Past meeting topics
2022-2023 Season – Study Topics:
- 1st Wednesday (open to the public) – Potpourri: bring a book, an article, or a personal experience – something on a spiritual topic that you would like to share.
- June 7 – last meeting of the 2022-2023 season.
- 2nd Wednesday – Book Study:
- September through January: Thought Forms
- February through May: The Spiritual Dimension of Therapeutic Touch by Dora Kunz with Delores Krieger
- 3rd Wednesday – Rotating Topic of the Month:
- September 21: Enneagram System
- October 19: Enneagram System (continued)
- November 16: Enneagram System (continued)
- December 21: Winter Solstice
- January 18: The Five Dharma Types
- February 15: Building Community: 2-part article “Daily Steps towards Brotherhood” in Theosophist magazine – Part 1 (page 22) & Part 2 (page 20)
- March 15: Book share – share a book that has impacted your life, or a book that has piqued your interest in some way and that you want to share
- April 19: “God, to me, it seems, is a verb, not a noun, proper or improper.” – R. Buckminster Fuller. GOD, PERSONAL OR IMPERSONAL is the topic of the latest Quest magazine. Please bring your thoughts on the topic. We could read one of the Quest articles as the basis for our discussion, or feel free to share any other sources on the topic, especially your own experiences and insights.
- May 17: Art discussion facilitated by Sarah Martinez!
- 4th Wednesday – Video Wednesday, please watch ahead of time and bring your questions and points to discuss:
- September 28: The Spiritual Dimension of Time Travel with Fred Alan Wolf | Theosophical Classic 2004
- October 26: A Wholeworld-View of the Universe, Gaia, and Us: Helping to Explain the Unexplained | Jude Currivan
- November 23: The Science of Heaven: An Interview with Robert Temple
- December 28: Quantum Entanglement, Consciousness, and the Vision of Oneness | Glen Kezwer, Ph.D.
- January 25: Atala Dorothy Toy: Earth’s Interdimensional Life-Forms and Nature Spirits
- February 22: The Structure and Function of the Chakras with Shafica Karagulla | Theosophical Classic 1986
- March 22: Kurt Leland: Inner Life Safari – The Workshop: Part 1
- April 26: Kurt Leland: Inner Life Safari – The Workshop: Part 2
- May 24: Kurt Leland: Inner Life Safari – The Workshop: Part 3
- 5th Wednesday (November 30, March 29, May 31) – Special Topic
- November 30: Discussion of a science article “The Concept of Event-Driven Time” by Sergey K. Aityan. Does TIME exist? Dr. Aityan is a professor and a student of many sciences. He is curious what the Theosophists would think about his concept of NO TIME. Please read ahead and bring your thoughts for discussion. Feel free to skip the formulas, is so desired!
- March 29 – Hawaiian healing mantra ho’oponopono. Discussion led by Ed Moskowitz.
- May 31 – Unity – a short presentation followed by a discussion facilitated by Sue Prescott.
In the past, we discussed various topics such as Dharma, non-duality, reincarnation, esoteric astrology and studied various books including The Divine Plan, Voice of the Silence, Evolution of the Higher Consciousness and other books related to spiritual growth. Most recently we also focused on the study of the Three Objects of the TS, looking in depth into the comparative religions, philosophies, and sciences, exploring the unexplained mysteries and human potential, and finding ways to experience the unity of all life. We usually rotate topics and study several books throughout the year. If you have a topic that you would like to suggest, please let us know.
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