Quest Bookshop Offerings, sorted: by Subject, by Author, by Title
   reported at 03-12-2025  14:00:48
   SUBJECT                          AUTHOR                    TITLE                                                 ITEM ID LOC  PRICE 
   A Course in Miracles                                       Course In Miracle (Cloth)                             23287   CIM  35.00
   A Course in Miracles                                       Messages From Our Elder Brother...Jesus               24165   CIM  10.00
   A Course in Miracles                                       Where Does It Say.....?  Basic Index For CIM          20858   CIM  10.00
   A Course in Miracles             Carpenter, Tom & Linda    Dialogue On Awakening  Communion With Jesus           16130   CIM  16.95
   A Course in Miracles             Casey, Karen              Daily Meditations For Practicing ACIM                 23749   CIM  13.95
   A Course in Miracles             Cohen, Alan               Dare To Be Yourself                                   19895   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Cohen, Alan               Deep Breath Of Life                                   26149   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Cohen, Alan               Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore                      11757   CIM  20.00
   A Course in Miracles             Cohen, Alan               Joy Is My Compass  Tkng The Rsk To Fll Yr Own Blss    19111   CIM   9.95
   A Course in Miracles             Cohen, Alan               Peace That You Seek  Mssgs Of Gdnc/Sls On Pth/Awkg    15094   CIM  13.95
   A Course in Miracles             Cohen, Alan               Rising In Love                                        13449   CIM   8.95
   A Course in Miracles             Coit, Lee                 Listening  How To Increase Awareness                  17827   CIM   8.95
   A Course in Miracles             Course In Miracles Soc.   Course In Miracles (Original - Pocket - Text Only)    23048   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Dalderis, Maynard &Leanne Do You Have A Moment?                                 14771   CIM   8.00
   A Course in Miracles             Davis & Davis             Heart Of Healing                                      12251   CIM   8.95
   A Course in Miracles             Engle, Debra Landwehr     Only Little Prayer You Need                           25274   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Available Light  Poems (BO'd 8/9/2018)                19538   CIM  10.00
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Body Of Truth                                         19539   CIM   7.50
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Bridge To Reality  Hrt-Cntrd App / CIM & P Of I H     19540   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Circle Of Atonement  Wndd Chld's Jrney/Lv's Embrc     19787   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Creating A Spiritual Relationship                     26298   CIM  10.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Ecstatic Moment                                       24310   CIM  10.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Embracing Our True Self                               19557   CIM  13.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Hidden Jewel                                          24132   CIM   9.00
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Love Is My Gospel                                     30774   CIM  12.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Love Without Conditions                               15380   CIM  12.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Miracle Of Love                                       24432   CIM  12.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Power Of Love (10 Spiritual Practices..)              19011   CIM  12.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Real Happiness                                        24016   CIM  12.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Reflections Of The Christ Mind                        27365   CIM  19.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Return To The Garden  Reflections..Part 4             26278   CIM  12.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Twelve Steps Of Forgiveness                           20606   CIM  10.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Waking Up Together (OP 10/2001)                       24089   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Wisdom Of The Self                                    14775   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Ferrini, Paul             Wounded Child's Journey Into Love's Embrace           11025   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Found'n For Dinner Peas   Course In Marigolds                                   17767   CIM   5.95
   A Course in Miracles             Found. For Inner Peace    Course In Miracles (Mass) 1883360269                  30290   CIM  28.00
   A Course in Miracles             Foundation for Inner Peac Course in Miracles (1 VOL. Hardback)                  30519   CIM  40.00
   A Course in Miracles             Foundation For Inner Peac Course In Miracles (1 VOL. Paper)                     18961   CIM  35.00
   A Course in Miracles             Foundation Inner Peace    Psychotherapy  Purpose, Process & Practice            18426   CIM   6.00
   A Course in Miracles             Foundation Inner Peace    Song Of Prayer  Prayer, Forgiveness..                 18425   CIM   6.00
   A Course in Miracles             Grout, Pam                Course In Miracles Experiment                         20162   CIM  18.99
   A Course in Miracles             Haskell, Brent            Journey Beyond Words                                  22560   CIM  23.95
   A Course in Miracles             Haskell, D.O.             Other Voice                                           25333   CIM  23.95
   A Course in Miracles             Hoffmeister, David        Quantum Forgiveness                                   26779   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Holsten, Chandra          Be Still An Instant  A Spiritual Journal              18993   CIM   9.95
   A Course in Miracles             Hotchkiss, Burt           Have Miracles Will Travel                             14589   CIM   3.95
   A Course in Miracles             Jampolsky & Cirincione    Change Your Mind  Change Your Life                    14629   CIM  16.00
   A Course in Miracles             Jampolsky & Cirincione    Mini Course For Life                                  11709   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Jampolsky, Lee            Art Of Trust                                          22033   CIM  11.95
   A Course in Miracles             Joseph, Dan               Inner Healing (Inspired By A Course In Miracles)      29246   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Kamper & Carson           Call To Awaken  Vol 1 Sessions 1-4                    15216   CIM  15.00
   A Course in Miracles             Mesher, Alan              Journey Of Love                                       14350   CIM   7.95
   A Course in Miracles             Miller, D. Patrick        Complete Story Of The Course                          24587   CIM  15.95
   A Course in Miracles             Miller, D. Patrick        Understanding A Course In Miracles                    15569   CIM  15.95
   A Course in Miracles             Miracle Distribution Ctr. Introduction To A Course In Miracles                  13265   CIM   4.00
   A Course in Miracles             Mundy, Jon                Living A Course In Miracles                           13919   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Oumano, Elena             Marianne Williamson Her Life Her Message(POS 7/22)    21165   CIM   5.99
   A Course in Miracles             Perron, Mari              Course Of Love Combined Volume                        25684   CIM  44.00
   A Course in Miracles             Prather, Hugh             Quiet Answer                                          13350   CIM   8.95
   A Course in Miracles             Raub, John                Who Told You That You Were Naked                      24884   CIM  12.95
   A Course in Miracles             Raub, John                Who Told You That You Were Naked?                     15927   CIM  10.95
   A Course in Miracles             Renard, Gary              Love Has Forgotten No One                             18485   CIM  16.95
   A Course in Miracles             Renard, Gary              Your Immortal Reality                                 18493   CIM  16.99
   A Course in Miracles             Renard, Gary R            Disappearance Of The Universe                         30105   CIM  19.99
   A Course in Miracles             Schucman, Helen           Gifts Of God                                          18737   CIM  15.95
   A Course in Miracles             Singh, Tara               Dialogues On A Course In Miracles                     16937   CIM  14.95
   A Course in Miracles             Singh, Tara               Nothing Real Can Be Threatened                        18154   CIM  13.95
   A Course in Miracles             Singh, Tara               Voice That Precedes Thought                           16938   CIM  16.95
   A Course in Miracles             Skaggs, Gene              Beginner's Glossary To CIM                            17292   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Skains, Margo Fell        Hosanna!                                              18385   CIM  14.00
   A Course in Miracles             Skutch, Robert            Journey Without Distance  (POS INGR 1/11/2019)        12506   CIM  11.95
   A Course in Miracles             Smoley, Richard           Theology Of Love                                      31320   CIM  18.99
   A Course in Miracles             Studebaker, Dennis        Ways Of Heaven                                        15444   CIM  10.00
   A Course in Miracles             Varley, Barbara & Robert  Peace Of God Is My One Goal                           13178   CIM  10.00
   A Course in Miracles             Vaughan & Walsh           Accept This Gift                                      11004   CIM  10.00
   A Course in Miracles             Vaughan & Walsh  (Edt.)   Gifts From A Course In Miracles                       23036   CIM  15.95
   A Course in Miracles             Vaughan & Walsh, Editors  Gift Of Peace                                         15874   CIM  10.95
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Gloria & Kenneth Most Commonly Asked Questions About CIM               22921   CIM   8.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, K. & Clarke, W.N Course In Miracles & Christianity                     22842   CIM   8.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Absence From Felicity                                 20221   CIM  16.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Christian Psychology In "A Course In Miracles"        19167   CIM   4.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Fifty Miracle Principles Of A Course In Miracles      15675   CIM   8.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Forgiveness & Jesus                                   12014   CIM  16.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Glossary Index For A Course In Miracl                 12141   CIM  13.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Obstacles To Peace                                    16698   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Talk Given On A Course In Miracles                    13820   CIM   6.00
   A Course in Miracles             Wapnick, Kenneth          Vast Illusion                                         12194   CIM  12.00
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Age Of Miracles                                       24251   CIM  22.95
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Enchanted Love                                        27034   CIM  14.00
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Everyday Grace                                        29211   CIM  19.95
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Gift Of Change                                        30573   CIM  13.95
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Illuminata  (CD)                                      22520   CIM  15.00
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Illuminata  A Return To Prayer                        21668   CIM  14.00
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Law Of Divine Compensation                            20789   CIM  14.99
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Mystic Jesus                                          15378   CIM  28.99
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Return To Love (TRADE)                                20661   CIM  17.99
   A Course in Miracles             Williamson, Marianne      Woman's Worth                                         16404   CIM  15.00
   African spirituality             Abrams, Abiola            African Goddess Initiation                            11826   AFR  24.99
   African spirituality             Abu-Jamal, Mumia          Faith Of Our Fathers                                  30654   AFR  19.95
   African spirituality             Afrika, Llaila            African Holistic Health                               25255   AFR  14.95
   African spirituality             Afua, Queen               Heal Thyself For Health & Longevity                   24927   AFR  18.95
   African spirituality             Afua, Queen               Sacred Woman                                          28638   AFR  20.00
   African spirituality             Akbar, Na'im              Community Of Self (Revised)                           23159   AFR   8.00
   African spirituality             Alcafer, Prof.            El Oraculo Orisha (Spanish Lang. )                    21014   AFR  11.90
   African spirituality             Arewa, Caroline Shola     Opening To Spirit   Chakras & African Spirituality    25889   AFR  21.95
   African spirituality             Balfour, Thelma           Black Love Signs                                      21464   AFR  17.00
   African spirituality             Barrett, Leonard          Rastafarians                                          24807   AFR  21.00
   African spirituality             Bird, Stephanie Rose      African American Magick                               12898   AFR  19.95
   African spirituality             Bird, Stephanie Rose      Aftrican American Magick                              20736   AFR  19.95
   African spirituality             Bird, Stephanie Rose      Healing Tree                                          18722   AFR  26.95
   African spirituality             Brice, Carleen            Walk Tall  Affirmations For People Of Color           19137   AFR  12.00
   African spirituality             Bynum, Edward Bruce       Our African Unconscious                               24771   AFR  22.99
   African spirituality             Campbell, Susan           Called To Heal African Shamanic Healers               28050   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Campbell, Susan Schuster  Spirit Of The Ancestors                               29949   AFR  11.95
   African spirituality             Canfield, Jack     Chicken Soup For The African American Soul            30722   AFR  12.95
   African spirituality             Canizares, Raul           Cuban Santeria                                        27478   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Copage, Eric              Black Pearls  Daily Meditations For African-Amer'     14701   AFR  10.00
   African spirituality             Copage, Eric              Black Pearls For Parents                              22625   AFR  10.00
   African spirituality             Correal, Tobe Melora      Finding Soul On the Path Of Orisa                     25662   AFR  12.99
   African spirituality             De Oxossi, Diego          African Gods Oracle                                   30896   AFR  24.95
   African spirituality             De Oxossi, Diego          Afro-Brazilian Numerology                             15326   AFR  16.99
   African spirituality             Diallo & Hall             Healing Drum  African Wisdom Teachingws               18650   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Diggs, Antia Doreen       Talking Drums  African-American Quote Collection      22606   AFR  14.95
   African spirituality             Dorsey, Lilith            Orishas, Goddesses, & Voodoo Queens                   21775   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Iba'se Orisa                                          22529   AFR  14.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Obatala  Ifa & The Chief Of Spirit Of White Cloth     22533   AFR   4.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Ochosi  Ifa & The Spirit Of The Tracker               22534   AFR   4.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Ogun  Ifa & The Spirit Of Iron                        22535   AFR   4.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Oriki                                                 22077   AFR  25.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Oshun  Ifa & The Spirit Of The River                  22536   AFR   5.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Oya  Ifa & The Spirit Of The Wind                     22537   AFR   4.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Shango  Ifa & The Spirit Of Lightning                 22539   AFR   4.95
   African spirituality             Fatunmbi, Awo Fa'lokun    Yemoja/Olokun  Ifa & The Spirit Of The Ocean          22543   AFR   5.95
   African spirituality             Filan, Kenaz              Haitian Vodou Handbook                                21819   AFR  18.95
   African spirituality             Ford, Clyde               Hero With An African Face                             26911   AFR  17.00
   African spirituality             Gonzales-Wippler, Migene  Powers Of The Orishas                                 23375   AFR   9.95
   African spirituality             Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  Legends Of Santeria                                   22096   AFR   9.95
   African spirituality             Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  Santeria  The Religion                                22246   AFR  21.99
   African spirituality             Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  Santeria Experience                                   20971   AFR   8.95
   African spirituality             Goodloe, G. Michelle      I Own My Magic  Self-Talk For Black Women             28176   AFR  15.95
   African spirituality             Houk, James T.            Spirits, Blood, & Drums Orisha In Trinidad            23590   AFR  18.95
   African spirituality             Hull, Akasha              Soul Talk                                             28274   AFR  15.00
   African spirituality             Jackson,  Christal (Edit) Women Of Color Pray                                   16936   AFR  15.99
   African spirituality             Joseph, Frank             Lost Treasure Of King Juba                            29590   AFR  18.00
   African spirituality             Karade, Baba Ifa          Handbook Of Yoruba Religious Concepts                 22029   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Karade, Baba Ifa          Imoye  The Ifa Tradition                              22781   AFR  14.95
   African spirituality             Karenga, Maulana          Kwanzaa                                               25623   AFR  24.95
   African spirituality             Leslau, Charlotte & Wolf  African Love Poems & Proverbs                         21203   AFR   4.95
   African spirituality             Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn    Way Of Tenderness                                     27070   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             McFaddin, Terri           God Made Me Beauty-full                               24385   AFR  12.00
   African spirituality             Morgaine, Raven           Yemaya  Orisha, Goddess, & Queen Of The Sea           25926   AFR  18.95
   African spirituality             Neimark, Philip John      Way Of The Orisa  Ancient African Religion Of Ifa     19990   AFR  15.99
   African spirituality             Newmark, Amy & Clarke, B. Chicken Soup For The Soul I'm Speaking Now            24668   AFR  14.95
   African spirituality             Ngomane, Mungi            Everyday Ubuntu                                       29932   AFR  19.99
   African spirituality             Nsoroma, JojopahMaria     Wisdom Walk To Self-Mastery                           11303   AFR  18.99
   African spirituality             Nunez, Luis               Santeria Prac. Gd To Afro-Caribbean Magic             23072   AFR  19.50
   African spirituality             Obatala, El               Creative Ritual  Yoruba, Santeria & Western Trad.     11571   AFR   9.95
   African spirituality             Oduyoye, Modupe           Words & Meaning In Yoruba Religion                    24498   AFR  14.95
   African spirituality             Oni, Olusola              Yoruba Medicine Of Antiquity                          14305   AFR  20.00
   African spirituality             Penniman, Leah            Black Earth Wisdom                                    17512   AFR  26.99
   African spirituality             Scranton, Laird           Science Of The Dogon                                  22238   AFR  18.95
   African spirituality             Some, Malidoma P.         Of Water & The Spirit  Life Of An African Shaman      18832   AFR  18.00
   African spirituality             Some, Malidoma Patrice    Healing Wisdom Of Africa                              25586   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Some, Malidoma Patrice    Ritual  Power, Healing & Community                    14277   AFR  15.00
   African spirituality             Some, Sobonfu E.          Spirit Of Intimacy                                    24539   AFR  14.99
   African spirituality             Teish, Luisah             Carnival Of The Spirit  Seasonal Celebrations         22304   AFR  21.95
   African spirituality             Teish, Luisah             Jump Up  Celebrations Around The World (BO'd 1/11     28055   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Thurman, Howard           Meditations of the Heart                              17679   AFR  22.00
   African spirituality             Tristao, Waldete          Knowing The Orisha Gods & Goddesses                   21809   AFR   8.99
   African spirituality             Vanzant, Iyanla           Acts Of Faith  Daily Meditations 4/People Of Color    22834   AFR  13.00
   African spirituality             Welsing, Frances Cress    Isis (Yssis) Papers                                   19433   AFR  19.95
   African spirituality             Wilson, Sule Greg         Drummer's Path  Ritual & Traditional Drumming         11711   AFR  16.95
   African spirituality             Yetunde & Giles (Editors) Black & Buddhist                                      12301   AFR  19.95
   Agni Yoga                                                  Aum                                                   23780   AYS  15.00
   Agni Yoga                                                  Brotherhood                                           23781   AYS  15.00
   Agni Yoga                                                  Fiery World 1933  Vol I                               23782   AYS  15.00
   Agni Yoga                                                  Fiery World 1934  Vol II                              23783   AYS  15.00
   Agni Yoga                                                  Fiery World 1935  Vol III                             23784   AYS  15.00
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, Kabbalah (CW Vol.4)        12028   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Angels & Other Mysteries                              11007   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Book Of Divine Magic                                  22409   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Book Of Revelations: A Commentary                     27239   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Christmas & Easter In The Initiatic Tradition         17776   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Cosmic Balance                                        26711   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Creation  Artistic & Spiritual                        17050   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Daily Meditations  2000                               11963   AIV   9.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Divine Seed (CD plus transcript)                      29001   AIV  10.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Education Begins Before Birth                         21008   AIV   9.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Egregor Of The Dove Or The Reign Of Peace             11632   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Faith That Moves Mountains                            16243   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Freedom, The Spirit Triumphant                        27178   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Fruits Of The Tree Of Life                            18858   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Golden Rules For Everyday Life                        26712   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Harmony & Health                                      29739   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Harmony (Vol.6)                                       30767   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Hope For The World                                    22229   AIV   8.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  In Spirit & In Truth                                  27136   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Key To The Problems Of Existence                      11084   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Know Thyself  Jnana Yoga Vol 17                       27177   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Know Thyself Jnana Yoga Part 2                        27353   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Laws Of Reincarnation (2 CDs)                         30240   AIV  19.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Life & Work In An Initiatic School VOL. 30            11073   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Life Force  Complete Works Vol. 5                     18870   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Light Is A Living Spirit                              14393   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Living Book Of Nature                                 18201   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Looking Into The Invisible                            19578   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Love & Sexuality  Part 1 (Vol. 14)                    11078   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Love & Sexuality  Part 2  Complete Wks Vol. 15        11082   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Love Greater Than Faith (PA 239)                      19561   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Man's Psychic Life                                    26713   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Man's Subtle Bodies & Centres                         18202   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Man's Two Natures  Human & Divine                     12397   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Man, Master Of His Destiny                            18877   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Meditation                                            29740   AIV   6.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Mysteries Of Fire & Water                             27416   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Mysteries Of Yesod  (Vol. 7)                          19554   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  New Dawn Pt. 1  Vol. 25                               27175   AIV  17.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  New Dawn Pt. 2 Vol. 26                                27176   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  New Earth  Vol. 13                                    26468   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  New Light On The Gospels                              27321   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov  Centenial Album              28616   AIV  65.00
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Path Of Silence                                       20552   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Philosophy Of Universality                            18906   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Powers Of Thought                                     18203   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Powers of Thought (CD)                                12396   AIV       
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Reincarnation (2 CDs plus Treanscript)                12258   AIV  16.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Second Birth (Vol.1)                                  18878   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Seeds Of Happiness                                    28523   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Sexual Force Or The Winged Dragon                     19445   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Sons And Daughters Of God                             19655   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Spiritual Alchemy  Complete Works Vol 2               17614   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Splendour Of Tiphareth (Vol. 10)                      17686   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Sunrise Meditations                                   11331   AIV   4.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Symbolic Language Of Geometrical Figures              14606   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Toward A Solar Civilization                           25987   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good & Evil                  27415   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  True Meaning Of Christ's Teaching                     18204   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Truth:  Fruit Of Wisdom & Love                        26714   AIV   9.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Two Trees Of Paradise (Vol. 3)                        12203   AIV  24.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Wellsprings Of Eternal Joy                            20528   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  What Is A Spiritual Master?                           19305   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Yoga Of Nutrition                                     16016   AIV  12.95
   Aivanhov                         Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  You Are Gods                                          18103   AIV  34.95
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Byrne, Lorna              Message Of Hope From The Angels                       22994   ANG  16.99
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Cooper, Diana             Magic Of Unicorns (Book)                              15480   ANG  16.99
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Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Farrell, Emma             Journeys With Plant Spirits                           26602   ANG  18.00
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Freeman, Eileen Elias     Touched By Angels: True Cases.(0-446-67033-2)         21358   ANG  11.95
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Gray, Kyle                Angel Numbers                                         11964   ANG  13.99
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Gregg, Susan              Complete Encylopedia Of Angels                        23454   ANG  30.00
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Hamilton, Maggie          Inside The Secret Life Of Fairies                     26329   ANG  16.99
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Johanson, Irene           What The Angels Need To Tell Us Now                   19960   ANG  22.00
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Mark & Griswold           Angelspeake  How To Talk With Your Angels             23359   ANG  16.00
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Mc Gonagle, Cindy         Queen D's Fairy Recipe Book                           19021   ANG  13.25
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Price, John Randolph      Angel Energy                                          23449   ANG  12.00
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Price, John Randolph      Angels Within Us                                      15218   ANG  16.00
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Raven, Hazel              Angel Bible                                           26056   ANG  17.95
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Roads, Michael            Journey Into Oneness & Into A Timeless Realm          14169   ANG  18.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Roads, Michael            Talking With Nature / Journey Into Nature             29687   ANG  18.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Roads, Michael            Through The Eyes Of Love Book One                     14170   ANG  16.00
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Roads, Michael J.         Through The Eyes Of Love Book Three                   26811   ANG  16.00
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Robertson, Leeza          Divine Practice of Angel Numbers                      24235   ANG  16.99
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Rose, Carol               Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, & Goblins              11672   ANG  24.95
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Taylor, Terry Lynn        Answers From The Angels                               14482   ANG   9.95
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Taylor, Terry Lynn        Guardians Of Hope  Angels' Guide To Personal Grow     20678   ANG  10.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Taylor, Terry Lynn        Messengers Of Light  Angels' Gd To Spiritual Grwth    18921   ANG  15.95
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Tyler, Kelsey             There's An Angel On Your Shoulder                     21881   ANG  10.00
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Van Auken, John           Angels, Fairies, Demons & Elementals (Cayce)          24469   ANG  12.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Van Gelder, Dora          Christmas Of The Angels (55)                          11507   ANG    .75
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   Angels, Nature Spirits           Virtue, Doreen            Fairies 101 (CD)                                      30869   ANG  10.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Virtue, Doreen            Healing With The Angels (CD)                          12386   ANG  10.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Virtue, Doreen            Miracles Of Archangel Gabriel                         23290   ANG  15.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Virtue, Doreen            My Guardian Angel                                     23145   ANG  10.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Virtue, Doreen            Saved By An Angel                                     21986   ANG  15.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Wauters, Ambika           Angelic Year                                          30513   ANG  22.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Wauters, Ambika           Healing Power Of Angels                               17976   ANG  14.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Angels For Beginners                                  28192   ANG  15.99
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Communicating With Archangel Michael                  11135   ANG  14.99
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Encyclopedia Of Angels                                11433   ANG  18.99
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Gabriel (Communicating With The Archangel)            20554   ANG  12.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Praying With Angels                                   31042   ANG  13.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Raphael (Communicating With The Archangel) (BO'd)     14162   ANG  14.99
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians                       28813   ANG  16.99
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Webster, Richard          Uriel (Communicating With The Archangel)              14168   ANG  12.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Whitedove, Michelle       She Talks With Angels                                 20723   ANG  13.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Wilson, Peter Lamborn     Angels (Thames & Hudson) BO'd 3/5/2020                14764   ANG  14.95
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Womack, Belinda           Lessons From The 12 Archangels                        26620   ANG  15.00
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Wright, Machaelle Small   Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered           15968   ANG  18.00
   Angels, Nature Spirits           Yeats, William B.  (Edt.) Fairy & Folk Tales Of Irish Peasantry                 18473   ANG  11.95
   Animals                          Adamec, Christine         When Your Pet Dies                                    23887   ANI   4.99
   Animals                          Anderson, Allen & Linda   Angel Cats Divine Messengers                          20115   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Anderson, Allen & Linda   Angel Horses  Divine Messengers Of Hope               20550   ANI  16.95
   Animals                          Anderson, Allen & Linda   Saying Goodbye To Your Angel Animals                  26399   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Anthony, Lawrence         Elephant Whisperer                                    15954   ANI  18.99
   Animals                          Bekoff, Marc              Animals Matter                                        16875   ANI  14.00
   Animals                          Bekoff, Marc              Why Dogs Hump & Bees Get Depressed                    18412   ANI  17.95
   Animals                          Bender, Linda             Animal Wisdom                                         24782   ANI  18.95
   Animals                          Billups, Tammy            Animal Wayshowers                                     15830   ANI  18.00
   Animals                          Boone, J. & Leonard, P.   Adventures In Kinship With All Life                   11563   ANI  12.00
   Animals                          Boone, J. Allen           Kinship With All Life                                 12559   ANI  13.99
   Animals                          Broadbent, Tony           Timeless Teachings Of Guru Zuzu (BO'd 12/20/2021)     31235   ANI  16.95
   Animals                          Broersma, Patricia        Riding Into Your Mythic Life                          31159   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Brown, Vinson             Secret Languages Of Animals                           16536   ANI  10.95
   Animals                          Brunke, Dawn              Animal Voices                                         20706   ANI  15.00
   Animals                          Brunke, Dawn Baumann      Shapeshifting With Our Animal Companions              23668   ANI  16.00
   Animals                          Carlson, Leslie B.        Kinship with Horses                                   16384   ANI  12.95
   Animals                          Church, Julie             Uncommon Friends                                      28895   ANI  12.95
   Animals                          Church, Julie Adams       Joy In A Woolly Coat                                  17315   ANI   9.95
   Animals                          Coates, Margrit           Hands-On Healing For Pets                             14132   ANI  26.95
   Animals                          Cochrane Amanda & Callen  Dolphins & Their Power To Heal                        21761   ANI  19.95
   Animals                          Del Monte, Laila          Psychic Communication With Animals For Health...      16727   ANI  16.00
   Animals                          DeMares, Ryan             Dolphins, Myths & Transformation                      29542   ANI  15.95
   Animals                          Devereux, Carole          Spirit Of The Horse                                   13784   ANI  20.00
   Animals                          Dubois, P. & Rousseau, E. Short Philosophy Of Birds (BO'd 6/22/2022)            17768   ANI  19.99
   Animals                          Farmer, Steven            Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guide (CD)           23302   ANI  10.95
   Animals                          Farrar, Jean              Yoga For Pets                                         12494   ANI   7.95
   Animals                          Fox, Michael J.           Boundless Circle                                      23963   ANI  20.00
   Animals                          Getten, Mary              Communicating With Orcas                              29860   ANI  15.95
   Animals                          Graham, Helen & Vlamis    Bach Flower Remedies For Animals                      16143   ANI  12.95
   Animals                          Gray, John                Feline Philosophy                                     21992   ANI  16.00
   Animals                          Greene, David             Your Incredible Cat                                   16712   ANI   4.99
   Animals                          Gurney, Carol             Language Of Animals                                   29904   ANI  16.00
   Animals                          Haegele, Katie            Cats I've Known                                       29635   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Hand, Douglas             Gone Whaling  Orcas In Northwest Waters               11205   ANI  12.95
   Animals                          Harris, Eleanor           Pet Loss  Spiritual Guide                             24293   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Hartung, A.R.             Angels In Disguise                                    22379   ANI  12.95
   Animals                          Harvey, Andrew, & Baker   Saving Animals From Ourselves                         31311   ANI  13.99
   Animals                          Holland, Barbara          Secrets Of The Cat  Its Lore...(not available)        18191   ANI   8.95
   Animals                          Holland, Jennifer         Unlikely Friendships                                  19644   ANI  17.00
   Animals                          Holloway, Sage            Animal Healing and Vibrational Medicine               16472   ANI  16.00
   Animals                          Holsinger, Rosemary       Shasta  Indian Tales                                  19341   ANI   4.95
   Animals                          Horkan, Annie             Life Of Tapa  My Journey With A Blue Heeler           19094   ANI  15.95
   Animals                          Houston, Jean             Mystical Dogs                                         11129   ANI  13.95
   Animals                          Iwago, Mitsuaki           Mitsuaki Iwago's Whales                               21769   ANI  17.95
   Animals                          Kohanov, Linda            Tao Of Equus                                          28640   ANI  18.95
   Animals                          Konig, Karl               Animals  An Imaginative Zoology                       18728   ANI  29.95
   Animals                          Kowalski, Gary            Souls Of Animals                                      20344   ANI  12.95
   Animals                          Kramer-Rolls, Dana        Way Of The Cat                                        30503   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Leslie, Robert Franklin   In The Shadow Of A Rainbow  True Story/Man & Wolf     15855   ANI   6.95
   Animals                          Levine, Stephen           Animal Sutras                                         17304   ANI  21.95
   Animals                          Luckin, Bob               Diary Of A Mindful Dog                                14649   ANI   9.95
   Animals                          MacKinnon, Danielle       Animal Lessons                                        28706   ANI  15.99
   Animals                          Macleod, George           Cats  Homoeopathic Remedies                           13323   ANI  11.95
   Animals                          Macleod, George           Dogs  Homoeopathic Remedies                           13329   ANI  13.95
   Animals                          Masear, Terry             Fastest Things On Wings                               16449   ANI  20.99
   Animals                          McElroy, Susan            Animals As Teachers & Healers                         23597   ANI  12.00
   Animals                          McElroy, Susan Chernak    Animals As Guides For The Soul                        25949   ANI  13.95
   Animals                          Meyer, Judy               Animal Connection (OP 8/2005)                         28862   ANI  10.95
   Animals                          Montgomery, Sy            Good Good Pig                                         26596   ANI  16.00
   Animals                          Montgomery, Sy            How To Be A Good Creature                             21697   ANI  22.00
   Animals                          Montgomery, Sy            Soul Of An Octopus                                    23350   ANI  17.99
   Animals                          Morrison, Lesley          Healing Wisdom Of Birds                               13290   ANI  16.99
   Animals                          Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Hidden Meaning Of Birds                               24554   ANI  17.99
   Animals                          Nieburg & Fischer         Pet Loss                                              23730   ANI  10.00
   Animals                          Ocean, Joan               Dolphin Connection                                    19260   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Patterson, Rachel         Animal Magic  Working With Spirit Animal              28856   ANI  10.95
   Animals                          Randour, Mary Lou         Animal Grace                                          28875   ANI  16.95
   Animals                          Ranquet, Joan             Communication With All Life                           17717   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Ranquet, Joan             Emotional Freedom Technique For Animals               14247   ANI  16.99
   Animals                          Regula Meyer              Animal Messengers                                     26235   ANI  18.00
   Animals                          Roberts, Monty            Horse Sense For People                                29134   ANI  14.00
   Animals                          Roberts, Monty            Man Who Listens To Horses                             24528   ANI   7.99
   Animals                          Robinett, Kristy          Tails From The Afterlife                              30369   ANI  16.99
   Animals                          Ruiz, Don Jose            Shamanic Power Animals (BO'd 8/14/2024)               16498   ANI  24.99
   Animals                          Schul, Bill D.            Animal Immortality  (OSI 5/94)                        20655   ANI   9.95
   Animals                          Scott & Mariani           Crystal Healing For Animals                           16176   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Senior, Niki              Animal Healing  Hands On Holistic Techniques          24343   ANI  17.99
   Animals                          Sheldrake, Rupert         Dogs That Know When Their Owners                      26509   ANI  15.00
   Animals                          Sheppard, K.              Treatment Of Cats By Homeopathy  (OP 6/95)            17123   ANI   4.95
   Animals                          Simon, Tami               Dharma Of Dogs                                        29092   ANI  17.95
   Animals                          Singer, Peter             Animal Liberation                                     20636   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Singer, Peter             Animal Liberation Now                                 12376   ANI  19.99
   Animals                          Smith, Penelope           Animal Talk                                           19080   ANI  14.00
   Animals                          Smith, Penelope           Animals In Spirit                                     22688   ANI  14.00
   Animals                          Telesco, Patricia         Cat Magic   Mews, Myths, & Mystery                    26653   ANI  16.95
   Animals                          Von Kreisler, Kristin     Beauty In The Beasts                                  29429   ANI  13.95
   Animals                          Walker, Madeleine         Whale Whisperer                                       13924   ANI  17.95
   Animals                          Weaver, Helen             Daisy Sutra                                           28036   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Westbeau, George H.       Little Tyke (605)                                     15441   ANI  11.95
   Animals                          Williams, Marta           Beyond Words                                          15500   ANI  14.95
   Animals                          Williams, Marta           Learning Their Language                               29903   ANI  17.95
   Animals                          Wohlleben, Peter          Inner Life Of Animals                                 29838   ANI  16.95
   Animals                          Wyllie, Timothy           Dolphins, E.T.s & Angels                              17693   ANI  14.00
   Animals                          Yarnall, Celeste          Natural Cat Care                                      17531   ANI   9.99
   Animals                          Yarnall, Celeste          Natural Dog Care                                      17622   ANI  18.95
   Art                                                        Celtic Patterns  The Mandala                          26667   ART   9.99
   Art                              Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Creation  Artistic & Spiritual                        17050   ART  12.95
   Art                              Allen, Pat                Art Is A Way Of Knowing                               15447   ART  19.95
   Art                              Almquist & Belfrage (EDs) Hilma Af Klint Occult Painter...                      25879   ART  45.00
   Art                              Almqvist & Belfrage       Hilma Af Klint  Visionary                             11940   ART  35.00
   Art                              Ambrose, Kay              Classical Dances & Costumes Of India                  27407   ART  17.00
   Art                              Andre, Christophe         Looking At Mindfulness (BO'd 1/12/2022)               31230   ART  20.00
   Art                              Arnett, Robert            India Unveiled (ISBN 0-9652900-7-7)                   24360   ART  45.00
   Art                              Arrien, Angeles           Signs Of Life                                         13282   ART  24.00
   Art                              Ashe, Geoffrey            Discovery Of King Arthur                              20248   ART  15.00
   Art                              Azara, Nancy              Spirit Taking Form                                    29289   ART  18.95
   Art                              Barber & Pykitt           Journey To Avalon                                     24859   ART  19.95
   Art                              Bartfeld, Martha          Magic Mandala Coloring Book                           25910   ART  24.95
   Art                              Bartfeld, Martha          Magic Mandala Coloring Book Vol. 2                    19628   ART  24.95
   Art                              Bayles & Orland           Art & Fear                                            30368   ART  12.95
   Art                              Beardsley & Pope          Rape Of The Lock  An Heroi-Comicl Poem In 5 Cantos    19530   ART   4.95
   Art                              Beer, Robert              Encyclopedia Of Tibetan Symbols & Motifs              27084   ART  75.00
   Art                              Beer, Robert              Handbook Of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols                  30189   ART  32.95
   Art                              Behl, Benoy               Ajanta Caves  (08-109198-34)                          27284   ART  65.00
   Art                              Bernbaum, Edwin           Sacred Mountains Of The World                         19231   ART  25.00
   Art                              Beuys, Joseph             What Is Art (1902636597)                              23796   ART  30.00
   Art                              Blau, Tatjana             Tibetan Mandalas                                      27110   ART  10.95
   Art                              Boulet, Susan Seddon      Goddess Paintings (OP 5/2019)                         21308   ART  29.95
   Art                              Boulet, Susan Seddon      Note Cards Goddess Paintings (20 cards)               19653   ART  14.95
   Art                              Boulet, Susan Seddon      Shaman  The Paintings Of Susan Seddon Boulet          18182   ART  26.95
   Art                              Bragdon, Claude           Merely Players                                        23110   ART  26.95
   Art                              Branner, Robert (Editor)  Chartres Cathedral                                    12082   ART  21.95
   Art                              Brauen, Martin            Mandala  Sacred Circle In Tibetan Bud. (OSI 5/01)     24454   ART  45.00
   Art                              Brookes, Mona             Drawing With Children                                 12855   ART  19.95
   Art                              Brown, Michelle           Painted Labyrinth                                     30559   ART  12.95
   Art                              Burckhardt, Titus         Chartres The Birth Of The Cathedral                   23720   ART  24.95
   Art                              Burckhardt, Titus         Foundations Of Christian Art                          31198   ART  18.95
   Art                              Burckhardt, Titus         Foundations Of Oriental Art & Symbolism               31199   ART  22.95
   Art                              Busch, Heather & Silver,B Why Cats Paint                                        26407   ART  19.95
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Artist's Way                                          14283   ART  20.00
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Artist's Way Morning Pages Journal                    23255   ART  22.00
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Artist's Way Workbook                                 14759   ART  22.00
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Complete Artist's Way (3 Vol. in One)                 12517   ART  35.00
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Finding Water                                         12682   ART  18.00
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Listening Path                                        18439   ART  17.99
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Seeking Wisdom                                        19752   ART  18.99
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Vein Of Gold                                          12398   ART  18.95
   Art                              Cameron, Julia            Walking In this World                                 28549   ART  18.00
   Art                              Celebre, Damini           Painting The Landscape Of Your Soul                   31206   ART  45.00
   Art                              Christian & Stedman (Eds) Feminine Mysticism In Art                             26510   ART  69.99
   Art                              Cleveland, William        Art & Upheaval                                        17469   ART  20.01
   Art                              Coomaraswamy, Ananda      Christian & Oriental Philosophy Of Art                12291   ART   8.95
   Art                              Cornell, Judith           Drawing The Light From Within (756)                   24605   ART  22.95
   Art                              Cornell, Judith           Mandala  Luminous Symbols For Healing (With CD)       22352   ART  28.95
   Art                              Cozort, Daniel            Sand Mandala Of Vajrabhairava                         23515   ART   8.95
   Art                              Cunningham, Bailey        Mandala (0789497409) Journey To The Center            28969   ART  15.00
   Art                              Cunningham, Lori          Mandala Book  Patterns Of The Universe                12543   ART  22.95
   Art                              Curtis, Edward            Native Nations (POS 6/28/05)                          24878   ART  75.00
   Art                              Dalai Lama & Borges       Tibetan Portrait                                      24298   ART  27.50
   Art                              Dalai Lama (14th)         My Tibet                                              19177   ART  29.95
   Art                              Dean, Sandra              Tree Of Life                                          30476   ART  16.95
   Art                              Decter, Jacqueline        Nicholas Roerich  Life & Art                          18263   ART  60.00
   Art                              Dharma                    Sacred Art Portfolio II  Heart Of Compassion          17700   ART  35.00
   Art                              Dharma Publ. Staff (Edt.) Sacred Art Portfolio 2 / Art Of Enlightenment         16811   ART  35.00
   Art                              Dharma Publishing         Sacred Art Portfolio I  Lineage Of Rainbow Light      18172   ART  35.00
   Art                              Dharma Publishing         Sacred Art Portfolio VI  Path Of Liberation           18170   ART  35.00
   Art                              di Florio, Paola & Leeman Awake The Life Of Yogananda                           17017   ART  45.00
   Art                              Doore, Kathy              Markawasi                                             18089   ART  29.95
   Art                              Duncan Baird Publ.        Buddist Mandala Coloring Kit                          16244   ART  19.95
   Art                              Earle, Joe & Hibi, Sadao  Infinite Spaces  (Japanese Gardens) (BO'd 8/24/23)    23584   ART  16.95
   Art                              Edwards, Betty            Drawing On The Artist Within (0-671-63514X)           16229   ART  15.95
   Art                              Edwards, Betty            Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain                11761   ART  19.95
   Art                              Eliade, Mircea            Symbolism, The Sacred, & The Arts                     13685   ART  14.95
   Art                              Elizabeth, S.             Art Of The Occult                                     19617   ART  29.99
   Art                              Ellcock, Stephen          Cosmic Dance                                          17998   ART  35.00
   Art                              Ellik, Ekabhumi Charles   Shakti Coloring Book                                  26417   ART  18.95
   Art                              Emahmn                    Coloring Book Of Magical Designs I                    16732   ART  14.95
   Art                              Emahmn                    Coloring Book Of Magical Designs III                  16752   ART  14.95
   Art                              Eversole, Finley          Art & Spiritual Transformation                        13801   ART  24.95
   Art                              Fincher, Susanne          Coloring Mandalas                                     29216   ART  18.95
   Art                              Fincher, Susanne          Coloring Mandalas #2 (159-030-0866)                   30724   ART  18.95
   Art                              Fincher, Susanne          Coloring Mandalas Bk 3 (1590303024)                   22269   ART  18.95
   Art                              Fincher, Susanne          Coloring Mandalas Bk. 4                               24611   ART  18.95
   Art                              Fincher, Susanne          Mandala  Workbook                                     18004   ART  22.95
   Art                              Fincher, Susanne F.       Creating Mandalas                                     20163   ART  19.95
   Art                              Follmi & Ricard           Buddhist Himalayas (POS)                              13778   ART  29.95
   Art                              Follmi, Danielle & Oliver Awakenings (0-8109-9379-1)                            11287   ART  35.00
   Art                              Fontana, David            Meditating With Mandalas (POS NEWL 11/09/10)          11371   ART  17.95
   Art                              Fox, Kristen              Celtic Mandalas Coloring Book                         11919   ART   9.95
   Art                              Fox, Kristen              Kaleidoscope Mandala Art Coloring Book                24713   ART   8.99
   Art                              Frances, Lynn             Sevenfold Circle  Self Awareness In Dance             25433   ART  15.95
   Art                              Franck, Frederick         Zen Of Seeing                                         19289   ART  24.00
   Art                              Frizzell, Charles         Charles Frizzell  Full-Color Reproductions            20650   ART  13.95
   Art                              Ganga Publications        Krsna Art Book                                        25510   ART 130.00
   Art                              Ganim, Barbara & Fox, S.  Visual Journaling                                     26777   ART  24.95
   Art                              Ganin, Barbara            Drawing From The Heart                                30235   ART  24.95
   Art                              Gold, Aviva               Painting From The Source                              26018   ART  16.00
   Art                              Goldberg, Natalie         Living Color  Writer Paints Her World                 24906   ART  16.95
   Art                              Goldspinner, Jay          Goddess Comes In Living Color  (Coloring Book)        23101   ART   7.95
   Art                              Goodwin, John             Northwest Coast Native Design Coloring Book           24388   ART  10.00
   Art                              Grace, Nicole             Dreaming Bhutan                                       24457   ART  34.95
   Art                              Greenberg, Dr. Gary       A Grain Of Sand                                       18889   ART  20.00
   Art                              Grey, Alex                Mission Of Art                                        25722   ART  19.95
   Art                              Grey, Alex                Net Of Being                                          13208   ART  40.00
   Art                              Grey, Alex                Sacred Mirrors                                        19288   ART  29.95
   Art                              Grey, Alex                Transfigurations                                      28631   ART  39.95
   Art                              Grof, Stanislav           Books Of The Dead  Manuals For Living & Dying         21930   ART  14.95
   Art                              Grout, Pam                Art & Soul Reloaded                                   15435   ART  15.99
   Art                              Gupta, Roxanne Kamayani   Yoga Of Indian Classical Dance                        27317   ART  25.00
   Art                              Hade, Deirdre & Arntz, W. (Not So) Little Book Of Surprises                     28680   ART  18.95
   Art                              Harada, Shodo             Moon By The Window (Calligraphy)                      21922   ART  24.95
   Art                              Hart, Francene            Sacred Geometry Coloring Book                         28747   ART  14.95
   Art                              Heller, Richard           From The Circle                                       31295   ART  18.00
   Art                              Helprin, Mark             Swan Lake                                             19049   ART  19.95
   Art                              Henri, Robert             Art Spirit                                            24066   ART  19.99
   Art                              Hess, Lydia               Sacred Angels Coloring Book                           28195   ART   9.99
   Art                              Hess, Lydia               Sacred Animals  (Coloring Book)                       28199   ART  12.99
   Art                              Higuchi, Yumiko           Seamless Embroidery                                   20097   ART  21.95
   Art                              Holitzka, Klaus           Mandalas Of The Celts                                 25713   ART  10.95
   Art                              Howe, Patrick             Awakening Artist                                      16790   ART  18.95
   Art                              Hundley, Jessica          Sacred Sites  The Library Of Esoterica                13882   ART  40.00
   Art                              Jackson, David & Janice   Tibetan Thangka Painting                              15095   ART  39.95
   Art                              Jodorowsky, Alejandro     Dance Of Reality                                      22750   ART  24.95
   Art                              Juniper, Andrew           Wabi Sabi                                             29905   ART  12.95
   Art                              Kandinsky, Wassily        Concerning The Spiritual In Art                       11586   ART   9.95
   Art                              Karim, Doreya             BioGeometry Signatures Mandalas Coloring Book         22696   ART   9.99
   Art                              Kaufman, Lance            Eyes Of Sedona                                        26633   ART  39.95
   Art                              Kaur, Juss                Mantra Art                                            18415   ART  25.00
   Art                              Keegan, Marcia            Ancient Wisdom Living Tradition                       25676   ART  34.95
   Art                              Khanna, Madhu             Yantra Tantric Symbol Of Cosmic Unity (BO'd 10/26)    22287   ART  29.95
   Art                              Kliffen, Ina              Celtic Animals Charted Designs                        11778   ART   5.95
   Art                              Klocek, Dennis            Drawing From The Book Of Nature                       30281   ART  23.95
   Art                              Koff-Chapin, Deborah      Drawing Out Your Soul  Touch Drawing Handbook         15541   ART   9.95
   Art                              Koff-Chapin, Deborah      Fullness Of Life Soul Touch Coloring Journal          25954   ART  13.99
   Art                              Koff-Chapin, Deborah      Gifts Of The Feminine Soul Touch Coloring             26671   ART  13.99
   Art                              Koff-Chapin, Deborah      Listening Within Soul Touch Coloring Journal (BO'd    26670   ART  13.99
   Art                              Koff-Chapin, Deborah      Opening To Love Soul Touch Coloring Journal           26657   ART  13.99
   Art                              Koff-Chapin, Deborah BO'd Creative Awakening Soul Touch Coloring Journal        26674   ART  13.99
   Art                              Kramrisch, Stella         Exploring India's Sacred Art  Sel Wrt/S. Kramrisch    19549   ART  17.00
   Art                              Krippner, Stanley         Golden Echo Life and Art of Rowena Pattee Kryder      19884   ART  60.00
   Art                              Laing, David              Willing Evolution                                     23487   ART  12.95
   Art                              Lehman, Steve             Tibetans  A Struggle To Survive                       26733   ART  29.95
   Art                              Lehrman, Fredric          Sacred Landscape                                      17804   ART  49.95
   Art                              Leidy, Denise Patry       Art Of Buddhism                                       16733   ART  24.95
   Art                              Lewis, E. & Wise, M.      From A Different Angle                                21461   ART  12.95
   Art                              Linn, Denise              Altars  (OP 2/2001)                                   26600   ART  24.95
   Art                              London, Peter             Drawing Closer To Nature                              18363   ART  24.95
   Art                              Lonely Planet             Lonely Planet's Beautiful World                       23208   ART  19.99
   Art                              Lowe, David & Sharp,Simon Goethe & Palladio                                     19425   ART  15.00
   Art                              Lundquist, John M.        Temple  Meeting Place Of Heaven & Earth               21498   ART  15.95
   Art                              Lyleson, Eric             Reflections From Down Under                           22858   ART  21.95
   Art                              Maclean, Dorothy          Art and Insights from Dorothy Maclean                 17347   ART  19.95
   Art                              Malin, David              Invisible Universe                                    27474   ART  60.00
   Art                              Mancoff, Debra            David Roberts  Travels In Egypt & The Holy Land       26583   ART  30.00
   Art                              Mandala Publishing        Buddhas Of The Celestial Gallery (20 Posters) BO      26947   ART  19.99
   Art                              Mandala Publishing        Celestial Gallery Poster Collection (BO'd 1/2021)     26951   ART  24.99
   Art                              Mason, Jerry (Edt.)       Family Of Woman  World-Wide Photographic Percept'n    11370   ART  14.95
   Art                              Matthews, John            Song of Arthur  Celtic Tales  (OP TPH1 4/17/17)       29118   ART  19.95
   Art                              May, Rollo                Courage To Create                                     15646   ART  14.95
   Art                              McArdle, Thaneeya         Flower Mandalas Coloring Book                         15507   ART   9.99
   Art                              McArdle, Thaneeya         Nature Mandalas Coloring Book                         17131   ART   9.99
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   CDs                              Amara, Heatherash         Awakening Your Inner Fire (7 CDs)                     28017   CDS  40.00
   CDs                              Analemma                  There's No Place Like Ohm Vol. 1 (CD) # 9991476830    30312   CDS  17.95
   CDs                              Analemma                  There's No Place Like Ohm Vol. 2 (CD) # 9991510230    11448   CDS  17.95
   CDs                              Ancient Sounds            Resonance (CD)                                        18499   CDS  11.98
   CDs                              Anugama                   Environment #2 (River & Bells) (CD)                   26743   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Anugama                   Shamanic Dream (CD)                                   20028   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Ashley-Farrands, Thomas   Healing Mantras (CD) (ST363)                          28226   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Barks, Coleman            I Want Burning (CD)                                   15072   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Barks, Coleman            Rumi  Voice Of Longing (CD)                           29045   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Berezan, Jennifer         Returning (CD)                                        30540   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Besant, Annie             Bhagavad Gita (3 CDs) 8949                            11018   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Blavatsky, H.P. (Meier)   Voice Of The Silence (CD) (8962)                      27488   CDS  13.95
   CDs                              Brach, Tara               Mindfulness Meditation (Guided) (CD)                  24520   CDS  21.99
