The Theosophical Society in Seattle
Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner

Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner

     For assistance or to cancel, please contact Josh at or (206) 267-0156
     Thursday through Saturday 12 pm – 5 pm

Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner

Leah Miller
1.3.25 | 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm | In Person

Come and welcome the Shabbos bride at our Musical Kabbalat Shabbat! We will sing niggunim, the Hasidic practice of wordless melodies, and chant ancient Kabalistic liturgy. The prayers serve to receive the divine indwelling, Shechinnah, into our sanctified day of rest. Afterwards, we will enjoy a vegetarian Shabbat dinner and have an opportunity to learn about the Theosophical approach to the Sabbath, and share songs, poems, and reflections from the heart.

Leah Miller is an enthusiastic community builder with a passion for learning and for inter-spiritual life and prayer. Growing up in a secular Jewish household, she developed a deep love for Jewish learning and a devotion to spirituality. As an aspiring Rabbi, she is currently a Religious Studies undergraduate student at Naropa University in Boulder, CO. She is engaged in organizing meaningful grassroots Shabbat gatherings and other Jewish experiences open to all, and creating opportunities for informal study with people from different religions and spiritual backgrounds.

Location: In Person at the TS Library

Suggested donation: $5-20


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