The Singing Circle

Josh Anderson
1.19.25 | 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm | In Person

The initial instigation of the creation of the Universe was the first vibration, AUM

In the Beginning the Word was with God and God was the Word

In every sacred tradition known to humanity, the power of the voice serves as our primary contact with the Divine or Source and vocal music is an important component of many religious and non-religious experiences. Join us for an interactive experience exploring the use of voice for deepening our mystical experience through traditional and modern music. No musical or vocal training necessary, all voices are welcome in the circle.

Josh Anderson is the onsite Library manager for the Theosophical Society in Seattle. He has decades of experience in music and theater education. In his personal practice, he uses chant, song, and vocal expression as central elements of his work.

Location: in person at 717 Broadway East, Seattle, Theosophical Society Library


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