   CDs                              Brower, Elena             Grounded And Free (2CDs)                              28486   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Campbell & Toms           Wisdom Of Joseph Campbell (4 CDs)                     24472   CDS  23.95
   CDs                              Campbell, Don             Music For The Mozart Effect V.1 (CD)                  15834   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Campbell, Don             Music For The Mozart Effect V.2 (CD)                  25815   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Catherine B. Ensemble     Chartres  Path Of The Soul (CD) 9991485619            30539   CDS  14.98
   CDs                              Chants Orthodoxes Byzan.  Byzantine Choirs (CD)                                 23236   CDS  10.98
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             Awakening Compassion (6CDs)                           27124   CDS  69.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             Don't Bite The Hook (3 CDs)                           11314   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             From Fear To Fearlessness (2 CDs)                     29980   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             Getting Unstuck (3 CDs)                               21122   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             Good Medicine (2 CDs) (BO'd 6/13/2020)                30918   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             How To Meditate With Pema Chodron (5 CDs)             19854   CDS  29.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             Practicing Peace In Times Of War (2 CDs)              12274   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             Pure Meditation (2 CDs)                               27847   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             This Moment Is The Perfect Teacher (4 CDs)            13191   CDS  29.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             True Happiness (6 CDs)                                13646   CDS  69.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             True Happiness (CD)                                   27121   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             Unconditional Confidence (2 CDs)                      17460   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema             When Things Fall Apart (2 CDs)                        29465   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Chodron, Pema & Kongtrul  Karma (2 CDs)                                         11199   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Crutcher, Rusty           Machu Picchu Impressions (CD)                         20026   CDS  15.00
   CDs                              Danyo                     Journey To Your Inner Voice Of Silence (CD)           18541   CDS  20.00
   CDs                              Darling, David            Cycles (CD)                                           28197   CDS  17.95
   CDs                              Das, Krishna              All One (CD)                                          14676   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Das, Krishna              Breath Of The Heart (CD) T7159                        28551   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Das, Krishna              Heart As Wide As The World (CD)                       17158   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Das, Krishna              Heart Full Of Soul (2 CDs)                            31066   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Das, Krishna              Kirtan Wallah (CD)                                    22500   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Das, Lama Surya & Halpern Chants To Awaken The Buddhist Heart (CD)              20117   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              De Muynck, Marjorie       Vibrational Healing Music (CD)                        12917   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Demby, Constance          Novus Magnificat (CD)                                 15085   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Dispenza, Joe             Your Are The Placebo  (CD)                            31264   CDS  15.00
   CDs                              Doidge, Norman            Brain That Changes Itself (10 CDs)                    26813   CDS  19.99
   CDs                              Dyer, Wayne               Meditations For Manifesting (CD)                      14633   CDS  15.00
   CDs                              Dyer, Wayne               Power Of Intention (2 CDs)                            30122   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Eng, Kim (Eckhart Tolle)  Meditations For A New Earth (2 CDs)                   24127   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Enya                      Amarantine (CD)                                       16114   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Enya                      Day Without Rain (CD) W 9354                          17238   CDS  17.99
   CDs                              Enya                      Paint The Sky With Stars (CD)                         20288   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Enya                      Shepherd Moons (CD)                                   27252   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Enya                      The Memory of Trees (CD)                              23559   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Enya                      Watermark (CD)                                        27253   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Evenson, Dean             4 Earth Natural Sounds (CD)                           22633   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Ford, Harrison            Dalai Lama Renaissance (CD)                           18449   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Gass, Robert              Enchanted (CD) G7132                                  23416   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Gass, Robert              Medicine Wheel (CD)                                   28528   CDS  16.97
   CDs                              Gass, Robert              Shri Ram (CD) G7113                                   22011   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Goldman, Jonathan         2012 Ascension Harmonics (CD)                         14767   CDS  15.95
   CDs                              Goldman, Jonathan         Chakra Chants (CD) ET144                              26359   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Goldman, Jonathan         Crystal Bowls Chakra Chants (CD)                      24776   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Goldman, Jonathan         Divine Name: I Am (CD)                                16310   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Goldman, Jonathan         Holy Harmony (CD) ET-173                              29900   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Gordon, David & Steve     Meditation Drum (CD)                                  18582   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Gordon, David & Steve     Music For Meditation Inner Stillness (CD)             15791   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Gyurme & Rykiel           Lama's Chant (Hope For Enlightenment) CD              11864   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Art Of Mindful Living (2 CD)                          27937   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Art Of Power (5 CDs)                                  14020   CDS  29.99
   CDs                              Hanh, Thich Nhat & Khong  Drops Of Emptiness (CD)                               12185   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Hanson, Rick              Stress-Proof Your Brain (2 CDs)                       11267   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Hanson, Rick & Mendius    Meditations To Change Your Brain (3 CDs)              11264   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Hay, Louise               Cancer  Discovering Your Healing Power (CD)           14952   CDS  10.95
   CDs                              Heaven & Earth Music      Sacred Chants Of Shiva (CD)                           26207   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Hildegard Von Bingen      Vision (CD) CE 148 (999-121-171-3)                    18348   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Johari, Harish            Sounds Of The Chakras (CD)                            19318   CDS  12.95
   CDs                              Kabat-Zinn, Jon           Coming To Our Senses (3 CDs)                          12639   CDS  24.98
   CDs                              Karunesh                  Path Of Compassion (CD)                               18707   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Katie, Byron              Loving What Is (7 CDs)                                29141   CDS  34.95
   CDs                              Kaur, Snatam              Essential Snatam Kaur Sacred Chants For Healing       18696   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Kaur, Snatam              Evening Prayer (CD)                                   17102   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Kenyon, Tom               Ultimate Brain  Ambient Support (CD)                  24363   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Kenyon, Tom               Ultimate Brain  Deep Rest (CD)                        21173   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Kenyon, Tom               Ultimate Brain (9 CDs)                                25652   CDS  99.00
   CDs                              Khechog, Nawang           Karuna (CD) D0101                                     20166   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Khechog, Nawang           Quiet Mind (CD) (ST276)                               19502   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Khechog, Nawang & Nakai   Music As Medicine (CD)                                22945   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Kornfield, Jack           Meditation For Beginners (2 CDs)                      28756   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Krishna Das               Door Of Faith (CD) T7172                              29813   CDS  13.98
   CDs                              Krishna Das               One Track Heart (CD) T7125                            24691   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Krishna Das               Pilgrim Heart (CD) (T7142)                            25741   CDS  14.98
   CDs                              Krishnamurti              At The Feet Of The Master (CD) av2310                 27297   CDS   7.95
   CDs                              Krishnamurti, Jiddu       Real Revolution (Disc 4) (CD) 1888004835              23429   CDS  16.95
   CDs                              Krishnamurti, Jiddu       Real Revolution (Disc 6) (CD) 1888004851              23498   CDS  16.95
   CDs                              Krishnamurti, Jiddu       Truth Is A Pathless Land (2 CDs)                      22239   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Lauridsen, Morten         Lux Aeterna (CD) (RCM19705)                           19504   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Lee, Riley                Oriental Sunrise (CD) N1378 (Shakuhachi & koto)       28134   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Lee, Riley                Satori (CD) N1379 (Shakuhachi & koto)                 28133   CDS  14.98
   CDs                              Lehwalder, Nancy          Wakeful Dreamer (CD)                                  12833   CDS  15.00
   CDs                              Loreena McKennitt         Troubadours On The Rhine (CD)                         24215   CDS  19.98
   CDs                              Mandala                   Healing Ragas II (CD)                                 28927   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Mandala                   Moonlight Ragas (CD)                                  18578   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Ancient Muse (CD)                                     18232   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Book Of Secrets (CD)                                  24670   CDS  19.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Elemental (CD)                                        18569   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Live In Paris & Toronto (CD) VE101                    29043   CDS  27.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Mask & Mirror (CD)                                    21816   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Mediterranean Odyssey (2 CDs)                         19443   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Parallel Dreams (CD)                                  20244   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        To Drive The Cold Winter Away  (CD)                   22435   CDS  22.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Visit (CD)                                            18345   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Wind That Shakes The Barley (CD)                      18087   CDS  19.98
   CDs                              McKennitt, Loreena        Winter Garden (CD)                                    14534   CDS   9.98
   CDs                              Merrifield, Carol         Great Invocation CD                                   21491   CDS  10.00
   CDs                              Miller, Emmett            Letting Go Of Stress (CD)                             26923   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Minogue, Aine             Celtic Meditation Music (CD) (787)                    20098   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Mitchell, Stephen         Tao Te Ching (2 CDs)                                  19874   CDS  14.95
   CDs                              Moffett, Karma            Way To Katmandu (CD) BO'd 4/6/2017                    26651   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Myss, Caroline            Anatomy Of The Spirit (2 CDs)                         26168   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Myss, Caroline            Defy Gravity (4 CDs)                                  18846   CDS  23.95
   CDs                              Myss, Caroline            Healing With Spirit (CD)                              23465   CDS  10.95
   CDs                              Myss, Caroline            Invisible Acts Of Power (4 CDs)                       24172   CDS  29.95
   CDs                              Myss, Caroline            Sacred Contract Of America (4 CDs)                    20714   CDS  29.95
   CDs                              Myss, Caroline            Sacred Contracts (5 CDs)                              29178   CDS  34.95
   CDs                              Myss, Caroline            Self-Esteem (4 CDs)                                   19472   CDS  34.95
   CDs                              Nakai, Carlos & Beamer,K  Our Beloved Land (CD)                                 28731   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Nakai, R. Carlos          Canyon Trilogy                                        16030   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Anxiety & Panic (Guided Meditations)  CD              29973   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Caregiver Stress (CD)                                 19274   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Ease Pain (CD)                                        21257   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Fight Cancer (CD)                                     20568   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Health Journeys For People With Cancer (CD)           12626   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Healthful Sleep (CD)                                  31219   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Meditation To Promote General Wellness (CD)           24123   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Relieve Depression (CD)                               23329   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Relieve Stress (Guided Meditation) CD                 16799   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Naparstek, Belleruth      Self-Confidence (CD)                                  28750   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Nature Recordings         Thunderstorm (CD) (TM103)                             27335   CDS  14.98
   CDs                              Nawang Khechog            Tibetan Meditation Music                              31038   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              New Troubadours           Best of New Troubadours (CD)                          13625   CDS  15.00
   CDs                              Niall                     Spirit Of The Shaman (CD)                             17226   CDS  15.00
   CDs                              Northrup and Schulz       Igniting Intuition (6 CDs)                            18991   CDS  23.95
   CDs                              Oceanic                   Sufi Splendor (CD)                                    15787   CDS  16.99
   CDs                              Oldfield, Terry           Spirit Of Africa (CD)                                 24400   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Oldman, Coyote            Time Travelers (CD)        *** DON'T REORDER ***      22669   CDS  14.98
   CDs                              Oldman, Coyote            Under An Ancient Sky (CD)                             27288   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Peregrine                 Gregorian Chant (CD)                                  25850   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Premal, Deva              Dakshina (CD)                                         15678   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Premal, Deva              Essence (CD) (WS130)                                  14696   CDS  16.99
   CDs                              Rajendra Teredesai        Path Of The Divine                                    15998   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Raphael                   Angels of the Deep (CD)                               26128   CDS  16.95
   CDs                              Raphael                   Intimacy (CD) (H3183)                                 30607   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Reflections Of Nature     Soothing Songbirds CD                                 22399   CDS  11.98
   CDs                              Richardson, Stan          Shakuhachi Meditation Music (2 CDs) (ST282)           26889   CDS  18.98
   CDs                              Rumi                      Spiritual Verses (4 CDs)                              21553   CDS  28.98
   CDs                              Savae                     Ancient Echoes (CD)                                   13295   CDS  17.00
   CDs                              SAVAE                     El Milagro De Guadalupe (CD)                          28700   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Savae                     Guadalupe Virgen De Los Indios                        29981   CDS  17.00
   CDs                              Savae                     La Noche Buena  (CD)                                  11285   CDS  17.00
   CDs                              Savae                     Native Angels (CD)                                    13686   CDS  17.00
   CDs                              Schwartz, Paul            Aria 2 (CD)                                           27506   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Schwartz, Paul            Aria 3 (CD)                                           30753   CDS  21.95
   CDs                              Scott, Tony               Music For Zen Meditation  (CD)                        21400   CDS  15.95
   CDs                              Sequentia (BO'd 1/28/2019 Hildegard Von Bingen  Symphoniae (CD) 9991150439      24682   CDS  12.98
   CDs                              Shartse Monks             Sacred Healing Chants Of Tibet  (CD)                  19579   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Solitudes                 Forest Piano (CD)                                     19075   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Sounds Of The Earth       Mountain Stream (CD)                                  24232   CDS  11.98
   CDs                              Sri Kirtan                Live Your Love (CD)                                   24655   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Sukhu, Chitra             Guided Meditation For Children (Universe)             29282   CDS  16.99
   CDs                              Synchronicity/Mst Charles Om  The Reverberation Of Source (CD)                  15472   CDS  15.95
   CDs                              Synchronicity/Mst Charles Om Mani Padme Hum (CD) SF128                          19907   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Syversen, Tron            Piano Poems (CD)                                      15470   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Thompson, Jeffrey         Brainwave Suite (CD) (VB131)                          27403   CDS  29.98
   CDs                              Thompson, Jeffrey         Brainwave Symphony (4 CDs)                            22491   CDS  29.98
   CDs                              Thompson, Jeffrey         Theta Meditation System 2.0 (CD)                      26275   CDS  11.98
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Art Of Presence (6 CDs)                               28842   CDS  69.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn Retreat (3 CDs)              11683   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Entering The Now (2 CDs)                              30047   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Even The Sun Will Die (2 CDs)                         22837   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Flowering Of Human Consciousness (3 CDs)              16759   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Gateways To Now (2CDs & Book)                         23547   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Illusion Of Time (2 CD's)                             26737   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            In The Presence Of A Great Mystery (3 CDs)            30759   CDS  21.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Living A Life Of Inner Peace (2 CDs)                  27254   CDS  18.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Living The Liberated Life (3 CDs)                     13687   CDS  27.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            New Earth (8 CDs)                                     11642   CDS  29.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Power Of Now (7 CDs)                                  13467   CDS  39.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Practicing The Power Of Now  Compl Bk on 3 CD         29552   CDS  21.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Realization Of Being (2 CDs)                          14315   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Realizing The Power Of Now  (6 CDs)                   29573   CDS  69.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            Through The Open Door (2 CDs)                         24524   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Tolle, Eckhart            What Is Meditation (CD)                               16786   CDS  17.95
   CDs                              Uttal, Jai                Kirtan ! (2CDs)                                       16387   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Various                   Circle Of Love  World Chants  (CD)                    27436   CDS   9.95
   CDs                              Various                   Sacred Songs Of Mary (CD)                             19070   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Various                   Sea (CD) # 159-418-0601 (Sounds Of The Earth)         21270   CDS  11.98
   CDs                              Various Artists           Passion Sources (CD) RW172                            17345   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              VOX                       Divine Rites (CD)                                     31253   CDS  16.98
   CDs                              Wasinger & Harvey         Track To Bumbliwa (CD)                                26469   CDS  15.98
   CDs                              Water Music               Zen Garden 4 (CD)                                     22447   CDS  14.98
   CDs                              Waterbone                 Tibet (CD)                                            17281   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              Weil, Andrew              Breathing  Master Key To Self Healing (2 CDs)         27205   CDS  24.95
   CDs                              Weil, Gurgevitch          Heal Yourself With Medical Hypnosis CD                15287   CDS  19.95
   CDs                              Weiss, Matthew            Pranakasha Sounds Of Om (CD)                          13195   CDS  11.95
   CDs                              White Eagle               Comfort For The Bereaved (CD)                         21108   CDS  16.95
   CDs                              White Eagle               Star Vision (CD)                                      13628   CDS  15.95
   CDs                              Williams, Sarajane        Harp Music For Healing (CD)                           22410   CDS  17.98
   CDs                              World Meditation Ensemble Sacred Fusion (CD)                                    17585   CDS  17.95
   Celtic spirituality              Anam-aire, Phyllida       Last Ecstasy Of Life  Celtic Mysteries                25464   CEL  14.99
   Celtic spirituality              Anderson, Rosemarie       Celtic Oracles (POSI 10/03)                           25118   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              Azure Green               Brigid Statue (8") SB277                              19789   CEL  46.95
   Celtic spirituality              Bain, Iain                Celtic Knotwork (OP 4/2002)                           23819   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Bamford & Marsh           Celtic Christianity                                   16286   CEL  15.95
   Celtic spirituality              Bamford, Christopher      Voice Of The Eagle  Heart Of Celtic Christianity      20887   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Berry, Peter              Celtic Harp (CD)                                      20156   CEL  15.00
   Celtic spirituality              Billington, Penny         Wisdom Of Birch Oak & Yew                             12737   CEL  21.99
   Celtic spirituality              Blamires, Steve           Celtic Tree Mysteries Secrets Of Ogham                24369   CEL  21.95
   Celtic spirituality              Blamires, Steve           Magic Of The Celtic Otherworld                        23504   CEL  21.99
   Celtic spirituality              Bryce, Derek              Symbolism Of The Celtic Cross (OP 4/1/03)             23378   CEL   9.95
   Celtic spirituality              Buckland, Raymond         Scottish Witchcraft & Magic (Picts)                   13498   CEL  16.99
   Celtic spirituality              Caldecott, Moyra          Women In Celtic Myth                                  20950   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Carmichael, Alexander     Carmina Gadelica                                      23132   CEL  35.00
   Celtic spirituality              Carmichael, Alexander     Celtic Prayers                                        12633   CEL   7.95
   Celtic spirituality              Carmichael, Alexander     New Moon Of The Seasons  (OP)                         17682   CEL   8.95
   Celtic spirituality              Carr-Gomm, Philip         Druid Mysteries                                       27485   CEL  22.95
   Celtic spirituality              Carr-Gomm, Philip         In The Grove Of The Druids                            17279   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Carr-Gomm, Phillip        Druid Way                                             21319   CEL  21.95
   Celtic spirituality              Castelli, Antonella       Celtic Astrology Oracle Cards                         26562   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Castleden, Rodney         Stonehenge People -An Expl. Of Life In Neol. Br.      17011   CEL  25.00
   Celtic spirituality              Clements, Paul            Burren Country   (BO'd INGR 6/21/18)                  24786   CEL  23.95
   Celtic spirituality              Cocquyt, Kathryn          Celtic Heart  (OP 3/96)                               22250   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Condren, Mary             Serpent & The Goddess (OS BP01 DUE 12/3/97)           18745   CEL  16.00
   Celtic spirituality              Conway, D.J.              Advanced Celtic Shamanism (POS 5/5/08)                26296   CEL  18.95
   Celtic spirituality              Conway, D.J.              By Oak, Ash, & Thorn                                  22626   CEL  19.99
   Celtic spirituality              Conway, D.J.              Celtic Magic                                          22305   CEL   9.99
   Celtic spirituality              Cotterell, Maurice        Jesus, King  Arthur, & The Journey Of The Grail       30955   CEL  16.00
   Celtic spirituality              Cowan, Tom                Fire In The Head                                      16673   CEL  17.99
   Celtic spirituality              Cross, Teresa             Secrets Of The Druids                                 20970   CEL  19.99
   Celtic spirituality              Crow & Louella (Edit)     Brigid's Light                                        13113   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Cruden, Loren             Walking The Maze Enduring /Celtic Spirit              25887   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Cunliffe, Barry           Celtic World                                          15810   CEL  15.95
   Celtic spirituality              Daimler, Morgan           Pagan Portals AOS Sidhe  Irish Fair Folk              28883   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              Daimler, Morgan           Pagan Portals The Morrigan                            27651   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              Davies, Oliver            Celtic Spirituality                                   23230   CEL  29.95
   Celtic spirituality              Davis, Courtney           Celtic And Old Norse Designs                          11878   CEL   6.95
   Celtic spirituality              De Grandis, Francesca     Goddess Initiation                                    28661   CEL  16.00
   Celtic spirituality              Ellison, Robert           Ogham  Secret Language Of The Druids                  23484   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              Ellison, Robert Lee       Solitary Druid                                        23129   CEL  18.95
   Celtic spirituality              Evans-Wentz, W.Y.         Fairy Faith In Celtic Countries                       19089   CEL  25.00
   Celtic spirituality              Forest, Danu              Celtic Tree Magic                                     12854   CEL  18.99
   Celtic spirituality              Forest, Danu              Wild Magic                                            16754   CEL  17.99
   Celtic spirituality              Foxwood, Orion            Faery Teachings (Not available)                       30418   CEL  15.95
   Celtic spirituality              Freeman, Mara             Kindling The Celtic Spirit (BO'd 2/2/2022)            27898   CEL  26.00
   Celtic spirituality              Greer, John Michael       Celtic Golden Dawn (Druid Study)                      15460   CEL  23.99
   Celtic spirituality              Greer, John Michael       Coelbren                                              18333   CEL  19.99
   Celtic spirituality              Greer, John Michael       Druid Grove Handbook AODA                             23998   CEL  15.95
   Celtic spirituality              Greer, John Michael       Druid Magic Handbook                                  24560   CEL  21.95
   Celtic spirituality              Greer, John Michael       Druid Revival Reader                                  24026   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Greer, John Michael       Druidry Handbook                                      14648   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Guest, Charlotte (tr.)    Mabinogion (0486295419)                               25600   CEL   2.50
   Celtic spirituality              Hamilton, Claire          Celtic Book Of Seasonal Meditations                   16892   CEL  21.95
   Celtic spirituality              Heaven, Ross              Sin Eater's Last Confessions  Celtic Shamanism        17801   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Helliwell, Tanis          Pilgrimage With The Leprechauns                       26108   CEL  15.00
   Celtic spirituality              Hidalgo, Sharlyn          Celtic Tree Oracle                                    28202   CEL  23.95
   Celtic spirituality              Hidalgo, Sharlyn          Celtic Tree Rituals                                   31299   CEL  18.99
   Celtic spirituality              Hidalgo, Sharlyn          Healing Power Of Trees  ...Celtic Tree Calendar       20686   CEL  18.99
   Celtic spirituality              Higgins, Godfrey          Celtic Druids                                         11458   CEL  38.95
   Celtic spirituality              Holitzka, Klaus           Mandalas Of The Celts                                 25713   CEL  10.95
   Celtic spirituality              Hopman, Ellen Evert       Celtic Druidry                                        21352   CEL  19.99
   Celtic spirituality              Hopman, Ellen Evert       Druid's Herbal  For The Sacred Earth Year             22516   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Hopman, Ellen Evert       Druid's Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine                22748   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Huber, Daniela Christine  Tree Horoscope                                        27185   CEL  16.99
   Celtic spirituality              Hughes, Jon G.            Living Wands Of The Druids                            21893   CEL  24.99
   Celtic spirituality              Hughes, Kristoffer        Book Of Celtic Magic                                  13665   CEL  21.99
   Celtic spirituality              Hughes, Kristoffer        Cerridwen  Celtic Goddess Of Inspiration              18557   CEL  21.99
   Celtic spirituality              Hughes, Kristoffer        From The Cauldron Born (Welsh Legend & Lore)          23676   CEL  21.99
   Celtic spirituality              Hugin The Bard            Bard's Book Of Pagan Songs (POS 9/2003)               23974   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Hutton, Ronald            Druids (POS 6/17/11)                                  14079   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Jackson & Pennick, Nigel  New Celtic Oracle (Text only)                         16330   CEL  23.95
   Celtic spirituality              Jackson, Kenneth (trans)  Celtic Miscellany                                     20668   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              Kelly, Jill               Guardians Of The Celtic Way                           29582   CEL  14.00
   Celtic spirituality              King, John                Celtic Druids' Year (OP 4/2002)                       22393   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Kliffen, Ina              Celtic Animals Charted Designs                        11778   CEL   5.95
   Celtic spirituality              La Cour & Montalbano      Ogham & The Universal Truth Of The Trees              15933   CEL  29.95
   Celtic spirituality              Laurie, Erynn Rowan       Well Of Five Streams  (Celtic Paganism)               26640   CEL  18.99
   Celtic spirituality              Leslie and Gerace         Ancient Celtic Festivals                              15334   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              MacEowen, Frank           Celtic Way Of Seeing                                  28541   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              MacEowen, Frank           Mist-Filled Path  Celtic Wisdom                       28944   CEL  18.95
   Celtic spirituality              MacEowen, Frank           Spiral Of Memory & Belonging (BO'd 9/14/2023)         31128   CEL  18.95
   Celtic spirituality              Manwaring, Kevan          Bardic Handbook (BO'd 9/22/13)                        30819   CEL  29.95
   Celtic spirituality              Marcus, Clare Cooper      Iona Dreaming                                         20908   CEL  21.95
   Celtic spirituality              Markale, Jean             Cathedral Of The Black Madonna                        30218   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Markale, Jean             Celts   Uncovering Mythic & Historic Origins...       17415   CEL  24.99
   Celtic spirituality              Markale, Jean             Druids  Celtic Priests Of Nature                      25979   CEL  19.99
   Celtic spirituality              Markale, Jean             Epics Of Celtic Ireland (BO'd 2/27/2020)              27360   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Markale, Jean             Merlin  Priest Of Nature                              23081   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Markale, Jean             Women Of The Celts                                    13326   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews & Stewart        Celtic Warrior Chiefs (OP 11/00)                      17547   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, Caitlin         Celtic Book Of The Dead (Book & Deck)                 20954   CEL  29.95
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, Caitlin         Celtic Devotional (OP 10/2001)                        23738   CEL  11.99
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, Caitlin         Celtic Spirit  Daily Meditations                      25868   CEL  15.99
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, Caitlin         King Arthur & The Goddess Of The Land                 29254   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, Caitlin & John  Lost Book Of The Grail                                28479   CEL  24.99
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, John            Celtic Reader (OP 6/2002)                             19304   CEL  18.00
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, John            Drinking From The Sacred Well                         25597   CEL  19.00
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, John            Sidhe  Wisdom From The Celtic Otherworld              30576   CEL  15.95
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, John            Sir Gawain  Knight Of The Goddess                     29492   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Matthews, John            Song of Arthur  Celtic Tales  (OP TPH1 4/17/17)       29118   CEL  19.95
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   Celtic spirituality              McColman, Carl            366 Celt                                              25337   CEL  15.95
   Celtic spirituality              McCoy, Edain              Celtic Myth & Magick                                  22900   CEL  29.99
   Celtic spirituality              McIntosh, Kenneth         Water From An Ancient Well                            21948   CEL  24.95
   Celtic spirituality              Meehan, Aidan             Celtic Design A Beginner's Manual                     20118   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Meehan, Bernard           Book Of Kells (Thames & Hudson edition)               11380   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Monroe, Douglas           21 Lessons Of Merlyn  Study In Druid Magic            18592   CEL  22.99
   Celtic spirituality              Mountfort, Paul Rhys      Ogam  Celtic Oracle Of The Trees                      29228   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Mullin, Kay               Wondrous Land  Faery Faith In Ireland                 28795   CEL  23.95
   Celtic spirituality              Newell, J.  Philip        Celtic Prayers From Iona                              24755   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Newell, J. Philip         Celtic Benediction  Morning & Night Prayer            19338   CEL  18.00
   Celtic spirituality              Newell, J. Philip         Christ Of The Celtsÿ(Celtic Christianity)             26757   CEL  20.95
   Celtic spirituality              Newell, Philip            Listening For The Heartbeat Of God  Celtic            20857   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              NicMhacha, Sharynne       Queen Of The Night                                    30958   CEL  24.95
   Celtic spirituality              Nilan, Judith             Legacy Of Wisdom                                      28000   CEL  14.00
   Celtic spirituality              O'Brien, Lora             Irish Witchcraft From An Irish Witch                  31019   CEL  19.99
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           Anam Cara  Book Of Celtic Wisdom                      24866   CEL  18.00
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           Beauty  The Invisible Embrace                         13394   CEL  15.99
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           Beauty (4 CDs)                                        16743   CEL  29.95
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           Echoes Of Memory                                      16533   CEL  14.00
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           Eternal Echoes                                        26010   CEL  15.99
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           Four Elements  Reflections On Nature                  24621   CEL  25.00
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           To Bless The Space Between Us                         17094   CEL  25.00
   Celtic spirituality              O'Donohue, John           Walking In Wonder                                     14308   CEL  25.00
   Celtic spirituality              O'Driscoll, Robert (Ed)   Celtic Consciousness (0807611360)                     13478   CEL  29.95
   Celtic spirituality              O'Loughlin, Thomas        Journeys On The Edges                                 28677   CEL  14.00
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   Celtic spirituality              Owens, Yvonne             Journey Of The Bard                                   24402   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Paterson, Jacqueline      Tree Wisdom                                           24365   CEL  20.00
   Celtic spirituality              Pennick, Nigel            Celtic Saints    An Illustrated Guide                 24486   CEL  24.95
   Celtic spirituality              Piggott, Stuart           Druids (0500273634)                                   11566   CEL  18.95
   Celtic spirituality              Poynder, Michael          Lost Magic Of Christianity                            28080   CEL  16.99
   Celtic spirituality              Pracownik & Baggott       Ogham The Celtic Oracle (Book & Cards)                14051   CEL  40.00
   Celtic spirituality              Raine & Skinner, comp.    Celtic Daily Prayer  A Northumbrian Office            22273   CEL  12.00
   Celtic spirituality              Reade, W. Winwood         Veil Of Isis Or Mysteries Of Druids                   13891   CEL   9.95
   Celtic spirituality              Reed, Leon                Short History Of Gorseddau                            18464   CEL   5.00
   Celtic spirituality              Rees, Alwyn & Brinley     Celtic Heritage  Ancient Trad. In Ireland & Wales     18010   CEL  10.95
   Celtic spirituality              Rolleston, T.W.           Celtic Myths & Legends                                23038   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Rutherford, Ward          Celtic Mythology                                      23222   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Sharkey, J.               Celtic Mysteries                                      11461   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Sjoestedt, M.L            Gods & Heroes Of The Celts                            12128   CEL  10.00
   Celtic spirituality              Sloss, Andy               How To Draw Celtic Knotwork                           23393   CEL  12.98
   Celtic spirituality              Spence, Lewis             History & Origins Of Druidism                         22843   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              Spence, Lewis             Magic Arts In Celtic Britain                          15654   CEL   9.95
   Celtic spirituality              Spinhoven, Co             Twelve Celtic Bookmarks (978-0-486-27944-2)           16409   CEL    1.5
   Celtic spirituality              Stewart, R.J.             Magical Tales                                         20701   CEL  12.95
   Celtic spirituality              Stewart, R.J.             Spiritual Dimensions Of Music                         20084   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Stewart, R.J.             Well Of Light                                         25204   CEL  17.99
   Celtic spirituality              Stewart, R.J.             Where is St. George?                                  13700   CEL  15.00
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   Celtic spirituality              Sullivan, Ayn Cates       Heroines Of Avalon                                    23115   CEL  26.95
   Celtic spirituality              Sullivan, Ayn Cates       Legends Of The Grail                                  23146   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Thomas & Crossley-Holland Tales Of The Mabinogion                               20890   CEL  19.95
   Celtic spirituality              Toulson, Shirley          Celtic Year (OP 4/2002)                               19112   CEL  16.95
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   Celtic spirituality              Walsh, Andrew             Celtic Mythology                                      12643   CEL  14.99
   Celtic spirituality              Weatherstone, Lunaea      Tending Brigid's Flame                                12677   CEL  18.99
   Celtic spirituality              Weber, Courtney           Morrigan  Celtic Goddess                              28620   CEL  16.95
   Celtic spirituality              Weichberger & McIntosh    Brigid's Mantle                                       21910   CEL  14.95
   Celtic spirituality              Williamson, Robin         Wise & Foolish Tongue  Celtic Stories & Poems         19722   CEL   9.95
   Celtic spirituality              Yeats, W.B.               Celtic Twilight                                       14351   CEL   9.95
   Ceremonial Magic                                           Teachings Of The Winged Disk                          24271   MAG  14.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Andrews, Ted              Imagick  (OP 11/95)                                   18529   MAG  12.95
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Ashcroft-Nowicki, Dolores Highways Of The Mind (Pathworking) Out of Print       14749   MAG  15.00
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Baal-Shem, Salomo         Qabbalistic Magic                                     13768   MAG  24.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Babbo, Amedeo             Astrological Calculator (Based On Franz Bardon)       12779   MAG  12.99
   Ceremonial Magic                 Bardon, Franz             Frabato The Magician                                  17295   MAG  22.99
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Barwick & Korybas         Evregreen Book Of Sourcery  (OP 08.96)                19034   MAG       
   Ceremonial Magic                 Beck & Metrick            Art Of Ritual (POS 2/12/02)                           12673   MAG  11.95
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Cavendish, Richard        History Of Magic                                      19323   MAG   7.95
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Cicero & Cicero           Creating Magical Tools (OP 2/2002)                    26728   MAG  16.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Cicero & Cicero           Self-Initiation Into The Golden Dawn Tradition        22936   MAG  47.99
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Cicero, Chic & Tabatha    Ritual Use Of Magical Tools (POS NEWL 2/1/04)         26820   MAG  14.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Cooper, Phillip           Basic Magick  Practical Guide                         23810   MAG  16.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Cooper, Phillip           Magickian  Study In Effective Magick (OP 8/00)        21433   MAG  12.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Copenhaver, Brian         Book Of Magic  From Antiquity To...                   26989   MAG  17.00
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Dee, John                 Hieroglyphic Monad                                    25840   MAG  14.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Dee, John                 Mathematical Preface (1570)                           26954   MAG  19.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Dee, John                 Sacred Symbol Of Oneness                              17054   MAG  10.00
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Denning & Phillips        Mysteria Magica (POS INGR 5/8/08)                     17975   MAG  24.95
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Denning, M. & Phillips, O Foundations Of High Magick (Remainder)                27266   MAG   9.99
   Ceremonial Magic                 DeSalvo, John             Decoding The Enochian Secrets                         21713   MAG  19.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 DeSalvo, John             Lost Art Of Enochian Magic                            21729   MAG  16.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Drury, Nevill             Echoes From The Void                                  22487   MAG  14.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Drury, Nevill             Inner Vision  Explorations In Magical Consc'ness      22629   MAG  10.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Dunn, Patrick             Practical Art Of Divine Magic                         23586   MAG  24.99
   Ceremonial Magic                 Duquette & Shoemaker      Llewellyn's Complete Book Of Ceremonial Magick        21666   MAG  39.99
   Ceremonial Magic                 DuQuette, Lon Milo        My Life With The Spirits                              26342   MAG  19.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Echols, Damien            Angels & Archangels  A Magician's Guide               17151   MAG  20.99
   Ceremonial Magic                 Echols, Damien            High Magick                                           11763   MAG  24.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Echols, Damien & Davis    Ritual  An Essential Grimoire                         12880   MAG  26.99
   Ceremonial Magic                 Eckartshausen, Karl von   Magic  Principles Of Higher Knowledge                 21221   MAG  18.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Evola, Julius,     Introduction To Magic                                 28331   MAG  24.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Farber, Philip H.         Futureritual  (OP ACCESS Publ)                        23131   MAG   9.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Fenton, Edward (Editor)   Diaries Of John Dee                                   26416   MAG  40.00
   Ceremonial Magic                 Ferguson, Marilyn         PragMagic  (OSI 09.95)                                19088   MAG   9.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Fielding, Charles         Story Of Dion Fortune                                 15257   MAG  20.00
   Ceremonial Magic                 Flowers, Stephen ed       Hermetic Magic                                        26750   MAG  19.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Fortune, Brown, Knight    Arthurian Formula                                     14414   MAG  23.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Fortune, D & Knight, G    Introduction To Ritual Magic                          25251   MAG  22.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Fortune, Dion             Applied Magic                                         15832   MAG  14.95
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Frater U.D.               Practical Sigil Magic                                 23716   MAG  15.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Fries, Jan                Visual Magick                                         24589   MAG  20.00
   Ceremonial Magic                 Gaster, Moses             Sword Of Moses                                        24741   MAG   8.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Gilbert, John (Greer ED)  Tree Of Spirit                                        30996   MAG  25.00
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Graves, Tom               Diviner's Handbook (POS 01/89)                        12713   MAG   5.95
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Greer, John Michael       Circles of Power                                      18108   MAG  38.00
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Hopman, Ellen Evert       Tree Medicine Tree Magic                              21033   MAG  10.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 James, Gordon             Secrets Of John Dee                                   23811   MAG  22.95
   Ceremonial Magic                 Janus-Mithras et al       Wicca  The Ancient Way  (OP 5/96)                     22139   MAG   5.95
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   Ceremonial Magic                 Knight, Gareth            Dion Fortune & The Inner Light                        28308   MAG  29.95
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Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Chakras                          Minich, Deanna            Chakra Foods For Optimum Health                       18238   CHA  18.95
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   Crop Circles                     Ruby, Doug                Gift   Crop Circles Deciphered                        24461   CRP  32.95
   Crop Circles                     Thomas, Andy              Fields Of Mystery  Crop Circles In Sussex             25441   CRP  18.00
   Crystal and gems                                           Crystal Decoder (chart) (0-949266-795)                23369   GEM  10.00
   Crystal and gems                                           Masterworks Pocket Reference                          16693   GEM   4.95
   Crystal and gems                 Akhenaton, Sri            Crystal Communion  LoveLight Meditations              14461   GEM  21.95
   Crystal and gems                 Andrews, Ted              Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls                         22713   GEM  17.99
   Crystal and gems                 Arcarti, Kristyna         Gems & Crystals For Beginners                         24063   GEM  11.95
   Crystal and gems                 Audubon Society           Audubon Field Guide To N. Amer. Rocks & Minerals      16028   GEM  19.00
   Crystal and gems                 Bauer, Max                Precious Stones Vol.1  (048-621-9100)                 13272   GEM  14.95
   Crystal and gems                 Beckman, Howard           Vibrational Healing With Gems                         29307   GEM  16.95
   Crystal and gems                 Bhattacharya              Gem Therapy                                           12078   GEM   6.00
   Crystal and gems                 Blue Eagle, Luke          First Nations Crystal Healing                         26219   GEM  20.00
   Crystal and gems                 Bonewitz, Ra              Cosmic Crystal Spiral                                 16178   GEM   8.95
   Crystal and gems                 Bourgault, Luc            American Indian Secrets Of Crystal...(BO 3/16/99)     24391   GEM   9.95
   Crystal and gems                 Bowman, Catherine         Crystal Awareness                                     12969   GEM   8.99
   Crystal and gems                 Bullis, Douglas           Crystals  Science, Mysteries & Lore (OSI 5/94)        20873   GEM  14.99
   Crystal and gems                 Chase & Pawlik            Healing WIth Gemstones                                14344   GEM  12.95
   Crystal and gems                 Chase & Pawlik            Newcastle Gd To Healing W/ Crystals (POS 6/98)        16685   GEM  10.95
   Crystal and gems                 Chocron, Daya Sarai       Healing The Heart                                     18106   GEM  15.95
   Crystal and gems                 Chocron, Daya Sarai       Healing With Crystals & Gemstones                     14334   GEM  12.95
   Crystal and gems                 Cockram, Bernice          In Focus Crystals                                     18596   GEM  19.99
   Crystal and gems                 Cunningham, Scott         Cunningham's Encyc. Of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic    11767   GEM  18.99
   Crystal and gems                 Deaver, Korra             Rock Crystal  The Magic Stone                         15165   GEM   3.95
   Crystal and gems                 DK                        Pocket Genius Rocks & Minerals                        29688   GEM   6.99
   Crystal and gems                 Dolfyn                    Crystal Wisdom  Spiritual Properties Of Crystals      22892   GEM  10.95
   Crystal and gems                 Dolfyn                    Crystal Wisdom V  Spiritual Values Of Clear Quartz    18013   GEM   3.95
   Crystal and gems                 Dunwich, Gerina           Dunwich's Guide To Gemstone Sorcery                   29788   GEM  16.99
   Crystal and gems                 Eason, Cassandra          Crystals Divination For Today's Woman                 22205   GEM   6.95
   Crystal and gems                 Eason, Cassandra          Crystals Talk To The Woman Within                     28779   GEM  14.95
   Crystal and gems                 Fairchild, Alana          Crystal Stars 11.11                                   21283   GEM  27.95
   Crystal and gems                 Galde, Phyllis            Crystal Healing  The Next Step                        17532   GEM   3.95
   Crystal and gems                 Galde, Phyllis            Truth About Crystal Healing (8/01 OP)                 23464   GEM   2.99
   Crystal and gems                 Gienger & Goebel          Gem Water                                             24746   GEM  11.95
   Crystal and gems                 Gienger, M. & Maier, W    Healing Stones for the Vital Organs                   14365   GEM  16.95
   Crystal and gems                 Gienger, Michael          Crystal Power Crystal Healing                         18746   GEM  21.99
   Crystal and gems                 Gienger, Michael          Healing Crystals  A - Z Guide                         25962   GEM   9.95
   Crystal and gems                 Gienger, Michael          Twelve Essential Healing Crystals                     26006   GEM   9.95
   Crystal and gems                 Glick & Lorusso           Healing Stoned  Therapeutic Use Of Gems               12236   GEM  12.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hackl, Monnica            Crystal Energy (OP 1/2002)                            22595   GEM  10.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Cally               Gem Stones                                            21966   GEM  17.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Bible                                         30711   GEM  21.99
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Bible 2                                       17416   GEM  21.99
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Bible 3                                       19672   GEM  21.99
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Grids Handbook                                22092   GEM  21.99
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Healing                                       13713   GEM  12.99
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Prescriptions                                 16710   GEM  15.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Prescriptions (Vol. 2)                        22298   GEM  14.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Prescriptions Vol. 3                          26089   GEM  14.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Prescriptions Vol. 6                          30260   GEM  19.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Seer                                          20131   GEM  19.99
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystal Skulls                                        27184   GEM  16.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Crystals For Energy Protection                        20179   GEM  18.99
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Earth Blessings                                       22985   GEM  19.95
   Crystal and gems                 Hall, Judy                Love Crystals (Box w/ 4 crystals)                     16358   GEM   9.99
   Crystal and gems                 Helion                    Crystal Connections Small Chart (999121352x)          20764   GEM   5.99
   Crystal and gems                 Isaacs, Thelma            Gemstones Crystals & Healing                          12085   GEM  10.00
   Crystal and gems                 Jackson, Cass & Janie     Crystals Plain & Simple                               27524   GEM  14.95
   Crystal and gems                 Johari, Harish            Healing Power Of Gemstones In Tantra Ayurveda Astr    15289   GEM  16.95
   Crystal and gems                 Kaehr, Shelly             Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones                           24470   GEM  16.95
   Crystal and gems                 Kahsla, Guru Kirn Kaur    Mala Meditation                                       24159   GEM   6.50
   Crystal and gems                 Katz, Michael             Gemisphere Luminary                                   24814   GEM  25.00
   Crystal and gems                 Kennedy & St. Claire      Crystal Light & Love                                  17422   GEM   5.95
   Crystal and gems                 Kunz, George Frederick    Planetary Influences Of Precious Stones               16626   GEM  15.95
   Crystal and gems                 Legion Of Light           Crystal Awareness Guide (Chart) 9991128794            14637   GEM   6.95
   Crystal and gems                 Legion Of Light           Crystal Awareness Guide II  (Chart)                   22054   GEM   6.95
   Crystal and gems                 Logan, Elizabeth A.       Crystal Cosmos Connections: A Network Directory       17619   GEM  11.95
   Crystal and gems                 Mason, Henry & Petrofsky  Crystal Grids (BO'd 11/8/2023)                        26788   GEM  17.99
   Crystal and gems                 Media, Adams              ENCY of Crystals, Herbs, & New Age Elements           19860   GEM  18.99
   Crystal and gems                 Mella, Dorthee L.         Stone Power                                           16082   GEM  13.99
   Crystal and gems                 Melody                    Love Is In The Earth  Laying-On-Of-Stones             11655   GEM  22.95
   Crystal and gems                 Moon, Hibiscus            Crystal Grids                                         29114   GEM  12.95
   Crystal and gems                 Navran, Shakti Carola     Jewelry & Gems For Self-Discovery                     30227   GEM  16.95
   Crystal and gems                 Pearson, Nicholas         Crystal Basics                                        15868   GEM  29.99
   Crystal and gems                 Pearson, Nicholas         Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia                    13082   GEM  19.99
   Crystal and gems                 Pearson, Nicholas         Stones Of The Goddess                                 20871   GEM  40.00
   Crystal and gems                 Permutt, Philip           Complete Guide To Crystal Chakra Healing              13111   GEM  19.95
   Crystal and gems                 Raatz, Ursula Klinger     Secrets Of Precious Stones                            17551   GEM   9.95
   Crystal and gems                 Raphaell, Katrina         Crystal Enlightenment Vol.1                           14434   GEM   12.5
   Crystal and gems                 Raphaell, Katrina         Crystalline Transmission Vol.3                        16162   GEM  19.95
   Crystal and gems                 Saxena, Jaya              Crystal Clear                                         19344   GEM  16.99
   Crystal and gems                 Scott & Mariani           Crystal Healing For Animals                           16176   GEM  14.95
   Crystal and gems                 Silbey, Uma               Paul & Mary & Their Magic Crystals                    17663   GEM  12.95
   Crystal and gems                 Simmons & Warner          Moldavite  Starborn Stone Of Transformation           18675   GEM  12.95
   Crystal and gems                 Simmons, Robert           Alchemy Of Stones                                     17664   GEM  29.99
   Crystal and gems                 Simmons, Robert           Pocket Book Of Stones                                 22792   GEM  14.99
   Crystal and gems                 Simmons, Robert           Stones Of The New Consciousness                       15915   GEM  19.95
   Crystal and gems                 Simmons, Robert & Ahsian  Book Of Stones                                        13131   GEM  29.99
   Crystal and gems                 Simpson, Liz              Book Of Crystal Healing                               24887   GEM  13.95
   Crystal and gems                 Smith, Michael G.         Crystal Spirit  (OP NEP MOVE 05.95)                   18705   GEM   3.95
   Crystal and gems                 Smithsonian               Nature Guide Rocks & Minerals                         20597   GEM  16.99
   Crystal and gems                 Speedy Publishing         Rocks, Gems & Minerals For Kids                       31297   GEM  14.99
   Crystal and gems                 Steiger, Brad             Charms - Chants & Crystal Magic  (OP 5/94)            17150   GEM   8.95
   Crystal and gems                 Stein, Diane              Healing With Gemstones & Crystals                     13139   GEM  14.95
   Crystal and gems                 Sullivan, Kevin           Crystal Handbook                                      17988   GEM   5.99
   Crystal and gems                 Twintrees                 Stones Alive! 2                                       30308   GEM  19.75
   Crystal and gems                 Van Doren, Yulia          Crystals  The Modern Guide To Crystal Healing (BO     30647   GEM  14.99
   Crystal and gems                 van Etten, Jaap           Crystal Skulls  Interacting With A Phenomenon         25420   GEM  19.95
   Crystal and gems                 Walters, Raymond          Healing Power Of Gemstones                            27359   GEM  18.95
   Crystal and gems                 Webb-De Sisto, Marion     Crystal Skulls  Emissaries of Healing                 30473   GEM  20.99
   Crystal and gems                 Wind, Wabun and A. Reed   Lightseeds (OP 8/92)                                  17442   GEM   8.95
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   Crystal and gems                 Zim, Herbert & Shaffer    Rocks, Gems, & Minerals  A Golden Guide               31215   GEM   7.99
   Dalai Lama                                                 Heart Of Tibet (VIDEO) Portrait Of 14th Dalai Lama    14658   D.L  29.95
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   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama & Tutu, D.     Book Of Joy                                           27424   D.L  28.00
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Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama (14th)         Buddha Nature  Death & Eternal Soul In Buddhism       24216   D.L   9.95
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   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama (14th)         How To Expand Love (5 CDs) Read By Jeffry Hopkins     13696   D.L  29.95
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   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama (14th)         My Spiritual Journey                                  20404   D.L  15.99
   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama (14th)         Ocean Of Wisdom  Guidelines For Living (hardcover)    16700   D.L  14.95
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   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama (14th)         Path Of Wisdom  Path Of Peace                         16572   D.L  16.95
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   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama (14th)         Science & Philosophy In Indian Buddhist...Vol.3       17241   D.L  29.95
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   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama 14th           Many Ways To Nirvana                                  11340   D.L  14.00
   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama 14th           Pocket Dalai Lama                                     15197   D.L   7.95
   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama Et.Al.         Consciousness At The Crossroads                       26382   D.L  15.95
   Dalai Lama                       Dalai Lama, Hopkins, Jeff Tantra In Tibet                                       13814   D.L  19.95
   Dalai Lama                       Farer-Halls, Gill         World Of The Dalai Lama (768)                         25112   D.L  29.95
   Dalai Lama                       Ford, Harrison            Dalai Lama Renaissance (CD)                           18449   D.L  16.98
   Dalai Lama                       Gee, Margaret (Compiler)  Words Of Wisdom From The Dalai Lama                   18461   D.L   9.99
   Dalai Lama                       Goleman, Daniel           Healing Emotions  Conversations W/Dalai Lama          24411   D.L  22.95
   Dalai Lama                       Goodman, Michael Harris   Last Dalai Lama, A Biography                          14942   D.L  22.50
   Dalai Lama                       Hayward & Varela          Gentle Bridges                                        18287   D.L  17.95
   Dalai Lama                       Iyer, Pico                Open Road  Global Journey Dalai Lama                  18880   D.L  15.95
   Dalai Lama                       Kater, Peter (Music)      10 Questions For The Dalai Lama                       31010   D.L  16.98
   Dalai Lama                       Levenson, Claude          Tenzin Gyatso  Early Life Of The Dalai Lama           28988   D.L  14.95
   Dalai Lama                       Levenson, Claude B.       Dalai Lama  A Biography                               17897   D.L  24.95
   Dalai Lama                       Meyers, Thurman     Man Of Peace  (Illustrated Life Dalai Lama)           31194   D.L  39.95
   Dalai Lama                       Stewart, Whitney          To The Lion Throne  Story Of 14th Dalai Lama          19395   D.L   8.95
   Dalai Lama                       Strober, Deborah & Gerald His Holiness The Dalai Lama  Oral Biography           28743   D.L  24.95
   Dalai Lama                       Thurman, Robert           Why The Dalai Lama Matters                            29620   D.L  24.00
   Dalai Lama                       Ueda, Noriyuki            Dalai Lama On What Matters Most                       18704   D.L  12.95
   Dalai Lama                       Warren & Rose             Living Tibet  Dalai Lama In Dharamsala                23481   D.L  26.95
   Dalai Lama                       Willis, Clint (Editor)    Lifetime Of Wisdom  (Dalai Lama)                      28986   D.L  16.95
   Dalai Lama                       Zajonc, Arthur            New Physics & Cosmology (Dialogues W/Dalai Lama)      30347   D.L  29.95
   Dass, Baba Hari                  Dass, Baba Hari           Silence Speaks  (Rev.) (BO DV01 7/10/06)              13662   DBH  16.95
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   Dass, Baba Hari                  Dass, Baba Hari           Vinaya Chalisa  Forty Prayers                         25229   DBH  10.95
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   Dass, Ram                        Dass, Ram                 Compassion In Action (OP 10/99)                       20710   D.R  12.00
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   Dass, Ram                        Dass, Ram                 Grist For The Mill                                    17121   D.R  15.99
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   Dass, Ram                        Dass, Ram                 Polishing The Mirror                                  15252   D.R  17.99
   Dass, Ram                        Dass, Ram                 Still Here                                            27255   D.R  17.00
   Dass, Ram                        Dass, Ram & Bush, Mirabai Walking Each Other Home                               31162   D.R  22.99
   Dass, Ram                        Ram Dass                  Be Love Now                                           20327   D.R  16.99
   Dass, Ram                        Ramdas, Swami             In The Vision Of God                                  25053   D.R  19.95
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Abegg, Flint, & Ulrich    Dead Sea Scrolls Bible                                29214   DSS  23.99
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Allegro, John             Dead Sea Scrolls & The Christian Myth                 15231   DSS  29.98
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Baigent, M. & Leigh, R.   Dead Sea Scrolls Deception                            20547   DSS  18.99
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Bergsma, John             Jesus & The Dead Sea Scrolls                          18695   DSS  26.00
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Cannon, Dolores           Jesus & The Essenes                                   13076   DSS   14.5
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Eisenman, Robert          Dead Sea Scrolls & The First Christians               24102   DSS  12.99
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Ewing, Upton Clary        Prophet Of The Dead Sea Scrolls....                   21285   DSS  11.95
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Golb, Norman              Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls                        24018   DSS  29.95
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Hanson, Kenneth           Dead Sea Scrolls  The Untold Story                    24140   DSS  16.95
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Hanson, Kenneth           Essene Book Of Everyday Virtues                       14519   DSS  14.95
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Lim, Timothy              Dead Sea Scrolls  Very Short Introduction             13517   DSS  12.99
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Martinez, Florentino      Dead Sea Scrolls Translated (0-8028-4193-7)           25217   DSS  30.00
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Shanks, Hershel           Understanding The Dead Sea Scrolls                    12959   DSS  15.00
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Vanderkam, James          Meaning Of The Dead Sea Scrolls                       14195   DSS  24.95
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Vermes, Geza              Complete Dead Sea Scrolls In English                  25719   DSS  23.00
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Vining, Marvin            Jesus the Wicked Priest                               28597   DSS  16.00
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Wilson, Edmund            Israel & The Dead Sea Scrolls                         27072   DSS  14.95
   Dead Sea Scrolls                 Wise, Abegg & Cook        Dead Sea Scrolls  New Translation                     18049   DSS  26.95
   Death and Dying                  Ahlquist, Diane           Complete Idiot's Guide To Life After Death            30911   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Anam-aire, Phyllida       Last Ecstasy Of Life  Celtic Mysteries                25464   DEA  14.99
   Death and Dying                  Anderson & Barone         George Anderson's Lessons From The Light              26800   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Anderson, George & Barone Life Between Heaven & Earth                           27014   DEA  24.00
   Death and Dying                  Anthony, Mark             Afterlife Frequency                                   11225   DEA  17.95
   Death and Dying                  Anthony, Mark             Evidence Of Eternity                                  18495   DEA  16.99
   Death and Dying                  Assante, Julia            Last Frontier                                         15443   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Bailey, Alice             Death  The Great Adventure                            14844   DEA  13.00
   Death and Dying                  Barker, Elsa              Letters From The Light  An Afterlife Journal          23789   DEA  18.95
   Death and Dying                  Barrett, Sir William      Death-Bed Visions  The Pschccl Exprncs Of The Dyng    11350   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Bear, Edward              Cocktail Cart                                         27458   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Becker, Ernest            Denial Of Death                                       20149   DEA  15.99
   Death and Dying                  Bendit, Laurence          Mirror Of Life & Death                                11430   DEA   8.25
   Death and Dying                  Bendit, Phoebe            Mirror Of Life & Death                                12903   DEA   2.50
   Death and Dying                  Bernstein, Barbara        Lost & Found  A Closer Look At Dying                  21754   DEA   9.95
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   Death and Dying                  Boerstler & Kornfeld      Life To Death  Harmonizing The Transition             23525   DEA  14.95
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   Death and Dying                  Browne, Sylvia            Blessings From The Other Side                         27799   DEA  17.95
   Death and Dying                  Browne, Sylvia            Visits From The Afterlife                             30005   DEA  15.00
   Death and Dying                  Browne-Miller, Angela     Embracing Death                                       23763   DEA  10.95
   Death and Dying                  Bunick, Nick              Transitions Of The Soul (INGR POS 6/15/06)            28045   DEA  13.95
   Death and Dying                  Callanan, M. & Kelley, P. Final Gifts                                           21138   DEA  17.00
   Death and Dying                  Cannon, Dolores           Between Death & Life   Conversations With A Spirit    21278   DEA  16.00
   Death and Dying                  Chaplin, Annabel          Bright Light Of Death (out of print - not availabl    16135   DEA  10.95
   Death and Dying                  Charbonier, Jean Jacques  7 Reasons To Believe In The Afterlife                 26046   DEA  14.95
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   Death and Dying                  Chodron, Pema             How We Live Is How We Die                             20800   DEA  24.95
   Death and Dying                  Colton, Ann Ree           Men In White Apparel  (Death & The Life After)        31218   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Conwell, Alistair         Audible Life Stream                                   14709   DEA  24.95
   Death and Dying                  Coward, Harold            Life After Death In World Religions                   24493   DEA  18.00
   Death and Dying                  Cox, Robert E.            Creating The Soul Body                                15573   DEA  18.95
   Death and Dying                  Dale, Cyndi               Illuminating The Afterlife                            22587   DEA  21.95
   Death and Dying                  Dass, Ram & Bush, Mirabai Walking Each Other Home                               31162   DEA  22.99
   Death and Dying                  Deverell, Dore            Light Beyond The Darkness                             27460   DEA  19.95
   Death and Dying                  Donnelley, Nina           I Never Know What To Say                              18462   DEA   4.99
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   Death and Dying                  Fanslow-Brunjes, Cathleen Using the Power Of Hope To Cope With Dying            18857   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Fechner, Gustav & James   Life After Death (1943)                               23727   DEA  20.95
   Death and Dying                  Feinstein & Mayo          Mortal Acts  (Formerly Rituals For Living & Dying)    19190   DEA   9.00
   Death and Dying                  Fenton, Patricia          Don't Send Me Any Rainbows                            25185   DEA  14.95
   Death and Dying                  Findlay, Arthur           On The Edge Of The Etheric                            15272   DEA  18.95
   Death and Dying                  Fisher, Helen M.          From Erin With Love                                   24714   DEA  12.95
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   Death and Dying                  Galland, M.D., Leo        Already Here                                          17064   DEA  19.99
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   Death and Dying                  Genelli, Lyn and Tom      Death At The Movies                                   16966   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Giesemann, Suzanne        Still Right Here                                      20860   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Gold, E.J.                American Book Of The Dead                             19427   DEA  15.95
   Death and Dying                  Gold, E.J.                Angels Healing Journey                                24720   DEA  15.95
   Death and Dying                  Gold, E.J.                Lazy Man's Guide To Death & Dying                     14689   DEA   8.95
   Death and Dying                  Goldberg, Bruce           Peaceful Transition                                   27173   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Goldsberry, Clare         Illusion Of Life & Death                              28584   DEA  16.99
   Death and Dying                  Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  Peregrinaje                                           21706   DEA   9.95
   Death and Dying                  Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  What Happens After Death                              24431   DEA   7.95
   Death and Dying                  Gootman, Marilyn          When A Friend Dies  Teens Grieving & Healing          21868   DEA   7.95
   Death and Dying                  Grant, Robert             Love & Roses From David  Legacy Of Living & Dying     21876   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Greaves, Helen            Testimony Of Light                                    15713   DEA  16.00
   Death and Dying                  Grof, Stanislav           Books Of The Dead  Manuals For Living & Dying         21930   DEA  14.95
   Death and Dying                  Grollman, Earl            Straight Talk About Death For Teenagers               16199   DEA   9.95
   Death and Dying                  Grosz, Anton              Letters To A Dying Friend  What Comes Next            12097   DEA  12.00
   Death and Dying                  Groves & Klauser          American Book Of Living & Dying                       15944   DEA  16.99
   Death and Dying                  Guggenheim, Bill & Judy   Hello From Heaven                                     24370   DEA   8.99
   Death and Dying                  Guiley, Rosemary          Mysteries Of The Afterlife                            24150   DEA  19.95
   Death and Dying                  Halifax, Joan             Being With Dying                                      22323   DEA  17.95
   Death and Dying                  Hall, Manly P.            Death & After                                         11685   DEA   5.95
   Death and Dying                  Hanson, Warren            Next Place                                            31239   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Harison, Robert Pogue     Dominion Of The Dead                                  23661   DEA  14.00
   Death and Dying                  Hauck, Louise Platt       Heart-Links                                           27200   DEA  21.95
   Death and Dying                  Hill, Gary Leon           People Who Don't Know They're Dead                    11856   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Holland, Canon            Death Is Nothing At All (0-285-62824-0)               23077   DEA   5.95
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   Death and Dying                  Jackson, Edgar            You & Your Grief                                      12484   DEA   7.95
   Death and Dying                  Jenkinson, Stephen        Die Wise                                              31233   DEA  19.95
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   Death and Dying                  Kagan, Annie              Afterlife Of Billy Fingers                            18617   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Kapleau, Philip           Wheel Of Life & Death (is now # 25249)                18850   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Kastenbaum, R & B         Encyclopedia Of Death (OP 1/2004)                     21345   DEA  15.00
   Death and Dying                  Kaufman & Kaufman         Sacred Dying                                          23671   DEA  12.95
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   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    Death Is Of Vital Importance                          23975   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    Death The Final Stage Of Growth                       11689   DEA  15.00
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    Living With Death & Dying                             12692   DEA  14.00
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    Meaning Of Suffering                                  24187   DEA   5.95
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    On Children & Death                                   13070   DEA  11.00
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    On Death & Dying                                      13096   DEA  16.00
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    On Life After Death                                   20575   DEA  11.99
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    Tunnel & The Light                                    26049   DEA  16.00
   Death and Dying                  Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth    Wheel Of Life  A Memoir Of Living & Dying             24459   DEA  16.00
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   Death and Dying                  Levine, Stephen           Meetings At The Edge                                  12862   DEA  10.95
   Death and Dying                  Levine, Stephen           Who Dies?                                             14157   DEA  17.00
   Death and Dying                  Levine, Stephen           Year To Live                                          24309   DEA  13.99
   Death and Dying                  Lief, Judith              Making Friends With Death                             28041   DEA  21.95
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   Death and Dying                  Lipsenthal, Lee           Enjoy Every Sandwich                                  24813   DEA  22.00
   Death and Dying                  Liverziani, Filippo       Life, Death & Consiousness  Exp. Near/After Death     15657   DEA  10.95
   Death and Dying                  Ma'sumian, Farnaz         Life After Death In World Religions 0804113866        22805   DEA  14.95
   Death and Dying                  Magnusson, Margareta      Gentle Art Of Swedish Death Cleaning                  15721   DEA  18.99
   Death and Dying                  Martin & Romanowki        We Don't Die                                          15423   DEA   7.99
   Death and Dying                  Mason, James              Messages From Beyond                                  12003   DEA  19.95
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   Death and Dying                  McCoy, Edain              Entering The Summer Land                              12845   DEA  17.95
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   Death and Dying                  Novak, Peter              Division Of Consciousness                             24597   DEA  14.95
   Death and Dying                  O'Driscoll, Jeff          Not Yet  Near-Life Experiences                        21943   DEA  15.00
   Death and Dying                  Pelgrin, Mark             And A Time To Die                                     11088   DEA   5.25
   Death and Dying                  Pelgrin, Mark             And A Time To Die                                     14062   DEA   5.00
   Death and Dying                  Perkins, James            Through Death To Rebirth                              13942   DEA   1.95
   Death and Dying                  Puryear, Anne             Stephen Lives!                                        27568   DEA  14.00
   Death and Dying                  Robinson, Richard (ED.)   Holding Another's Hand                                11477   DEA  14.95
   Death and Dying                  Rosenberg, Larry          Living In The Light Of Death                          25723   DEA  18.95
   Death and Dying                  Russell, Robert           Dry Those Tears                                       11788   DEA   3.95
   Death and Dying                  Sachs, Robert             Perfect Endings                                       25258   DEA  12.95
   Death and Dying                  Schwartz, Gary E.         Afterlife Experiments                                 30104   DEA  14.00
   Death and Dying                  Scott, Christopher        Beyond Death                                          28155   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Sherman, Harold           Dead Are Alive                                        19762   DEA   5.99
   Death and Dying                  Singh, Kathleen Dowling   Grace In Dying                                        26645   DEA  16.99
   Death and Dying                  Smartt, Lisa              Words At The Threshold                                28216   DEA  15.95
   Death and Dying                  Smith, Rodney             Lessons From The Dying                                25384   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Spalding, Sean & Dennis   My Search For The Afterlife                           13010   DEA  14.95
   Death and Dying                  Stearn, Jess              Immortality  Startling Evidence For Human Survival    18242   DEA   8.95
   Death and Dying                  Steiner, Rudolf           Life Between Death & Rebirth                          12641   DEA  30.00
   Death and Dying                  Stillwater & Malkin       Graceful Passages (Incl. 2 CDs)                       24261   DEA  24.95
   Death and Dying                  Strieber, Whitley & Anne  Afterlife Revolution                                  30737   DEA  16.99
   Death and Dying                  Swain, Jasper             On The Death Of My Son                                19015   DEA   7.95
   Death and Dying                  Tagliaferre & Harbaugh    Recovery From Loss  A Prsnlzd Gd / Grieving Procss    19155   DEA   9.95
   Death and Dying                  Taylor, Ruth Mattson      Witness From Beyond (096-02884-06) Foreword Books     20110   DEA   5.95
   Death and Dying                  Thomas, Susan             What To Do Know & Expect When A Loved One Dies        14160   DEA   5.95
   Death and Dying                  Tompkins, Ptolemy         Modern Book Of The Dead                               13549   DEA  19.99
   Death and Dying                  Van Auken, John           Born Again ... & Again                                11396   DEA   8.95
   Death and Dying                  Van Den Brink, Margarete  Christian Book Of The Dead                            19954   DEA  27.00
   Death and Dying                  Van Praagh & Johnston     When Heaven Touches Earth                             27467   DEA  18.95
   Death and Dying                  Van Praagh, James         Heaven & Earth                                        20639   DEA  17.99
   Death and Dying                  Van Praagh, James         Talking To Heaven                                     24874   DEA   7.99
   Death and Dying                  Van Praagh, James         Unfinished Business                                   13043   DEA  18.99
   Death and Dying                  Weenolsen, Patricia       Art Of Dying                                          23956   DEA  22.95
   Death and Dying                  Wehr, Janet               Peaceful Passages (940)                               14673   DEA  16.95
   Death and Dying                  Welch, Fern Stewart       Heart Knows The Way                                   21840   DEA  14.95
   Death and Dying                  Wilson, Ian               After Death Experience                                16018   DEA   8.95
   Death and Dying                  Woodman, Marion           Bone  Dying Into Life                                 27957   DEA  24.95
   Death and Dying                  Wright, Sylvia Hart       When Spirits Come Calling                             20834   DEA  15.95
   Dhammapada                       Banerjee, Nikunja Vihari  Dhammapada                                            29069   DHA   19.5
   Dhammapada                       Buddharakkhita, Acharya   Dhammapada (Pali & English Texts)                     29435   DHA   9.95
   Dhammapada                       Buddharakkhita, Acharya   Dhammapada - The Buddha's Path Of Wisdom              29770   DHA   9.95
   Dhammapada                       Byrom, Thomas             Dhammapada Sayings Of Buddha                          21548   DHA  12.95
   Dhammapada                       Carter & Palihawadana     Dhammapada  (978-0-19-955513-0)                       14210   DHA   9.95
   Dhammapada                       Dharma Publishing         Ancient Tibet  (same as 16809 but cheaper)            11031   DHA  16.95
   Dhammapada                       Dharma Publishing         Dhammapada  Verses With Tibetan Text                  15186   DHA  20.95
   Dhammapada                       Dharma Publishing         From The Roof Of The World: Refugees Of Tibet         20813   DHA  24.95
   Dhammapada                       Dharma Publishing         Gesar  Epic Tale Of Tibet's Warrior-King (DHARMA)     20812   DHA  14.95
   Dhammapada                       Dharma Publishing         Ways Of Enlightenment (--> under DHARMA)              17681   DHA  26.95
   Dhammapada                       Fronsdal, Gil             Dhammapada                                            29154   DHA  12.95
   Dhammapada                       Kaviratna, H.             Dhammapada  Wisdom Of The Buddha                      11715   DHA  14.00
   Dhammapada                       Lindtner, Chr. (trsl.)    Master Of Wisdom  Writings Of Nagarjuna (DHARMA)      16819   DHA  19.95
   Dhammapada                       Mascaro, Juan             Dhammapada (978-0-14-044284-7)                        11703   DHA  11.00
   Dhammapada                       Muller, F. Max            Dhammapada (978 1 250 85226 7)                        15857   DHA  14.99
   Dhammapada                       Powers, John              Wisdom Of Buddha  Samdhinirmocana/Sutra (->DHARMA)    22638   DHA  25.00
   Dhammapada                       Robinson, James B. (trsl) Buddha's Lions / Abhayadatta (--> under DHARMA)       16820   DHA  19.95
   Dhammapada                       Roebuck, Valerie (trans.) Dhammapada (978-0-140-44941-9) BO'd 12/21/2020        20865   DHA  13.00
   Dhammapada                       Sangharakshita            Dhammapada  Way Of Truth                              29462   DHA  16.95
   Dhammapada                       Senge, Karma Yonten       Everyday Buddha (The Dhammapada)                      11487   DHA  19.95
   Dhammapada                       Tartang Tulka & Black     Leaves Of The Heaven Tree (--> under DHARMA)          24610   DHA  25.00
   Dhammapada                       Tulku, Tarthang           Mother Of Knowledge (--> under DHARMA)                15159   DHA  19.95
   Dhammapada                       Wallis, Glenn             Dhammapada                                            30128   DHA  11.95
   Diet                             Agell, Gun                Strengthen Your Immune System                         21945   DIE  12.95
   Diet                             Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Yoga Of Nutrition                                     16016   DIE  12.95
   Diet                             Appleton, Nancy           Secrets Of Natural Healing With Food                  23166   DIE  10.95
   Diet                             Arlin, Stephen            Raw Power  Building Strength & Muscle Naturally       27992   DIE  14.95
   Diet                             Ballentine, Rudolph       Diet & Nutrition                                      30380   DIE  19.95
   Diet                             Batmanghelidj, F.         Your Body's Many Cries For Water (BO'd 5/18/2022)     28213   DIE  14.95
   Diet                             Bieler, Henry G., M.D.    Food Is Your Best Medicine                            28645   DIE   6.99
   Diet                             Boutenko, Victoria        Raw Family                                            13242   DIE   9.95
   Diet                             Bragg, Paul               Miracle Of Fasting                                    12907   DIE   9.95
   Diet                             Braly, M.D., James        Dangerous Grains                                      22497   DIE  14.95
   Diet                             Brand-Miller, Wolever     Glucose Revolution                                    26387   DIE  14.95
   Diet                             Burroughs, Stanley        Master Cleanser (Incled in 12223)                     12812   DIE   6.50
   Diet                             Carrillo-Bucaram, K.      Fully Raw Diet                                        28252   DIE  27.99
   Diet                             Colbin, Annemarie         Food & Healing                                        19875   DIE  16.00
   Diet                             Cook, Michelle            Super Powered Immunity                                13364   DIE  16.99
   Diet                             Cousens, Gabriel          Conscious Eating                                      27993   DIE  35.00
   Diet                             Cousens, M.D., Gabriel    Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine                       31113   DIE  30.00
   Diet                             Cousens, M.D., Gabriel    There Is A Cure For Diabetes                          31114   DIE  22.95
   Diet                             Cunningham, Scott         Magic In Food  (OP 9/97)                              19658   DIE  14.95
   Diet                             D'Adamo, Peter            Eat Right For Your Type                               17882   DIE  28.00
   Diet                             David, Marc               Nourishing Wisdom (0517881292)                        25781   DIE   8.50
   Diet                             Ehret, Arnold             Mucusless Diet Healing System                         30773   DIE   9.99
   Diet                             Ehret, Arnold             Rational Fasting ( 188-477-2013 )                     13381   DIE  12.95
   Diet                             Esselstyn, Caldwell       Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease                       13390   DIE  17.00
   Diet                             Freston, Kathy            Veganist                                              22026   DIE  15.00
   Diet                             Gates, Donna              Body Ecology Diet (Tenth Edition)                     15034   DIE  15.99
   Diet                             Gerrard, Don              One Bowl                                              28302   DIE  15.99
   Diet                             Gerson, Charlotte         Gerson Therapy                                        14778   DIE  17.00
   Diet                             Greenwood, Gesshin Claire Just Enough  Vegan Recipes                            31284   DIE  17.95
   Diet                             Heinerman, John           Heinerman's New Encyc. Of Fruits, Vegies & Herbs      26437   DIE  16.00
   Diet                             Hendler, Sheldon Saul     Oxygen Breakthrough  (OSI 4/95)                       15410   DIE   4.95
   Diet                             Hyman, Mark               UltraMind Solution                                    16525   DIE  18.00
   Diet                             Inglis, Les               Diet For A Gentle World  Eating With Conscience       22679   DIE   7.95
   Diet                             Jensen, Bernard           Dr. Jensen's Guide To Diet & Detoxification           11549   DIE  12.95
   Diet                             Juliano                   Raw  The Uncook Book                                  27984   DIE  35.00
   Diet                             Kabatznick, Ronna         Zen Of Eating                                         16621   DIE  24.00
   Diet                             Khalsa, Dharma Singh      Food As Medicine (BO'd 1/16/14)                       15812   DIE  16.00
   Diet                             Kilham, Christopher       Take Charge Of Your Health  Yogatherapy/Nutrition     18141   DIE  13.95
   Diet                             Kushi, Michio             Book Of Macrobiotics                                  11381   DIE  21.00
   Diet                             Kushi, Michio             Standard Macrobiotic Diet                             20855   DIE   5.95
   Diet                             Kushi, Michio & Aveline   Macrobiotic Diet (revised) (0-87040-878-X)            19494   DIE  21.00
   Diet                             L'Esperance, Carrie       Ancient Cookfire (OP 3/2002)                          25145   DIE  18.00
   Diet                             Lappe, Frances Moore      Diet For A Small Planet                               11347   DIE   6.99
   Diet                             Mars, Brigitte            Addiction-Free Naturally                              28033   DIE  16.99
   Diet                             McClure, Vimala (Edt)     Vegetarian Alternative  How & Why To Stop Eating..    22216   DIE   2.00
   Diet                             Melina / Davis / Harrison Becoming Vegetarian                                   24596   DIE  15.95
   Diet                             Meyerowitz, Steve         Wheatgrass  Nature's Finest Medicine                  30126   DIE  12.95
   Diet                             Minich, Deanna            Chakra Foods For Optimum Health                       18238   DIE  18.95
   Diet                             Murray, Michael           Healing Power Of Foods                                21204   DIE  16.95
   Diet                             Null, Gary & Null, Steven How To Get Rid Of Poisons In Your Body                20353   DIE   4.95
   Diet                             Nyoiti (Ohsawa) & Dufty   You Are All Sanpaku                                   14610   DIE  13.00
   Diet                             Ohsawa, Georges (Nyoiti)  Zen Macrobiotics                                      14613   DIE   9.95
   Diet                             Pitchford, Paul           Healing With Whole Foods                              21938   DIE  35.00
   Diet                             Pookrum, Jewel            Vitamins & Minerals from A to Z                       16226   DIE  10.95
   Diet                             Ray, Sondra               Only Diet There Is                                    13105   DIE  13.99
   Diet                             Robbins, John             Diet For A New America                                11783   DIE  21.95
   Diet                             Robbins, John             May All Be Fed Diet For A New World                   21388   DIE  14.95
   Diet                             Roth, Geneen              Breaking Free From Emotional Eating                   26833   DIE  16.00
   Diet                             Roth, Geneen              Women Food & God                                      26835   DIE  15.00
   Diet                             Rydman, Mary              Raw Food Quick & Easy                                 16013   DIE  15.00
   Diet                             Schatz, Hale Sofia        If The Buddha Came To Dinner                          30166   DIE  17.99
   Diet                             Shannon, Nomi             Raw Gourmet                                           28084   DIE  24.95
   Diet                             Shannon, Nomi             Raw Gourmet                                           28123   DIE  24.95
   Diet                             Strand, Ray               Healthy For Life                                      12058   DIE  16.95
   Diet                             Szekely, Edmond           Essene Science Of Fasting                             11071   DIE    4.5
   Diet                             Taylor, Susan             Secrets To A Well-Nourished Brain (New due 5/08)      14656   DIE  14.95
   Diet                             Tuttle, Will              World Peace Diet                                      12237   DIE  22.00
   Diet                             Virtue, D. & Black, B.    Eating In The Light                                   28938   DIE  12.95
   Diet                             Virtue, D. & Reeves, R.   Nutrition For Intuition                               28943   DIE  14.99
   Diet                             Wade, Carlson             Inner Cleansing                                       12447   DIE  10.95
   Diet                             Wasserman & Stahler       Meatless Meals For Working People  Q&E Vg'n Recps.    16074   DIE  12.00
   Diet                             Wigmore, Ann              Hippocrates Diet & Health Program                     12289   DIE   9.95
   Diet                             William, Anthony          Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods                    31177   DIE  29.99
   Diet                             Yntema, Sharon            Vegetarian Baby                                       15128   DIE  11.95
   Diet                             Young, Robert & Shelley   PH Miracle                                            29975   DIE  14.95
   Dreams                           Abadie, M.J.              Teen Dream Power                                      29858   DRE  14.95
   Dreams                           Adams, Lee                Visionary Guide To Lucid Dreaming                     27770   DRE  16.99
   Dreams                           Al-Akili, Muhammad M.     Ibn Seerin's Dictionary Of Dreams  (NO SOURCE)        12712   DRE  24.50
   Dreams                           Amber Lotus               Dream Journal                                         17514   DRE   7.95
   Dreams                           Andrews, Ted              Dream Alchemy                                         20522   DRE  15.99
   Dreams                           Bethards, Betty           Dream Book                                            11764   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Bluestone, Sarvananda     World Dream Book                                      28362   DRE  14.95
   Dreams                           Bosnak, Robert            Little Course In Dreams                               16914   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Browne, Sylvia            Sylvia Browne's Book Of Dreams                        30795   DRE  14.00
   Dreams                           Brunke, Dawn Baumann      Dreaming With Polar Bears                             15898   DRE  16.00
   Dreams                           Cayce, Hugh Lynn          Dreams  The Language Of The Unconscious               11782   DRE   6.95
   Dreams                           Clarke, Robert            Four Gold Keys                                        28995   DRE  17.95
   Dreams                           Clift & Clift             Hero Journey In Dreams                                17995   DRE  10.95
   Dreams                           Clift, Jean D. & Wallace  Symbols Of Transformation In Dreams                   14265   DRE  12.95
   Dreams                           Condron, Barbara          Dreamer's Dictionary                                  27875   DRE  15.00
   Dreams                           Cornwall, Lizzie          Dreams Interpreted                                    31288   DRE   9.99
   Dreams                           Coxhead & Hiller          Dreams  Visions Of The Night                          18131   DRE  11.95
   Dreams                           Delaney, Gayle            All About Dreams                                      25396   DRE  17.99
   Dreams                           Ellis, Dave               Falling Awake (OSI not available)                     30743   DRE  24.95
   Dreams                           Garfield, Patricia        Creative Dreaming                                     11639   DRE  12.00
   Dreams                           Garfield, Patricia        Healing Power Of Dreams (0-671-79188-5)               14850   DRE  12.00
   Dreams                           Garfield, Patricia        Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams                        17579   DRE   5.95
   Dreams                           Gendlin, Eugene           Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams                   14895   DRE  17.95
   Dreams                           Godwin, Malcom            Lucid Dreamer  Waking Guide (OSI 7/1/99)              22312   DRE  22.50
   Dreams                           Goldhammer, John          Radical Dreaming                                      29664   DRE  15.95
   Dreams                           Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  Dreams & What They Mean To You                        14740   DRE   4.99
   Dreams                           Gover, Tzivia             Mindful Way to a Good Night's Sleep                   29955   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Gutheil, Emil A           Handbook Of Dream Analysis (POS 3/91)                 19128   DRE  15.95
   Dreams                           Hall, Manly P.            Dream Symbolism                                       11769   DRE   7.95
   Dreams                           Hall, Manly P.            Studies In Dream Symbolism                            13691   DRE   4.00
   Dreams                           Hoffman, Maryanne         Rainbow In Your Life                                  21850   DRE  11.95
   Dreams                           Holecek, Andrew           Dream Yoga                                            30060   DRE  19.95
   Dreams                           Holzer, Hans              Psychic Side Of Dreams  (OP 4/2000)                   20835   DRE   4.95
   Dreams                           Hudson, Liam              Night Life                                            15963   DRE  10.95
   Dreams                           Jacob, W.L.               Interpreting Your Dreams                              12469   DRE   6.95
   Dreams                           Jensen, Derrick           Dreams                                                22194   DRE  24.95
   Dreams                           Johnson, Clare            Mindful Dreaming                                      30668   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Kamenetz, Rodger          History Of Last Night's Dream                         22968   DRE  24.95
   Dreams                           Kaplan-Williams, Strephon Dreamworking (OP? 3/2000)                             20394   DRE  24.95
   Dreams                           Kaplan-Williams, Strephon Elements Of Dreamwork (BO NEWL 4/5/01)                13589   DRE   9.95
   Dreams                           Kaplan-Williams, Strephon Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual (SAME AS 20394)        12515   DRE  17.95
   Dreams                           Kelsey, Morton            Dreams  A Way To Listen To God                        12902   DRE   7.95
   Dreams                           Klemp, Harold             Art Of Spiritual Dreaming                             26861   DRE  14.00
   Dreams                           Koltuv, Barbara Black     Nights By The Wall                                    21329   DRE  14.95
   Dreams                           Krippner, Stanley (Ed.)   Dreamtime & Dreamwork                                 19283   DRE  12.95
   Dreams                           La Berge, Stephen         Lucid Dreaming                                        22836   DRE  15.99
   Dreams                           LaBerge & Rheingold       Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming                 19139   DRE   9.99
   Dreams                           LaBerge, Stephen          Controlling Your Dreams                               16661   DRE   9.95
   Dreams                           Leadbeater, C.W.          Dreams (7204)    (OP TPH1 7/26/18)                    11776   DRE  10.95
   Dreams                           Lewis, James              Dream Encyclopedia (BO NEWL 10/19/99)                 23125   DRE  14.95
   Dreams                           Linn, Denise              Pocketful Of Dreams                                   17516   DRE  15.95
   Dreams                           Lucas, Sabine             Past Life Dreamwork                                   16351   DRE  18.00
   Dreams                           Lukeman, Alex             What Your Dreams Can Teach You  (BO BP01 6/1/99)      21314   DRE  12.95
   Dreams                           MacGregor, Trish & Rob    Complete Dream Dictionary                             15486   DRE  11.99
   Dreams                           Mattoon, Mary Ann         Understanding Dreams                                  14814   DRE  22.00
   Dreams                           McElroy, Mark             Lucid Dreaming For Beginners                          22542   DRE  16.99
   Dreams                           Mindell, Arnold           Dreambody In Relationships                            18644   DRE  10.95
   Dreams                           Mindell, Arnold           Dreaming While Awake                                  28312   DRE  17.95
   Dreams                           Mindell, Arnold           Working On Yourself Alone                             11424   DRE  13.95
   Dreams                           Mindell, Arnold           Working With The Dreaming Body                        14535   DRE  14.95
   Dreams                           Mogridge, Angela          In Focus Dreams                                       18674   DRE  19.99
   Dreams                           Morley, Charlie           Dreams Of Awakening  (Lucid Dreaming)                 30148   DRE  18.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Active Dreaming (BO'd 4/13/2022)                      21554   DRE  15.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Boy Who Died & Came Back                              14839   DRE  15.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Conscious Dreaming                                    23903   DRE  16.99
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Dreamer's Book Of The Dead                            11550   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Dreamgates                                            23904   DRE  19.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Dreaming The Soul Back Home                           23953   DRE  18.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Dreamways Of The Iroquois                             30669   DRE  18.99
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Growing Big Dreams                                    20206   DRE  17.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Secret History Of Dreaming                            31133   DRE  19.95
   Dreams                           Moss, Robert              Three "Only" Things                                   27605   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Nahmad, Claire            Dreamspells  (OSI 6/2001)                             22720   DRE  12.95
   Dreams                           O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger Dreams, Illusion & Other Realities                    18303   DRE  15.95
   Dreams                           Parker, Alice Anne        Understand Your Dreams 1500 Basic Dream Images...     19814   DRE  12.00
   Dreams                           Peto, Les                 Dream Lover  Transforming Reltnships Thrgh Dreams     19738   DRE   9.95
   Dreams                           Raphael, Edwin            Complete Book Of Dreams                               15465   DRE  11.95
   Dreams                           Roomy, David              Inner Work In The Wounded & Creative  Dream In/Bdy    19322   DRE   8.95
   Dreams                           Ryback, David             Dreams That Come True                                 18620   DRE   4.95
   Dreams                           Sanford, John             Dreams  God's Forgotten Language                      11779   DRE  14.99
   Dreams                           Sechrist, Elsie           Dreams  Your Magic Mirror                             11784   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Shainberg, Catherine      Kabbalah & The Power Of Dreaming                      30687   DRE  14.95
   Dreams                           Signell, Karen A.         Wisdom Of The Heart  Working With Women's Dreams      19684   DRE  12.95
   Dreams                           Slater, George            Bringing Dreams To Life                               22984   DRE  12.95
   Dreams                           Star, China Faith         Trance Scribed  A Docutment Of Imanginary Dreams      28028   DRE  10.00
   Dreams                           Steiger, Brad             American Indian Medicine Dreambook                    21241   DRE  19.95
   Dreams                           Stone, Daniel             Dreamer Who Dreams You                                30802   DRE  19.99
   Dreams                           Taylor, Jeremy            Dream Work                                            14369   DRE  21.95
   Dreams                           Taylor, Jeremy            Living Labyrinth (BO'd 5/26/2023)                     18841   DRE  22.95
   Dreams                           Taylor, Jeremy            Where People Fly & Water Runs Uphill                  27878   DRE  14.99
   Dreams                           Telesco, Patricia         Language Of Dreams                                    24328   DRE  16.95
   Dreams                           Towers, Jacqueline        Little Book Of Dream Symbols                          28300   DRE  14.95
   Dreams                           Vance, Bruce A.           Dreamscape  (OP not available)                        18291   DRE   8.95
   Dreams                           VanLaeys, Emily L.        Dream Weaving                                         24425   DRE  12.95
   Dreams                           Waggoner, R. & McCready   Lucid Dreaming  Gateway To The Inner Self             28737   DRE  18.95
   Dreams                           Wolf, Fred Alan           Dreaming Universe                                     21887   DRE  15.00
   Dreams                           Yamamoto, Rev. Gary       Creative Dream Analysis                               15905   DRE   9.95
   Dreams                           Zolar                     Zolar's Encyc. & Dict. Of Dreams                      11867   DRE  28.99
   DVDs                             Chodron, Pema             Fully Alive (2 CDs 4 1/2 hrs.)                        19587   DVD  29.95
   DVDs                             Cooper, John              Theosophical Movement & Its Importance (DVD)          14700   DVD  17.95
   DVDs                             Hoeller, Stephan          Red Book Of C.G. Jung (DVD)                           12575   DVD  29.95
   DVDs                             Hurtak, James             Merkabah  Voyage Of A Star Seed (DVD)                 11728   DVD  19.95
   DVDs                             McKennitt, Loreena        Nights From The Alhambra (2 CDs & DVD)                12922   DVD  26.98
   DVDs                             Patterson, William        Spiritual Pilgrimage (DVD) Gurdjieff's Father         14249   DVD  29.95
   DVDs                             Rones, Ramel              Sunrise Tai Chi (DVD)                                 11992   DVD  29.95
   DVDs                             Rumi, read by Barks etc.  RUMI: Poet Of The Heart (DVD)                         20500   DVD  24.95
   DVDs                             Scully, Nicki             Alchemical Healing (DVD)                              25347   DVD  19.95
   DVDs                             Smoley, Richard           Jung & The Future (DVD)                               18389   DVD  17.95
   DVDs                             Tolle, Eckhart            Awakening In The Now (DVD)                            13379   DVD  19.95
   DVDs                             Tolle, Eckhart            What Is Meditation? (DVD)                             11762   DVD  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Alvarez, Melissa          Earth Frequency                                       20010   EAR  26.99
   Earth Mysteries                  Arguelles, Jose           Call Of Pacal Votan                                   24031   EAR  11.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Ashe, Geoffrey            Glastonbury Tor Maze                                  25958   EAR   3.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Barbier, Jean Paul        Vanished Civilizations  From Ancients To Easter I.    17470   EAR  29.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Barlow, Bernyce           Sacred Sites Of The West (1-56718-056-6)              12772   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Bartholomew, Alick (Edit) Crop Circles  Harbingers Of ...  (OP NEP 10/96)       20745   EAR  17.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Bartnett, Beatrice        Peace Labyrinth  Sacred Geometry                      23991   EAR   9.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Beckley, Timothy (Etd.)   Smoky God & Other Inner Earth Mysteries               21716   EAR  12.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Berlitz, Charles          Lost Ship Of Noah                                     17207   EAR   3.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Bernard, Raymond          Hollow Earth                                          17002   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Brennen, Martin           Stones Of Time  Calendars, Sundials Of Ireland        22236   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Bryant, Page              Terravision  A Traveler's Guide / Lvng Plnt Earth     19520   EAR   4.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Caine, Mary               Glastonbury Giants                                    18121   EAR   5.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Callahan, Philip S.       Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions  Mgntc Lf/Agric.    19564   EAR  16.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Carley, James             Glastonbury Abbey  Holy House @ T/Head of T/Moors     23548   EAR  24.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Castledan, Rodney         Wilmington Giant The Quest For A Lost Myth            14191   EAR  10.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Childress, D. H.          Anti-Gravity & The World Grid                         17293   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Childress, D. H.          Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries Of Africa & Arabia    21462   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Childress, D. H.          Lost Cities Of Ancient Lemuria/Pacific (BO 6/25/03    17297   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Childress, D. H.          Lost Cities Of China, Central Asia & India (BO)       17191   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Childress, D. H.          Lost Cities Of North & Central Amercia                21339   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Childress, David          Lost Cities Of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & Medit'n     23701   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Chippindale, Christopher  Stonehenge Complete                                   21660   EAR  24.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Chouinard, Patrick        Forgotten Worlds                                      25075   EAR  20.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Cinamar, Radu             Transylvanian Sunrise                                 15747   EAR  22.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Clark, Gerald             Anunnaki Of Nibiru                                    18537   EAR  18.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Collins, Andrew           Gobekli Tepe                                          23283   EAR  24.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Collins, Andrew & Little  Origins Of The Gods                                   18110   EAR  24.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Cooke, Grace              Light In Britain                                      12655   EAR   9.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Cooper, Adrian            Sacred Mountains Ancient Wisdom & Modern Meanings     25275   EAR  49.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Cowan, David & Arnold, C. Ley Lines & Earth Energies                            18646   EAR  18.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Curran, Bob               Lost Lands, Forgotten Realms                          14106   EAR  15.99
   Earth Mysteries                  D'Alveydre, Marquis       Kingdom of Agarttha                                   22953   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Dashefsky, H. Steven      Environmental Literacy  Saving Our Planet             21159   EAR  12.00
   Earth Mysteries                  David, Gary               Orion Zone  Ancient Star Cities Amer. Southwest       28547   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Delgado & Andrews         Circular Evidence  Dtld Inv/Flttnd Swrld Crps Phen    19794   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Devereux, Paul            Sacred Place  Ancient Origin Of Holy Sites            28027   EAR  24.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Dewhurst, Richard         Ancient Giants Who Ruled America                      19687   EAR  20.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Dianthus                  Stonehenge:  A Doorway Of Recall                      22636   EAR  12.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Douzet, Andre             Secret Vault                                          30825   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Ellis, Ralph              Thoth  Architect Of The Universe                      28909   EAR  16.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Evans, M.J.               Zecharia Sitchin & The Extraterrestrial Origins..     26965   EAR  18.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Fagan, Brian              From Black Land To Fifth Sun                          25367   EAR  18.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Freer, Neil               God Games                                             27566   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Furneaux, Rupert          Ancient Mysteries                                     19060   EAR   4.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Gaunt, Bonnie             Magnificent Numbers Of The Great Pyramid & Stone..    23669   EAR   9.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Gaunt, Bonnie             Stonehenge  A Closer Look                             23673   EAR  10.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Godwin, Joscelyn          John Michell Reader                                   26156   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Graves, Tom               Needles Of Stone Revisited                            15572   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Greer, John Michael       Art & Practice Of Geomancy                            21722   EAR  21.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Greer, John Michael       Earth Mysteries Workbook                              20801   EAR  29.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Griffin, Wendy            Sacred Lands & Spiritual Landscapes                   26981   EAR  12.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Grossinger, Richard       Planetary Mysteries                                   16613   EAR  12.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Hancock, G. & Faiia, S.   Heaven's Mirror                                       25688   EAR  25.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Hancock, Graham           America Before                                        31276   EAR  19.99
   Earth Mysteries                  Hancock, Graham           Fingerprints Of The Gods                              23173   EAR  22.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Hancock, Graham           Magicians Of The Gods                                 26627   EAR  19.99
   Earth Mysteries                  Hancock, Graham           Sign & The Seal   Ark of the Covenant                 19044   EAR  24.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Hancock, Graham           Underworld                                            29209   EAR  21.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Hapgood, Charles          Path Of The Pole (POS 1/20/2021)                      24981   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Hapgood, Charles H.       Maps Of The Ancient Sea Kings                         17910   EAR  24.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Hardy, Chris              Sacred Network  Megaliths, Ley Lines ...              21051   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Haselhoff, Eltjo          Deepening Complexity Of Crop Circles (BO 1/10/08)     16383   EAR  20.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Hawkins, Gerald S.        Stonehenge Decoded (OP 3/95)                          17240   EAR   7.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Hein, Simeon              Opening Minds  (Crop Circles)                         28224   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Heselton, Philip          Earth Mysteries                                       23368   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Howard-Gordon, Frances    Glastonbury  Maker Of Myths                           25959   EAR  12.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Howe, Linda Moulton       Mysterious Lights & Crop Circles                      13039   EAR  25.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Joseph, Frank             Atlantis In Wisconsin                                 26196   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Joseph, Frank             Lost Treasure Of King Juba                            29590   EAR  18.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Joseph, Frank (Editor)    Sacred Sites  (OP 11/94)                              21041   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Kenyon, Douglas           Forbidden History                                     30683   EAR  18.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Kenyon, J. Douglas (Ed.)  Secret Knowledge                                      27790   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  King, Serge               Earth Energies  The Hidden Power Of The Planet        12776   EAR  12.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Kreisberg, Glenn          Lost Knowledge Of The Ancients (Graham Hancock)       18258   EAR  18.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Kreisberg, Glenn (Edit.)  Mysteries Of The Ancient Past (G. Hancock Reader)     19615   EAR  18.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Kushi, Michio             Forgotten Worlds                                      20851   EAR  10.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Leviton, Richard          Galaxy On Earth                                       30145   EAR  18.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Mann, Glasson             Star Temple Of Avalon                                 24885   EAR  25.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Mann, Nicholas            Isle Of Avalon  Sacred Mysteries Of Glastonbury       28474   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Mann, Nicholas R.         Sedona  Sacred Earth  Ancnt Lr, Mdrn Mths  A Gde      19518   EAR  12.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Martin, Sharline          Earth Changes In The Western Hemi. 1994-2004          24367   EAR   8.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Matthews, John            Landscapes Of Legend                                  25370   EAR  29.95
   Earth Mysteries                  McCarthy, Scott           Celebrating The Earth                                 19115   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  McLuhan, T.C.             Cathedrals Of The Spirit                              23692   EAR  20.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Meaden, George Terence    Stonehenge  The Secret Of The Solstice                21261   EAR  16.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Merz, Blanche             Points Of Cosmic Energy                               17252   EAR  13.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Michell, John             Secrets Of The Stones                                 13578   EAR  10.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Michell, John             Traveler's Key To Sacred England  (OP 8/94)           18125   EAR  18.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Miller & Broadhurst       Sun & The Serpent                                     18378   EAR  23.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Mini, John                Day Of Destiny                                        25980   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Molyneaux, Brian          Sacred Earth  Spirits Of The Landscape                22838   EAR  14.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Moore, Judith & Lamb, B.  Crop Circles Revealed                                 12165   EAR  25.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Noone, Richard W.         5/5/2000  Ice  The Ultimate Disaster                  15426   EAR  16.00
   Earth Mysteries                  North, Carolyn            Crop Circles                                          28035   EAR   8.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Peet, Preston (Editor)    Disinformation Guide To Ancient Aliens....            19800   EAR  21.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Pennick, Nigel            Earth Harmony  Places Of Power, Holiness & Healing    20167   EAR  23.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Pettis, Chuck             Secrets Of Sacred Space                               26913   EAR  19.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Phillips, Graham          End Of Eden  The Comet That Changed Civilization'     31045   EAR  16.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Poynder, Michael          Lost Science of the Stone Age - Sacred Energy         30822   EAR  24.99
   Earth Mysteries                  Pringle, Lucy             Crop Circles  Greatest Mystery...(BO NEWL 7/19/02)    26834   EAR  27.00
   Earth Mysteries                  Pye & Dalley (Editors)    Lost Secrets Of The Gods                              23339   EAR  15.99
   Earth Mysteries                  Ricksecker, Mike          Alaska's Mysterious Triangle                          28417   EAR  16.99
   Earth Mysteries                  Roberts, Scott Alan       Rise & Fall Of The Nephilim                           19639   EAR  16.99
   Earth Mysteries                  Roszak, Theodore          Voice Of The Earth                                    19804   EAR  24.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Roveda, Vittorio          Khmer Mythology  Secrets Of Angkor                    25402   EAR  22.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Ruby, Doug                Gift   Crop Circles Deciphered                        24461   EAR  32.95
   Earth Mysteries                  Schama, Simon             Landscape & Memory                                    24530   EAR  23.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Bunker, John              Coffin Texts Resurrected                              28262   EGY  25.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Cooper, William Ricketts  Serpent Myths Of Ancient Egypt (BO'd 12/11/13)        14408   EGY  10.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Coppens, Philip           Canopus Revelation  Stargate Of The Gods              15946   EGY  17.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Dickie, Lloyd & Boudreau  Awakening Higher Consciousness  (Egypt & Sumer)       16002   EGY  18.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            DK Publishing             Eyewitness Ancient Egypt (DK)                         25698   EGY  16.99
   Egyptian Spirituality            Dunn, Christopher         Giza Power Plant                                      25458   EGY  18.00
   Egyptian Spirituality            Dunn, Christopher         Lost Technologies Of Ancient Egypt                    19505   EGY  25.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Edwards, Nick             Pyramid 10" Research Kit (9789991541648)              12195   EGY  40.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            el Zeini & Dees           Omm Sety's Egypt                                      15609   EGY  19.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Farr, Florence            Egyptian Magic                                        22978   EGY  12.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Freke, T. & Gandy, P.     Hermetica  Lost Wisdom Of Pharaohs                    26032   EGY  15.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Giblin & Ibatoulline      Secrets Of The Sphinx                                 11318   EGY  17.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Gordon, John              Egypt  Child Of Atlantis                              30139   EGY  20.00
   Egyptian Spirituality            Greenberg, Gary           Moses Mystery                                         13011   EGY  21.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Griffith & Thompson (Eds) Leyden Papyrus  Egyptian Magical Book                 19382   EGY  17.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Gunn, Battiscombe         Instruction Of Ptah-Hotep (978-1-68411-496-2)         19818   EGY   6.94
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Hancock & Bauval          Message Of The Sphinx                                 24015   EGY  18.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Harris, Eleanor           Ancient Egyptian Magic                                25467   EGY  18.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Hart, George              Routledge Dictionary Of Egyptian Gods & Goddesses     15706   EGY  26.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Hawass, Zahi              Tutankhamun & The Golden Age Of The Pharaohs          14713   EGY       
   Egyptian Spirituality            Haze, Xaviant             Aliens In Ancient Egypt                               17563   EGY  20.00
   Egyptian Spirituality            Hoffman, Danielle R.      Temples Of Light (Includes CD)                        17931   EGY  22.00
   Egyptian Spirituality            Hope, Murry               Book Of Talimantras (OP not available)                14675   EGY  29.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Hope, Murry               Way Of Cartouche (CD-ROM)                             30886   EGY  19.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Jackson, Lesley           Isis  The Eternal Goddess Of Egypt & Rome             28721   EGY  30.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Jacq, Christian           Fascinating Hieroglyphics (Out Of Print)              24759   EGY  13.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Kerrell & Goggins         Guide To Pyramid Energy                               12172   EGY   4.50
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Lemesurier, Peter         Gods Of The Dawn  Message Of The Pyramids             26431   EGY  13.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Lichtheim, Miriam         Ancient Egyptian Literature V.1 (0520028996)          25801   EGY  14.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Mancini, Anna             Maat Revealed                                         16182   EGY  25.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Massey, Gerald            Egyptian Book Of The Dead                             17357   EGY   9.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            McMahan, Ian              Secrets Of The Pharaohs                               28775   EGY  13.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Mehler, Stephen           Land Of Osiris                                        28933   EGY  18.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Murray, Margaret          Splendor That Was Egypt                               27111   EGY  16.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Naydler, Jeremy           Shamanic Wisdom In The Pyramid Texts                  30664   EGY  26.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Oakes, Lorna              Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Pyramids, Temples...      19522   EGY  18.99
   Egyptian Spirituality            Oakes, Lorna              Temples & Sacred Centres Of Ancient Egypt             17685   EGY  15.99
   Egyptian Spirituality            Osman, Ahmed              Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion            30680   EGY  20.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Ozaniec, Naomi            Becoming a Garment of ISIS                            11941   EGY  24.99
   Egyptian Spirituality            Paddon, Peter             Book Of The Veil                                      28873   EGY  23.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Paddon, Peter             Through The Veil                                      28874   EGY  21.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Pearce, Stuart            Angels & the Keys To Paradise                         20973   EGY  17.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Peck, William             Splendors Of Ancient Egypt                            25371   EGY  14.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Petrie, Flinders          Religion Of Ancient Egypt                             16545   EGY   6.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Rankine, David            Heka  Practices Of Ancient Egyptian Ritual & Magic    11585   EGY  28.00
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Reed, Ellen Cannon        Ancient Egyptian Magic For Modern Witches             12472   EGY  18.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Reeves & Wilkinson        Complete Valley Of The Kings                          24143   EGY  34.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Roberts, Alison           Hathor Rising   Power Of The Goddess in Anc. Egypt    23425   EGY  19.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Roberts, Alison           Hathor's Alchemy                                      31259   EGY   37.5
   Egyptian Spirituality            Roeder, Gunther           Egyptian Hieroglyphic Grammar (0486425096)            29361   EGY   9.95
   Egyptian Spirituality            Rossini, Stephane         Egyptian Hieroglyphics HT Read ..(0486260135)         29880   EGY   9.95
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Schoch & Bauval, Robert   Origins Of The Sphinx                                 28673   EGY  24.99
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   Egyptian Spirituality            Schoch, Robert            Voyages Of The Pyramid Builders                       30265   EGY  16.95
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   Fiction                          Williams, Charles         Many Dimensions                                       12821   FIC  12.95
   Fiction                          Williams, Charles         Place Of The Lion                                     13196   FIC  19.95
   Fiction                          Williams, Charles         War In Heaven                                         14096   FIC  14.00
   Fiction                          Wilson, Colin             Mind Parasites (BO'd 8/5/13)                          16535   FIC  14.95
   Fiction                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Earth Will Shake  H.I.C. Vol 1                        18437   FIC   4.95
   Fiction                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy                             15298   FIC  20.00
   Fiction                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Widow's Son  Hist Illum Chron 2 (OP 11/99)            18440   FIC   4.99
   Fiction                          Winspear, Jacqueline      Maisie Dobbs                                          25771   FIC  14.95
   Fiction                          Xingjian, Gao             Soul Mountain                                         30255   FIC  15.00
   Fiction                          Yongden, Lama             Mipam                                                 14634   FIC  12.95
   Fiction                          Youngholm, Tom            Celestial Bar  Food & Spirits                         22955   FIC  12.95
   Fiction                          Zink, Melissa             Water Dog's Tale                                      15506   FIC   6.25
   Fremasonry                       Anonymous                 Mahobone (Grand Lodge Door Openned)                   27236   FRM  19.95
   Fremasonry                       Bailey, Foster            Spirit Of Masonry                                     13701   FRM  12.00
   Fremasonry                       Case, Paul Foster         Two Essays  Masonic Letter G / Great Seal Of U.S.     19726   FRM  15.00
   Fremasonry                       Churchward, Albert        Origin & Antiquity Of Freemasonry                     27302   FRM  19.95
   Fremasonry                       Churchward, Albert        Origin & Evolution Of Freemasonry                     27301   FRM  18.95
   Fremasonry                       Duncan, Malcom C.         Duncan's Masonic Ritual & Monitor                     13024   FRM  16.95
   Fremasonry                       Hall, Manly P.            Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians                  12035   FRM  12.95
   Fremasonry                       Hall, Manly P.            Lost Keys Of Freemasonry                              12710   FRM   8.95
   Fremasonry                       Higgins, Frank            Ancient Freemasonry                                   25150   FRM  37.95
   Fremasonry                       Higgins, Frank C.         Hermetic Masonry                                      24739   FRM  21.95
   Fremasonry                       Mackey, Albert G.         Symbolism Of Freemasonry                              27581   FRM  24.95
   Fremasonry                       Percival, Harold W.       Masonry & Its Symbols                                 14444   FRM   6.95
   Fremasonry                       Zain, C.C.                Ancient Masonry                                       11081   FRM  16.95
   Gandhi                           Attenborough, Richard     Words Of Gandhi                                       20185   GAN  12.95
   Gandhi                           Easwaran, Eknath          Gandhi  The Man (ISBN 0-915132-96-6)                  12065   GAN  16.95
   Gandhi                           Gandhi, Mahatma           Bhagavad Gita According To Gandhi                     13145   GAN  13.95
   Gandhi                           Gandhi, Mahatma           Gandhi An Autobiography                               12068   GAN  18.00
   Gandhi                           Gandhi, Mahatma           Vows & Observances (POS INGR 12/29/06)                13755   GAN  13.00
   Gandhi                           Gold & Attenborough       Gandhi A Pictorial Biography                          12067   GAN   9.95
   Gandhi                           Merton, Thomas (editor)   Gandhi On Non-Violence                                12064   GAN  13.95
   Garden books                     Bockemuhl, Jochen         In Partnership With Nature                            15363   GAR  17.80
   Garden books                     Findhorn Community        Findhorn Garden Story (new Edition 2008)              11987   GAR  24.95
   Garden books                     Garland, Sarah            Herb Garden  Cmp Gd To Grwng Scntd, Cul & Med Hrbs    18868   GAR  19.95
   Garden books                     Hemenway, Toby            Gaia's Garden  Guide To Home-Scale Permaculture       30385   GAR  29.95
   Garden books                     Mc Gonagle, Cindy         Garden Notes  From The Nature Devas                   22101   GAR  12.95
   Garden books                     Norris, Gunilla           Embracing The Seasons                                 26992   GAR  14.95
   Garden books                     Riotte, Louise            Astrological Gardening  The Ancient Wisdom ...        18905   GAR  11.95
   Garden books                     Riotte, Louise            Planetary Planting                                    18907   GAR   9.95
   Garden books                     Roads, Michael J.         Conscious Gardening                                   21842   GAR  18.95
   Garden books                     Waldin, Monty             Biodynamic Gardening                                  22112   GAR  22.95
   Garden books                     Wright, Machaelle Small   Perelandra Garden Workbook 1                          17418   GAR  25.00
   Garden books                     Wright, Machaelle Small   Perelandra Garden Workbook II                         19743   GAR  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns                            Songs Of The Earth                                    22962   ONE   4.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Abram, David              Becoming Animal                                       19543   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Abram, David              Spell Of The Sensuous                                 20154   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Abuelaish, Izzeldin       I Shall Not Hate                                      27985   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Aburdene, Patricia        Megatrends 2010                                       13225   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Altman, Nathaniel         Nonviolent Revolution                                 24008   ONE  12.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Andrews, Cecile           Circle Of Simplicity                                  24204   ONE  12.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Andrews, Valerie          Passion For This Earth                                21071   ONE  10.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Arguelles, Jose           Manifesto For The Noosphere                           23069   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Arguelles, Jose           Transformative Vision (OP 4/05)                       11501   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Atlee, Tom                Tao Of Democracy                                      29548   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bache, Christopher        Dark Night Early Dawn  Deep Ecology                   28595   ONE  29.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Badiner, Allan  (Editor)  Mindfulness In The Marketplace                        29290   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Barber, Benjamin          Jihad vs. McWorld                                     29313   ONE  15.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bash, Barbara             True Nature  An Illustrated Journal                   30537   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bauer-Wu, Susan           Future We Can Love (Dalai Lama & Greta Thunberg)      13012   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Benson, John              Transformative Getaways                               21854   ONE  15.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Berardi, Alexander        Never Offer Your Comb To A Bald Man                   28314   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Berry, Thomas             Befriending The Earth                                 22286   ONE   9.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Berry, Thomas             Dream Of The Earth                                    18852   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Berry, Thomas             Evening Thoughts                                      18790   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Berry, Thomas             Great Work  Our Way Into The Future                   26875   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bharati, Swami Veda       Human Urge For Peace                                  22544   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bloom, William            Soulution                                             30582   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Boldt, Laurence           How To Find The Work You Love                         25074   ONE  10.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Like A Tree                                           20749   ONE  23.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Moving Toward The Millionth Circle                    17342   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bradley, Ian              God Is Green                                          13237   ONE   8.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Bregman, Rutger           Humankind A Hopeful History                           28237   ONE  18.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Briggs, Raleigh           Make Your Place  (Good Life) BO'd 5/22/2019           30662   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Brower, Kenneth           One Earth                                             19470   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Buhner, Stephen           Plant Intelligence & The imaginal Realm               21019   ONE  26.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Buhner, Stephen Harrod    Lost Language Of Plants                               16602   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Buhner, Stephen Harrod    Secret Teachings Of Plants                            20060   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Caddy, Eileen             Foundations Of A Spiritual Community                  22147   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Caddy, Eileen             Opening Doors Within (Video)                          16934   ONE  29.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Carroll, Lenedra          Architecture Of All Abundance                         28605   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Carter, Jimmy             Our Endangered Values                                 11053   ONE  15.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Clark, Glenn              Man Who Talks WIth The Flowers: Dr. Carver            21901   ONE  10.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Cohen, Michael            Reconnecting With Nature                              27126   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Cooper, David A.          Silence, Simplicity & Solitude                        30707   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Cooper, Milton William    Behold A Pale Horse                                   13423   ONE  25.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Cornell, Joseph           Listening To Nature                                   16989   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Cornell, Joseph           Sky & Earth Touched Me                                23294   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Cowan, David Ian          Navigating The Collapse Of Time                       21946   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Crow, Granddaughter       Wisdom Of The Natural World                           22532   ONE  16.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Dalai Lama & Tutu, D.     Book Of Joy                                           27424   ONE  28.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Dashefsky, H. Steven      Environmental Literacy  Saving Our Planet             21159   ONE  12.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Dennis, Kingsley          Struggle For Your Mind                                19386   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Devall & Sessions         Deep Ecology  Living As If Nature Mattered            25564   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Devereux, Paul            Re-Visioning The Earth                                22055   ONE  20.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  DiZerega, Gus             Fault Lines                                           14818   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Dossey, Larry             One Mind                                              24812   ONE  19.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Dougherty, Rose Mary      Group Spiritual Direction                             30061   ONE   9.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Drda, Darrin              Four Global Truths                                    23112   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Durning, Alan             How Much Is Enough  Consumer Society ...              12338   ONE   8.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Einstein, Albert          World As I See It                                     14201   ONE  11.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Eisenstein, Charles       Ascent Of Humanity                                    14936   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Eisenstein, Charles       More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know                  18500   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Eisler, Riane             Real Wealth Of Nations                                18080   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Elgin, Duane              Living Universe                                       16140   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Elgin, Duane              Voluntary Simplicity                                  14089   ONE  14.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Emmons, Viva              Roots Of Peace                                        15483   ONE   4.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Fahey, J. & Armstrong, R. Peace Reader                                          16987   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Feilds, Taylor Et Al      Chop Wood Carry Water                                 11498   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Ferguson, Marilyn         Aquarius Now                                          12572   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Feuerstein, Georg         Wholeness Or Transcendence ?                          15938   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Feuerstein, Georg & Trish Voices On The Threshold Of Tomorrow                   17353   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Fideler, David            Restoring The Soul Of The World                       16046   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Findhorn Community        Findhorn Garden Story (new Edition 2008)              11987   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Finn, Ellen Lippman       Emotional Witness                                     12891   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Flaum & Flaum             100-Mile Walk                                         21801   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Flinders, Tim             John Muir  Spiritual Writings                         17319   ONE  21.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Foster, Dayton            Wisdom Of Nature                                      23440   ONE   8.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Fox, Matthew              Manifesto For A Global Civilization                   12783   ONE   4.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Fox, Matthew       Order Of The Sacred Earth                             25884   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Frank, Peggy & Nakabonye  There Are Things That Cannot Be Changed               29772   ONE  25.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Freeman, Jacqueline       Song Of Increase  (Wisdom Of Honeybees)               27214   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Fuller, R. Buckminster    Critical Path                                         17463   ONE  25.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Fuller, R. Buckminster    Grunch Of Giants (POS 11/92, 8/93)                    19869   ONE   6.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Fuller, R. Buckminster    Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth                  15445   ONE   8.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Gaspar, Wiliam            Celestial Clock                                       27372   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  George, James             Asking For The Earth  Spiritual Ecological Crisis     22839   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Gerber, Alex              Wholeness  On Education, Buckminster Fuller...        27965   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Gladwell, Malcolm         Tipping Point                                         11034   ONE  17.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Glendinning, Chellis      My Name Is Chellis (087773996X)                       27333   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Goleman, Daniel           Ecological Intelligence                               18600   ONE  16.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Greer, John Michael       After Progress                                        30875   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Greer, John Michael       Mystery Teachings From The Living Earth               24074   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Greider, William          Soul Of Capitalism  Paths To A Moral Economy          30454   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Griffin, David Ray        9/11 Commission Report  Omissions & Distortions       30719   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Grosso, Michael           Final Choice  Playing The Survival Game               14776   ONE  10.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Gruchow, Paul             Grass Roots  Universe Of Home                         23264   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hageneder, Fred           Heritage Of Trees  History, Culture & Symbolism       16353   ONE  40.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Harbin Springs Publ.      New Age Community Guidebook                           18145   ONE   7.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Harding, Stephan          Gaia Alchemy                                          28526   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Harman, Willis, Ph.D.     Global Mind Change                                    17541   ONE  11.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hartman, Thom             We The People                                         30343   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hartmann, Thom            Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight                        25470   ONE  17.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hartmann, Thom            Unequal Protection                                    29308   ONE  20.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hartmann, Thom            What Would Jefferson Do?                              12531   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Harvey and Baker          Radical Regeneration                                  30130   ONE  29.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Harvey, Andrew            Hope  A Guide To Sacred Activism                      17080   ONE  16.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hawken, Paul              Natural Capitalism                                    24512   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hawkins, Kathleen         Spirit Incorporated (BO DV01 6/16/04)                 25567   ONE  14.50
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hill, Julia Butterfly     Legacy Of Luna                                        27109   ONE  15.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hill, Julia Butterfly     One Makes The Difference                              18364   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hoagland, Richard         Dark Mission  The Secret History Of NASA              27680   ONE  25.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hoeller, Stephan          Freedom  Alchemy For A Voluntary Society              21039   ONE  11.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hoeller, Stephan          Tao Of Freedom  reissued as # 21039 "Freedom"         15126   ONE   8.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Holdrege, Craig           Thinking Like A Plant                                 21133   ONE  25.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hollender, Jeffrey        How To Make The World A Better Place                  18523   ONE   9.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hopkins, Jeffrey          Art Of Peace  Nobel Peace Laureates...                27527   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Horowitz, Leonard         Healing Codes For The Biological Apoclypse            28974   ONE  26.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hubbard, Barbara Marx     Conscious Evolution                                   12324   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hubbard, Barbara Marx     Emergence                                             28236   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hubbard, Barbara Marx     Evolutionary Journey                                  11938   ONE   7.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hubbard, Barbara Marx     Happy Birthday Planet Earth                           15872   ONE   6.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Hunt, Scott               Future Of Peace                                       29192   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               Alice In Wonderland & The WTC Disaster                29294   ONE  29.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               And The Truth Shall Set You Free                      25304   ONE  29.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               Biggest Secret                                        25990   ONE  29.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               Children Of The Matrix                                28505   ONE  29.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               Heal The World                                        27165   ONE  11.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               Infinite Love Is The Only Truth...                    23854   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               Robots Rebellion (POS 1/4/05 INGR)                    24879   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Icke, David               Tales From The Time Loop                              30038   ONE  29.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Ilibagiza, Immaculee      Left To Tell                                          24239   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Inglis, Les               Diet For A Gentle World  Eating With Conscience       22679   ONE   7.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Ingram, Catherine         In The Footsteps Of Gandhi (New Ed. 9/03)             18986   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Int'l Forum On Globaliz.  Alternatives To Economic Globalization                29295   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Jacobs & Shragg Editors   Tree Stories                                          28905   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  James, Dawn               How To Raise The Vibration Around You                 16412   ONE  21.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Jaworski, Joseph          Synchronicity The Inner Path Of Leadership            24329   ONE  26.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Jensen, Derrick           Language Older Than Words                             28583   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Jensen, Derrick           Listening To The Land                                 22807   ONE  15.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Johnson, Michelle         Skill In Action                                       12112   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Jon, Shahan               Receiving The Cosmic Christ                           18871   ONE  15.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Jones, Ken                New Social Face Of Buddhism                           29606   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Judith, Anodea            Waking The Global Heart                               24809   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kahane, Adam              Power & Love  Theory & Practice of Social Change      11008   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kamenetzky, Mario         Invisible Player                                      26039   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kaza & Kraft (Editors)    Dharma Rain                                           27035   ONE  34.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kaza, Stephanie           Attentive Heart Convers. W/ Trees (OP 5/01)           19125   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kelley, Kevin W.          Home Planet  (OP 12/97)                               18452   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kelly, Jack & Marcia      Sanctuaries  The Complete United States               14493   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kelly, Marcia & Jack      Sanctuaries West Coast & SW (OP 4/99)                 21141   ONE  15.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kenney, Jim               Thriving In The Crosscurrent                          17536   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kimmerer, Robin           Gathering Moss                                        27435   ONE  18.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kimmerer, Robin           Gathering Moss                                        27435   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  King, Serge               Earth Energies  The Hidden Power Of The Planet        12776   ONE  12.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Korten, David             Great Turning                                         16885   ONE  27.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Korten, David             Post-Corporate World                                  28292   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Korten, David             When Corporations Rule The World                      27930   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Krishna, Gopi             Shape Of Events To Come                               26213   ONE  12.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Kushi, Michio             One Peaceful World                                    17130   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  LaChapelle, Dolores       Sacred Land  Sacred Sex  Rapture Of The Deep          19485   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lachman, Gary             Caretakers Of The Cosmos                              17924   ONE  35.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lappe', Frances & Anna    Hope's Edge                                           14980   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Laszlo & Combs (Eds)      Thomas Berry Dreamer Of The Earth                     21864   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Laszlo, Ervin             Worldshift 2012                                       16029   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  LaViolette, Paul          Earth Under Fire                                      17012   ONE  26.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Leadingham, et al (Edt)   Peace Prayers  Meditations, Affirmations, Poems...    20436   ONE  10.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lee, Robert               Broken Trust, Broken Land                             22765   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lemkow, Anna F.           Wholeness Principle                                   18869   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lerner, Michael           Left Hand Of God  Taking Back Our Country             13772   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lerner, Michael           Spirit Matters                                        27378   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lindsay, Gordon           Occult Diaries Of R. Ogilvie Crombie                  23990   ONE  21.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Loeb, Paul                Soul Of A Citizen                                     30502   ONE  18.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Logan, William            Dirt  Ecstatic Skin Of The Earth                      23875   ONE  12.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lonely Planet             Lonely Planet's Beautiful World                       23208   ONE  19.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Loorz, Victoria           Church Of The Wild                                    14596   ONE  18.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lopez, Andrew             How To Heal The Earth In Your Spare Time              19565   ONE  10.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lorber, Jakob             Earth & Moon                                          20536   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lovelock, James           Ages Of Gaia                                          17606   ONE  10.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lovelock, James           Novacene                                              23943   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Loy, David                Great Awakening  Buddhist Social Theory               29605   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Lyman, Francesca, et alia Greenhouse Trap  What We're Doing To The Atm. ...     18812   ONE   9.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  MacLeod, Kirsteen         In Praise Of Retreat                                  23615   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Macy, Joanna              Coming Back To Life                                   27775   ONE  21.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Macy, Joanna              Widening Circles                                      27856   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Macy, Joanna              World As Lover, World As Self                         19985   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Macy, Joanna & Johnstone  Active Hope                                           19106   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Maeterlinck, Maurice      Life Of The Bee                                       30898   ONE  10.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Maitland, Arnaud          MasterWork                                            27046   ONE  17.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Mander, Jerry             Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television      27448   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Mander, Jerry             In The Absence Of The Sacred                          25341   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Mander, Jerry & Goldsmith Case Against The Global Economy                       26839   ONE  17.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Marks, William            Holy Order Of Water                                   28648   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Marrs, Jim                Our Occulted History                                  21985   ONE  17.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Marrs, Jim                Rule By Secrecy                                       24964   ONE  17.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Martin, V. & Inglis, M.   Wilderness The Way Ahead                              14891   ONE  10.50
   Global Responsibility, concerns  May, Gerald               Wisdom Of Wilderness                                  30989   ONE  14.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  McCarthy, Scott           Celebrating The Earth                                 19115   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  McDonald, Barry (Editor)  Seeing God Everywhere                                 22398   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  McLaughlin & Davidson     Spiritual Politics  Changing The Wrld From Inside     22093   ONE  23.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  McLuhan, T.C.             Cathedrals Of The Spirit                              23692   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Meacham, Elizabeth        Earth Spirit Dreaming  Shamanic Ecotherapy            20181   ONE  16.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Mehta, P.D.               Holistic Consciousness  Rflns On The Dstny Of Hmty    18652   ONE   9.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Mindell, Arnold           Leader As Martial Artist                              23197   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Molyneaux, Brian          Sacred Earth  Spirits Of The Landscape                22838   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Moore, Kathleen Dean      Riverwalking                                          25267   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Moore, Sandy & Deanna     Green Intention (BO'd 12/29/2022)                     20826   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Muller, Robert            Decide To ...                                         18231   ONE   3.50
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Muller, Robert            New Genesis                                           13017   ONE   6.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Murray, William J.        Anarchic Harmony                                      26619   ONE  12.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Nasr, Seyyed Hossein      Man & Nature                                          19849   ONE  15.50
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Nearing, Helen & Scott    Good Life  Nearing's Sixty Years ...(BO'd 3/17/11)    17642   ONE  15.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Needleman, Jacob          American Soul                                         29457   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Nicholson & Rosen         Gaia's Hidden Life (685) Unseen Inteligence of Nat    18590   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Nolan, Maetreyii          Dharma For Awakening And Social Change                31302   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Ornstein, R. & P. Ehrlich New World New Mind  (OSI 09.96)                       15669   ONE   9.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Palast, Greg              Best Democracy Money Can Buy                          30314   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Palmer, Parker            Hidden Wholeness                                      11255   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Peace Pilgrim             Peace Pilgrim  Her Life & Work                        13180   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Peace Pilgrim / Canfield  Peace Pilgrim's Wisdom                                15807   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Peace Pilgrim II          Enjoying The Journey  Teach's Of Peace Pilgrim II     23261   ONE  10.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Pearce, Joseph Chilton    Strange Loops & Gestures Of Creation                  22220   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Peck, M. Scott            Different Drum                                        16851   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Penniman, Leah            Black Earth Wisdom                                    17512   ONE  26.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Perlas, Nicanor           Shaping Globalization (OP 2/04)                       29718   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Perry, Carol Rosenblum    Land Whisperer                                        17786   ONE  17.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Phillips & Project Censor Censored 2000  Year's Top 25 Censored Stories         27795   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Pinchbeck, Daniel         Notes From The Edge Times                             20056   ONE  23.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Plotkin, Bill             Nature & The Human Soul                               22483   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Plotkin, Bill             Soulcraft                                             29931   ONE  21.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Plotkin, Bill             Wild Mind                                             19740   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Pogacnik, Marko           Gaia's Quantum Leap                                   22509   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Pogacnik, Marko           Sacred Geography                                      13657   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Pogacnik, Marko           Touching The Breath Of Gaia                           21892   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Pogacnik, Marko           Turned Upside Down                                    30626   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Quinn, Daniel             Beyond Civilization                                   27016   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Rabbin, Robert            Invisible Leadership                                  25650   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Ray, Veronica             Green Spirituality                                    11591   ONE   9.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Ricard, Matthieu          Altruism                                              28333   ONE  18.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Rifkin, Jeremy            Declaration Of A Heretic                              14151   ONE   7.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Rockefeller & Elder       Spirit & Nature                                       15350   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Roszak, Theodore          Voice Of The Earth                                    19804   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Roszak, Theodore (Edt)    Ecopsychology  Restoring The Earth                    22986   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Rothberg, Donald          Engaged Spiritual Life                                22005   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Rudhyar, Dane             Planetarization Of Consciousness                      13198   ONE  22.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Ryley, Nancy              Forsaken Garden                                       25677   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sadhguru                  Inner Engineering                                     20625   ONE  26.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sahtouris, Elisabet       Gaia  Human Journey From Chaos To ... (OSI 7/94)      11215   ONE   7.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Schaefer, Carol           Grandmothers Counsel The World                        30833   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Scharper & Cunningham     Green Bible (BO BP 9/3/02)                            15917   ONE   6.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Seed, John, et alia       Thinking Like A Mountain (OP 7/06)                    18584   ONE  11.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Seruntine, Cliff          Seasons Of The Sacred Earth                           15487   ONE  17.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sessions, George  (Edt.)  Deep Ecology For The 21st Century                     22602   ONE  45.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sheehan, K. & Waidner, M. Earth Child  Games, Stories, Activites & Ideas...     20453   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sheldrake, Merlin         Entangled Life                                        18368   ONE  20.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sheldrake, Rupert         Rebirth Of Nature                                     20915   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Shepherd, Philip          New Self New world                                    23181   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Shiva, Vandana            Stolen Harvest  Hijacking Of Global Food Supply       28501   ONE  14.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Singer, Peter & Chao-Hwei Buddhist & The Ethicist                               15526   ONE  21.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Skolimowski, Henryk       Ecoyoga                                               25206   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Skolimowski, Henryk       Sacred Place To Dwell  Reverence Upon The Earth       21827   ONE  13.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Spiegel, Richard          Last World  Taoist & Native American Philosophies     28993   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  St. Barbe Baker, Richard  My Life My Trees                                      12938   ONE   8.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Starhawk                  Empowerment Manual                                    25218   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Steingraber, Sandra       Living Downstream  (Paper due 6/98)                   25047   ONE  24.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Straub, Gail              Rhythm Of Compassion                                  27158   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Suchantke, Andreas        Eco-Geography                                         25985   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sun Bear & Wabun Wind     Black Dawn Bright Day                                 19131   ONE  11.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sutton, Antony            America's Secret Establishment                        28934   ONE  24.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Sweeney, Duane            Peace Catalog                                         16377   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Taylor, Skye              Monk In The Bee Hive                                  21167   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Thomas, Marvin            Personal Village                                      30478   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Thompson, William Irwin   Coming Into Being                                     25461   ONE  12.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Thompson, William Irwin   Gaia  A Way Of Knowing                                17398   ONE  10.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Thompson, William Irwin   Transforming History                                  28738   ONE  22.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Thoreau, Henry David      Walden  Life In The woods                             11934   ONE  16.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Tobias & Cowan (Editors)  Soul Of Nature                                        23885   ONE  11.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Tod, Hope                 Maze & The Arc Of Light                               20400   ONE  12.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Toffler, Alvin            Third Wave                                            27135   ONE   7.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Trevelyan, George         Operation Redemption                                  13117   ONE   7.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Trevelyan, George         Summons To A High Crusade                             15604   ONE   6.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Trevelyan, George         Vision Of The Aquarian Age                            14974   ONE   6.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Twain, Mark               War Prayer                                            26249   ONE   9.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Van Den Brink, Margarete  Transforming People & Organizations                   12040   ONE  24.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Vaughan-Lee, et al        Spiritual Ecology                                     23295   ONE  15.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn    Darkening Of The Light                                18443   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn    Spiritual Ecology 10 Practicies To Reawaken...        19583   ONE  12.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Versluis, Arthur          Mystical State                                        17734   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Von Essen, Carl           Ecomysticism                                          21558   ONE  18.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Von Ward, Paul            Children Of A Living Universe                         20894   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Walker, Alex (Editor)     Kingdom Within (Findhorn)                             22531   ONE  14.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Wallis, Jim               Rediscovering Values                                  18405   ONE  24.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Waters, Frank             Mountain Dialogues                                    15471   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Weisman, Alan             Gaviotas  A Village To Reinvent The World             26078   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Wheatley, Margaret        Turning To One Another                                28849   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Whyte, David              Heart Aroused                                         23741   ONE  16.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Williamson, Marianne (ED) Imagine                                               12621   ONE  16.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Wilson, Robert Anton      Everything Is Under Control                           29612   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Wink, Walter              Jesus & Nonviolence  A Third Way                      30300   ONE   7.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Withers, Alan             Guiding Light to the Future                           17766   ONE  16.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Wohlleben, Peter          Hidden Life Of Trees  Illustrated Edition             31193   ONE  35.00
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Wolinsky, Stephen         Walden III  In Search Of A Utopian Nirvana            30056   ONE  18.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Woodley, Randy & Edith    Journey To Elohen                                     22949   ONE  27.99
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Yang, Larry               Awakening Together                                    23842   ONE  17.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Yetunde & Giles (Editors) Black & Buddhist                                      12301   ONE  19.95
   Global Responsibility, concerns  Yetunde, Pamela Ayo       Casting Indra's Net                                   30741   ONE  19.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Amundsen, Christian       Illumination                                          27885   GNO  12.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Amundsen, Christian       Secret Teachings Of Jesus                             26302   GNO  18.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Barnstone & Meyer (Edit)  Gnostic Bible                                         30050   GNO  42.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Bauman, Lynn              Gospel Of Thomas  Wisdom Of The Twin (POS 2/2017)     30187   GNO  18.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Beane, Wendell Charles    Truth Within You                                      25631   GNO  12.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Burke, Abbot George       Gnostic Christianity (BO DV01 12/7/01)                22458   GNO   7.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Churton, Tobias           Gnostic Philosophy                                    30684   GNO  24.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Conner, Miguel            Voices Of Gnosticism                                  13473   GNO   12.5
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Dart & Riegert            Gospel Of Thomas                                      28058   GNO  16.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Dart, John & Riegert, Ray Unearthing The Lost Words Of J.C. Of Thomas           25705   GNO  17.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Davies, Stevan            Gospel Of Thomas (189-336-1454)                       18254   GNO  19.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Davies, Stevan            Secret Book Of John                                   14804   GNO  18.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Doresse, Jean             Discovery Of The Nag Hammadi Texts                    30682   GNO  19.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Doresse, Jean             Secret Books Of The Egyptian Gnostics                 15601   GNO  22.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Feather, Robert           Mystery Of The Copper Scroll Of Qumran                25502   GNO  25.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Feather, Robert           Secret Initiation Of Jesus At Qumran                  30691   GNO  24.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Freke and Gandy           Gospel Of The Second Coming (4 CD)                    17962   GNO  23.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Freke, Timothy            Laughing Jesus                                        14300   GNO  15.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Hedrick & Mirecki         Gospel Of The Savior                                  16702   GNO  20.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Hoeller, Stephan          Gnostic Catechism                                     26283   GNO   7.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Hoeller, Stephan          Gnosticism  New Light....                             28967   GNO  16.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Hoeller, Stephan          Jung & The Lost Gospels (646)                         18290   GNO  16.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Hurtak, J J               Pistis Sophia                                         28342   GNO  50.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Hurtak, J.J.              Gnosticism  Mystery Of Mysteries                      16544   GNO  10.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Kasser, Meyer, & Wurst    Gospel Of Judas (142-6200-489)                        14372   GNO  12.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  King, Karen               Secret Revelation Of John                             14714   GNO  31.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  King, Karen L.            What Is Gnosticism                                    26934   GNO  16.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Kingsland, William        Gnosis  Ancient Wisdom In The Christian..             19501   GNO  18.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim    Gnosis On The Silk Road                               22334   GNO  30.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Lacarriere, Jacques       Gnostics                                              18649   GNO   7.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Lamplugh, F.              Gnosis Of The Light                                   19775   GNO  12.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Lash, John Lamb           Not in His Image                                      17120   GNO  24.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Layton, Bentley           Gnostic Scriptures                                    23100   GNO  35.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Leloup, Jean-Yves         Gospel Of Mary Magdalene                              28948   GNO  14.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  LeLoup, Jean-Yves         Gospel Of Philip                                      30215   GNO  14.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Leloup, Jean-Yves         Gospel Of Thomas                                      29930   GNO  14.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Leloup, Jean-Yves         Judas & Jesus  Two Faces Of A Single Revelation       30885   GNO  14.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Leloup, Jean-Yves         Sacred Embrace Of Jesus & Mary                        30960   GNO  14.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Lumpkin, Joseph           Gospel of Mary Magdalene                              23025   GNO  15.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Lupieri, Edmondo          Mandaeans  The Last Gnostics                          29522   GNO   38.5
   Gnosis, gnostic                  MacDermot Violet          Fall Of Sophia  (New Tran. Pistis Sophia) POS         28540   GNO  18.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Malachi, Tau              Gnostic Gospel Of St. Thomas                          18020   GNO  24.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Malachi, Tau              Living Gnosis                                         22882   GNO  14.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Malachi, Tau              St. Mary Magdalene                                    14499   GNO  19.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Malachi, Tau & Gideon     Gnosis Of Guadalupe                                   28754   GNO  24.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Malachi, Tau & Houston, S Gnostic Healing                                       19997   GNO  16.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Massey, Gerald            Gnostic & Historic Christianity                       15035   GNO  10.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S.              Echoes From The Gnosis                                15377   GNO  27.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S.              Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten                        12110   GNO  29.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S.              Gnostic Crucifixion                                   12100   GNO   6.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S.              Pistis Sophia (Dover)                                 12762   GNO  17.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S.              Simon Magus  His Philosophy & Teachings               29987   GNO  12.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S.              Simon Magus  The Gnostic Magician                     12101   GNO   9.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S.              Thrice Greatest Hermes                                20905   GNO  39.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Mead, G.R.S. (Trnsl&Comm) Hymn Of Jesus (432)                                   12370   GNO   2.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Meyer, Marvin             Gnostic Discoveries  Impact Of Nag Hammadi            27376   GNO  14.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Meyer, Marvin             Gnostic Gospels Of Jesus                              17163   GNO  22.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Meyer, Marvin             Gospel Of Thomas                                      16331   GNO  20.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Meyer, Marvin             Gospels Of Mary                                       30201   GNO  12.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Meyer, Marvin             Unknown Sayings Of Jesus                              14545   GNO  19.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Meyer, Marvin (Edit)      Nag Hammadi Scriptures (International Edition)        30974   GNO  39.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Meyer, Marvin (transl.)   Secret Teachings Of Jesus                             14978   GNO  14.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Norelli-Bachelet, P.      Gnostic Circle                                        27884   GNO  18.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elaine            Adam, Eve, & The Serpent                              12808   GNO  16.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elaine            Beyond Belief                                         29564   GNO  15.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elaine            Gnostic Gospels                                       12114   GNO  17.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elaine            Gnostic Gospels (6 CD)                                16831   GNO  25.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elaine            Gnostic Paul (BO NEWL 7/28/07)                        27352   GNO  22.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elaine            Gospel Of Thomas (2 CDs)                              14495   GNO  19.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elaine & King, K. Reading Judas (POS 3/14/14)                           30923   GNO  15.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Pagels, Elainne           Origin Of Satan                                       22914   GNO  18.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Petrement, Simone         Separate God  Origins & Teachings Of Gnosticism       21177   GNO  18.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Ragg, Lonsdale & Laura    Gospel Of Barnabas                                    19629   GNO   9.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Robinson, James           Secrets Of Judas                                      14355   GNO  19.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Ross, Hugh McGregor       Gospel Of Thomas (OP?)                                17040   GNO   9.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Rudolph, Kurt             Gnosis                                                15238   GNO  23.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Rudolph, Kurt             Gnosis  The Nature & History Of Gnosticism            26933   GNO  23.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Seymour-Smith, Martin     Gnosticism  Path Of Inner Knowledge (OP 5/99)         23909   GNO  12.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Simon, Bernard            Essence Of The Gnostics                               28709   GNO  12.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Singer, June              Gnostic Book Of Hours                                 13899   GNO  19.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew (Editor)    Gnostic 3                                             13439   GNO  18.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew (Editor)    Gnostic 4                                             13452   GNO  18.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip     Dictionary Of Gnosticism                              17066   GNO  19.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip     Gnostic 6                                             12389   GNO  21.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip     Gnostic Writings On The Soul                          13408   GNO  16.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip     Gnostics                                              17946   GNO  14.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip     Gospel Of Philip                                      28572   GNO  16.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip     John The Baptist & The Last Gnostics (Mandaeans)BO    12661   GNO  16.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip     Lost Sayings Of Jesus                                 11348   GNO  16.99
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smith, Andrew Phillip (ED Gnostic 5                                             13819   GNO  21.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Smoley, Richard           Forbidden Faith  Gnostic Legacy                       15191   GNO  15.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Spierenburg, H.J.         H.P. Blavatsky On The Gnostics (Not available)        23785   GNO  16.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Wade, Cheryl D.           Luminous Child  Tale Of Myth, Metaphor & Magic        19199   GNO  13.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Walker, Benjamin          Gnosticism  Its History & Influence                   12757   GNO  12.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Welburn, Andrew           Beginnings Of Christianity                            16511   GNO  40.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Weor, Samael Aun          Cosmic Teachings Of A Lama                            22362   GNO  19.00
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Weor, Samael Aun          Gnostic Bible  Pistis Sophia Unveiled                 18055   GNO  24.95
   Gnosis, gnostic                  Weor, Samael Aun          Mystery Of The Golden Blossom                         29822   GNO  14.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Covell, O. Dexter         Taking The Path To Spiritual Awakening (Goldsmith)    13332   GJS  19.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Altitude Of Prayer                                    12234   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Art Of Meditation                                     11126   GJS  13.99
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Art Of Spiritual Healing                              11128   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Art Of Spiritual Living                               19471   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Awakening Mystical Consciousness                      25818   GJS  17.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Beyond Words & Thoughts                               21961   GJS  17.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Christmas Letters                                     29746   GJS  14.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Collected Essays Of Joel S. Goldsmith                 17132   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Conscious Union With God                              11603   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Consciousness In Transition                           24815   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Consciousness Is What I Am                            25792   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Consciousness Transformed                             25061   GJS  24.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Consciousness Unfolding                               12371   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Contemplative Life                                    11607   GJS  15.00
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Early Years (1932-1946 Letters)                       12837   GJS  18.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Foundation Of Mysticism                               21439   GJS  21.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Gift Of Love                                          12096   GJS  12.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        God  The Substance Of All Forms                       12121   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        God Formed Us For His Glory                           26874   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Heart Of Mysticism  Infinite Way Letters 1955-59      24158   GJS  38.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Infinite Way                                          12435   GJS  12.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Infinite Way Letters 1954                             24206   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Invisible Supply                                      19422   GJS  12.99
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Joel Goldsmith Reader                                 30027   GJS  20.00
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Journey Back To The Father's House                    12920   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Leave Your Nets                                       12605   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Living Between Two Worlds                             24305   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Living Now                                            12688   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Living The Infinite Way                               12689   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Man Was Not Born To Cry                               12774   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Master Speaks                                         12813   GJS  22.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Mystical I (OP 6/2000)                                21302   GJS  10.00
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Our Spiritual Resources  (OP 3/99)                    19633   GJS  14.00
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Parenthesis In Eternity                               13142   GJS  18.99
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Practicing The Presence                               13247   GJS  13.99
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Realization Of Oneness                                11948   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Rising In Consciousness (80% SAME AS 24972)           24574   GJS  18.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Seek Ye First                                         29352   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Showing Forth The Presence Of God                     17209   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Spiritual Healing  Selections Of Writings             22113   GJS  12.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Spiritual Interpretation Of Scripture                 13710   GJS   7.99
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Spiritual Power Of Truth                              19551   GJS  15.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Three Essays                                          13834   GJS   1.50
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        Thunder Of Silence                                    13947   GJS  16.95
   Goldsmith, Joel S.               Goldsmith, Joel S.        World Is New (80% SAME AS 24574)                      24972   GJS  17.95
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   Healing                          Dossey, Larry             Reinventing Medicine                                  26475   HEA  14.00
   Healing                          Dougans, Inge             New Reflexology                                       24296   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Dougans, Inge             Reflexology  A Practical Intro. (OP 1/2003)           20245   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Downing                   Massage Book                                          12829   HEA  20.00
   Healing                          Drury, Nevill & Susan     Illustrated Dictionary Of Natural Health              17893   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Drury, Neville (editor)   Inner Health                                          15110   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Drury, Susan              Tea Tree Oil                                          20588   HEA   7.95
   Healing                          Duff, Kat                 Alchemy Of Illness (OSI 10/2001)                      25905   HEA  11.00
   Healing                          Dummer, Tom               Tibetan Medicine & Other Holistic... (OSI 6/95)       20975   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Eden, Donna               Energy Medicine                                       26412   HEA  20.00
   Healing                          Eden, Donna               Energy Medicine For Women                             15635   HEA  20.00
   Healing                          Eden, Donna               Little Book Of Energy Medicine                        11196   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          Eden, Donna         Promise Of Energy Psychology                          13472   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Eden, Donna, & Feinstein  Energies Of Love                                      23841   HEA  27.95
   Healing                          Edwards, Sandy            Spiritual Healing In Hospitals & Clinics              29175   HEA  19.99
   Healing                          Egidio, Gene              Whose Hands Are These?                                24634   HEA  22.00
   Healing                          Egoscue, Pete             Pain Free                                             17616   HEA  18.00
   Healing                          Ehret, Arnold             Rational Fasting ( 188-477-2013 )                     13381   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Eisenberg, David          Encounters With Qi ("Chee")                           16111   HEA  10.00
   Healing                          Elisabeth Brooke          Traditional Western Herbal Medicine                   23443   HEA  37.99
   Healing                          Emery, Marcia             Intuitive Healer                                      26511   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Epstein, Donald           12 Stages Of Healing                                  19162   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Epstein, Donald           Healing Myths  Healing Magic                          26695   HEA  14.00
   Healing                          Epstein, Gerald           Healing Into Immortality                              22384   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Epstein, Gerald, M.D.     Healing Visualizations  Cr'ng Health Through Imag.    18143   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          Erdmann, Robert           Amino Revolution                                      19724   HEA  11.00
   Healing                          Esselstyn, Caldwell       Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease                       13390   HEA  17.00
   Healing                          Falcone, Ron              Complete Guide To Alternative Cancer (OP 9/00)        22439   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Feldenkrais, Moshe        Awareness Through Movement                            11237   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Feldenkrais, Moshe        Body Awareness As Healing Therapy                     22059   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Feldenkrais, Moshe        Potent Self                                           13219   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Fields, Gregory           Religious Therapeutics                                28571   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Finckh, Dr. Elisabeth     Studies In Tibetan Medicine                           18033   HEA   9.95
   Healing                          Flaws, Bob                Arisal Of The Clear  Eating & Chinese Medicine        23862   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Fortson, Leigh            Embrace Release Heal (Lrg Print) see 23060            24315   HEA  37.00
   Healing                          Francis, Emily            Body Heals Itself                                     18950   HEA  21.99
   Healing                          Francis, Raymond          Never Be Sick Again                                   19632   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Frazier, Karen            Little Book Of Energy Healing Techniques              25311   HEA  13.99
   Healing                          Frediani, Elizabeth       Where Body Meets Soul                                 15469   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Fulder, Stephen           Tao Of Medicine ( OP ? )                              13823   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Gach, Michael             Acupressure For Emotional Healing                     30535   HEA  24.00
   Healing                          Gach, Michael             Acupressure's Potent Points                           19229   HEA  22.00
   Healing                          Gallerstein, Laura Penn   Whispers In Sound                                     24954   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Gascoigne, Stephen        Chinese Way To Health                                 31040   HEA  22.95
   Healing                          Gehl, Jennifer            Science Of Planetary In Medicine                      28341   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Gerber, Richard           Practical Guide To Vibrational Healing (BO'd 10/2)    11582   HEA  15.99
   Healing                          Gerber, Richard           Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine               16232   HEA  15.99
   Healing                          Gerber, Richard           Vibrational Medicine                                  15179   HEA  18.00
   Healing                          Gerrard, Don              One Bowl                                              28302   HEA  15.99
   Healing                          Glaser, Emily             Ayurveda For Women                                    15936   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Goldner, Diane            Infinite Grace                                        26474   HEA  23.95
   Healing                          Gordon, Richard           Quantum-Touch 2.0  New Human                          27142   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Goswami, Amit             Quantum Doctor                                        30588   HEA  18.95
   Healing                          Graves, Tom               Diviner's Handbook (POS 01/89)                        12713   HEA   5.95
   Healing                          Grayson, Henry            Your Power To Heal                                    28220   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Green, Elmer & Alyce      Beyond Biofeedback                                    18457   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Greer, Carl               Change The Story Of Your Health                       28151   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Grinberg, Avi             Foot Analysis (OSI 8/01)                              21503   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Grundland & Kay, Patricia Cell Level Meditation                                 19104   HEA  14.99
   Healing                          Guo, Bisong & Powell, A.  Listen To Your Body  Wisdom Of Dao                    20240   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Haas, Elson M.            Staying Healthy With The Seasons                      13731   HEA  18.99
   Healing                          Hadady, Letha             Asian Health Secrets                                  24932   HEA  18.00
   Healing                          Hall, Nicola M.           Thorsons Introductory Guide To Reflexology            11065   HEA   8.00
   Healing                          Hammerschlag & Silverman  Healing Ceremonies                                    24491   HEA  21.00
   Healing                          Hammond, Christopher Dr.  How To Use Homeopathy                                 20910   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Hanna, Thomas             Body Of Life                                          26411   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Hanna, Thomas             Somatics                                              17326   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hanscom,M.D., David       Back In Control ..                                    25729   HEA  24.99
   Healing                          Harpur, Tom               Uncommon Touch  Investigation Of Spiritual Healing    21805   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Hass, Rue Anne            Opening The Cage Of Pain With EFT                     15174   HEA  18.00
   Healing                          Hawkes, Joyce             Cell-Level Healing                                    15638   HEA  23.95
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Along The Path To Enlightenment                       20912   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Discovery Of The Presence Of God                      29319   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Dissolving The Ego, Realizing The Self                21007   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Eye Of The I                                          25404   HEA  18.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Healing and Recovery                                  13404   HEA  24.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            I  Reality & Subjectivity                             29480   HEA  29.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Map Of Consciousness Explained                        11726   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Power Vs. Force                                       27523   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Reality, Spirituality, And Modern Man                 23047   HEA  20.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Transcending Levels Of Consciousness                  13255   HEA  24.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Truth Vs. Falsehood: How To Tell The Difference       12290   HEA  21.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David            Wisdom Of Dr. David R. Hawkins                        18374   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Hawkins, David R.         Letting Go  The Pathway Of Surrender                  13886   HEA  18.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               21 Days To Unlock The Power Of Affirmations           25989   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Cancer  Discovering Your Healing Power (CD)           14952   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Colors & Numbers                                      18969   HEA  10.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Embrace Your Power                                    29954   HEA  12.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Empowering Women                                      24291   HEA   8.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Experience Your Good Now! (Inc. CD)                   13156   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Heal Your Body                                        12210   HEA  12.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Heart Thoughts                                        19184   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               I Can Do It                                           25014   HEA  12.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Life!  Reflections On Your Journey                    23104   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Love Your Body  (Formerly I Love My Body)             18252   HEA   9.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook                18987   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Meditations To Heal Your Life                         22327   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Mirror Work                                           25568   HEA  14.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Overcoming Fear (CD)                                  11349   HEA  10.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Power Is Within You                                   19864   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Present Moment 365 Daily Affirmations                 31108   HEA  12.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Self Healing Creating Your Health  (CD)               23851   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Times Of Our Lives                                    23084   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               Totality Of Possibilities (CD)                        18158   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               What I Believe  Deep Relaxation (CD)                  14270   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise               You Can Heal Your Life Box Set with DVD               16878   HEA  19.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise & Holden, R.  Life Loves You                                        26528   HEA  19.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise & Kessler     You Can Heal Your Heart                               21143   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise & Richardson  You Can Create An Exceptional Life                    22365   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Hay, Louise & Schulz      All Is Well                                           12242   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise & Schulz      Heal Your Mind                                        27438   HEA  19.99
   Healing                          Hay, Louise        Millennium 2000  A Positive Approach                  26045   HEA   7.00
   Healing                          Hay,Louise                You Can Heal Your Life                                28762   HEA  15.99
   Healing                          Helion Publishing         Facelift Accupressure Chart (C4)                      27454   HEA   5.99
   Healing                          Henderson, Robert         Emotion & Healing In The Energy Body                  26525   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Hendler, Sheldon Saul     Oxygen Breakthrough  (OSI 4/95)                       15410   HEA   4.95
   Healing                          Hetherington, Michael     Art Of Self Muscle Testing                            22377   HEA  12.00
   Healing                          Hiestand, Denie & Shelley Electrical Nutrition                                  27835   HEA  13.95
   Healing                          Hobday, Richard           Healing Power of the Sun                              20409   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hobday, Richard           Healing Sun  Sunlight & Health in the 21st century    29238   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Hobday, Richard           Light Revolution                                      29695   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Hof, Wim                  Wim Hoff Method                                       29588   HEA  25.99
   Healing                          Hoffmann, David           Herbal Guide To Stress Relief                         19416   HEA   9.95
   Healing                          Hoffmann, David           New Holistic Herbal                                   12297   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Holdway, Ann              Kinesiology: Muscle Testing                           26544   HEA   9.95
   Healing                          Hopkins, Lloyd F.         Introduction To Mind Sight & Perception Research      15565   HEA   7.00
   Healing                          Horowitz, Leanard         Healing Celebrations                                  27526   HEA  22.95
   Healing                          Hover-Kramer, Dorothea    Second Chance At Your Dream                           12628   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Howe, Linda               Healing Through The Akashic Records                   21371   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Huddleston, Peggy         Peggy Huddleston's Relaxation (2 CDs)                 13083   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Jacka, Judy               Synthesis In Healing                                  29715   HEA  18.95
   Healing                          Jacobs, Jennifer (Editor) Encyclopedia Of Alternative Medicine                  14650   HEA  24.95
   Healing                          Jahnke, Roger             Healer Within                                         26005   HEA  14.00
   Healing                          Jain, Shamini             Healing Ourselves  Biofield Science...                12232   HEA  25.99
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Healing                          Jain, Shamini             Healing Ourselves  Biofield Science...                12232   HEA  25.99
   Healing                          Jarmey & Mojay            Shiatsu  The Complete Guide                           24648   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Jarmey, Chris             Thorson's Introductory Guide To Shiatsu               21117   HEA  10.00
   Healing                          Jefferson, Warren         Colloidal Silver Today                                20330   HEA   6.95
   Healing                          Jensen, Bernard           Dr. Jensen's Nutrition Handbook                       20325   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Johari, Harish            Healing Cuisine (OP? 12/02)                           22252   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Johnson, Larry            Gemstone Prescriptions                                28281   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Johnson, Sandy            Brazilian Healer With The Kitchen Knife               30048   HEA  21.95
   Healing                          Johnston, Linda  M.D.     Everyday Miracles  Homeopathy In Action               20848   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Jones, Alex               Seven Mansions Of Color                               13600   HEA  10.00
   Healing                          Jora, Jurgen              Foot Reflexology (OP 2008)                            20171   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Joy, W. Brugh             Joy's Way                                             12509   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Kamm, Laura Alden         Intuitive Wellness                                    17079   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Kapit, Wynn & Lawrence, M Anatomy Coloring Book (978-0-321-83201-6)             28517   HEA  34.99
   Healing                          Kaplan, Dr Robert-Michael Seeing Beyond 20/20 (OP 6/95)                         17031   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Kargere, A.               Color & Personality (POS INGR 3/30/06)                11541   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Katchmer, George A.       Tao Of Bioenergetics  East - West                     21207   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Keleman, Stanley          Emotional Anatomy                                     30411   HEA  34.95
   Healing                          Kelly, Marcia & Jack      Sanctuaries West Coast & SW (OP 4/99)                 21141   HEA  15.00
   Healing                          Kelly, Robin              Human Antenna                                         14133   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Key, Scott                Journey To Radiant Health                             28369   HEA  24.95
   Healing                          King, Deborah             Be Your Own Shaman                                    21941   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          King, Serge               Imagineering For Health (546)                         12416   HEA   9.95
   Healing                          Klotsche, Charles         Color Medicine                                        21684   HEA  11.95
   Healing                          Kolster & Waskowiak       Acupressure Atlas                                     11251   HEA  34.95
   Healing                          Kriege, Theodor           Fundamental Basis Of Irisdiagnosis                    12053   HEA   8.95
   Healing                          Krieger, Dolores          Accepting Your Power To Heal                          17167   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          Krieger, Dolores          Healer's Journey To Intuitive Knowing                 22481   HEA  20.00
   Healing                          Krieger, Dolores          Therapeutic Touch  How To Use Your Hands..            14508   HEA  13.95
   Healing                          Kun, Jia                  Carcinoma, Prevention & Treatment In Trad. Chinese    14455   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Kunz, Dora  (compl)       Spiritual Healing                                     22772   HEA  15.00
   Healing                          Kunz, Kevin & Barbara     Hand & Foot Reflexology  A Self-Help Guide            12208   HEA  23.95
   Healing                          Kurtz & Prestera          Body Reveals  What Your Body Says About You           11365   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Kushi, Michio             Book Of Macrobiotics                                  11381   HEA  21.00
   Healing                          Kushi, Michio & Aveline   Macrobiotic Diet (revised) (0-87040-878-X)            19494   HEA  21.00
   Healing                          L'Esperance, Carrie       Ancient Cookfire (OP 3/2002)                          25145   HEA  18.00
   Healing                          Landis, Robyn             Herbal Defense                                        25340   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Lark, Susan M.            Menopause Self Help Book                              20076   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          LeShan, Lawrence          Cancer As A Turning Point                             21198   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Levine, Barbara           Your Body Believes Every Word You Say                 19327   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Levine, Peter             Healing Trauma                                        16323   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Levine, Peter             In An Unspoken Voice                                  24250   HEA  23.95
   Healing                          Levine, Peter A.          Waking The Tiger  Healing Trauma                      25804   HEA  18.95
   Healing                          Liberman, Jacob           Take Off Your Glasses & See                           23201   HEA  15.00
   Healing                          Lieberman, Jacob          Light  Medicine Of The Future                         17059   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Lowen, Alexander          Bioenergetics                                         11346   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          Loyd, Alexander           Healing Code                                          25645   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          Lu, Nan                   Traditional Chinese Med  Nat/Weight Loss              27739   HEA  14.00
   Healing                          Lundberg, Paul            Book Of Shiatsu                                       12134   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Lust, John                Herb Book                                             12261   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Macrae, Janet             Therapeutic Touch  A Practical Guide                  17097   HEA  17.00
   Healing                          Mann, Felix               Acupuncture  The Ancient Chinese Art                  11014   HEA  10.00
   Healing                          Manuchehri, Marie         Intuitive Self-Healing                                11157   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Mardak, Don               Spiritual Healing                                     21129   HEA  18.95
   Healing                          Marin, Gilles             Five Elements Six Conditions                          30770   HEA  21.95
   Healing                          Marin, Gilles             Healing From Within With Chi Nei Tsang                23240   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Marohn, Stephanie         Natural Medicine Guide To Addiction                   30296   HEA  22.95
   Healing                          Marquardt, Hanne          Reflex Zone Therapy Of The Feet                       17921   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Mars, Brigitte            Addiction-Free Naturally                              28033   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Martin, Chia              Art Of Touch  Massage Manual For Young People         25107   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Martin, Sharon            Maximize Your Healing Power                           13314   HEA  18.99
   Healing                          Masters, Robert           Neurospeak                                            22293   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Mate, M.D., Gabor         When The Body Says No                                 29107   HEA  21.99
   Healing                          Mauger, Benig             Soul & Sea                                            18924   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          May, Gerald               Wisdom Of Wilderness                                  30989   HEA  14.99
   Healing                          Mayer, Michael            Energy Psychology                                     16223   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          McKusick, Eileen          Tuning The Human Biofield                             24876   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          McNamara, Rita            Energetic Bodywork                                    25590   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          McNamara, Rita J.         Toward Balance                                        17389   HEA   8.95
   Healing                          McNamara, Sheila          Traditional Chinese Medicine                          23621   HEA  14.00
   Healing                          McRae, Shannon & Miners   Healing Effects Of Energy Medicine                    26445   HEA  18.95
   Healing                          McWilliams, Peter (BO'd)  You Can't Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought     17928   HEA   8.95
   Healing                          Melina / Davis / Harrison Becoming Vegetarian                                   24596   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Mella, Dorothee L.        Language Of Color (OP 1/2002)                         17567   HEA  10.99
   Healing                          Mencagli, Marco & Nieri   Secret Therapy of Trees                               16478   HEA  21.00
   Healing                          Menkin, Dan               Transformation Through Bodywork                       11409   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          Meramour, Ensworth        Higher Vibrational Living (Astrology, Oil, ChinMed    31203   HEA  19.95
   Healing                          Meyerowitz, Steve         Wheatgrass  Nature's Finest Medicine                  30126   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Millman, Dan              Warrior Athlete (now Inner Athlete 21928)             14842   HEA   9.95
   Healing                          Mills, Simon Y.           Dictionary Of Modern Herbalism                        15724   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Milne, Hugh               Heart Of Listening V.1                                28575   HEA  29.95
   Healing                          Milne, Hugh               Heart Of Listening V.2                                28576   HEA  35.00
   Healing                          Mindell, Arnold           Quantum Mind & Healing                                26926   HEA  21.95
   Healing                          Mines, Stephanie          We Are All In Shock                                   30127   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Moore, Thomas             Care Of The Soul In Medicine                          20578   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Morningstar, Amadea       Ayurvedic Guide To Polarity Therapy: Hands-on Heal    18579   HEA  22.95
   Healing                          Moss, Charles A.          Power Of The Five Elements                            15934   HEA  18.95
   Healing                          Moss, Ralph               Herbs Against Cancer                                  14068   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Moss, Richard             Inside-Out Healing                                    15814   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Moyers, Bill              Healing & The Mind                                    15223   HEA  22.95
   Healing                          Muir, Ada                 Healing Herbs & Health Foods Of The Zodiac (POS)      12228   HEA   3.99
   Healing                          Murray & Pizzorno         Encyclopedia Of Natural Medicine                      27670   HEA  24.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Anatomy Of The Spirit                                 12748   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Anatomy Of The Spirit (2 CDs)                         26168   HEA  24.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Archetypes  Beginner's Guide To Your Inner-net        13008   HEA  16.99
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Caroline Myss' Journal Of Inner Dialogue              29668   HEA  29.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Defy Gravity (4 CDs)                                  18846   HEA  23.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Defy Gravity (BO'd 10/26/2023)                        14853   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Healing With Spirit (CD)                              23465   HEA  10.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Invisible Acts Of Power                               30434   HEA  17.99
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Invisible Acts Of Power (4 CDs)                       24172   HEA  29.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Sacred Contract Of America (4 CDs)                    20714   HEA  29.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Sacred Contracts                                      28726   HEA  18.99
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Sacred Contracts (5 CDs)                              29178   HEA  34.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline            Why People Don't Heal & How They Can                  24706   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          Myss, Caroline & Shealy   Creation Of Health                                    18009   HEA  20.00
   Healing                          Namikoshi, Toru           Touch & Stretch  Shiatsu for Everyone                 18447   HEA  16.95
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Anxiety & Panic (Guided Meditations)  CD              29973   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Caregiver Stress (CD)                                 19274   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Ease Pain (CD)                                        21257   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Fight Cancer (CD)                                     20568   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Health Journeys For People With Cancer (CD)           12626   HEA  16.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Healthful Sleep (CD)                                  31219   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Invisible Heroes  (PTSS)                              12616   HEA  18.00
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Relieve Depression (CD)                               23329   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Relieve Stress (Guided Meditation) CD                 16799   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Self-Confidence (CD)                                  28750   HEA  17.98
   Healing                          Naparstek, Belleruth      Staying Well With Guided Imagery                      23457   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          Nelson, Bradley           Emotion Code                                          21633   HEA  27.99
   Healing                          Nelson, Dawn              Compassionate Touch                                   17340   HEA  17.95
   Healing                          Nelson, Dawn              Making Friends With Cancer                            27607   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Ness, Edna                Radical Recovery                                      31221   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Ni, Maoshing              Yellow Emperor's Classic Of Medicine                  25149   HEA  24.95
   Healing                          Nichols, L. Joseph        Soul As Healer (BO NEWL 5/1/06)                       26950   HEA  12.95
   Healing                          Null, Gary & Null, Steven How To Get Rid Of Poisons In Your Body                20353   HEA   4.95
   Healing                          Nyoiti (Ohsawa) & Dufty   You Are All Sanpaku                                   14610   HEA  13.00
   Healing                          O'Brien, Justin           Wellness Tree                                         21357   HEA  16.00
   Healing                          O'Donnell, Michelle Longo Only Receive                                          17996   HEA  14.95
   Healing                          O'Donnell, Michelle Longo When The Wolf Is At The Door                          18024   HEA  15.95
   Healing                          Ohashi, Wataru            Do-It-Yourself Shiatsu                                20255   HEA  20.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Adams, Michael Vannoy     Mythological Unconscious                              29334   JUN  30.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Daurley, John P.          Psyche As Sacrament                                   13325   JUN  16.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Edinger, Edward           Christian Archetype                                   23186   JUN  25.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Edinger, Edward           Psyche In Antiquity Book 1                            28304   JUN  25.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Harding, M.E.             I & The Not I                                         20878   JUN  14.95
   Jung, Carl                       Harding, M.E.             Psychic Energy  Its Source & Its Transformation       13289   JUN  40.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Hillman, James            Anima  The Anatomy Of A Personified Notion            15271   JUN  22.00
   Jung, Carl                       Hillman, James            Archetypal Psychology (0882143735)                    19779   JUN  32.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C. G.               Jung On Alchemy                                       23735   JUN  19.95
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Aion  Collected Works Vol. 9 Pt. 2                    11029   JUN  32.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Man & His Symbols                                     12760   JUN  18.00
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Man & His Symbols (OSI 1/2005)                        14805   JUN  30.00
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Memories Dreams Reflections20792                      12867   JUN  19.00
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Modern Man In Search Of A Soul                        12910   JUN  18.99
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Mysterium Coniunctionis  (Collected Works Vol. 14)    12944   JUN  39.95
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                On The Nature Of The Psyche                           13099   JUN  10.95
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Practice Of Psychotherapy                             15386   JUN  21.95
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   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Psychology Of Kundalini Yoga                          25362   JUN  22.95
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Psychology Of Transference                            13327   JUN  24.95
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Red Book  Reader's Edition                            12800   JUN  45.00
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Spirit in Man, Art, & Literature                      16939   JUN  15.95
   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Symbols Of Transformation (Coll. Works Vol. 5)        16734   JUN  42.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Jung, C.G.                Two Essays On Analytical Psychology (CW Vol 7)        30878   JUN  35.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Jung, Carl  Jarret (edt.) Jung's Seminar On Nietzsche's Zarathustra             25425   JUN  58.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Jung, Emma                Animus & Anima (ISBN 0-88214-301-8)                   11094   JUN   18.5
   Jung, Carl                       Kaplan-Williams, Strephon Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual (SAME AS 20394)        12515   JUN  17.95
   Jung, Carl                       Kast, Verena              Sisyphus  A Jungian Approach To Midlife Crisis        31167   JUN  21.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Koltuv, Barbara Black     Solomon & Sheba  Inner Marriage....                   18051   JUN  10.95
   Jung, Carl                       Koltuv, Barbara Black     Weaving Woman (Notebooks Of A Jungian Analyst)        17409   JUN   9.95
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   Jung, Carl                       Luke, Helen M.            Old Age (OSI 7/03)                                    17794   JUN  11.00
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   Jung, Carl                       McGuire & Hull (ed.)      C.G. Jung Speaking                                    16173   JUN  16.95
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   Jung, Carl                       Meier, C.A. (Editor)      Atom & Archetype (Pauli/Jung Letters)                 28361   JUN  29.95
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   Jung, Carl                       Moore, Thomas             Dark Nights Of The Soul                               30184   JUN  18.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Perera, Sylvia Brinton    Celtic Queen Maeve & Addiction                        28718   JUN  29.95
   Jung, Carl                       Perera, Sylvia Brinton    Descent To The Goddess                                11697   JUN  25.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Ponce, Charles            Archetype Of The Unconscious  (OP?)                   19029   JUN   9.95
   Jung, Carl                       Pretat, Jane R.           Coming To Age                                         22434   JUN  15.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Richo, David              When Mary Becomes Cosmic  A Jungian Path...           29596   JUN  16.95
   Jung, Carl                       Roberts, Richard          Tales For Jung Folk                                   13802   JUN   8.95
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   Jung, Carl                       Rosen, David              Tao Of Jung                                           24811   JUN  12.95
   Jung, Carl                       Russack, Neil             Animal Guides  In Life, Myth & Dreams                 15623   JUN  22.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Segal, Robert A.          Gnostic Jung                                          12586   JUN  31.95
   Jung, Carl                       Segaller & Berger         Wisdom Of The Dream  The World Of Jung                18337   JUN  15.00
   Jung, Carl                       Sells, Benjamin (Editor)  Working With Images  Archetypal Psychology            28211   JUN   19.5
   Jung, Carl                       Serrano, Miguel           C.G. Jung & Hermann Hesse                             25822   JUN  22.00
   Jung, Carl                       Sharp, Daryl              Jung Lexicon                                          11465   JUN  25.00
   Jung, Carl                       Sharp, Daryl              Jung Uncorked Book One                                23144   JUN  25.00
   Jung, Carl                       Sharp, Daryl              Jung Uncorked Book Two                                23386   JUN  25.00
   Jung, Carl                       Sharp, Daryl              Personality Types  Jung's Mod. Of Typ.                17041   JUN  25.00
   Jung, Carl                       Shelburne, Walter A.      Mythos & Logos In The Thought Of Carl Jung            14598   JUN  18.95
   Jung, Carl                       Singer, June              Androgyny The Opposites Within                        11091   JUN  18.95
   Jung, Carl                       Singer, June              Blake, Jung, & The Collective Unconscious (BO'd)      27086   JUN  22.95
   Jung, Carl                       Singer, June              Boundaries Of The Soul                                11400   JUN  18.00
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   Jung, Carl                       Smith, C. Michael         Jung & Shamanism In Dialogue (OP 6/2005)              29359   JUN  29.95
   Jung, Carl                       Smoley, Richard           Jung & The Future (DVD)                               18389   JUN  17.95
   Jung, Carl                       Snider, Clifton           Stuff That Dreams Are Made On  Jungian Intrp / Lit    19795   JUN  13.95
   Jung, Carl                       Sparks, J. Gary           At The Heart Of The Matter  Synchronicity & Jung      24361   JUN  30.00
   Jung, Carl                       Spiegelman, J.            Jungian Psychology & The Passions Of The Soul         26157   JUN  16.95
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   Jung, Carl                       Spiegelman, J. Marvin     Psychotherapy As A Mutual Process                     26021   JUN  14.95
   Jung, Carl                       Spiegelman, J. Marvin     Tree Of Life  Paths In (1-56184-062-9)                16978   JUN  14.95
   Jung, Carl                       Spiegelman, J.Marvin      Buddhism & Jungian Psychology                         11308   JUN  29.95
   Jung, Carl                       Spring Journal            Spring 72 Body & Soul  Honoring Marion Woodman        23825   JUN  23.95
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   Music                            Godwin, Joscelyn (Ed)     Cosmic Music                                          18641   MUS  16.95
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   Music                            Green, Barry & Gallwey, T Inner Game Of Music                                   16316   MUS  26.95
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   Music                            James, Jamie              Music Of The Spheres                                  11036   MUS  27.99
   Music                            Jansen, Eva Ruby          Singing Bowls (Book & CD) Out of Print                26999   MUS  27.95
   Music                            Jenny, Hans               Of Sound Mind & Body (VIDEO) ***                      20583   MUS  29.95
   Music                            Kaivalya, Alanna          Sacred Sound (Meaning Of Mantra & Kirtan)             20957   MUS  15.95
   Music                            Keyes, L. & Campbell, Don Toning  Creative & Healing Power Voice (with CD)      11002   MUS  17.95
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   Music                            Montello, Louise          Essential Musical Intelligence                        28835   MUS  20.95
   Music                            Nielsen, Linda            Microtonal Healing (BO'd 7/14/2022)                   30484   MUS  12.95
   Music                            Ortiz, John M.            Tao Of Music                                          23582   MUS  27.50
   Music                            Paul, Russill             Yoga Of Sound                                         30295   MUS  18.95
   Music                            Perry, Wayne              Sound Medicine                                        17904   MUS  21.99
   Music                            Rachele, Rollin           Overtone Singing Study Guide (BO NEWL 5/19/00)        25369   MUS  34.99
   Music                            Radha, Swami Sivananda    Mantras  Words Of Power                               12790   MUS  18.95
   Music                            Saraydarian, Torkom       Creative Sound                                        16236   MUS  25.00
   Music                            Scott, Cyril              Music & Its Secret Influence                          31247   MUS  16.95
   Music                            Shrestha, Suren           How To Heal With Singing Bowls                        14710   MUS  15.95
   Music                            Stevens, Christine        Music Medicine                                        16405   MUS  17.99
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   Music                            Sudo, Philip Toshi        Zen Guitar                                            25608   MUS  17.99
   Music                            Tame, David               Beethoven & The Spiritual Path (701)                  21974   MUS  16.95
   Music                            Tame, David               Secret Power Of Music                                 13564   MUS  16.95
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   Music                            Werner, Kenny             Effortless Mastery                                    25511   MUS  24.95
   Music                            Wooten, Victor            Music Lesson                                          17402   MUS  18.00
   Mythology                        Allardice, Pamela         Myths, Gods, & Fantasy                                20758   MYT  10.95
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   Mythology                        Campbell, J. w/ Toms, M.  Open Life                                             17710   MYT  13.99
   Mythology                        Campbell, Joseph          Baksheesh & Brahman  Indian Journal 1954-1955         24230   MYT  15.00
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   Mythology                        Campbell, Joseph          Renewal Myths & Rites.... (OP?)                       18030   MYT   8.50
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   Mythology                        Campbell, Joseph          Way Of The Animal Powers Part 1  Ms Of P Hs & Gs      17879   MYT  24.95
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   Mythology                        Campbell, Joseph (Edit.)  Mystic Vision: Papers From The Eranos Yearbook        16376   MYT  24.95
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   Mythology                        Cotterell, Arthur         Encyclopedia Of Mythology                             19320   MYT  11.99
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   Mythology                        Murray, Alexander         Handbook Of World Mythology (BO'd 8/19/2021)          30803   MYT  19.95
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   Mythology                        Osbon, Diane K. (Edt.)    Joseph Campbell Companion                             20582   MYT  16.99
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   Native Peoples                   Cameron, Anne             Daughters Of Copper Woman                             11676   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Cameron, Anne             How Raven Freed The Moon (BO'd 5/12/2021)             15391   NAT   7.95
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   Native Peoples                   Cowan, James              Messengers Of The Gods  (OP 7/96)                     19048   NAT  14.00
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   Native Peoples                   Hail, Raven               Cherokee Sacred Calendar                              27038   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Hammerschlag, Carl A., MD Dancing Healers                                       17412   NAT  13.99
   Native Peoples                   Hansen, Howard (cKulell)  Twilight On The Thunderbird (Quileute Indian Life)    12140   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Hartman, Jane E.          Hoku & The Sacred Stones                              17312   NAT   4.95
   Native Peoples                   Heinze, Ruth-Inge         Shamans Of The 20th Century                           19980   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Hifler, Joyce             Think On These Things  (Hifler)                       22014   NAT  10.95
   Native Peoples                   Hifler, Joyce Sequichie   Cherokee Feast Of Days  Daily Meditations             11411   NAT  10.95
   Native Peoples                   Hifler, Joyce Sequichie   When The Night Bird Sings                             27555   NAT  11.95
   Native Peoples                   Highwater, Jamake         Primal Mind                                           15899   NAT  11.00
   Native Peoples                   Hogan, Linda              Woman Who Watches Over The World                      29432   NAT  15.95
   Native Peoples                   Holsinger, Rosemary       Shasta  Indian Tales                                  19341   NAT   4.95
   Native Peoples                   Holz, Gary & Robbie       Journey To The Heart  Aboriginal Healing              23988   NAT  13.95
   Native Peoples                   Horn, Gabriel             Book Of Ceremonies (BO'd 4/7/2022)                    18805   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Houston, Jean             Manual For The Peacemaker                             24224   NAT  12.00
   Native Peoples                   Hultkrantz, Ake           Native Religions Of North America                     17197   NAT  12.00
   Native Peoples                   Hultkrantz, Ake           Religions Of The American Indians                     17103   NAT  10.95
   Native Peoples                   Hungry Wolf, Adolf        Legends Told By The Old People  A Good Medicine Bk    19714   NAT   5.95
   Native Peoples                   Hungry Wolf, Adolf        Teachings Of Nature  (w/drwngs/Iniskim & Okan HW)     19718   NAT   8.95
   Native Peoples                   Irwin, Lee                Dream Seekers  Native Amer. Visionary Traditions      19255   NAT  25.00
   Native Peoples                   Jacobs, Alan              Native American Wisdom                                12483   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Jamal, Michelle           Shape Shifters                                        16789   NAT  11.00
   Native Peoples                   Jefferson, Warren         World Of Chief Seattle                                26694   NAT  13.95
   Native Peoples                   Johnson, Julie Tallard    Thundering Years (for teens)                          28156   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Jones and Molyneaux       Mythology Of The American Nations                     30512   NAT  18.99
   Native Peoples                   Jongeward, David          Weaver Of Worlds                                      19700   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Judson, Katharine         Myths & Legends Of The Pacific Northwest              12734   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Kaiser, Rudolf            Voice Of The Great Spirit                             19924   NAT  10.00
   Native Peoples                   Kimmerer, Robin           Braiding Sweetgrass                                   27426   NAT  20.00
   Native Peoples                   King & Eaton              Shamanism  (S. King & T. Eaton) (VID)                 18685   NAT  24.95
   Native Peoples                   King, Serge               Urban Shaman                                          19222   NAT  16.99
   Native Peoples                   Kopacz, David & Rael      Becoming Medicine                                     15605   NAT  25.00
   Native Peoples                   Kritkausky, Randy         Without Reservation                                   16929   NAT  20.00
   Native Peoples                   Lake, Medicine Grizzly    Native Healer                                         19769   NAT  15.95
   Native Peoples                   Lambert, Johanna          Wise Women Of The Dreamtime                           21326   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Lame Deer & Erdoes        Gift Of Power                                         13822   NAT  20.00
   Native Peoples                   Lame Deer & Erdoes        Lame Deer  Seeker Of Visions                          15230   NAT  19.99
   Native Peoples                   Lavinnder, Jonn           Ancestors' Path  Oracle                               27726   NAT  29.95
   Native Peoples                   Lawlor, Robert            Voices Of The First Day                               20479   NAT  35.00
   Native Peoples                   LePlongeon, Augustus      Sacred Mysteries Among The Mayas & Quiches            16600   NAT  16.00
   Native Peoples                   Linn, Denise              Kindling The Native Spirit                            14348   NAT  16.99
   Native Peoples                   Linn, Denise              Quest  A Guide For Creating...                        25057   NAT  15.95
   Native Peoples                   Lombardi, F.G. & G.S.     Circle Without End  A Srcbk Of Amrcn Indn Ethics      15620   NAT   8.95
   Native Peoples                   Loomis, Mary E.           Dancing The Wheel Of Psychological Types              20393   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Lopez, Barry              Crow & Weasel                                         19152   NAT  12.00
   Native Peoples                   Luger & Collins           Seven Circles                                         26392   NAT  29.99
   Native Peoples                   Macadams, Men, Bensinger  Mayan Vision Quest                                    20237   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Magana, Sergio            Real Totltec Prophecies                               21942   NAT  12.99
   Native Peoples                   Mails, Thomas E.          Fools Crow  Wisdom & Power (098-232-7412)             19711   NAT  18.00
   Native Peoples                   Mails, Thomas E.          Fools Crow (0-8032-8174-9)                            15032   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Mails, Thomas E.          Hopi Survival Kit  Prophecies, Instructions...        13466   NAT  15.00
   Native Peoples                   Mails, Thomas E.          Hotevilla  Hopi Shrine... (BO NEWL 11/19/02)          21564   NAT  25.00
   Native Peoples                   Mails, Thomas E.          Secret Native American Pathways  Inner Peace          21502   NAT  17.95
   Native Peoples                   Mails, Thomas E.          Seven Sacred Meditation Circles (OP ?)                18888   NAT  10.00
   Native Peoples                   Manitonquat               Return To Creation                                    20382   NAT   9.95
   Native Peoples                   Mansell, Maureen          By The Power Of Their Dreams  Plains Indians          22424   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Marder, William           Legacy of Wisdom                                      27955   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Mares, Theun              Cry Of The Eagle (NA Changing Vendors )               25025   NAT  28.95
   Native Peoples                   Mares, Theun              Mists Of Dragon Lore  (Not Available)                 25624   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Mares, Theun              Shadows Of Wolf Fire                                  29212   NAT  22.95
   Native Peoples                   Mares, Theun              This Darned Elusive Happiness                         26466   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Marshall, Joseph          Lakota Way                                            29489   NAT  18.00
   Native Peoples                   Marshall, Joseph M. III   Lakota Way Of Strength and Courage                    14402   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Matthiessen, Peter        In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse                          16291   NAT  15.00
   Native Peoples                   May, Vicki & Rodberg, C.V Medicine Wheel Ceremonies (BO'd INGR 8/4/16)          14117   NAT  10.95
   Native Peoples                   McFadden, Steven          Ancient Voices Current Affairs  Rainbow Warriors      16072   NAT   9.95
   Native Peoples                   McGaa, Ed (Eagle Man)     Mother Earth Spirituality                             19079   NAT  17.99
   Native Peoples                   McGaa, Ed Eagle Man       Nature's Way                                          11391   NAT  15.99
   Native Peoples                   McKenna, Dennis           Invisible Landscape                                   11855   NAT  16.99
   Native Peoples                   McKenna, Terence          Archaic Revival                                       11431   NAT  17.99
   Native Peoples                   McKenna, Terence          Food Of The Gods  Search For Original Tree Knowldg    15816   NAT  20.00
   Native Peoples                   McKenna, Terence          True Hallucinations                                   21855   NAT  16.00
   Native Peoples                   McMahon, Ryan             Plenty Wolf Medicine                                  23374   NAT  13.95
   Native Peoples                   McMullen, George          Born Many Times                                       21201   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Meadows, Kenneth          Earth Medicine (Cloth Remainder)                      18771   NAT   9.99
   Native Peoples                   Medicine Eagle, Brooke    Buffalo Woman Comes Singing                           20546   NAT  21.00
   Native Peoples                   Mehl-Madrona, Lewis       Coyote Healing                                        14630   NAT  18.00
   Native Peoples                   Mehl-Madrona, Lewis       Coyote Medicine                                       24705   NAT  15.99
   Native Peoples                   Mehl-Madrona, Lewis       Coyote Wisdom                                         25101   NAT  16.00
   Native Peoples                   Men, Hunbatz              Secrets Of Mayan Science/Religion                     18396   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Merrifield, Heyoka        Eyes Of Wisdom (White Buffalo Woman) Book One         26560   NAT  12.00
   Native Peoples                   Milford Jr, Stanley       Paranormal Ranger  Navajo                             18731   NAT  28.99
   Native Peoples                   Montgomery, Roger         Twenty Count Secret Math..Aztec/Maya                  23231   NAT  15.00
   Native Peoples                   Moon, Sheila              Changing Woman & Her Sisters                          11475   NAT  11.50
   Native Peoples                   Moon, Sheila              Dreams Of A Woman                                     11781   NAT  13.95
   Native Peoples                   Mooney, James             Ghost-Dance Religion & Wounded Knee                   20044   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Morgan, Marlo             Mutant Message Down Under                             18100   NAT  16.99
   Native Peoples                   Morgan, Marlo             Mutant Message From Forever                           25330   NAT  13.99
   Native Peoples                   Morton & Thomas           Mystery Of The Crystal Skulls                         25428   NAT  20.00
   Native Peoples                   Neihardt, John            Black Elk Speaks (Premier Edition)                    11355   NAT  21.95
   Native Peoples                   Neihardt, John            When The Tree Flowered  The Story Of Eagle Voice      19721   NAT  11.95
   Native Peoples                   Nelson, Mary Carroll      Toltec Prophecies Of Don Miguel Ruiz                  29977   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Nerburn, Kent             Girl Who Sang To The Buffalo                          18358   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Nerburn, Kent             Neither Wolf Nor Dog                                  20242   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Nerburn, Kent             Voices In The Stones                                  18514   NAT  16.00
   Native Peoples                   Nerburn, Kent             Wolf At Twilight                                      17181   NAT  17.95
   Native Peoples                   Nerburn, Kent (edt)       Wisdom Of the Native Americans                        28961   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Niese, Henry              Man Who Knew The Medicine (Bill Eagle Feather)        29253   NAT  16.00
   Native Peoples                   O'Brien, Dan              Buffalo For The Broken Heart                          28844   NAT  22.95
   Native Peoples                   Ogden & Bergsma           Dreambirds                                            24333   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Ohiyesa                   Soul Of An Indian                                     28846   NAT  14.00
   Native Peoples                   Ortiz y Pino III, Jose    Curandero                                             17081   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Padilla, Stan             Chants & Prayers                                      24489   NAT   9.95
   Native Peoples                   Padilla, Stan             Deer Dancer  Yaqui Legends Of Life                    25400   NAT  11.95
   Native Peoples                   Padilla, Stan             Natural Education                                     21069   NAT   5.95
   Native Peoples                   Paladin, David Chethlahe  Painting The Dream (Navajo Painter)                   24977   NAT  24.95
   Native Peoples                   Paladin, Lynda S.         Ceremonies For Change  Crtng Prsnl Rtls/Hl Lfs Hrt    19830   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Perkins, John             Spirit Of the Shuar  Wisdom From The Amazon           28431   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Perrone & Henrietta       Medicine Women, Curanderas, & Women Doctors           19298   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Perry, Sally              Chronicles Of A Healer  She Who Dances                29441   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Peterson, Scott           Native American Prophecies                            19904   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Pintar, Judith            Voice From The Earth  Cards Of Winds & Changes        19271   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Powers, William           Oglala Religion (ISBN 0-8032-8706-2)                  21208   NAT  12.00
   Native Peoples                   Rael, J. & Sutton, L.     Tracks Of Dancing Light                               21708   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Rael, Joseph              House Of Shattering Light                             30003   NAT  18.00
   Native Peoples                   Rael, Joseph & Kopacz     Becoming Who You Are                                  18477   NAT  20.00
   Native Peoples                   Regula Meyer              Animal Messengers                                     26235   NAT  18.00
   Native Peoples                   Rockwell, David           Giving Voice To Bear                                  20305   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz Jr, Don Miguel       Five Levels Of Attachment (Toltec Wisdom)             15156   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Jose            Medicine Bag                                          17703   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Jose            Wisdom Of The Shamans                                 31278   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Jose & Hudman   Ripples Of Wisdom                                     18090   NAT  14.99
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Beyond Fear  Teachings Of Ruiz (POS 5/1/2019)         28959   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Eros  A Return To Unconditional Love                  26327   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Fifth Agreement                                       17874   NAT  14.00
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Four Agreements                                       25737   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Four Agreements (2CD) unabridged                      20607   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Four Agreements Companion Book                        28739   NAT  14.00
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Mastery Of Love                                       27011   NAT  14.00
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Mastery Of Self                                       26914   NAT  15.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Prayers  Communion With Our Creator                   28725   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Toltec Art Of Life & Death                            26599   NAT  25.99
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Voice Of Knowledge                                    30118   NAT  14.00
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel          Wisdom From The Four Agreements                       30073   NAT   5.95
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miguel & Emrys  Three Questions                                       30751   NAT  24.99
   Native Peoples                   Ruiz, Don Miquel          Don Miguel Ruiz's Little Book Of Wisdom               28424   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Rutledge, Don             Center Of The World  Native American Spirituality     20907   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Sams, J. & Nitsch, T.     Other Council Fires Were Here Before Ours             20130   NAT  17.95
   Native Peoples                   Sams, Jamie               13 Original Clan Mothers                              17775   NAT  19.99
   Native Peoples                   Sams, Jamie               Dancing The Dream                                     25280   NAT  14.99
   Native Peoples                   Sams, Jamie               Earth Medicine  Harmony For Many Moons                22585   NAT  15.99
   Native Peoples                   Sams, Jamie               Sacred Path Cards                                     19135   NAT   37.5
   Native Peoples                   Sams, Jamie               Sacred Path Workbook                                  20402   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Sanchez, Victor           Toltec Path Of Recapitulation                         29026   NAT  15.00
   Native Peoples                   Sanchez, Victor           Toltecs Of The New Millennium                         24058   NAT  14.00
   Native Peoples                   Sandner, Donald           Navaho Symbols Of Healing                             19517   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Saraydarian, Torkom       Hiawatha & The Great Peace                            16995   NAT  12.00
   Native Peoples                   Saunders, Nicholas        Ancient Americans                                     15359   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Savinelli, Alfred         Plants Of Power  Native Amer. Ceremony & Use          23545   NAT   9.95
   Native Peoples                   Schuon, Frithjof          Feathered Sun  Plains Indians In Art & Philosophy     14909   NAT  25.00
   Native Peoples                   Shearer, Tony             Lord Of The Dawn                                      23558   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Slifer & Duffield         kokopelli  Flute Player...(BO NEWL 5/11/05)           23605   NAT  15.95
   Native Peoples                   Smith, Huston             A Seat At The Table                                   31055   NAT  15.95
   Native Peoples                   Song, Tamarack            Becoming Nature                                       26807   NAT  18.00
   Native Peoples                   Spence, Lewis             Magic & Mysteries Of Mexico                           22211   NAT  21.95
   Native Peoples                   St. Pierre & Long Soldier Walking In The Sacred Manner                          22867   NAT  12.00
   Native Peoples                   Steiger, Brad             American Indian Medicine Dreambook                    21241   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Steiger, Brad             Indian Medicine Power                                 12427   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Steinmetz, Paul           Meditations W/Native Americans (POS 5/9/00)           12860   NAT   7.95
   Native Peoples                   Steltenkamp, Michael      Black Elk  Holy Man Of The Oglala                     21489   NAT  19.95
   Native Peoples                   Storm, Hyemenhosts        Seven Arrows (not available)                          13594   NAT  21.95
   Native Peoples                   Storm, Hyemeyohsts        Lightningbolt (POS 4/99 BP01)                         21884   NAT  30.00
   Native Peoples                   Storm, Hyemeyohsts        Song Of Heyoehkah Paper                               14384   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Strassman, Rick           Inner Paths To Outer Space                            26898   NAT  24.99
   Native Peoples                   Summer Rain, Mary         Bittersweet                                           23075   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Summer Rain, Mary         Daybreak  The Dawning Ember                           11610   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Summer Rain, Mary         Earthway                                              19100   NAT  16.00
   Native Peoples                   Summer Rain, Mary         Fireside                                              25418   NAT  13.95
   Native Peoples                   Summer Rain, Mary         Phantoms Afoot                                        17997   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Summer Rain, Mary         Soul Sounds  Mourning The Tears Of Truth              20889   NAT  12.95
   Native Peoples                   Summer Rain, Mary         Whispered Wisdom                                      16697   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Sun Bear & Wabun Wind     Black Dawn Bright Day                                 19131   NAT  11.00
   Native Peoples                   Sun Bear & Wabun Wind     Dreaming With The Wheel                               21762   NAT  21.95
   Native Peoples                   Sun Bear et alia          Walk In Balance                                       18347   NAT  13.95
   Native Peoples                   Sun Bear            Dancing With The Wheel  (Workbook)                    20499   NAT  16.99
   Native Peoples                   Suzuki,D. & Knudtson, P.  Wisdom Of The Elders                                  11564   NAT  13.95
   Native Peoples                   Swinomish Tribal Mental   Gathering Of Wisdoms   Tribal Mental Health           16730   NAT  21.00
   Native Peoples                   Tedlock, Barbara          Beautiful & The Dangerous  Zuni Indians               11194   NAT  23.00
   Native Peoples                   Tsimmu                    Learning From Eagle Living With Coyote                20422   NAT  17.00
   Native Peoples                   Tucker, Janice            Way Of The Rainbow Warrioress                         16302   NAT   6.95
   Native Peoples                   Van der Post, Laurens     Heart Of The Hunter                                   12268   NAT  13.00
   Native Peoples                   Van Der Post, Laurens     Mantis Carol                                          16694   NAT  18.00
   Native Peoples                   Versluis, Arthur          Sacred Earth  Spiritual Landscape Of Nat' America     12226   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Vestal, Stanley           Sitting Bull  Champion Of The Sioux                   23046   NAT  24.95
   Native Peoples                   Vigil, Dona Bernadette    Mastery Of Awareness Living The Agreements            28170   NAT  15.00
   Native Peoples                   Villoldo & Jendresen      Island Of The Sun                                     11416   NAT  16.95
   Native Peoples                   Walker, James R.          Lakota Belief & Ritual                                19955   NAT  22.95
   Native Peoples                   Wall, S. & Arden, H.      Wisdomkeepers (POS 9/97...3/00)                       20692   NAT  22.95
   Native Peoples                   Wallace, Amy              Sorcerer's Apprentice                                 16429   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Waters, Frank             Book Of The Hopi                                      11387   NAT  16.00
   Native Peoples                   Weatherford, Jack         Indian Givers                                         18544   NAT  10.00
   Native Peoples                   White Deer Of Autumn      Native American Book Of Knowledge                     11343   NAT   4.95
   Native Peoples                   Williams, Donald Lee      Border Crossings                                      16375   NAT  22.00
   Native Peoples                   Williamson, Ray           Living The Sky  Cosmos Of The American Indian         18245   NAT  18.95
   Native Peoples                   Wilson, Terry P.          Lakota  Seeking The Great Spirit                      21701   NAT   9.95
   Native Peoples                   Wolff, Robert             Original Wisdom                                       28752   NAT  14.95
   Native Peoples                   Woodley, Randy & Edith    Journey To Elohen                                     22949   NAT  27.99
   Native Peoples                   Yraceburu, Maria          Legends & Prophecies Of The Quero Apache              20719   NAT  14.00
   Near Death Studies               Alexander, Eben           Living In A Mindful Universe                          29727   NDE  17.99
   Near Death Studies               Alexander, Eben           Map Of Heaven                                         23251   NDE  16.99
   Near Death Studies               Alexander,M.D., Eben      Proof Of Heaven                                       19604   NDE  19.99
   Near Death Studies               Atwater, P.M.H.           Beyond The Light (POS NEWL 5/1/06)                    22124   NDE   6.50
   Near Death Studies               Atwater, P.M.H.           Big Book of Near-Death Experiences                    13649   NDE  19.95
   Near Death Studies               Atwater, P.M.H.           Forever Angels                                        24953   NDE  18.00
   Near Death Studies               Atwater, P.M.H.           Near-Death Experiences  The Rest Of The Story         20951   NDE  21.95
   Near Death Studies               Atwater, P.M.H.           New Children & Near-Death Experiences                 30051   NDE  16.00
   Near Death Studies               Atwater, P.M.H.           We Live Forever                                       30593   NDE  12.95
   Near Death Studies               Atwater, P.M.H. & Morgan  Complete Idiot's Guide To Near-Death Experiences      27073   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Bailey & Yates  (Edt.)    Near Death Experience  A Reader                       11186   NDE  22.95
   Near Death Studies               Bennett, David & Cindy G. Voyage Of Purpose Spiritual Wisdom From Near Death    12341   NDE  15.95
   Near Death Studies               Bercholz, Samuel          Guided Tour of Hell                                   29848   NDE  24.95
   Near Death Studies               Brinkley, Dannion         Saved By The Light                                    21723   NDE  15.99
   Near Death Studies               Brinkley, Dannion         Secrets Of The Light                                  17165   NDE  15.99
   Near Death Studies               Burke, John               Imagine The God Of Heaven                             17991   NDE  17.99
   Near Death Studies               Burpo, Todd               Heaven Is For Real                                    13143   NDE  16.99
   Near Death Studies               Bush, Nancy Evans         Buddha In Hell & Other Alarms (Distressing NDEs)      27708   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Bush, Nancy Evans         Dancing Past The Dark                                 11627   NDE  24.95
   Near Death Studies               Carman & Carman           Cosmic Cradle                                         28525   NDE  23.95
   Near Death Studies               Carter, Chris             Science & The Near-Death Experience                   19810   NDE  18.95
   Near Death Studies               Dennis, Lynnclaire        Pattern                                               24186   NDE  22.95
   Near Death Studies               Dooley, Rhonda            Heaven's Consciousness  A Near-Death Experience       26809   NDE  14.99
   Near Death Studies               Dougherty, Ned            Fast Lane To Heaven                                   28581   NDE  18.95
   Near Death Studies               Eadie, Betty              Awakening Heart                                       24061   NDE   9.99
   Near Death Studies               Eadie, Betty              Embraced By The Light                                 22223   NDE  16.00
   Near Death Studies               Eadie, Betty J.           Ripple Effect (not available)                         27093   NDE  22.00
   Near Death Studies               Ellwood, Gracia           Uttermost Deep Challenge Of Near Death Experiences    13766   NDE  20.00
   Near Death Studies               Elsaesser-Valarino, E.    Talking With Angel                                    19880   NDE  19.95
   Near Death Studies               Fenimore, Angie           Beyond The Darkness  Near-Death Journey               22641   NDE   5.50
   Near Death Studies               Fenwick & Fenwick         Truth In The Light (OSI 5/01)                         24113   NDE  12.00
   Near Death Studies               Gieseke, Gloria           Where Is The Music?  Multiple NDEs                    27602   NDE  14.95
   Near Death Studies               Gordon, JC                Beyond Consciousness                                  29783   NDE  19.95
   Near Death Studies               Greyson, Bruce            After (978-1-250-26586-9)                             17019   NDE  19.00
   Near Death Studies               Harris & Bascom           Full Circle  The Near-Death Experience & Beyond       18939   NDE   5.99
   Near Death Studies               Kelley, Marie Antoinette  Danny's Day In Heaven                                 22466   NDE  18.99
   Near Death Studies               Kircher, Pamela           Love Is The Link                                      23435   NDE  11.95
   Near Death Studies               Kopecky, Robert           How To Survive Life (and Death)                       20919   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Linn, Dennis       Gifts Of Near-Death Experiences                       26917   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Long, Jeffrey             Evidence Of The Afterlife  Science Of NDE             17487   NDE  16.99
   Near Death Studies               Long, Jeffrey             God And The Afterlife (Near-Death Experience)         27749   NDE  25.99
   Near Death Studies               Lorimer, David            Whole In One  The Near Death Experience               19608   NDE   9.95
   Near Death Studies               Malarkey, Kevin & Alex    Boy Who Came Back From Heaven                         22515   NDE  15.99
   Near Death Studies               Massey, Cindy             Evolve  A Near-Death Experience                       17309   NDE  17.95
   Near Death Studies               Moody, Raymond            God Is Bigger Than The Bible                          24219   NDE  15.00
   Near Death Studies               Moody, Raymond            Paranormal  My Life In Pursuit-Afterlife              25115   NDE  16.99
   Near Death Studies               Moody, Raymond            Proof Of Life After Life                              11939   NDE  17.00
   Near Death Studies               Moody, Raymond A.         Last Laugh                                            26705   NDE  12.95
   Near Death Studies               Moody, Raymond A.         Life After Life                                       12631   NDE  16.99
   Near Death Studies               Moorjani, Anita           Dying To Be Me                                        23948   NDE  16.99
   Near Death Studies               Morse & Perry             Closer To The Light                                   19151   NDE   7.99
   Near Death Studies               Morse, Melvin             Parting Visions (OP 7/01)                             22381   NDE   6.99
   Near Death Studies               Neal, Mary C. MD          To Heaven And Back                                    24538   NDE  17.00
   Near Death Studies               O'Driscoll, Jeff          Not Yet  Near-Life Experiences                        21943   NDE  15.00
   Near Death Studies               Olsen, Jeff               I Knew Their Hearts                                   16434   NDE  12.99
   Near Death Studies               P. Louisa                 Spiritual Evolution An Addiction Memoir               26265   NDE  12.95
   Near Death Studies               Panagore, Peter           Heaven Is Beautiful                                   18031   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Parti, Rajiv              Dying To Wake Up                                      27191   NDE  17.99
   Near Death Studies               Prabhupada, Swami         Second Chance  Story Of A Near Death-Experience       20193   NDE   9.95
   Near Death Studies               Ring, Kenneth             Lessons From The Light                                26854   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Ritchie, George           Ordered To Return                                     20573   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Ritchie, George           Return From Tomorrow                                  11816   NDE  14.99
   Near Death Studies               Ritchie, Jean             Death's Door                                          23696   NDE   5.99
   Near Death Studies               Rivas T. Dirven A, Smit R Self Does Not Die                                     21135   NDE  19.95
   Near Death Studies               Rogo, D. Scott            Return From Silence  Study Of NDE  (OP 6/96)          18966   NDE   9.95
   Near Death Studies               Rothschild, Joel          Signals  A Psychic Awakening                          27306   NDE  17.95
   Near Death Studies               Rynes, Nancy              Awakenings From The Light                             28004   NDE  14.95
   Near Death Studies               St. Aubyn, Lorna          Today Is A Good Day To Die                            20427   NDE   9.95
   Near Death Studies               Steiger & Steiger         Children Of The Light  Children's NDE's               23156   NDE   4.99
   Near Death Studies               Steiger, Brad             One With The Light                                    22245   NDE   4.99
   Near Death Studies               Steiger, Brad             Returning From The Light                              23778   NDE   5.99
   Near Death Studies               Storm, Howard             My Descent Into Death                                 27459   NDE  17.99
   Near Death Studies               Sudman, Natalie           Application Of Impossible Things  My NDE in Iraq      29237   NDE  14.00
   Near Death Studies               Sumners, Roxanne          Wave Of Light                                         22087   NDE   9.95
   Near Death Studies               Sutherland, Cherie        Reborn In The Light (OSI 5/2006)                      22683   NDE   5.99
   Near Death Studies               van Lommell, Pim          Consciousness Beyond Life  Science & The NDE          19829   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               VandenBush, Bill          If Morning Never Comes                                30031   NDE  14.95
   Near Death Studies               Vincent, Ken R.           Visions Of God  From NDE...                           21947   NDE  18.95
   Near Death Studies               Wallace, Ranelle          Burning Within                                        22264   NDE  16.95
   Near Death Studies               Weiss, Jess  (Edt.)       Vestibule                                             24222   NDE  12.00
   New Age                          Aeoliah                   Awakening  Your Inner Light                           13346   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Path Of Silence                                       20552   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Aivanhov, Omraam Mikhael  Symbolic Language Of Geometrical Figures              14606   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Alder, Vera Stanley       Fifth Dimension                                       11985   OCC  21.95
   New Age                          Alder, Vera Stanley       Finding Of The Third Eye                              11988   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Alder, Vera Stanley       Initiation Of The World                               15054   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          Alder, Vera Stanley       Secret Of The Atomic Age (OP 5/01)                    22318   OCC   7.50
   New Age                          Alexander & Boyes         Losing Your Mind                                      23211   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Altea, Rosemary           Eagle & The Rose                                      23098   OCC   7.50
   New Age                          Altea, Rosemary           Proud Spirit                                          14181   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Aranya                    Journey To The Center                                 17812   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Ariel/Tachi-ren           What Is Lightbody?                                    23520   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Ashcroft-Nowicki, Dolores Sacred Cord Meditations  (OP 9/93)                    19032   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Ayani, Jessie             Lineage Of The Codes Of Light                         15993   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Baba, Prem Raja           God Book                                              28215   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Baba, Prem Raja           Joy Book                                              14501   OCC  12.00
   New Age                          Banning, Beth             Interviewed By God                                    24033   OCC  17.95
   New Age                          Bartholomew               From The Heart Of A Gentle Brother                    16971   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Bell, Art                 Quickening  Today's Trends.. (OP 9/00)                25766   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Bell, Fred                Rays Of Truth - Crystals Of Light                     26288   OCC  27.00
   New Age                          Benford, M. Sue           Strong Woman                                          21836   OCC  17.95
   New Age                          Bernard, Graham           Challenge Of Evil                                     18295   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Bernard, Graham           Why You Are Who You Are  (POSI 11/97)                 18197   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Bernard, Graham (Richard) Eternal Ties  The Reality Behind Relationships        11492   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Bethards, Betty           Sex & Psychic Energy                                  16088   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Brewer, Anne              Power Of Twelve  12-Strand DNA Consciousness          26011   OCC  17.95
   New Age                          Bryce, Sheradon           Joy Riding The Universe Vol. 1                        30283   OCC  24.00
   New Age                          Caddy & Platts            Bringing More Love Into Your Life                     21952   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Caddy, Eileen             Flight Into Freedom (OP 4/2002)                       17387   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Caidin, Martin            Natural Or Supernatural ?  True, Unexplained Myst'    21294   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Cameron, Pam & Fred       Bridge Into Light (BO overdue 3/14/01)                23011   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Campbell, Rebecca         Letters To A Starseed                                 24946   OCC  17.99
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Conversations With Nostradamus  Vol 1                 18769   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Conversations With Nostradamus Vol 3                  15762   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Conversations With Nostradamus Vol.2                  19651   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Convoluted Universe Book 1                            28643   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Convoluted Universe Book 2                            11043   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Convoluted Universe Book 3                            22854   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Convoluted Universe Book 4                            22116   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Convoluted Universe Book Five                         17909   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Custodians "Beyond Abduction"                         20914   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Keepers Of The Garden                                 18486   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Search For Hidden Sacred Knowledge                    26598   OCC   17.5
   New Age                          Cannon, Dolores           Three Waves Of Volunteers & The New Earth             22091   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Carey, Ken                Return Of The Bird Tribes                             17507   OCC  15.99
   New Age                          Carey, Ken                Starseed Transmissions                                13726   OCC  14.99
   New Age                          Carey, Ken                Third Millennium                                      19481   OCC  13.99
   New Age                          Carey, Ken                Vision                                                15266   OCC  12.99
   New Age                          Carroll, Lee              Kryon Bk 12 Twelve Layers Of DNA (Out of print)       20006   OCC  16.98
   New Age                          Chaney, Earlyne           Secrets From Mount Shasta                             13567   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Chaney, Robert G.         Reincarnation Cycle Of Opportunity                    13414   OCC   4.00
   New Age                          Christeann, Aaron         Michael: The Basic Teachings (LIMBO NL 1/29/00)       23436   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Christian, Jean           Journey Into Deep Memory                              15536   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Clark, E.J. & Agnew, A    Ark Of Millions Of Years Vol.2                        16677   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Clark, E.J. & Agnew, Alex Ark Of Millions Of Years Vol. 1                       16670   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Clark, Nancy              Earth In Ascension                                    23503   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara             Mind Chronicles                                       30806   OCC  25.00
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Alchemy Of Nine Dimensions                            13127   OCC  24.00
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Alchemy Of Nine Dimensions                            30408   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Awakening The Planetary Mind                          12937   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Eye Of The Centaur                                    14876   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Liquid Light Of Sex                                   19164   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Pleiadian Agenda                                      23348   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Revelations From The Source                           26401   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Clow, Barbara Hand        Signet Of Atlantis  (MCT 3)                           16644   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Coates, Denise            Feel It Real!                                         30555   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Colgan, Caryn             Ancient Pact  Vol 1: The Element of Air               30797   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Colton, A.R. & J. Murro   Galaxy Gate I  The Holy Universe                      17654   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Colton, A.R. & J. Murro   Galaxy Gate II  The Angel Kingdom                     17655   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Cooper, Diana             Little Light On Ascension                             24672   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Corley, Theresa           Journey Home  Children's Edition                      29488   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Creme, Benjamin           Messages From Maitreya/Christ V2 (0936604077)         18518   OCC   5.00
   New Age                          Daniel, Terri             Swan In Heaven                                        23693   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Dannelley, Richard        Sedona: Beyond The Vortex                             24069   OCC  12.00
   New Age                          Darby & Joan              Our Unseen Guest                                      17943   OCC   5.95
   New Age                          Dean, Michael             Return Of Merlin (0-938294-30-X)                      22684   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          DeRohan, Ceanne           Earth Spell  Loss Of Consciousness On Earth           18297   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          DeRohan, Ceanne           Feelings Matter                                       22783   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          DeRohan, Ceanne           Heart Song                                            12976   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          DeRohan, Ceanne           Imprinting   A Healing Of The Chakras                 24676   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          DeRohan, Ceanne           Land Of Pan  Loss Of Power & Magic On Earth           17750   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          DeRohan, Ceanne           Original Cause 1   Unseen Role                        15755   OCC  11.00
   New Age                          DeRohan, Ceanne           Original Cause 2   Reflection                         16970   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Diagram Group             Who Were You?                                         17486   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Dooley, Mike              From Deep Space With Love                             28826   OCC  22.99
   New Age                          Douglas, Nik              Book Of Matan                                         20744   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Drew, Susan               Tapestry Of Light  Divine Messages From Pleiades      22541   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Drury, Neville            Shaman & The Magician                                 13620   OCC   7.95
   New Age                          Durrett, Don              Finding Your Soul                                     20088   OCC  23.95
   New Age                          Durrett, Don              Last Of The Gnostics (A Novel)                        20023   OCC  23.95
   New Age                          Durrett, Don              New thinking For The New Age                          20062   OCC  23.95
   New Age                          El Bey, El Ahora          Garden Of Eden                                        19902   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Ellen, Virginia           Activation Of The Sacred Seals                        28201   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Emahmn                    Coloring Book Of Magical Designs I                    16732   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Erbe, Peter               God I Am  From Tragic To Magic                        26142   OCC  21.95
   New Age                          Essene & Nidle            You Are Becoming A Galactic Human (OP 11/97)          22079   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Essene, Virginia          Energy Blessings From The Stars  7 Initiations        25876   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Essene, Virginia          Secret Truths  A Young Adult's Gd For Crtng. Peace    12756   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Essene, Virginia (Edt.)   New Cells, New Bodies, New Life! (BO NEWL 8/19/05)    20601   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Everett, Julianne         Heart Initiation                                      13144   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Farish, Starr             Words From The Source II                              17180   OCC  17.00
   New Age                          Foster, Jean              God-Mind Connection                                   17607   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Foster, Jean              New Earth New Truth                                   25178   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Foster, Jean              Truth That Goes Unclaimed                             14583   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Gamman, Tonya             Heaven and Earth                                      19915   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Gill, Penny               What In The World Is Going On                         29748   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Grattan, Brian            Mahatma 1 & 2: The I Am Presence (POS 3/12/03 BP)     22157   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Griscom, Chris            Healing Of Emotion                                    18819   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Griscom, Chris            Psychogenetics                                        27461   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Griscom, Chris            Soul Bodies                                           24273   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Hancock & Brugger         Game Of God                                           15667   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Harrington, Michael       Touched By The Dragon's Breath                        31093   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Hastings, Arthur          With The Tongues Of Men And Angels                    19927   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Haule, John               Perils Of The Soul  Ancient Wisdom & The New Age      26028   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Heartsong, Clair          Anna Grandmother Of Jesus                             29443   OCC  16.99
   New Age                          Helene  (Channelled)      Ascension                                             22357   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Henry, William            Oracle Of The Illuminati                              30951   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Hicks, Esther             Money & The Law Of Attraction                         24940   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Hicks, Esther & Jerry     Amazing Power Of Deliberate Intent                    15545   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Hicks, Esther & Jerry     Ask & It Is Given                                     15275   OCC  15.99
   New Age                          Hicks, Esther & Jerry     Astonishing Power Of Emotions (Incl. CD)              31080   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Hicks, Esther & Jerry     Getting Into The Vortex (Audio Download)              21598   OCC  16.99
   New Age                          Hicks, Esther & Jerry     Law Of Attraction (Tchgs Of Abraham)                  13812   OCC  15.99
   New Age                          Hicks, Esther & Jerry     Sara, Book 1                                          18311   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Hicks, Jerry & Esther     Ask And It Is Given (4 CD Set)                        16469   OCC  23.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  Answers (...From The Pages Of Lightline)              15100   OCC   7.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  Child Light  Parenting For The New Age                17573   OCC   7.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  Golden Quest (POS 2/94)                               21050   OCC   6.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  Letters Of Paul (OP 3/01)                             19367   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  More Answers  (OSI 7/97)                              15116   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  Nations  (OSI 7/97)                                   12999   OCC   4.50
   New Age                          Hilarion                  Nature Of Reality                                     13026   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  New Heaven A New Earth (POS 4/92 & 4/93)              15249   OCC   7.95
   New Age                          Hilarion                  Seasons Of The Spirit                                 13529   OCC   7.95
   New Age                          Hoffman, Danielle         Council Of Light                                      11973   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Hoodwin, Shepherd         Journey Of Your Soul (Michael Teachings)              26277   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Hope, Murry               Gaia Dialogues                                        22793   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Hope, Murry               Lion People                                           17401   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Hurtak, J.J.              Book Of Knowledge  Keys Of Enoch                      11378   OCC  50.00
   New Age                          Hurtak, J.J.              Introduction To The Keys Of Enoch                     16543   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Hurtak, J.J.              Scrolls Of Adam & Eve                                 16793   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Hyatt, Christopher        Tree Of Lies                                          16646   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Hyatt, Christopher        Undoing Yourself                                      16695   OCC  29.95
   New Age                          Jenice, Nina              For We Are One  ISBN (1-878455-06-0)                  21841   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Johnson, Deborah          Sacred Yes  Letters From The Infinite Vol. 1          30425   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          Katz, Ginny               Beyond The Light                                      20743   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Kelly, Mary Olsen (Ed)    Fireside Treasury Of Light  Anthlgy / New Age Lit.    19221   OCC  12.00
   New Age                          King, Godfre Ray          Magic Presence                                        17505   OCC  25.00
   New Age                          King, Godfre Ray          Unveiled Mysteries                                    17435   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          King, Jani (Channeled)    P'taah (V.3) The Gift                                 23750   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          King, Jani (Channelled)   An Act Of Faith The P'Taah Tapes                      22303   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          King, Jani (Channelled)   Transformation Of The Species  P'Taah Tapes           22149   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Klein, Eric               Inner Door Vol I                                      21926   OCC  14.50
   New Age                          Klein, Eric               Jewels On The Path                                    23505   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Klimo, Jon                Channeling                                            16856   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon  Bk 1  The End Times                            21818   OCC  12.00
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon  Bk 2  Don't Think Like A Human                 22226   OCC  12.00
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon  Bk 3  Alchemy Of The Human Spirit              23357   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon  Bk 5  The Journey Home                         24663   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon  Bk 6  Partnering With God                      24838   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon  Bk 7  Letters From Home                        26282   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon  Bk 9  The New Beginning                        28992   OCC  14.98
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon Bk 10 New Dispensation                          30345   OCC  14.98
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon Bk 8 Kryon 2000 Passing The Marker              27501   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon Bk. 13 Recalibration Of Humanity                29401   OCC  16.98
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon Bk. 14  New Human  Evolution Of Humanity        29424   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Kryon (Lee Carroll)       Kryon Book 11  Lifting The Veil                       30988   OCC  14.98
   New Age                          Kryon (Muranyi, Monika)   Gaia Effect (Kryon)                                   23569   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Kueshana, Eklal           Ultimate Frontier                                     14035   OCC   4.95
   New Age                          Kushi, Michio             Other Dimensions                                      20762   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Laddon, Judy              Beyond The Veil                                       18766   OCC   7.95
   New Age                          Lee, Ilchi                Call Of Sedona                                        16297   OCC  17.99
   New Age                          Leichtman, Robert R.      Destiny Of America                                    26940   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Light Technology Research Shining The Light VI                                  27747   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          MacLaine, Shirley         Camino  Journey Of The Spirit                         27346   OCC  18.99
   New Age                          Mann, Nicholas R.         Sedona  Sacred Earth  Ancnt Lr, Mdrn Mths  A Gde      19518   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Marciniak, Barbara        Bringers Of The Dawn                                  12882   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Marciniak, Barbara        Earth  Pleiadian Keys To The Living Library           22463   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Marciniak, Barbara        Family Of Light                                       25588   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Marciniak, Barbara        Path Of Empowerment (BO'd 7/9/2020)                   30618   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Marelin The Magician      Merlin's Message                                      29795   OCC   7.00
   New Age                          Mark Age                  Visitors From Other Planets                           14075   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Masters, Robert Augustus  Truth Cannot Be Rehearsed  Tlks, Sssns, & Essys...    19521   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          McClure, Janet            Prelude To Ascension                                  28145   OCC  29.95
   New Age                          Meyer, Patricia Ann       Teachings Of The Angel Of North America Bk 1          23816   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Milanovich & McCure       Light Shall Set You Free                              15666   OCC  25.00
   New Age                          Milanovich, Norma J.      We, The Arcturians  A True Experience                 19753   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Miller, Reg T.            Pyramid Truth Gateway Universe                        21810   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          Moller, Helene            My Solitary Pathway To God  Part I                    20029   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Moller, Helene            Unlocking Of The Apocalypse                           20031   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Montgomery, Ruth          Born To Heal                                          11397   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Montgomery, Ruth          Here & Hereafter                                      12267   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Montgomery, Ruth          World Before                                          14193   OCC  19.00
   New Age                          MSI                       Ascension  An Analysis                                24436   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          MSI                       Enlightenment  Yoga Sutras (0-931783-17-8)            23664   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          MSI                       First Thunder                                         24386   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Nidle & Arguelles         Galactic Human Handbook  Entering The New Time        23618   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Nielsen, Greg             Beyond Pendulum Power  Entering The Energy World      18458   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          O'Leary, Brian            Exploring Inner & Outer Space                         18411   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Orr, Leonard              Breaking the Death Habit                              18782   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Paine, Wingate            Book Of Surrender                                     18393   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Parrish-Harra, Carol      Messengers Of Hope  Walk-In Phenomenon                29251   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Pearce, Joseph            Crack In The Cosmic Egg                               22876   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Pedley, David             Melchizedek Bible                                     27033   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          Pensatia                  High Mountain                                         15373   OCC   7.50
   New Age                          Pensatia                  Magnetic Light                                        15375   OCC   5.00
   New Age                          Percival, Harold W.       Adepts, Masters And Mahatmas (OP not available)       21194   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Pereira, Patricia         Arcturian Songs Of The Masters Of Light V.4           27010   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Pereira, Patricia         Eagles Of The New Dawn  Arcturian Star Chron. V.2     26465   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Pereira, Patricia         Songs Of Malantor                                     26495   OCC  16.99
   New Age                          Pereira, Patricia         Songs Of The Arcturians                               15775   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Peterson, Wayne           Extraordinary Times Extraordinary Beings              28007   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Phillip, Brother          Secret Of The Andes & Golden Sun Disc of MU           13553   OCC  21.95
   New Age                          Phylos The Tibetan        Earth Dweller's Return (OP?)                          24258   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Pierrakos & Saly          Creating Union                                        21603   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Pierrakos & Thesenga      Surrender To God Within                               24718   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Pierrakos, Eva            Pathwork Of Self-Transformation                       20053   OCC  17.00
   New Age                          Pierrakos, Eva            Undefended Self (Susan Thesenga auth) POS 1/2014      18189   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Pixie, Magenta            Masters Of The Matrix                                 21034   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Platts, David             Divinely Ordinary Divinely Human (Eileen Caddy)       26888   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Po, Li                    Ascended Master Dictations                            29020   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Po, Li                    Ascended Master Dictations 2                          19785   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Po, Li                    Ascended Masters  Who Are They..                      30732   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Ponce, Charles            Game Of Wizards (OP 1/2002)                           19767   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Pope, Joya                World According To Michael (OP 10/2002)               20884   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Abundance Book                                        16629   OCC   7.00
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Alchemist's Handbook                                  27399   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Empowerment                                           17182   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Jesus Code                                            26925   OCC  14.99
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Living A Life Of Joy                                  25499   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Nothing Is Too Good To Be True                        29440   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Practical Spirituality                                15012   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Removing The Masks That Bind Us                       28179   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Spiritual Philosophy For The New World                15421   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      Superbeings                                           11810   OCC   7.99
   New Age                          Price, John Randolph      With Wings As Eagles                                  16145   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Quiller & Davis           Merlin Awakes                                         19010   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Ra (Don Elkins)           Law Of One  Book II                                   23126   OCC  14.99
   New Age                          Ra (Don Elkins)           Law Of One  Book III                                  23092   OCC  16.99
   New Age                          Ra (Don Elkins)           Law Of One  Book IV                                   23108   OCC  14.99
   New Age                          Ra (Elkins, Don   Law Of One  Book I                                    17778   OCC  14.99
   New Age                          RA (McCarty & Rueckert)   Law Of One Book V. Personal Material                  11250   OCC  12.99
   New Age                          Ra, Kaia                  Sophia Code                                           20048   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          Rahn, Otto                Lucifer's Court                                       14651   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Rampa, T. Lobsang         You Forever                                           19301   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Rasha                     Oneness  The Teachings                                29712   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Redfield & Adrienne       Celestine Prophecy  Experiential Guide                22589   OCC  16.99
   New Age                          Redfield, James           Celestine Prophecy                                    21248   OCC  17.99
   New Age                          Redfield, James           Celestine Vision                                      24847   OCC  13.99
   New Age                          Redfield, James           Secret Of Shambhala                                   26534   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Redfield, James           Tenth Insight                                         23849   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Redfield, James           Twelfth Insight                                       21686   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Reed, Howard              We The Angels                                         25343   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Dreams, Evolution & Value Fulfillment Vol. 1          14983   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Dreams, Evolution & Value Fulfillment Vol. 2          15928   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Emir's Education In The Proper Use Of Magical Powr    11863   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Fell's ESP Power                                      27338   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Fell's ESP Power (formerly How To Develop Yr ESP.)    22084   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Individual & The Nature Of Mass Events                11011   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Magical Approach                                      22657   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Nature Of Personal Reality                            16445   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Nature Of The Psyche (Trade)                          13004   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Oversoul Seven Trilogy                                22057   OCC  27.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Psychic Politics                                      14993   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Seth Speaks                                           15169   OCC  20.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Unknown Reality Vol. 2                                14039   OCC  25.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Jane             Way Toward Health  A Seth Book                        25017   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Roberts, Richard (Edt.)   Seth Reader                                           21592   OCC  22.95
   New Age                          Rodegast                  Emmanuel's Book I                                     13542   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Rodegast & Stanton        Emmanuel's Book II                                    18248   OCC  17.00
   New Age                          Rodegast & Stanton        Emmanuel's Book III (OP 6/03)                         22296   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Rogo, D. Scott            Psychic Breakthroughs Today                           16863   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Roman & Packer            Creating Money                                        17601   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          Roman, S. & Packer, D.    Opening To Channel                                    16714   OCC  17.95
   New Age                          Roman, Sanaya             Living With Joy                                       14744   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Roman, Sanaya             Personal Power Through Awareness                      15982   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Roman, Sanaya             Soul Love  Awakening Your Heart Centers               24559   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Roman, Sanaya             Spiritual Growth  Being Your Higher Self              17502   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Ryerson, K. & Harolde, S. Spirit Communication The Soul's Path  (OP 01.95)      19939   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Saalman, Wayne            Dream Illuminati                                      17545   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Saratoga & Telstar        Final Elimination Of The Source Of Fear               11203   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Sauder, Richard           Kundalini Tales                                       29541   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Schlemmer & Jenkins       Only Planet Of Choice (POS INGR 12/10/05)             21597   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Scolastico, Ron           Earth Adventure                                       19692   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               Alchemy (Beyond The Known Trilogy)                    18659   OCC  19.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               Book Of Freedom (Master Trilogy Book III)             28165   OCC  17.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               Book of Knowing and Worth                             28634   OCC  17.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               Book of Love and Creation                             28641   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               Book of Mastery (Mastery trilogy book 1)              28649   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               Book Of Truth  Mastery Trilogy Book II                29089   OCC  17.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               I Am The Word                                         26473   OCC  17.00
   New Age                          Selig, Paul               Resurrection  Book One                                26093   OCC  18.99
   New Age                          Skains, Margo Fell        Hosanna!                                              18385   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Skarin, Annalee           Beyond Mortal Boundaries (not available)              11319   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Skarin, Annalee           Book Of Books                                         11369   OCC  20.00
   New Age                          Skarin, Annalee           Ye Are Gods                                           14209   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Smith, J. & Piccard, G.   Secrets Of The Holy Lance  The Spear Of Destiny       13006   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Solara                    11:11  Inside The Doorway                             21047   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Solara                    El*An*Ra Healing Of Orion                             12647   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Solara                    How To Live Large On A Small Planet                   24036   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Solara                    Invoking Your Celestial Guardians                     19424   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Solara                    Star-Borne                                            18562   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          St. Aubyn, Lorna          New Age In A Nutshell (POS 7/94)                      19667   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          St. Germain (Azena)       Earth's Birth Changes (St. Germain)                   23087   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          Starck, Walter & Eron     Star Keys                                             17696   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Steiger, Brad             Revelation The Divine Fire                            17719   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Sterling, Fred            Kirael  The Great Shift (V.1) POS 4/04                25121   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stevens & Warwick-Smith   Michael Handbook                                      17261   OCC  17.95
   New Age                          Stevens, Jose             Earth To Tao  Michael's Gd...(POS 12/19/00)           15848   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Stevens, Jose             Tao To Earth                                          18223   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Stevens, Ramon            Earthly Cycles  How Past Lives...Shape Your Life      11747   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Stevens, Ramon            Spirit Wisdom  An Alexander Book                      23109   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua             Ascension & Romantic Relationships                    26996   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua             Beginner's Guide To The Path Of Ascension             25715   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua             Complete Ascension Index                              28606   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua             Complete Ascension Manual                             22875   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua             Soul Psychology  Keys To Ascension                    22874   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Ascended Masters Light The Way                        23631   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Beyond Ascension                                      23010   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Cosmic Ascension  Your Cosmic Map Home                25277   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Golden Keys To Ascension & Healing                    25717   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Hidden Mysteries                                      23632   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       How To Teach Ascension Classes                        25728   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Manual For Planetary Leadership                       28144   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Revelations Of A Melchizedek Initiate                 25890   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stone, Joshua David       Your Ascension Mission                                25730   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Stubbs, Tony              Ascension Handbook (POS 12/1/98)                      21900   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Sutphen, Dick             Finding Your Answers Within                           19825   OCC   4.50
   New Age                          Sutphen, Dick             Radical Spirituality  Metaphysical Awareness          22923   OCC  12.00
   New Age                          Swerdlow, Stewart         Healer's Handbook  Journey Into Hyperspace            27516   OCC  22.00
   New Age                          Taylor, Dona Sarah        Teachings From The Earth Oracle                       17612   OCC  16.99
   New Age                          Teabo, Shirlee            Evolution Of A Psychic                                19542   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Temple-Thurston, Leslie   Returning To Oneness                                  29264   OCC  13.00
   New Age                          Toomey, Christine         In Her Own Words (Princess Diana after death)         27784   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Tuella & The Ashtar Comm. On Earth Assignment                                   21765   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Tuella (Channeled)        Cosmic Prophecies For the Year 2000                   22125   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Tuella (Compiled by)      Ashtar  Revealing The Secret Program                  19525   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Tuella / Ashtar Command   New World Order  Prophecies From Space                15841   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Tuella/Ashtar             New Book Of Revelations                               23431   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Urantia Foundation        Urantia Book                                          14050   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Valentin & Essene         Descent Of The Dove                                   18750   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Valentin, A. & Essene, V. Cosmic Revelation (OP 9/94)                           16575   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Vallee, Martine (Edit.)   Great Shift                                           16190   OCC  18.95
   New Age                          van Dorp, Cornelius       Crystal Mission                                       21411   OCC  21.00
   New Age                          Van Valer, Nola           Mt. Shasta Ascended Master Teaching                   24134   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Vywamus (Barbara Burns)   Channelling  Evolutionary Exercises                   28861   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Vywamus (Janet McClure)   Aha! The Realization Book                             19411   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Vywamus (Janet McClure)   Light Techniques  That Trigger Transformation         19414   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Vywamus (Janet McClure)   Scopes Of Dimensions                                  28596   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Vywamus (Janet McClure)   Source Adventure                                      28764   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Vywamus (McClure)         Sanat Kumara                                          28623   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Donald Neale      God's Message to the World                            25583   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Walsch, N. & Blanton, B.  Honest To God                                         28889   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale             Conversations With God Bk 1                           23633   OCC  26.00
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale  et al      View   Mind Over Matter, Heart Over Mind              11773   OCC  21.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Communion With God                                    29149   OCC  15.00
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Conversations With God Bk 2                           24316   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Conversations With God Bk 3                           25633   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Conversations With God Bk 4                           17457   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Friendship With God  An Uncommon Dialogue             26446   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Happier Than God                                      13486   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Home With God                                         16590   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Little Book Of Life  A User's Manual                  20689   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale donald      Moments Of Grace                                      28630   OCC  22.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Mother Of Invention                                   23142   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      New Revelations  Conversation W/God                   29227   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Storm Before The Calm                                 16298   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      Tomorrow's God                                        30117   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Walsch, Neale Donald      When God Steps In, Miracles Happen                    21137   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Washington, Dawson        Visions Of Earth Beyond 2012                          31126   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Watkins, Susan            Conversations With Seth 25th Anniv. Ed. (BO 9/10)     23273   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Weed, Joseph              Wisdom Of The Mystic Masters                          14179   OCC  14.00
   New Age                          Werber, Eva Bell          In His Presence                                       12421   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Werber, Eva Bell          Journey With The Master                               12505   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Werber, Eva Bell          Quiet Talks With The Master                           13349   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Werber, Eva Bell          Voice Of The Master                                   14082   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          White, Ralph              Cosmic Fire                                           13654   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Whitfield, Joseph         Eternal Quest                                         11923   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Whitfield, Joseph         Treasure Of El Dorado                                 14010   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Whitworth, Eugene         Genesis  Children Of Thoth                            22695   OCC  19.95
   New Age                          Whitworth, Eugene E.      Eternal Truth  For All Who Seek (OP 8/98)             18759   OCC  10.00
   New Age                          Whitworth, Eugene E.      Nine Faces Of Christ                                  14822   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Affirmations                                          16850   OCC  10.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Art Of Redemption                                     31104   OCC  15.99
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Force                                                 16724   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             God's Gladiators                                      29869   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Infinite Self  33 Steps To Your Inner Power           14317   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Life Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle                 14233   OCC   9.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Little Money Bible                                    26660   OCC   8.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Miracles                                              15040   OCC  11.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Quickening                                            15052   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Silent Power                                          20315   OCC  11.99
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Simply Wilde (OP 1/2003)                              27186   OCC   7.95
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   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Three Keys To Self-Empowerment                        30617   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Trick To Money Is Having Somey                        18318   OCC  15.95
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Weight Loss For The Mind                              22387   OCC   7.00
   New Age                          Wilde, Stuart             Whispering Winds Of Change                            21452   OCC  13.95
   New Age                          Williamson, George Hunt   Secret Places Of The Lion                             21595   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Chaos & Beyond (POS 12/26/00 BP)                      22596   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Coincidance (BO BP 6/5/03)                            24867   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Email To The Universe                                 28381   OCC  15.23
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Illuminati Papers                                     12407   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      New Inquisition (INGR SW 4/13/06)                     16215   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Prometheus Rising                                     15073   OCC  23.00
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Reality Is What You Can Get Away With (POS 4/21/04    12313   OCC  13.00
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Right Where You Are Sitting Now                       12550   OCC  14.95
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      TSOG  The Thing That Ate The Constitution             29617   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          Wilson, Robert Anton      Walls Come Tumbling Down                              25148   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          Wolfe, David & Good, Nick Amazing Grace                                         24957   OCC  16.95
   New Age                          Work & Groth              Awaken To The Healer Within                           23478   OCC  16.50
   New Age                          Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn     Messages From Michael (OSI 2/21/02)                   12874   OCC   5.50
   New Age                          Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn     Michael For The Millennium                            23455   OCC  12.95
   New Age                          Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn     Michael's People (OSI 5/94)                           13939   OCC   3.95
   New Age                          Yin, Amorah Quan          Affinity                                              28603   OCC  16.00
   New Age                          Yin, Amorah Quan          Pleiadian Workbook                                    23529   OCC  18.00
   New Age                          Young, Michael            Shekinah Prophecy                                     16458   OCC  15.99
   New Age                          Zohar, Tiamara            Dragonheart Workbook                                  12162   OCC  24.95
   New Age                          Zyir, Dhara Star          Love's Awakening                                      17152   OCC   6.95
   Non-Duality                      Adamson, 'Sailer' Bob     What's Wrong With Right Now                           11123   NON  14.95
   Non-Duality                      Adyashanti                Direct Way                                            13997   NON  22.99
   Non-Duality                      Adyashanti                Emptiness Dancing                                     30734   NON  19.99
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   Non-Duality                      Gill, Nathan              Already Awake                                         16645   NON  19.00
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   Non-Duality                      Hartong, Leo              Awakening To The Dream                                31089   NON  14.95
   Non-Duality                      Jacobson, Leonard         Words From Silence                                    25585   NON  12.95
   Non-Duality                      Kersschot, Jan            Myth Of Self-Enquiry (BO'd 8/25/2024)                 24256   NON  13.95
   Non-Duality                      Kersschot, Jan            Nobody Home                                           24257   NON  16.95
   Non-Duality                      Khan, Adnan               Understanding Oneself                                 23638   NON   9.99
   Non-Duality                      Klein, Jean               Beyond Knowledge                                      22123   NON  16.45
   Non-Duality                      Klein, Jean               Book Of Listening (BO'd 6/3/2021)                     24645   NON  23.95
   Non-Duality                      Klein, Jean               I Am                                                  13630   NON  16.95
   Non-Duality                      Klein, Jean               Who Am I? Sacred Quest                                20191   NON  17.95
   Non-Duality                      Krishnamurti, U. G.       Mind is a Myth                                        18282   NON  16.95
   Non-Duality                      Krishnamurti, U.G,        Mystique Of Enlightenment  Radical Ideas Of U.G.      18178   NON  15.95
   Non-Duality                      Lawry, Kalyani            Only That                                             25604   NON  14.45
   Non-Duality                      Liquorman, Wayne          Acceptance Of What Is                                 27995   NON  16.00
   Non-Duality                      Liquorman, Wayne          Never Mind                                            21736   NON  17.00
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   Non-Duality                      Maa, Amoda                Embodied Enlightenment                                29269   NON  17.95
   Non-Duality                      Maa, Amoda                Falling Open In A World Falling Apart                 20007   NON  15.95
   Non-Duality                      Melvyn, Roy (Trans.)      Lost Writings Of Wu Shin                              18887   NON  19.95
   Non-Duality                      Nadeen, Satyam            From Onions To Pearls  Journal Of Awakening           24207   NON  17.95
   Non-Duality                      Parsons, Tony             All There Is                                          18886   NON  24.00
   Non-Duality                      Parsons, Tony             Nothing Being Everything (POS NEWL 8/17/16)           19359   NON  20.00
   Non-Duality                      Parsons, Tony             Open Secret (BO'd NEWL 9/23/16)                       19412   NON  14.00
   Non-Duality                      Peterson, Jackson         Natural Bliss Of Being                                11051   NON  18.95
   Non-Duality                      Prendergast & Bradford    Listening From The Heart Of Silence                   26490   NON  19.95
   Non-Duality                      Prendergast, John         Deep Heart                                            15388   NON  17.95
   Non-Duality                      Prendergast, John         In Touch                                              25857   NON  17.95
   Non-Duality                      Robertson, Fiona          Art Of Finding Yourself                               28260   NON  16.95
   Non-Duality                      Robertson, Fiona          Dark Night of the Soul                                19691   NON  18.00
   Non-Duality                      Singer, Michael           Living Untethered                                     17170   NON  18.95
   Non-Duality                      Singer, Michael           Surrender Experiment                                  30799   NON  16.95
   Non-Duality                      Singer, Michael           Untethered Soul                                       12564   NON  18.95
   Non-Duality                      Spira, Rupert             Being Aware of Being Aware                            13656   NON  17.95
   Non-Duality                      Spira, Rupert             Meditation On I Am                                    23342   NON  16.95
   Non-Duality                      Spira, Rupert             Nature of Consciousness                               29007   NON  21.95
   Non-Duality                      Spira, Rupert             Presence  Art Of Peace & Happiness (Vol. 1)           24458   NON  24.95
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   Non-Duality                      Spira, Rupert             Transparency of Things Contemplating ...              19256   NON  24.95
   Non-Duality                      Swartz, James             How To Attain Enlightenment (Nonduality)              22242   NON  15.95
   Non-Duality                      Sylvester, Richard        Book Of No One                                        28401   NON  14.95
   Non-Duality                      Sylvester, Richard        Non-Duality Questions, Non-Duality Answers (BO'd)     27326   NON  16.95
   Non-Duality                      Wallis, Christopher       Near Enemies Of The Truth                             18156   NON  26.00
   Non-Duality                      Weiss, Paul               Dharma of Direct Experience                           25046   NON  22.99
   Numerology                       Adrienne, Carol           Numerology Kit                                        26973   NUM  17.95
   Numerology                       Baillett, L. Dow          Vibration  A System Of Numbers As Taught By Pyth.     18825   NUM   7.00
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   Numerology                       Buess, Lynn               Numerology  Nuances In Relationship                   21353   NUM  12.65
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   Numerology                       Bunker, Dusty             Numerology & Your Future                              13053   NUM  29.99
   Numerology                       Camp, Robert              Cards Of Your Destiny / Destiny Cards                 22036   NUM  29.99
   Numerology                       Camp, Robert L.           Love Cards                                            22582   NUM  29.99
   Numerology                       Connolly, Eileen          Connolly Book Of Numbers  Vol I  (OP 8/08)            19482   NUM  14.95
   Numerology                       Connolly, Eileen          Connolly Book Of Numbers  Vol II  (OP 8/08)           19483   NUM  14.95
   Numerology                       Crawford & Sullivan       Power Of Birthdays, Stars, & Numbers                  25373   NUM  30.00
   Numerology                       Curtiss, Harriette & F.H. Key To The Universe                                   13806   NUM  18.00
   Numerology                       De Oxossi, Diego          Afro-Brazilian Numerology                             15326   NUM  16.99
   Numerology                       Decoz & Monte             Numerology  Key To Your Inner Self                    24924   NUM  12.95
   Numerology                       Decoz, Hans               Love & Numbers                                        23499   NUM  16.00
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   Numerology                       Di Pietro, Sylvia         Live Your Life By The Numbers  (OP 8/96)              20796   NUM   5.99
   Numerology                       Dodge, Ellin              Numerology Has Your Number                            18112   NUM  12.00
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   Numerology                       Donovan, Remington        Numerology                                            27982   NUM  21.99
   Numerology                       Ducie, Sonia              Lucky Numbers Oracle                                  26979   NUM   8.00
   Numerology                       Fenton, Sasha             In Focus Numerology  Your Personal Guide              17118   NUM  19.99
   Numerology                       Gaunt, Bonnie             Magnificent Numbers Of The Great Pyramid & Stone..    23669   NUM   9.95
   Numerology                       Goldschneider & Elffers   Secret Language Of Birthdays                          15466   NUM  35.00
   Numerology                       Goldschneider & Elffers   Secret Language Of Destiny                            27601   NUM  50.00
   Numerology                       Goldschneider & Elffers   Secret Language Of Relationships                      26665   NUM  35.00
   Numerology                       Javane, Faith             Master Numbers                                        18701   NUM  14.95
   Numerology                       Jeffers, Sharon           Cards Of Destiny (OP 7/2019)                          31082   NUM  14.95
   Numerology                       Johari, Harish            Numerology With Tantra, Ayurveda, & Astrology         19397   NUM  14.95
   Numerology                       Jordan, Juno              Numerology  The Romance In Your Name                  13060   NUM  19.95
   Numerology                       Khalsa, Guruchander       Numerology  As Taught By Yogi Bhajan                  21496   NUM  14.95
   Numerology                       Koelmeyer, N. & Kolecki   Secret Language Of Your Name                          23815   NUM  18.99
   Numerology                       Lagan, Heather            Chaldean Numerology                                   27123   NUM  17.99
   Numerology                       Lawrence, Shirley         Numerology & The English Cabalah (OP 10/01)           21933   NUM  18.95
   Numerology                       Line, Julia               Discover Numerology  (OP 08.96)                       21490   NUM   9.95
   Numerology                       Line, Julia               Numerology Workbook                                   21114   NUM  12.95
   Numerology                       Lingerman, Hal            Book Of Numerology                                    22511   NUM   9.95
   Numerology                       Lip, Evelyn               Chinese Numbers                                       11961   NUM   9.95
   Numerology                       Lowe, Sheila              Complete Idiot's Guide To Handwriting Analysis        24290   NUM  16.95
   Numerology                       McLeish, John             Number  History Of Numbers                            13433   NUM  20.00
   Numerology                       Miller, Judy              Power Of Names                                        21054   NUM  11.95
   Numerology                       Millman, Dan              Life You Were Born To Live                            21256   NUM  20.95
   Numerology                       Moorey, Teresa            Numerology Bible (BO'd 8/12/2020)                     19340   NUM  19.95
   Numerology                       Mykian, W.                Numerology Made Easy                                  13059   NUM  10.00
   Numerology                       Numerology Project        Hidden Truth Of Your Name                             27941   NUM  26.95
   Numerology                       Oken, Alan                Numerology Demystified (OP not available)             30052   NUM  10.95
   Numerology                       Parkyn & Eastwood         Book Of Destinies                                     31163   NUM  22.95
   Numerology                       Rael, J. & Sutton, L.     Tracks Of Dancing Light                               21708   NUM  12.95
   Numerology                       Randall & Campbell        Sacred Symbols Of The Ancients (OP 9/2005)            13474   NUM  26.95
   Numerology                       Roquemore, Kathleen       It's All In Your Numbers                              15154   NUM  11.00
   Numerology                       Sentier, Elen             Numerology  Dancing The Spirals Of Time               11636   NUM  16.95
   Numerology                       Strayhorn, Lloyd          Numbers & You                                         18533   NUM   8.99
   Numerology                       Sullivan & Crawford       Power Of Playing Cards                                18609   NUM  22.95
   Numerology                       Vaughan, Richard          Numbers As Symbols For Self-Discovery                 14923   NUM   8.95
   Numerology                       Webster, Richard          Chinese Numerology (OP 10/01)                         25460   NUM   8.00
   Numerology                       Zerner, Amy & Farber, M   Enchanted Birthday Book                               21063   NUM  19.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Beinfield, Harriet        Between Heaven & Earth                                23639   ORI  18.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Blate, Michael            Natural Acupressure Handbook Vol II                   19490   ORI  19.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Blate, Michael            Natural Healer's Acupressure Book                     13009   ORI  19.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Blue Poppy Press          Acupoint Pocket Reference                             25201   ORI   9.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Bullock, Raymond          Traditional Chinese Medicine                          30155   ORI  24.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chang, S. & Pokorny, F.   Easy Tao (OP 12/93)                                   17236   ORI  12.95
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chang, Stephen            Tao Of Sexology                                       20767   ORI  24.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Ageless Body, Timeless Mind                           19415   ORI  16.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Ageless Body, Timeless Mind (3CD)                     19174   ORI  17.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Book Of Secrets                                       30461   ORI  15.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Creating Health                                       18118   ORI  14.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Future of God                                         25455   ORI  15.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Grow Younger, Live Longer                             20751   ORI  14.95
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Life After Death: The Burden of Proof (CD)            28671   ORI  27.95
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Path To Love                                          15700   ORI  16.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Chopra, Deepak            Quantum Healing                                       12455   ORI  20.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Connelly, Dianne          Traditional Acupuncture                               22512   ORI  16.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Craydon & Bellows         Floral Acupuncture                                    14879   ORI  19.99
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Dechar, Lorie Eve         Five Spirits  Alchemical Acupuncture                  24916   ORI  40.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Donden, Dr. Yeshi         Health Through Balance                                15514   ORI  14.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Dummer, Tom               Tibetan Medicine & Other Holistic... (OSI 6/95)       20975   ORI  12.95
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Flaws, Bob                Arisal Of The Clear  Eating & Chinese Medicine        23862   ORI  10.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Fulder, Stephen           Tao Of Medicine ( OP ? )                              13823   ORI  12.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Gach, Michael             Acupressure For Emotional Healing                     30535   ORI  24.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Gach, Michael             Acupressure's Potent Points                           19229   ORI  22.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Haas, Elson M.            Staying Healthy With The Seasons                      13731   ORI  18.99
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Helion Publishing         Facelift Accupressure Chart (C4)                      27454   ORI   5.99
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Jahnke, Roger             Healer Within                                         26005   ORI  14.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       McNamara, Sheila          Traditional Chinese Medicine                          23621   ORI  14.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Moss, Charles A.          Power Of The Five Elements                            15934   ORI  18.95
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Ohashi, Wataru            Do-It-Yourself Shiatsu                                20255   ORI  20.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Reid, Daniel              Complete Book Of Chinese Health & Healing             22601   ORI  24.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Reid, Daniel              Tao Of Health, Sex, & Longevity                       23603   ORI  19.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Sha, Dr. Zhi Gang         Power Healing                                         15062   ORI  15.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Sha, Master Zhi Gang      Tao Classic of Longevity and Immortality              31211   ORI  19.95
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Shaw, Scott               Ki Process  Korean Secrets For Cultivating Energy     24145   ORI  11.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Sohn, Tina                Amma  The Ancient Art Of Oriental Healing             17605   ORI  14.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Sui, Choa Kok             Advanced Pranic Healing                               23227   ORI  39.99
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Sui, Choa Kok             Miracles Through Pranic Healing (OP 10/02)            27624   ORI  25.00
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Sui, Master Choa Kok      Pranic Crystal Healing                                30551   ORI  30.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Teeguarden, Ron           Radiant Health  Ancient Wisdom Chinese Tonic Herbs    30520   ORI  24.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Thomas, Dr. Aja           Daily Health In The Indian Ayurvedic System           16476   ORI   3.50
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Tohei, Koichi             Book Of Ki  (OP 5/03)                                 22346   ORI  14.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Tsarong, T.J.             Fundamentals Of Tibetan Medicine                      16915   ORI   8.00
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Van Baarle, Jan           Symptomatic Acupuncture Pts.Chart(9991429050)         19342   ORI   6.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Ware, James               Alchemy, Medicine & Religion                          15822   ORI   7.50
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Williams, Tom             Chinese Medicine                                      23064   ORI   9.95
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   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Worsley, J.R.             Talking About Acupuncture                             12255   ORI   5.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Yen, Ming-Sun, M.D.       Buddhist Healing Touch                                26669   ORI  19.95
   Oriental Medicine, Healing       Zhizhong, Bian            Daoist Health Preservation Exercises                  17239   ORI   4.95
   Out of Body                      Braschler, Von            Time Shifts                                           27833   OOB  16.99
   Out of Body                      Brennan, J.H.             Astral Projection Workbook (OP 1/2005)                21780   OOB  14.95
   Out of Body                      Bruce, Robert             Astral Dynamics                                       26700   OOB  24.95
   Out of Body                      Buhlman, William          Adventures Beyond The Body                            24060   OOB  15.99
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   Out of Body                      Conway, D.J.              Astral Love (OP 1/99)                                 23690   OOB  12.95
   Out of Body                      Dennett, Preston          Out-Of-Body Exploring                                 15024   OOB  13.95
   Out of Body                      Denning & Phillips        Astral Projection                                     21374   OOB   9.95
   Out of Body                      Druhan, Marlene Marie     Naked Soul  Astral Travel & Cosmic Relationships      28181   OOB  12.95
   Out of Body                      Ferguson, Myles           My Encounters With The Light  Jesus & The Janitor     26370   OOB  12.95
   Out of Body                      Goldberg, Bruce           Astral Voyages  (Soul Travel)                         26164   OOB  18.99
   Out of Body                      Goldberg, Bruce           Exploring The Fifth Dimension                         23040   OOB  15.95
   Out of Body                      Greene, Richard A.        Handbook Of Astral Power (OP 2/2002)                  16800   OOB  14.95
   Out of Body                      Leva, Patricia            Traveling The Interstate Of Consciousness             25546   OOB  18.00
   Out of Body                      McCoy, Edain              Astral Projection For Beginners                       28108   OOB  12.95
   Out of Body                      Minero, Luis              Demystifying The Out-Of-Body Experience               28619   OOB  24.99
   Out of Body                      Monroe, Robert            Far Journeys                                          15000   OOB  17.99
   Out of Body                      Monroe, Robert            Journeys Out Of The Body                              12508   OOB  17.99
   Out of Body                      Monroe, Robert            Ultimate Journey                                      21807   OOB  18.99
   Out of Body                      Muldoon & Carrington      Projection Of The Astral Body                         13270   OOB  14.95
   Out of Body                      Nicholas, Susan           Duality Of Being                                      11112   OOB  16.95
   Out of Body                      Ophiel                    Art & Practice Of Astral Projection                   18429   OOB  16.95
   Out of Body                      Peterson, Robert          Lessons Out Of The Body                               28833   OOB  13.95
   Out of Body                      Peterson, Robert          Out Of Body Experiences: How To Have Them             24399   OOB  18.95
   Out of Body                      Phillips, Osborne         Astral Projection Kit (Includes 21374 Book)           24116   OOB  24.95
   Out of Body                      Russell, Ronald (Edt)     Using The Whole Brain  (Hemi-Sync)                    25002   OOB  14.95
   Out of Body                      Stack, Rick               Out-Of-Body Adventures                                21238   OOB  18.95
   Out of Body                      Steiger, Brad             Astral Projection                                     19294   OOB  19.95
   Out of Body                      Totterdale & Severn       Teleportation  Practical Guide For The Traveler       11665   OOB  14.95
   Out of Body                      Totterdale, Gwen          Teleportation & teleportation (OP 7/03)               21126   OOB  24.95
   Out of Body                      Van Dam, V.               Power Of Mind & Consciousness                         26301   OOB  11.95
   Out of Body                      Van Dam, V.               Psychic Explorer                                      26303   OOB  19.95
   Out of Body                      Wassermann, Gerhard       Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena                     21431   OOB  15.00
   Out of Body                      Webster, Richard          Astral Travel For Beginners                           28109   OOB  13.95
   Palmistry                        Alman, Nathaniel          Discover Palmistry                                    21272   PAL  13.95
   Palmistry                        Altman, Nathaniel         Palmistry The Universal Guide                         17587   PAL  19.95
   Palmistry                        Altman, Nathaniel         Sexual Palmistry                                      12930   PAL  13.95
   Palmistry                        Amend, K. & Ruiz, Mary    Hand Writing Analysis                                 28761   PAL  12.95
   Palmistry                        Amend, Karen & Ruiz, Mary Handwriting Analysis                                  13875   PAL  15.99
   Palmistry                        Branston, Barry           Graphology Explained  A Workbook                      20233   PAL  24.95
   Palmistry                        Campbell, Edward          Encyclopedia Of Palmistry                             23612   PAL  15.00
   Palmistry                        Casewit, Curtis           Graphology Handbook                                   15561   PAL  11.95
   Palmistry                        Cheiro                    Cheiro's Language Of The Hand                         16064   PAL  28.95
   Palmistry                        Cooper, Helen & Peter     Heads Or The Art Of Phrenology                        12224   PAL  11.95
   Palmistry                        Craze, Richard            Graphology For Beginners                              23878   PAL   9.95
   Palmistry                        De Surany, Marguerite     Medical Graphology                                    20421   PAL  12.95
   Palmistry                        Domin, Linda              Instant Palm Reader                                   24478   PAL  21.99
   Palmistry                        Fincham, Johnny           Spellbinding Power of Palmistry                       30826   PAL  16.95
   Palmistry                        Fitzherbert, Andrew       Hand Psychology (NYR BP 9/27/00)                      27431   PAL   8.95
   Palmistry                        Haner, Jean               Wisdom Of Your Face (Chinese Face Reading)            11789   PAL  19.99
   Palmistry                        Hoffman, Enid             Hands  A Complete Gd. To Palmistry                    12197   PAL  13.95
   Palmistry                        Kwok Man Ho               Lines Of Destiny (Out Of Stock Indefinitely 5/91)     15888   PAL   9.95
   Palmistry                        Kynes, Sandra             Change At Hand                                        17085   PAL  17.95
   Palmistry                        La Roux, Madame           Practice Of Classical Palmistry                       19913   PAL  21.95
   Palmistry                        Levine, Roz               Palmistry  How To Chart The Lines Of Your Destiny     21115   PAL  14.00
   Palmistry                        Mendel, Alfred O.         Personality In Handwriting  A Step-By-Step Guide..    19142   PAL  12.95
   Palmistry                        Peden, Lauren David       Mystical Arts  Palmistry (9780446910149)              24028   PAL   6.95
   Palmistry                        Rhoda                     Criminal Tendency & Palmistry                         26472   PAL  19.95
   Palmistry                        Squire, Elizabeth         Fortune In Your Hand  Art Of Palmistry (BO'd 11/24    31013   PAL  15.95
   Palmistry                        Watts, Michael            Graphology                                            16332   PAL  12.00
   Palmistry                        Webster, Richard          Palm Reading For Beginners                            28106   PAL  15.99
   Palmistry                        Wilson, Joyce             Complete Book Of Palmistry                            17113   PAL   7.99
   Parenting                        Allcock, John             Forty Things I Wish I'd Told My Kids                  30400   PAR  14.95
   Parenting                        Almqvist, Imelda          Natural Born Shamans  Spiritual Toolkt                28178   PAR  27.95
   Parenting                        Astoria, Dorothy          Name Book  10,000 Names (1-55661-982-0)               21416   PAR  12.99
   Parenting                        Baldwin & Palmarini       Pregnant Feelings                                     15524   PAR  17.95
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   Parenting                        Catalfo, Phil             Raising Spiritual Children...(OSI 9/2001)             24841   PAR  12.00
   Parenting                        Clarke & Dawson           Growing Up Again                                      28527   PAR  16.00
   Parenting                        Cobb, Edith               Ecology Of Imagination In Childhood                   21625   PAR  20.00
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   Parenting                        Costanzo, Charlene        Twelve Gifts Of Birth                                 27626   PAR  23.99
   Parenting                        Day, Peggy & Gale, Susan  Edgar Cayce On The Indigo Children                    30667   PAR  14.95
   Parenting                        Dayton, Tian              Daily Affirmations For Parents                        20516   PAR   6.95
   Parenting                        Derricotte, Tai           Natural Birth                                         13002   PAR   4.95
   Parenting                        Edelman, Marian           Guide My Feet  Prayers ..Children                     14337   PAR  16.95
   Parenting                        Eyre, Linda & Richard     Teaching Your Children Sensitivity                    22729   PAR  12.00
   Parenting                        Fisher, Therese           Meditation On Love  (For Children)                    17791   PAR  18.00
   Parenting                        Gaskin, Ina May           Ina May's Guide To Childbirth                         30221   PAR  18.00
   Parenting                        Gaskin, May Ina           Spiritual Midwifery                                   13716   PAR  29.95
   Parenting                        Gellman & Hartman         Where Does God Live                                   12972   PAR   4.99
   Parenting                        Glockler & Goebel         Guide To Child Health                                 20170   PAR  29.95
   Parenting                        Grant, Russell            Zodiac Baby Names                                     14033   PAR  12.95
   Parenting                        Grant, Wendy              13 To 19  Parent's Guide To Understanding...          15347   PAR  12.95
   Parenting                        Greenland, Susan          Mindful Child                                         23598   PAR  15.00
   Parenting                        Gurian, Michael           Wonder Of Boys                                        29536   PAR  13.95
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   Parenting                        Hart, Sura & Hodson, V.   Respectful Parents Respectful Kids                    13045   PAR  17.95
   Parenting                        Harwood, A.C,             Way Of A Child                                        11869   PAR  18.00
   Parenting                        Hawn, Goldie              10 Mindful Minutes                                    12646   PAR  15.00
   Parenting                        Heinl, Tina               Baby Massage Book (POS 12/96....7/98)                 11345   PAR  16.95
   Parenting                        Huxley, Laura             Child Of Your Dreams (BO NEWL 5/2/00)                 19290   PAR  12.95
   Parenting                        Johnson, Cait & Shaw, M.  Celebrating The Great Mother                          16095   PAR  19.95
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   Poetry                           Whitman, Walt             Leaves Of Grass (978-019-953900                       23987   POE  11.95
   Poetry                           Whitman, Walt             Whitman  The Mystic Poets                             25181   POE  10.99
   Poetry                           Williams, Isis-Kali       Intrinsic Energy                                      29293   POE  20.00
   Poetry                           Williams, Paul            Coming  (No Source 03.97)                             23355   POE   6.95
   Poetry                           Williams, Paul            Das Energi                                            11675   POE  12.00
   Poetry                           Williams, Paul            Remember Your Essence                                 16344   POE   7.95
   Poetry                           Wilson, Colin             Poetry & Mysticism (0-87286-182-1)                    22650   POE  12.95
   Poetry                           Yasuda, Kenneth           Japanese Haiku                                        16534   POE  12.95
   Poetry                           Zitt, Joseph              Shekhinah  The Presence  (OP 1/97)                    21149   POE   8.95
   Poetry                           Zvelebil, Kamil           Poets Of The Powers  Freedom, Magic, & Renewal        17730   POE  12.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Folding Thanka Amitabha (FTAB)                        19092   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Folding Thanka Green Tara (FTGT)                      21874   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Folding Thanka Kalachakra Mandala                     23861   POS   5.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Folding Thanka Lord Buddha Teaching                   23858   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Folding Thanka Sri-pa-ho Protection Mandala           23859   POS   5.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Folding Thanka Vajrasattva (FTV)                      19153   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Green Tara & Assembly Of 21 Taras Poster              20958   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Magician Invoking Elementals                          12825   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Mandala Sridpaho Protection (1194M)                   23857   POS   3.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster #12 Noble Lady Tara Tashi Danjed               12412   POS  35.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster 1000- Armed Avalokiteshvara  001-002           15341   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster 4 - Armed Avalokitesvara (001.261)             22740   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Adibuddha Vajrasattva (001-021)                17453   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster All Knowing Tathagata (202.001)                21746   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Amitayus Mandala (001.173) 'Od-dpag-med...     21745   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Atomic Mandala (001.135)                       21269   POS  14.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Avalokitesvara # 100                           15306   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Aztec Cosmos                                   16363   POS  12.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (102-007)           17455   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Bodhisattva Green Tara (103-003, LAM)          18165   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Buddha & Lokesvara (001.254)                   22735   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Buddha Mandala (001-174) gNas-brtan-bcu...     21744   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Charge Of The Goddess Poster                   27953   POS   6.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Christ                                         15513   POS   6.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Christ Meditating                              17872   POS   9.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Dalai Lama  (Sold Out 8/93)                    15309   POS   3.75
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Desiderata                                     23130   POS  16.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Dorje Chang (001.343)                          26404   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Emerald Tablet Of Hermes                       11740   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Emerald Tablet Of Hermes                       27305   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Enlightenment Buddha (001.268)                 22739   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Fifteen Buddhas (LAM) (001.140)                21749   POS  13.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Footprints Of Buddha (001.255) Laminated       22738   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Great Savioress Green Tara (103-004)           17456   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Green Tara                                     15315   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Green Tara (001-171) sGrol-ljang               21743   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Guru Padma 'byung-gnas (001-111)               20219   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Guru Padma Rgyal-po (040-019)                  17789   POS   7.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Guru Seng-ge Sgra-Sgrogs (401-017)             17499   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Guru Seng-ge Sgra-sgrogs N-27                  15317   POS   4.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Horsehead Nebula (1266)                        26585   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Lakshmi Goddess Of Fortune (2030L)             25886   POS  12.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Lightbearer                                    15942   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Lord Buddha Teaching (001.138)                 21751   POS  14.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Mahatma Gandhi                                 16739   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Manjurshri (Print)                             23653   POS   1.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Manjushri (Weber)                              23655   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Meru Mandala (001.136)                         21268   POS  13.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Messier 84 (1347)                              26586   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Neuschwanstein Castle (1680)                   26320   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Om                                             24162   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Padmapani                                      15330   POS   6.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Paradise Of Amitabha (001.275)                 26403   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Planet Earth (1376)                            26587   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Protectress Sitatapatra (001.282)              22736   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Pythagoras 16" X 20"                           11686   POS   8.50
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Ramakrishna (R-1)                              17871   POS   7.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Reflexology Charts                             15335   POS   5.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Saitic Isis                                    11748   POS   5.25
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Shakyamuni Buddha (001.335)                    26402   POS  18.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Shakyamuni Buddha (LAM) (001.139)              21750   POS  13.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Six-Armed Mahakala  (Silk Screen)              21181   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Stretching Anatomy (2 poster set)              25114   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Tara: Bestower Of Blessings (102.001)          12409   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Tree Of Life - Black & White                   15991   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Tree Of Life - Color 11x20                     15346   POS  11.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Vajradhara                                     21312   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Vivekananda (V-1)                              17870   POS   7.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Wheel Of Life Thangka                          15641   POS  20.00
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster White Tara (001.170) sGrol-dkar                21748   POS  14.95
   Posters & Deity Cards                                      Poster Yogatantra Mandala (001.253)                   22737   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            252                       Poster Three Objects Of The Theosophical Society      15342   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Akawie, Thomas            Poster Anubis (1324)                                  26314   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Akawie, Thomas            Poster Osiris (1923)                                  26323   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Azure Green               Poster Pentagram (EPPEN) 8 1/2 X 11                   15649   POS   1.50
   Posters & Deity Cards            B.O.T.A.                  Poster Tree Of Life (22 X 40) #2003                   23699   POS  20.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Bosworth, Harlan          Poster Valley Of Love Poem                            24304   POS  16.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Bosworth, Harlan          Valley Of Love Poster                                 11809   POS  16.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Case, Paul Foster         Poster Pattern On The Trestleboard                    27304   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Cho, Boma                 Poster Christ Head                                    21579   POS  20.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Curtis, D'vorah           Poster Divine Word & Baptism Of Fire (24" x 36")      31139   POS  30.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Curtis, D'vorah           Poster Living Ark Of The Covenant (24" x 36")         31137   POS  30.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Curtis, D'vorah           Poster Our Lady Of Myriad Manifestations (24 X 36)    31140   POS  30.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Davis, Saskia             Poster Symptoms Of Inner Peace                        16477   POS   7.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Davis, Saskia             Poster Symptoms Of Inner Peace (Laminated)            18922   POS  11.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma                    Folding Thanka Manjushri (FTM)                        20373   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma                    Folding Thanka White Tara (FTWT)                      20372   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma                    Poster Guru Rinpoche #61 Vajra Guru Padma Sambhava    16675   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma                    Poster Padmasambhave & 25 Disciples (001-033)         16687   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma                    Sacred Art Card Bodhigaya Buddha (56A)                17186   POS   3.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma                    Sacred Art Card Longevity Tara (11119A)               17185   POS   3.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma                    Thanka Canvas Matted Red Avalokiteshvara (1463MG)     30426   POS  49.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Amulet (AM) 8 mini-thankas                            17001   POS   4.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Buddha Amitabha Lamcard (108LC)                       29767   POS   8.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Buddha Amitayus Lamcard (122LC)                       29768   POS   8.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Buddha Ratnasambhava Lamcard (121LC)                  29769   POS   8.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Guru Padmasambhava Lamcard (128LC)                    29771   POS   8.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Poster Mahabodhisattva Manjusri   040-020             15767   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Tanka Canvas Matted Wheel Of Life (174 MG)            30427   POS  49.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Traveling Altar Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (TABA)    29761   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Traveling Altar Bodhisattva Manjusri (TABM)           29760   POS   7.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Traveling Altar Green Tara (TAGT)                     29765   POS   7.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Traveling Altar Medicine Buddha (TAMB)                29764   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publ.              Traveling Altar Yeshe Tsogyal (TAYT)                  29762   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Cushion Half Moon Purple (CHMP)                       11518   POS  55.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster Avalokiteshvara Brocade (001.467)              23719   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster Dhyani Buddha Amitabha (151.002)               19798   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster Enlightement (001.032)                         19799   POS  12.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster Enlightened One (203.011)                      19797   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster Vajrasattva Brocade (001.472)                  27049   POS  18.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster Vajrasattva Brocade (001.473)                  27047   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster Wheel Of Becoming Brocade (001.074B)           23718   POS  18.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster White Tara Brocade (001.471)                   25119   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Dharma Publishing         Poster World-Honored One (203.010)                    19807   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Haider, Richard           Poster World Clock                                    24408   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Ancient Of The Ancients                        15303   POS  20.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Atlantean Mystery Temple                       15304   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Comte. De St. Germain                          17256   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Emblematic Cross                               15310   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Eyes Of Buddha Mandara                         15312   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Group Of World Religions                       11793   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Kuan Yin (no longer available)                 15323   POS   8.50
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Opening Of The Third Eye                       15329   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hall, Manly P.            Poster Seven Spinal Chakras                           15337   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altar Amma                                     23017   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altar Anandamayi Ma (WA 60)                    13787   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altar Babaji                                   23022   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altar Mary (WA 225)                            15316   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altar Paramhansa Yogananda (WA 53)             18929   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altar Sathya Sai Baba                          23015   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altar St. Francis (WA 130)                     16796   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hearts For Love           Wallet Altars Ramana Maharshi                         23009   POS   2.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hevelii, Johannis         Poster Cometographia                                  18808   POS   6.50
   Posters & Deity Cards            Himalayan Internat. Inst. Poster Sun Salutation  (Soorya Namaskara)             14026   POS   4.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Hurtak                    Poster Cosmic Christ 16 x 24 lithograph               22521   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            I Am America              Poster Freedom Star World Map                         24546   POS  25.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Kaufer's                  11 inch pure bees wax taper candle                    26137   POS     .5
   Posters & Deity Cards            Kaufer's                  Natural Frankincense from Ethiopia                    25616   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Kaufer's                  Our Lady of Guadalupe poster                          21644   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Kircher, Athanasius       Poster Bembine Table Of Isis                          19685   POS   5.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Lamy, Lucie               Poster Psychostasia  The Weighing Of The Soul         18806   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Landers, Lin              Poster Quan Yin Sitting                               24044   POS   7.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Lapham, Robert            Poster Happiness                                      29836   POS  19.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Lapham, Robert            Poster Harmony                                        29887   POS  19.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Machell                   Poster Path                                           18000   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Mahasay, Lahiri           Poster Photo Lahiri Mahasay                           28859   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Mahasay, Lahiri           Poster Satha Chakras                                  29084   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Martin, Sharline          Earth Changes In The Western Hemi. 1994-2004          24367   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Namgyal Monastery Monks   Poster Wheel Of Time  Kalachakra Sand Mandala         19757   POS  18.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Parrish, Maxfield         Poster Daybreak (1892)                                26590   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Parrish, Maxfield         Poster Reservoir (1438)                               26316   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Parrish, Maxfield         Poster Sunrise (1452)                                 26318   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Parrish, Maxfield         Poster Waterfall (1827)                               26321   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Pomegranate Publications  Poster Black Samvara (1230)                           17954   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Pomegranate Publications  Poster Eagle Vision #1682                             17951   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Pomegranate Publications  Poster Green Tara #1229                               17952   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Pomegrante                Poster Manjusri (1253)                                28445   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Pomegrante Pub            Poster Skywatcher #1400                               28446   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 11 1/2 x 16 1/2    Poster Bhavacakra (001.074) Laminated                 20809   POS  16.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Amitabha (040-036 Laminated)                   20210   POS  11.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Avalokitesvara (040-037)                       20205   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Green Tara (040-032 Laminated)                 20201   POS  11.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Green Tara (040-032)                           20202   POS  13.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Guru Padmasambhava (040-038)                   20211   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Lord Sakyamuni Buddha (040-035 Lam.)           20207   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Lord Sakyamuni Buddhi (040-035)                20208   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Mahabodhisattva Tara (001-072 Laminated)       20203   POS  11.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Mahabodhisattva Tara (001-072)                 20204   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Mahabodhisattva Tara (Golden) (001-073 Lam)    20213   POS  14.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Mahabodhisattva Tara (Golden) (001-073)        20214   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Poster 12 x 17            Poster Srid-Pa-Ho (001.040) (LAM)                     20810   POS  13.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Rapgay, Dr. Lobsang       Poster Tibetan Massage & Acupressure                  14793   POS   6.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roberts, David (1442)     Poster View Under Grand Portico Temple Of Philae      26317   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster And We Do Not Fear                             15332   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Bridge Of Glory                                16777   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Krishna Spring In Kulu                         15322   POS   6.50
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Last Angel                                     16563   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Madonna Oriflamma                              15324   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Maitreya                                       16562   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Mother Of The World                            15328   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Path To Shambhala                              15319   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Pink Mountains                                 16773   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Remember                                       16559   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Signs Of Christ                                16560   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Spring In Kulu - Krishna                       16776   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster St. Pantaleimon                                22578   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster St. Panteleimon The Healer                     15339   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Star Of The Hero                               16564   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Star Of The Morning                            16565   POS  12.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Stronghold Of The Spirit                       19728   POS   8.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Tibet                                          15343   POS  10.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster Treasure Of The Mountain                       22204   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Roerich, Nicholas         Poster White Mountain Himalaya                        16561   POS   9.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Rucius, Paulus            Poster Sefirothic Tree                                18807   POS   6.50
   Posters & Deity Cards            Skullerad, Mark A.        Poster Pinnacles Of Laman                             17698   POS  15.00
   Posters & Deity Cards            Soma, Shantha             Poster Shiva The Destroyer (Limited Edition)          27003   POS  29.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Spiritual Touch           Chakra & Aura Chart (13 X 19) 9991473157              30985   POS  19.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Tapestry 52 x 68          Tapestry Throw, Garden Buddha (978-0-943015-05-7)     22912   POS  59.95
   Posters & Deity Cards            Tapestry 52 x 68          Tapestry Throw, Medicine Buddha (646071999111)        23027   POS  59.99
   Posters & Deity Cards            Waterhouse, John William  Poster My Sweet Rose (1367)                           26315   POS  10.00
   Prophecy                         Allan & Delair            When The Earth Nearly Died (OP 5/97)                  23986   PRO  19.95
   Prophecy                         Barki, Pat                Wisewoman's Book Of Tea Leaf Reading                  15481   PRO  19.95
   Prophecy                         Cayce, Hugh Lynn          Earth Changes Update                                  11800   PRO   8.95
   Prophecy                         Cooper, Diana             2012 And Beyond                                       18045   PRO  16.95
   Prophecy                         Curtiss                   Coming World Changes                                  14474   PRO  12.50
   Prophecy                         Hofstadter, Dan (Ed & Tr) Nostradamus  The Future Foretold                      19452   PRO  12.95
   Prophecy                         Hutton, William           Coming Earth Changes                                  13048   PRO  14.95
   Prophecy                         Kay, Tom                  When The Comet Runs                                   24170   PRO  12.95
   Prophecy                         Nelson, MAry              Artists Of The Spirit  Prophets In Art & Mysticism    22182   PRO  25.00
   Prophecy                         Ramer, Andrew             Revelations For A New Millennium                      24237   PRO  13.00
   Prophecy                         Stanford, Ray             Fatima Prophecy                                       17232   PRO   5.99
   Prophecy                         Toth, Max                 Pyramid Prophecies                                    16021   PRO  10.95
   Prophecy                         White, John               Pole Shift                                            15718   PRO   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Abrahamsen, Aaron         On Wings Of Spirit                                    15581   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Ahlquist, Diane           White Light (Psychic Protection)                      29184   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Andrews, Ted              How To Meet & Work With Spirit Guides                 12006   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Andrews, Ted              Intercession Of Spirits                               19248   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Andrews, Ted              Psychic Protection                                    27262   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Anonymous (Fwd. Sardello) Mysterious Story Of X7                                14197   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Atkinson, W.W.            Practical Psychomancy & Crystal Gazing                13245   ESP   4.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Atwater, P.M.H.           Future Memory                                         23646   ESP  26.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Auerbach, Loyd            ESP, Hauntings & Poltergeists                         15803   ESP   4.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Baker, Douglas            Opening Of The Third Eye (POS 2/4/2018)               13114   ESP  12.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Balcombe, Betty           Everyone's Guide For Using Psychic Ability            22742   ESP  11.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Balcombe, Betty E.        Psychic Handbook                                      27813   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Baldwin, William          CE-VI Close Encounters Of The Possession Kind         17425   ESP  10.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bendit, Phoebe & Laurence Our Psychic Sense (34)                                15473   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Benson, Robert Hugh       Light Invisible                                       27397   ESP  10.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bernstein, Morey          Search For Bridey Murphy  (OSI 09.95)                 20509   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bethards & Catalfo        Way Of The Mystic (OP see 27486 Seven Ways To ...)    23018   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bethards, Betty           Seven Steps To Develope Your Intuitive Powers (BO)    27486   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Blais, Sabine             Psychic's Guide Vol.1                                 14791   ESP  20.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bloom, William            Psychic Protection                                    24864   ESP  14.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bluestone, Sarvananda     How To Read Signs & Omens In Everyday Life            28734   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bodine, Echo              Dear Echo                                             13228   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bodine, Echo              Gift  Understand & Develop Your Psychic...            29676   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bodine, Echo              Little Book Of True Ghost Stories                     22538   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bodine, Echo              Still Small Voice  Awakening Intuition                28164   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bodine, Echo              What Happens When We Die                              17877   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bowman, Catherine         Entities Among Us                                     30131   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Braschler, Von            Time Shifts                                           27833   ESP  16.99
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychic Phenomenon               Braschler, Von            Time Shifts                                           27833   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Adventures Of A Psychic                               20718   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Contacting Your Spirit Guide (Incl. CD)               29320   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Conversations With The Other Side                     28796   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            God, Creation, & Tools For Life                       27022   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            If You Could See What I See                           30778   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Light a Candle                                        20195   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Messages From Spirit                                  14970   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Nature Of Good & Evil  Bk 3 Journey Of The Soul       28066   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Other Side & Back                                     26413   ESP   7.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Phenomenon                                            19930   ESP  14.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Secrets & Mysteries Of The World                      30730   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Spiritual Connections                                 30894   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Temples On The Other Side                             25091   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Browne, Sylvia            Visits From The Afterlife                             30005   ESP  15.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Bruce, Robert             Practical Psychic Self-Defense                        20497   ESP  21.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Buckland, Raymond         Buckland's Book Of Spirit Communications              15058   ESP  22.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Buckland, Raymond         The Weiser Field Guide to Ghosts, Apparitions, etc    25351   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Buckland, Raymond (Ed.)   Ghosts, Hauntings & Possessions  Hans Holzer Bk 1     19218   ESP   4.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Burney, Diana             Spiritual Balancing                                   27076   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Burney, Diana             Spiritual Clearings                                   27077   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Burns, Litany             Develop Your Psychic Abilities & Get Them To Work     16853   ESP   5.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Butler, W.E.              How To Read The Aura & Practice Psychometry           15149   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Caidin, Martin            Natural Or Supernatural ?  True, Unexplained Myst'    21294   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Carlin, Emily             Defense Against The Dark                              21576   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Cayce, Edgar              Psychic Sense                                         15456   ESP  15.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Answer Is Simple...                                   12460   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Ask Your Guides (Book)                                20414   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Diary of a Psychic  Shattering the Myths              14506   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Intuitive Spark (Formerly The Wise Child)             26159   ESP  18.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Power Of Your Spirit                                  24344   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Psychic Pathway                                       24516   ESP  19.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Time Has Come To Accept Your Intuitive Gifts          23012   ESP   7.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Trust Your Vibes                                      30694   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Walking Home                                          27682   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Choquette, Sonia          Your Heart's Desire                                   24725   ESP  18.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Clarke, Ardy Sixkiller    Sky People (Alien Encounters In Mesoamerica)          20136   ESP  17.99
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   Psychic Phenomenon               Coddington, Robert H.     Earthbound  Conversations W/Ghosts (OP 12/02)         24963   ESP  12.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Cohen, Daniel             Encyclopedia Of Ghosts                                20168   ESP   4.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Cohen, Daniel             Encyclopedia Of Monsters                              20169   ESP   4.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Connolly, Eileen          Develop Your Psychic Powers  (POS 6/9/98)             18936   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Cooke, Grace              Arthur Conan Doyle's Book Of The Beyond               15354   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Curley, Thomas            Masters Among Us                                      12723   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Currie, Ian               Visions Of Immortality (You Cannot Die) OP            22706   ESP  15.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Davis, Audrey Craft       Metaphysical Techniques That Really Work              26920   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Day, Laura                Circle  How The Power...Wish..                        29422   ESP  16.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Day, Laura                Practical Intuition                                   24545   ESP  15.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               de Forest, Jane           Love Never Dies                                       31192   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               DeLong, Douglas           Ancient Teachings For Beginners                       27368   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Denning & Phillips        Practical Guide To Psychic Self-Defense ...           21975   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Denning, Hazel            True Hauntings  Spirits With A Purpose                12770   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dillard, Sherrie          Discover Your Psychic Type                            15774   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dillard, Sherrie          Sacred Signs & Symbols                                29040   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               DiMarco, MaryAnn          Medium Mentor                                         25635   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               DK Publishing             History Of Ghosts Spirits & The Supernatural          22506   ESP  35.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dominguez, Ivo            Spirit Speak                                          26262   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dong, Paul & Raffill      China's Super Psychics (OSI 10/2002)                  29173   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dossey, Larry             Power Of Premonitions                                 28888   ESP  25.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dossey, Larry             Science Of Premonitions                               18683   ESP  16.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dowding, Muriel           Psychic Life Of Muriel  The Lady Dowding              13294   ESP   6.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Dufresne, Chris           My Psychic Journey                                    16108   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Eason, Cassandra          Complete Guide To Psychic Development                 29647   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Edward, John              Infinite Quest                                        21413   ESP  22.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Edward, John              One Last Time                                         28212   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Edwards, John             What If God Were The Sun                              28219   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Ferguson, Robert A.       ESP For Everyone (POS NEWL 9/2/99)                    12073   ESP   3.50
   Psychic Phenomenon               Ferris, Charles           Twelve Dimensions  Inner Computer Series 1            18265   ESP  10.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Fiore, Edith              Encounters                                            29364   ESP  19.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Fiore, Edith              Unquiet Dead                                          16656   ESP  16.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Flora, Mary Ellen         Clairvoyance  (Out of print)                          29387   ESP  10.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Fort, Charles             Complete Books Of Charles Fort                        26578   ESP  29.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Fortune, Dion             Psychic Self-Defense                                  13300   ESP  17.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Fraser, Sylvia            Quest For The Fourth Monkey                           22471   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Friedland, Nathaniel      Be Psychic Now !                                      26079   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Friedlander & Hemsher     Basic Psychic Development                             25950   ESP  18.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Friedlander & Pearson     Practical Psychic (POS BP 3/19/02)                    19978   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Gauld, Alan               Founders Of Psychical Research                        19408   ESP   4.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Gawain, Shakti            Developing Intuition (BO'd 6/16/2022)                 21127   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Gibson, Mitchell          Living Soul  Removing Entities                        27521   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Giesemann, Suzanne        Awakened Way                                          20431   ESP  17.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Giesemann, Suzanne        Messages Of Hope                                      26921   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Giesemann, Suzanne        Priest and the Medium                                 11228   ESP  18.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Giesemann, Suzanne        Still Right Here                                      20860   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Giesemann, Suzanne        Wolf's Message                                        23259   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Goldberg, Bruce           Protected By The Light (BO says OP 9/00 - check)      21307   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Goldberg, Bruce           Unleash Your Psychic Powers                           21169   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Goldberg, Bruce           Unleash Your Psychic Powers                           27432   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Goldberg, Philip          Intuitive Edge                                        15006   ESP   8.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Grace, Sarah              Journey Into Grace                                    21292   ESP  10.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Graff, Dale               Tracks In The Psychic Wilderness                      25512   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Gray, Kyle                Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom                        13393   ESP  18.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Grosso, Mike              Soulmaker  True Stories From Far Side Of Psyche       14445   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Gruber, Elmar             Psychic Wars                                          26556   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Guiley, Rosemary          Slips In Time And Space                               13398   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hall, Judi                What Does My Future Hold? 99 Ways To Plan Yr Life     28652   ESP  20.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hall, Judy                Art Of Psychic Protection                             23898   ESP  18.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Haner, Jean               Clear Home Clear Heart                                28090   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Harbour, Dorothy          Energy Vampires                                       29055   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Harder, Heather           Interdimensional Communication                        26877   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hauck, Louise P.          Beyond Boundaries  The Adventures Of A Seer           22579   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hess, Andrea              Unlock Your Intuition                                 12256   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hewitt, William           Psychic Development For Beginners                     25596   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hodson, Geoffrey          Man's Supersensory & Spiritual Powers (7794)          14921   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hoffman, Enid             Develop Your Psychic Skills                           14366   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hoffman, Enid             Expand Your Psychic Skills                            17863   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Holland, John             Power Of The Soul                                     20322   ESP  17.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Holland, John             Psychic Navigator                                     14718   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Holy, Monica              Fringe Dweller On The Night Shift                     16758   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Holzer, Hans              Window To The Past  Psychic Time Travel               16877   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hope, Murry               Practical Techniques Of Psychic Self-Defense (OP?)    14973   ESP   7.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hope, Murry               World Of Psychism                                     14890   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Howe, Linda               How To Read The Akashic Records                       13702   ESP  20.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Hunt, Stoker              Ouija  The Most Dangerous Game                        17216   ESP  13.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Huson, Paul               How To Test And Develop Your ESP                      31023   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Ireland-Frey, Louise      Freeing The Captives                                  23742   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Jackson, Laura Lynne      Light Between Us                                      27079   ESP  19.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Jackson, Laura Lyune      Signs  The Secret Language Of The Universe            30557   ESP  19.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Kardec, Allan             Book On Mediums                                       11790   ESP  24.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Keen, Linda               Intuition Magic                                       25526   ESP  16.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               King, George              Realize Your Inner Potential                          27385   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Komak, Kristin            Guias Espirituales                                    20377   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Konstantinos              Vampires  The Occult Truth                            24040   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Lawson, David             How To Develop Your Sixth Sense                       28558   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Leadbeater, C.W.          Clairvoyance                                          11517   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               LeShan, Lawrence          Medium, The Mystic, & The Physicist                   22896   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               LeShan, Lawrence          New Science Of The Paranormal                         12651   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Lilly, John               Center of the Cyclone - Looking Into Inner Space      26763   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Lindley & Halifax         Lord Halifax's Ghost Book                             21570   ESP   8.98
   Psychic Phenomenon               Lizos, George             Protect Your Light                                    21897   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Loewe & Blacker           Oracles & Divination                                  16248   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Mackenzie, Andrew         Hauntings & Apparitions  (OP? 8/97)                   18511   ESP   5.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               MacLeod, Ainslie          Instruction  Living The Life Your Soul Intended       27908   ESP  17.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               MacLeod, Ainslie          Old Soul's Guidebook                                  27951   ESP  21.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Mandelbaum, W. Adam       Psychic Battlefield                                   27087   ESP  15.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Marrs, Jim                Psi Spies                                             31052   ESP  18.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Martin, Malachi           Hostage To The Devil                                  15425   ESP  17.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Martin, Stephen Hawley    Omni Perception                                       28732   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Mateu, Lysa               Psychic Diaries                                       30641   ESP  24.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Matthews, Caitlin         Psychic Shield                                        15327   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Maurey, Eugene            Exorcism  How To Clear At A Distance A Possessed      27289   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Mauro, Colleen            Spiritual Telepathy                                   25798   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               McManus, Mary             Cheyenne  Journey To Birth                            26741   ESP  10.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               McMoneagle, Joseph        Mind Trek (Revised Edition)                           21916   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               McMoneagle, Joseph        Remote Viewing Secrets                                27268   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               McMoneagle, Joseph        Stargate Chronicles  Memoirs Psychic Spy (BO'd)       29273   ESP  24.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               McMoneagle, Joseph        Ultimate Time Machine                                 25666   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Mickaharic, Draja         Spiritual Cleansing                                   13708   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Mitchell, Janet Lee       Conscious Evolution  U. Ext. Abilities In Evrdy Lf    18640   ESP   3.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Moen, Bruce               Voyage Beyond Doubt                                   25898   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Moen, Bruce               Voyage to Curiosity's Father                          28370   ESP  13.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Moen, Bruce               Voyages Into The Afterlife                            26538   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Moen, Bruce               Voyages Into The Unknown                              25940   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Moore, Barbara            Modern Guide To Energy Clearing                       31176   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Morehouse, David          Psychic Warrior (POS 4/2013)                          24081   ESP   7.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Morehouse, David          Remote Viewing                                        24901   ESP  20.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Morwyn                    Complete Book Of Psychic Arts                         26891   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Myers, Arthur             Ghostly Register, The                                 15985   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Myers, Arthur             Ghosts Of The Rich & Famous                           17707   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Naparstek, Belleruth      Your Sixth Sense                                      24318   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Neal, V. & Karagulla, S.  Through The Curtain (OP 3/2006)                       21197   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               O'Sullivan, Terry & Natal Soul Rescuers (OP 6/2003)                             26963   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Olson, Dale               Knowing Your Intuitive Mind                           27845   ESP  15.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Orloff, Judith            Second Sight                                          24624   ESP  17.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Owens, Elizabeth          How To Communicate With Spirits                       25817   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Panchadasi, Swami Bhakta  Astral World                                          11148   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Peirce, Penney            Intuitive Way                                         22802   ESP  18.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Pendleton, Don & Linda    To Dance With Angels                                  30456   ESP  12.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Pickands, Marcia          Psychic Abilities  How To Train & Use                 26529   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Pickands, Marcia L.       Psychic Self-Defense Personal Training Manual (OSI    24390   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Pulos & Richman           Miracles & Other Realities (0-929110-20-X)            20704   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Radin, Dean               Conscious Universe                                    24758   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Radin, Dean               Entangled Minds                                       19994   ESP  16.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Ramsland, Katherine       Ghost  Investigating The Other Side                   28691   ESP  25.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Reed & English            Intuitive Heart (Out of Print)                        27612   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Reicher, Sophie           Spiritual Protection                                  11270   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Righi, Brian              Ghosts, Apparitions & Poltergeists                    25262   ESP  15.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Roach, Mary               Spook  Science Tackles The Afterlife                  25795   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Rogo, D. Scott            Infinite Boundary                                     16861   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Rogo, D. Scott            Miracles  Scientific Exploration                      11620   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Rogo, D. Scott            Poltergeist Experience                                19046   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Rogo, D. Scott            Psychic Breakthroughs Today                           16863   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Rooney, Lisa Anne         Survival Guide For Those Who Have Psychic Ability     31112   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Rosanoff, Nancy           Intuition Workout                                     24025   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Sagan, Samuel             Entity Possession                                     11719   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Salmonson, Jessica        Mysterious Doom  Ghost Tales Of The Pacific NW        21495   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Sanborn-Langlois, Carole  Soul Rescue                                           22728   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Sanders, Pete A.          You Are Psychic                                       24352   ESP  18.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Schnabel, Jim             Remote Viewers Secret Hist.of America's Psychic       24302   ESP   6.50
   Psychic Phenomenon               Schneck, Robert           Mrs. Wakeman vs. The Antichrist                       24643   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Schulz, Mona Lisa         Awakening Intuition                                   25454   ESP  15.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               ScotsdaleBookPublishing   Telekinesis                                           14902   ESP   6.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Seale, Alan               Intuitive Living                                      28137   ESP  21.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Slate, Joe                Psychic Empowerment  7-Day Plan (1-56718-635-1)       25649   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Slate, Joe                Psychic Empowerment For Health & Fitness              24027   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Slate, Joe                Psychic Vampires                                      28947   ESP  19.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Smith, Barbara            Ghost Stories Of Washington                           23926   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Smolko, Shirley           My Adventures As A Psychic Nurse & Medium..           24358   ESP  17.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Speare, Grace             Everything Talks To Me  True Story/Search/Enltnmnt    22402   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               St.Germain, Maureen       Opening The Akashic Records                           30054   ESP  16.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Starr, Aloa               Prisoners Of Earth  Psychic Possession                17088   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Steiger, Brad             Mysteries Of Time & Space                             18548   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Stevens, Petey            What Is Your Psi-Q?  (OP 07.94)                       18086   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Stewart, Jane             Clearings                                             22617   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Stockwell, Shelley Lessin Automatic Writing & Hieroscripting (BO'd 1/2012)      28140   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Strieber, Whitley &Kripal Super Natural                                         16480   ESP  17.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Targ, Russell             Limitless Mind                                        30111   ESP  17.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Targ, Russell             Mind-Reach                                            30542   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Targ, Russell             Reality Of ESP                                        23636   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Tart, Charles             Body Mind Spirit                                      24904   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Tazkuvel, Embrosewyn      Telekinesis                                           27089   ESP  11.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychic Phenomenon               Tazkuvel, Embrosewyn      Telekinesis                                           27089   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Teabo, Shirlee            Evolution Of A Psychic                                19542   ESP  10.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Temple, Laurence          Shining Brother                                       15018   ESP   5.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Thompson, Greg            Living With My Spirit Guides                          28827   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Thurston, Mark            Understand & Develop Your ESP                         14638   ESP   9.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Toy, Atala Dorothy        Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, & Ghosts (BO 2/5/25    19569   ESP  18.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Toy, Atala Dorothy        We Are Not Alone                                      15932   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Treece, Patricia          Sanctified Body                                       22188   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Tribbe, Frank C.          Arthur Ford Anthology                                 19977   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Twyman, James             Psychic Children Speak To The World                   28810   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Tyson, Donald             Scrying For Beginners                                 28107   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Van Bronkhorst, Jeanne    Premonitions In Daily Life                            13824   ESP  14.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Van Praagh, James         Adventures Of The Soul                                20407   ESP  15.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Van Praagh, James         Ghosts Among Us                                       17726   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Van Praagh, James         Looking Beyond  Teen's Guide to Spiritual World       16528   ESP  17.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Van Praagh, James         Wisdom From Your Spirit Guides                        29679   ESP  15.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Vaughan, Alan             Incredible Coincidence  Synchronicity (OP 8/2002)     25907   ESP   6.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Vaughan, Frances          Awakening Intuition (OP 6/04)                         11231   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Vest, Jennifer            Ethical Psychic (BO'd 1/24/2024)                      25883   ESP  16.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Vieira, Waldo             Existential Program Manual                            26202   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Vieira, Waldo             Penta Manual                                          26204   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Vieira, Waldo             Projections Of The Consciousness                      26203   ESP  11.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Walsh, Becky              You Do Know  Learning To Act On Intuition             26232   ESP  18.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Warcollier, Rene          Mind To Mind                                          20708   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Ward, Tara                Discover Your Psychic Powers (REM) POS 6/19/09        27493   ESP   9.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Way, Bruce                How To Interpret A Psychic Reading                    24098   ESP  15.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Webster, Richard          Llewellyn's Complete Book Of Divination               29959   ESP  29.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Webster, Richard          Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians                       28813   ESP  16.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Weschcke, C. & Slate, J.  Clairvoyance For Psychic Empowerment                  23839   ESP  29.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Weschcke, Carl & Slate    Llewellyn Complete Book Of Psychic Empowerment        11658   ESP  39.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Wickham, Alasdair         Dead Roam The Earth                                   19791   ESP  15.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Wickland, Carl A., M.D.   Thirty Years Among The Dead                           19419   ESP  21.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Wilkins, Hubert           Thoughts Through Space                                30804   ESP  14.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Williams, Lisa            Survival Of The Soul                                  11275   ESP  15.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Wilson, Colin             Beyond The Occult                                     20657   ESP  19.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Winter, Theresa           Intuitions  Seeing With The Heart                     14763   ESP  10.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Wiseman, Richard          Luck Factor                                           15187   ESP  12.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Wiseman, Sara             Writing The Divine                                    11359   ESP  11.99
   Psychic Phenomenon               Wright, Machaelle Small   Dancing In The Shadows Of The Moon                    21525   ESP  25.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               X-7 Reporting             World Within A World                                  24294   ESP  13.00
   Psychic Phenomenon               Zohar, Danah              Through The Time Barrier  Stdy In Prec. & Mod Phys    18751   ESP   5.95
   Psychic Phenomenon               Zollschan Schumaker & Wlh Exploring The Paranormal  Perspective On Blf & Exp    18691   ESP  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Abrams, Jeremiah (Ed)     Reclaiming The Inner Child                            18708   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Achor, Shawn              Happiness Advantage                                   12092   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Adler, Janet              Offering From The Conscious Body                      29261   PSY  25.00
   Psychology, self help            Adrienne, Carol           Purpose Of Your Life                                  26972   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Alderman, David           High Country                                          29276   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Alexander & Burgos        Book Of Comforts                                      20771   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Alexander, Ronald         Wise Mind Open Mind                                   16860   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Allen, K. Eileen          I Like Being Old                                      16988   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Allender & Longman        Cry Of The Soul                                       30254   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Alchemy Of Freedom                                    24499   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Brilliancy                                            13451   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Diamond Heart  Book 1 (0936713011)                    16137   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Diamond Heart  Book 3 Being & The Meaning Of Life     12292   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Diamond Heart  Book 4                                 24836   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Diamond Heart Book 2 (0936713046)                     18002   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Diamond Heart Book 5                                  22129   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Essence / Elixir Of Enlightenment                     16615   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Facets Of Unity  Enneagram...                         25955   PSY  26.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Inner Journey Home                                    30205   PSY  49.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Luminous Night's Journey                              23517   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Pearl Beyond Price                                    17098   PSY  34.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Spacecruiser Inquiry                                  28884   PSY  36.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Unfolding Now                                         15081   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H.              Void                                                  16271   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Almaas, A.H. (Davis)      Diamond Approach (Intro To Almaas)                    26441   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Altman, Donald            Mindfulness Code                                      21330   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Amara, Heatherash         Awakening Your Inner Fire (7 CDs)                     28017   PSY  40.00
   Psychology, self help            Amen, Daniel              Healing The Hardware Of The Soul                      11821   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Amen, Daniel G. M.D.      Change Your Brain Change Your Life                    30318   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Anderson, Greg            22 Non-Negotiable Laws Of Wellness                    23202   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Anderson, Nancy           Work With Passion                                     13770   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Anderson, Susan           Black Swan  Twelve Lessons of Abandonment             12997   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Anderson, Susan           Journey From Abandonment To Healing                   12359   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Andreas, C. & S.          Heart Of The Mind                                     19865   PSY   16.5
   Psychology, self help            Andreas, Connirae & Tamar CORE Transformation                                   23962   PSY   16.5
   Psychology, self help            Andreas, S & Faulkner, C  NLP: New Technology Of Achievement                    24696   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Andreas, Steve & Connirae Change Your Mind And Keep The Change                  24684   PSY  16.50
   Psychology, self help            Appelbaum, David          Disruption                                            14401   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Arbinger Institute        Anatomy Of Peace                                      12385   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Arbinger Institute        Leadership & Self-Deception  Getting Out/Box          29475   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Ardagh, Arjuna Nick       Relaxing Into Clear Seeing                            25188   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Aron, Elaine              Highly Sensitive Person In Love                       20455   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Arrien, Angeles           Living In Gratitude                                   23062   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Arrien, Angeles           Second Half Of Life                                   20824   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Ash, Mel                  Zen Of Recovery                                       21145   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Assagioli, Roberto        Act Of Will                                           16239   PSY  20.00
   Psychology, self help            Assagioli, Roberto        Psychosynthesis                                       13330   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Bacci, Ingrid             Art Of Effortless Living                              28240   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Bailey, A. & Marlow, C.   Trust Frequency                                       24494   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Baker, Dan                What Happy People Know                                29502   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Baldwin, Doug             Bugs, Blindness & The Pursuit Of Happiness            28618   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Baldwin, William          Healing Lost Souls                                    29789   PSY  23.95
   Psychology, self help            Bandler & Grindler        Structure Of Magic Part 1                             13688   PSY  20.95
   Psychology, self help            Bandler & Grindler        Structure Of Magic Part II                            13689   PSY  20.95
   Psychology, self help            Bandler, Leslie           Solutions                                             14380   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Bandler, Richard          Richard Bandler's Guide To Trance-Formation           20462   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Bane, Rosanne             Dancing In The Dragon's Den                           26457   PSY  26.95
   Psychology, self help            Banitt, Susan Pease       Trauma Tool Kit (Healing PTSD)                        23833   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Baptiste, Baron           Being Of Power                                        13285   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Baraz, James & Alexander  Awakening Joy                                         23702   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Bass, Ellen & Davis, Laur Courage To Heal                                       17600   PSY  25.99
   Psychology, self help            Bastis, Madeline Ko-I     Heart Of Forgiveness                                  29487   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Bates, Brian              Way Of The Actor  (POS 12/93)                         19833   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Bayda, Ezra               Aging For Beginners                                   14086   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Bayles & Orland           Art & Fear                                            30368   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Bays, Brandon             Journey                                               29892   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Beattie, Melody           Codependent No More                                   29124   PSY  18.00
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   Psychology, self help            Bedi, Ashock & Pereira, J Spiritual Paradox Of Addiction                        13480   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Bedi, Ashok               Path To The Soul                                      27411   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Begg, Deike               Rebirthing  Freedom From Your Past                    27349   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Begg,Deike                Synchronicity                                         28339   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Belitz & Lundstrom        Power Of Flow                                         24875   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Bell, Gary                Good Book Of Mental Hygiene                           14800   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Bennett, Hal Zina (Edit)  Marsha Sinetar In Conversation Michael Toms           21530   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Bennett, Hal Zina (Edt)   Lynn Andrews In Conversation With Michael Toms        22185   PSY   8.95
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   Psychology, self help            Bettinger & Swerdloff     Coming Home                                           23320   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Bien, Thomas & Beverly    Mindful Recovery                                      29155   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Biffle, Christopher       Castle Of The Pearl (OP 10/00)                        19062   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Bill, Todd, & Sara        Drop The Rock                                         24822   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Black, Claudia            My Dad Loves Me, My Dad Has A Disease                 16079   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Bloom, William            Power Of The New Spirituality                         15845   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Bly, Robert               Iron John  A Book About Men                           13020   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Bly, Robert               Little Book On The Human Shadow                       12546   PSY  11.99
   Psychology, self help            Boghossian & Lindsay      How To Have Impossible Conversations                  20432   PSY  19.99
   Psychology, self help            Bond, D. Stephenson       Living Myth  (OP 9/98)                                21209   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Borysenko, Joan           7 Paths To God  Ways Of The Mystic                    26462   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Borysenko, Joan           Guilt Is The Teacher, Love Is The Lesson              16347   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Borysenko, Joan           Minding The Body, Mending The Mind                    17747   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Borysenko, Joan           Ways Of The Mystic (POS BP 9/19/00)                   24915   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Borysenko, Joan & M.      Power Of The Mind To Heal                             22549   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Bourne, Edmund            Healing Fear (OP 1/2002)                              26606   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Brach, Tara               Meditations for Emotional Healing (CD)                24511   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Brach, Tara               Radical Acceptance                                    29645   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Brach, Tara               Radical Self-Acceptance (CD)                          24533   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Bradberry & Greaves       Emotional Intelligence 2.0                            26642   PSY  24.99
   Psychology, self help            Bradshaw, John            Healing The Shame That Binds You                      18369   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Bradshaw, John            Homecoming                                            28555   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Brady, Joan               God On A Harley                                       30067   PSY   6.99
   Psychology, self help            Bragdon, Emma             Call Of Spiritual Emergency                           20374   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Brand, Russell            Recovery  Freedom From Our Addictions                 29875   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Branscombe, Mara          Ritual As Remedy                                      15348   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Bregman, Rutger           Humankind A Hopeful History                           28237   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Brewi & Brennan           Mid-Life Spirituality & Jungian Archetypes            26530   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Brezsny, Rob              Pronoia Is The Antidote For Paranoia                  13885   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Bridges, William          Transitions                                           14001   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Bridges, William          Way Of Transition                                     28502   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Briggs, Dorothy           Celebrate Your Self                                   15877   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Briggs, Robert            American Emergency  A Search For Spir'l Renewal...    18135   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Brodie, Richard           Virus Of The Mind  New Science Of The Meme            23752   PSY  22.00
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Brene              Atlas Of The Heart                                    27901   PSY  30.00
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Brene              Braving the Wilderness                                30158   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Brene              I Thought It Was Just Me (But it isn't)               16435   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Brene'             Braving The Wilderness (4 CDs)                        25885   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Brene'             Dare To Lead                                          15498   PSY  28.00
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Brene'             Daring Greatly                                        19451   PSY  17.00
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   Psychology, self help            Brown, Brene'             Rising Strong                                         27329   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Byron              Soul Without Shame                                    26409   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Brown, Molly              Unfolding Self  Psychosynthesis & Counseling          14042   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Bruna, John               Esssential Guide To Mindfulness In Recovery           17853   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Bryan, Mark & Cameron, J. Artist's Way At Work                                  27389   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Bryant, Mark              Hidden Assets                                         25549   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Budde, Mariann            How We Learn To Be Brave                              23546   PSY  28.00
   Psychology, self help            Buelow, Beth              Introvert Entrepreneur                                19446   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Burns, David D.           Feeling Good  New Mood Therapy                        20530   PSY   8.99
   Psychology, self help            Burns, David D.           Feeling Good Handbook                                 20531   PSY  26.00
   Psychology, self help            Butler, Pamela E.         Talking To Yourself  (OP 1/97)                        20346   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Cain, Susan               Quiet  Power Of Introverts..World Can't Stop Talk.    23799   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Answered Prayers                                      11170   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Artist's Way Morning Pages Journal                    23255   PSY  22.00
   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Complete Artist's Way (3 Vol. in One)                 12517   PSY  35.00
   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Faith & Will                                          14924   PSY  23.95
   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Finding Water                                         12682   PSY  18.00
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   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Sound Of Paper                                        30194   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Transitions                                           27062   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Cameron, Julia            Vein Of Gold                                          12398   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Cameron-Bandler, et. al.  Emprint Method                                        15752   PSY  13.50
   Psychology, self help            Cameron-Bandler, Leslie   Know How                                              15194   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Campbell, Joseph          Masks Of God Oriental Mythology                       12805   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Campbell, Joseph          Masks Of God Primitive Mythology                      12806   PSY  29.95
   Psychology, self help            Campbell, Joseph          Myths Dreams & Religion                               12992   PSY  14.50
   Psychology, self help            Caraballa, Jor-El         Shadow Work Workbook                                  17632   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Carlson, Richard          Don't Sweat The Small Stuff (0-7868-8185-2)           25491   PSY  11.95
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   Psychology, self help            Carter-Scott, Cherie Ph.D If Life is a Game, These are the Rules                30181   PSY   17.5
   Psychology, self help            Chapman, Joyce            Live Your Dream  Life Purpose  Step-By-Step           21271   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Chapman, Susan            Five Keys To Mindful Communication                    30536   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Chin, Vicente Hao         Process Of Self-Transformation                        18783   PSY  24.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Chin, Vicente Hao         Process Of Self-Transformation                        18783   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Chittister, Joan          Gift Of Years  Growing Older Gracefully               21965   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Chopich & Paul            Healing Your Aloneness  Fndng Lv & Whlnss/Innr Chd    19788   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Chopra, Deepak      Shadow Effect                                         23423   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Cohen, Alan               Joy Is My Compass  Tkng The Rsk To Fll Yr Own Blss    19111   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Cohen, David              Secret Language Of The Mind                           13470   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Cohen, Norman J.          Self, Struggle & Change  Family Conflict Stories..    24157   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Cole-Whittaker, Terry     How To Have More In A Have-Not World                  16372   PSY   5.99
   Psychology, self help            Cole-Whittaker, Terry     What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business           14163   PSY   5.99
   Psychology, self help            Combs, Allan              Radiance Of Being                                     20783   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Cornelius & Stiles        Your Human Design                                     18349   PSY  22.99
   Psychology, self help            Corrington, Robert        Wilhelm Reich  Psychoanalyst & Radical Naturalist     18648   PSY  27.00
   Psychology, self help            Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly  Creativity: The Psychology Of Discovery               27395   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly  Evolving Self                                         22015   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly  Finding Flow                                          27315   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly  Flow (978-0-06-133920-2)                              20018   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Cunningham, Donna         Spiritual Dimensions Of Healing Addictions (OP?)      14798   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Curry, Karen              Understanding Human Design                            31020   PSY  23.99
   Psychology, self help            Curtis, Donald            Helping Heaven Happen (BO SW01 1/29/02)               22428   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Cushnir, Howard Raphael   Unconditional Bliss                                   27471   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Dahl, Lynda               Ten Thousand Whispers  (OP 5/01)                      23994   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Daldrup, Roger & D. Gust  Freedom From Anger                                    17498   PSY   4.95
   Psychology, self help            Dantes, Ligia             Unmanifest Self  (OP 1/98)                            16927   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Davis, Bruce              Magical Child Within You                              12775   PSY   7.95
   Psychology, self help            Davis, Bruce              Monastery Without Walls  (OP 9/97)                    22562   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Davis, Laura              Allies In Healing                                     22462   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Davis, Laura              I Thought We'd Never Speak Again                      27613   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Dawlabani, Said           Light Of Ishtar                                       19763   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Dayal-Gulati, Anuradha    Heal Your Ancestral Roots                             24630   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            De Beauport, Elaine       Three Faces Of Mind (811)                             15728   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            De Hennezel, Marie        Warmth Of the Heart Prevents Yr Body From Rusting     17819   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            De Quincey, Christian     Radical Knowing                                       19310   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            De Quincey, Christian     Radical Nature                                        18490   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            De Ropp, Robert S.        Master Game                                           19735   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Dennett, Daniel           Consciousness Explained                               28822   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Devi, Sri Lalitambika     Free Spirit                                           21682   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            DeWit, Han                Spiritual Path  Intro. Psychology/Spiritual Trad.     28001   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            DeWit, Han F.             Contemplative Psychology                              28002   PSY  23.00
   Psychology, self help            Diagram Group             Who Were You?                                         17486   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Doherty & McNamara        Out Of The Skin Into The Soul                         22426   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Dreamer, Oriah Mountain   Call (0061116696)                                     29871   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Dreamer, Oriah Mountain   Dance  Moving To The Rhythms Of Your True Self        28628   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Dreamer, Oriah Mountain   Invitation                                            26789   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Dreamer, Oriah Mountain   What We Ache For  Creativity & Your Soul              23467   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Driver, Tom               Magic Of Ritual (LIMBO NEWL 1/22/99)                  19198   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Drury, Nevill             Visionary Human  Mystical Consciousness...            12963   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Durvasula, Ramani         Don't You Know Who I Am?                              27013   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Durvasula, Ramani         Should I Stay Or Should I Go? (Narcissism)            15305   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Dwoskin, Hale             Sedona Method                                         29844   PSY  19.97
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               10 Secrets For Success & Inner Peace                  29245   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Change Your Thoughts  Change Your Life                15693   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Inspiration  Your Ultimate Calling                    14090   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Invisible Force                                       31049   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Manifest Your Destiny                                 25035   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Meditations For Manifesting (CD)                      14633   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Power Of Intention                                    30142   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Power Of Intention (2 CDs)                            30122   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Real Magic  Creating Miracles In Everyday Life        21480   PSY    7.5
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Staying On The Path                                   22853   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               There's A Spiritual Solution                          28720   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Transformation (2 CDs)                                23269   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Wisdom Of The Ages                                    27477   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Wishes Fulfilled                                      24619   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               You'll See It When You Believe It                     18558   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Your Erroneous Zones                                  21488   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Your Sacred Self                                      22785   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne               Your Ultimate Calling  365 Ways                       28409   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Dyer, Wayne & Serena      Don't Die With Your Music Still In You                22913   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Edwards, Betty            Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain                11761   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Edwards, Gill             Living Magically  (BO NEWL 8/11/00)                   23150   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Egendorf, Arthur          Healing From The War                                  16192   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Eifert, McKay, & Forsyth  Act On Life Not On Anger                              12139   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Elder, Mark               Get Yourself From Crisis To Coping                    27107   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Elias, Jack               Finding True Magic                                    24465   PSY  29.95
   Psychology, self help            Ellsworth, Barry A.       Living In Love With Yourself                          17462   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Emery, Kevin              Managing The Gift (Alternative Approaches For ADD)    11464   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Emmons, Robert            Thanks (978-0-547-08573-9)                            24675   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Fair, Virginia Sara       Art Of Forgiveness  A Practical Guide                 25325   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Farber, Philip            Meta-Magick  The Book Of Atem  (NLP...)               18164   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Fehmi, Les & Robbins, Jim Open-Focus Brain                                      17335   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Feinstein & Krippner      Personal Mythology  The Psych Of Yr Evolving Self     18530   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Fellman, Gordon           Rambo & The Dalai Lama                                25429   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Fenner, Peter & Penny     Essential Wisdom Teachings                            28205   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Ferrucci, Piero           Beauty & The Soul                                     15962   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Ferrucci, Piero           Power Of Kindness                                     11437   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Ferrucci, Piero           What We May Be                                        14142   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Festinger, Leon,   When Prophecy Fails                                   16555   PSY   7.50
   Psychology, self help            Finley, Guy               365 Days To Let Go                                    11358   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Finley, Guy               Design Your Destiny                                   23307   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Finley, Guy               Intimate Enemy                                        15482   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Finley, Guy               Let Go & Live In The Now                              30637   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Finley, Guy               Lost Secrets Of Prayer                                26855   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Finley, Guy               Secret Of Letting Go                                  12868   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Flint, Garry              Emotional Freedom  (EFT)                              31017   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Foor, Daniel              Ancestral Medicine                                    11068   PSY  20.00
   Psychology, self help            Ford, Debbie              Best Year Of Your Life                                25281   PSY  13.99
   Psychology, self help            Ford, Debbie              Dark Side Of The Light Chasers                        27362   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Ford, Debbie              Secret Of The Shadow                                  21425   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Ford, Debbie              Spiritual Divorce                                     14837   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Ford, Debbie              Why Good People Do Bad Things                         16612   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Ford, Debbie              Your Holiness                                         30633   PSY  22.99
   Psychology, self help            Foster, Rick & Hicks      How We Choose To Be Happy                             14424   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Fowler, James W.          Stages Of Faith                                       16539   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Fox, Matthew              Hidden Spirituality Of Men                            31118   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Frankl, Viktor            Man's Search For Meaning                              24673   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Frawley, David            Beyond The Mind                                       15457   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Freiman, Arnie            Befriending Your Stranger                             12262   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Fritz, Robert             Creating                                              21677   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Fritz, Robert             Path Of Least Resistance                              15505   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Garcia, Hector & Miralles Ikigai                                                21591   PSY  24.00
   Psychology, self help            Gelb, Michae              How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci                   22156   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Gelb, Michael             DaVinci Decoded  Leonardo's Seven Principles          22132   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Germer, Christoopher      Mindful Path To Self-compassion                       21669   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Giampolo, Carlino         Art Of Letting Go                                     18753   PSY   5.95
   Psychology, self help            Gibson, Lindsay           Adult Children Of Emotionally Immature Parents        19956   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Gilbert, Paul & Choden    Mindful Compassion (BO'd 10/19/2023)                  20932   PSY  23.95
   Psychology, self help            Gillespie, Diane          Stories For Getting Back To Sleep                     30160   PSY  13.99
   Psychology, self help            Gittner, Louis            Love Is A Verb                                        17124   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Gladwell, Malcolm         Blink                                                 31051   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Glasser, William          Control Theory                                        14888   PSY   6.95
   Psychology, self help            Gold, E.J.                Life In The Labyrinth                                 16205   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Gold, E.J.                Practical Work On Self                                19605   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Gold, E.J.                Seven Bodies Of Man                                   18665   PSY  12.50
   Psychology, self help            Goldberg, Bruce           Self-Hypnosis                                         27433   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Goldberg, Bruce           Soul Healing                                          24167   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Goleman, Daniel           Emotional Intelligence                                27917   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Goodchild, Veronica       Eros & Chaos                                          28353   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Gottlieb, Daniel          Wisdom We're Born With                                15212   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Grabhorn, Lynn            Dear God! What's Happening To Us?                     29423   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Grabhorn, Lynn            Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting                       27285   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Grabhorn, Lynn            Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting Playbook              28351   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Grabhorn, Lynn            Planet Two                                            21407   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Graham, Helen             Magic Shop  Healing With The Imagination              14894   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Greenspan, Miriam         Healing Through The Dark Emotions                     30564   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Gregory, Jason            Fasting the Mind - Exercises for Psychic Detox        29002   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Grieco, Mary Hayes        Unconditional Forgiveness                             23192   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Grof & Grof  (Edt.)       Spiritual Emergency                                   18964   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Grof, Christina           Thirst For Wholeness                                  21218   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Grof, Christina & Stnslv. Stormy Search For The Self                            18828   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Grof, S. & Bennett, H.    Holotropic Mind  Three Levels Of Human Consc.         20845   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Grof, Stanislav           Adventure Of Self-Discovery                           14200   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Grof, Stanislav           Beyond The Brain                                      15606   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Grof, Stanislav           LSD Psychotherapy                                     11708   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Grof, Stanislav           Psychology Of The Future                              30208   PSY  25.95
   Psychology, self help            Grof, Stanislav           When The Impossible Happens                           16395   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Grollman, Earl            Straight Talk About Death For Teenagers               16199   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Gross, Ronald             Peak Learning  Master Course In Learning HT Learn     19812   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Grout, Pam                E-Squared                                             29562   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Hadley, Josie             Hypnosis For Change                                   12381   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Haley, Jay                Uncommon Therapy                                      19817   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Hall, Manly P.            Buddhism & Psychotherapy                              17255   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Harding, D.E.             Head Off Stress  Beyond The Bottom Line               21017   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Hardy, Jean               Psychology With A Soul  (POSI 7/93)                   16943   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Harman, Willis            Higher Creativity                                     14338   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Harms, Valerie            Inner Lover  (OP 5/96)                                19185   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Harris, Carol             NLP  An Introductory Guide (OS Element 4/23/01)       26791   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Harris, Dan               10% Happier                                           12851   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Hart, Thomas              Hidden Spring  Spiritual Dimension Of Therapy         25657   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Hassan, Steven            Combatting Cult Mind Control                          18963   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Heller, S. & Steele, T.   Monsters & Magical Sticks                             20286   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Helmstetter, Shad         Finding The Fountain Of Youth Inside Yourself         20944   PSY   4.99
   Psychology, self help            Hendricks, Gail           Learning To Love Yourself  Guide To Becoming Cntrd    12604   PSY  11.00
   Psychology, self help            Hendricks, Gay            Conscious Living                                      16643   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Hendricks, Gay            Five Wishes                                           12970   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Hendricks, Gay            Learning To Love Yourself Workbook                    17849   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Hendricks, Gay            Second Centering Book                                 13530   PSY   7.95
   Psychology, self help            Hendrix, Harville         Keeping The Love You Find                             21139   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Hewitt, William           Hypnosis For Beginners                                17325   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Hill, Gareth S.           Masculine & Feminine                                  11640   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Hillman & Ventura         We've Had a Hundred Years Of Psychotherapy            16588   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Hillman, James            Anima  The Anatomy Of A Personified Notion            15271   PSY  22.00
   Psychology, self help            Hills & Rozman            Exploring Inner Space                                 14847   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Hills, Christopher        Creative Conflict  Heart To Heart Communion           20658   PSY   7.95
   Psychology, self help            Hoffman, Edward           Visions Of Innocence  Experiences Of Childhood        19247   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Holiday, Ryan             Obstacle Is The Way                                   13809   PSY  26.00
   Psychology, self help            Hollis, James             Living An Examined Life                               30394   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Hooks, Bell               All About Love                                        15799   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Hopcke, Robert            There Are No Accidents (Synchronicity)                25409   PSY  24.00
   Psychology, self help            Horres, Stratton          Showing Up                                            29019   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Godseed  Journey Of Christ                            18501   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Hero & The Goddess (OP 7/97)                          20909   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Hero And The Goddess                                  12657   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Life Force                                            15973   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Mythic Life                                           23620   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Passion For The Possible                              24700   PSY  12.99
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Possible Human                                        13218   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Public Like A Frog                                    13490   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Search For The Beloved                                16888   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Houston, Jean             Wizard Of Us                                          13757   PSY  24.00
   Psychology, self help            Howe, Geery S.            Listen To The Heart (DC 7/97)                         20494   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Howell, Trisha            Journeying Workbook                                   21514   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Be The Person You Want To Find                        24938   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Being Present In The Darkness (retitled # 26537)      20659   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Depression Book (As Opportunity)                      26537   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Fear Book                                             23863   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want ..    27537   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything Wkbk     17581   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Key  & The Name Of The Key Is Willingness             15617   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Making A Change For Good                              30926   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Nothing Happens Next                                  24965   PSY   8.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Suffering Is Optional  Three Keys To Freedom          28025   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Sweet Zen  Dharma Talks                               27499   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              That Which You Are Seeking Is Causing You To Seek     19232   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              There Is Nothing Wrong With You For Teens             22233   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              Transform Your Life (BO'd 2/17/2025)                  25893   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              What You Practice I What You Have                     26482   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri              When You're Falling, Dive                             22756   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri & Narayanan  I Don't Want To, I Don't Feel Like It                 26478   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri & Shiver     There Is Nothing Wrong With You                       23865   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Huber, Cheri, & Narayanan Big Bamboozle                                         19233   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Hucknall, Nanette         Finding Yr Work, Loving Yr Life (Same as 25829)       16775   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Hucknall, Nanette         Karma, Destiny & Your Career                          25829   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Hughes, Elaine Farris     Writing From The Inner Self                           20630   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Hughes-Calero, Heather    Writing As A Tool For Self-Discovery                  17311   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Hundley, Jane             Power Of Personal Presence                            21232   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Ireland, Barbara          How To Stop Negative Thoughts                         30176   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Izadi, Shahroo            Kindness Method                                       15847   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            James & Jongeward         Born To Win                                           27921   PSY   7.99
   Psychology, self help            James, Dawn               How To Raise The Vibration Around You                 16412   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            James, Dawn               Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your LIfe             23643   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Jamison, Kay Redfield     Exuberance  The Passion For Life                      23196   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Jampolsky, Gerald         Forgiveness The Greatest Healer Of All                27159   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Jampolsky, Gerald         Goodbye To Guilt                                      12147   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Jampolsky, Gerald         One Person Can Make A Difference                      19250   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Jampolsky, Gerald         Out Of Darkness Into The Light                        18026   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Jampolsky, Lee            Healing the Addictive Personality                     17334   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Jampolsky, Lee            Walking Through Walls                                 26865   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Jarmon, Robert            Discovering The Soul                                  24603   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Jaxon-Bear, Eli           Awakened Guide The Next Wave                          18545   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Jaxon-Bear, Eli           Sudden Awakening                                      15158   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Jaynes, Julian            Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The...    28290   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Jeffers, Susan            Feel The Fear & Beyond                                25479   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Jeffers, Susan            Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway (BO'd 1/3/2018)          14178   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Johanson, G. & Kurtz, R.  Grace Unfolding                                       20292   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            John-Steiner, Vera        Notebooks Of The Mind                                 28837   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Johnson, Cait             Earth, Water, Fire, & Air (POS INGR 11/19/15)         30700   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Johnson, Spencer          Who Moved My Cheese                                   27479   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Johnston, Neville         Hidden Language Codes                                 30976   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Johnston, R. Neville      Language Codes                                        27233   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Jones, Alex               How Much Did You Love? What Did You Learn?            18672   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Jones, Dennis Merritt     Art Of Uncertainty (BO'd 2/17/2025)                   13541   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Joy, W. Brugh             Avalanche                                             19476   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Jung, C.G.                Psyche & Soul                                         13283   PSY   6.50
   Psychology, self help            Jung, C.G.                Psychological Types                                   13315   PSY   32.5
   Psychology, self help            Jung, Emma                Animus & Anima (ISBN 0-88214-301-8)                   11094   PSY   18.5
   Psychology, self help            Kahn, Matt                Everything Is Here To Help You                        22714   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Kahneman, Daniel          Thinking, Fast & Slow                                 30063   PSY  20.00
   Psychology, self help            Kaplan-Williams, Strephon Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual (SAME AS 20394)        12515   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Kast, Verena              Joy, Inspiration & Hope                               30907   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Katz, Alice               It's Not Personal  Guide To Anger Management          25085   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Kaufman, Barry Neil       Future Sight  A Psychic Odyssey                       25594   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Kaufman, Barry Neil       Happiness Is A Choice                                 20398   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Kaufman, Barry Neil       Son Rise  The Miracle Continues                       21724   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Kay, Madeleine            Living Serendipitously                                16418   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Keen, Sam                 Fire In The Belly  On Being A Man                     19591   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Keen, Sam                 Hymns To An Unknown God                               23235   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Keen, Sam                 Inward Bound  (OP 02.97)                              21026   PSY  11.00
   Psychology, self help            Keen, Sam                 To A Dancing God                                      13966   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Keirsey, David            Please Understand Me  Character & Temperament Tps.    16299   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Keleman, Stanley          Living Your Dying                                     12696   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Keleman, Stanley          Your Body Speaks Its Mind                             16388   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Keltner, Dacher           Awe  The New Science Of Everyday Wonder               11922   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Kenyon, Tom               Brain States                                          23179   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Kenyon, Tom               Ultimate Brain  Ambient Support (CD)                  24363   PSY  16.98
   Psychology, self help            Kenyon, Tom               Ultimate Brain (9 CDs)                                25652   PSY  99.00
   Psychology, self help            Keyes, Ken                Discovering The Secrets Of Happiness (OP 4/03)        17749   PSY   7.95
   Psychology, self help            Keyes, Ken                Handbook To Higher Consciousness (OP?)                12196   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Keyes, Ken                How To Enjoy Your Life In Spite Of It All             12330   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Keyes, Ken                Power Of Unconditional Love                           18715   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Keyes, Ken                Three Prescriptions For Happiness                     26274   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Keyes, Ken                Your Life Is A Gift  So Make The Most Of It!          16017   PSY   6.95
   Psychology, self help            Keyes, Ken & Penny        Gathering Power Through Insight & Love                14684   PSY   6.95
   Psychology, self help            Khan, Pir Vilayat         Introducing Spirituality Into Counseling              12467   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Kiloby, Scott             Natural Rest For Addiction                            29217   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Kingsley, Kimberly        Energy Cure (BO'd 8/26/2022)                          18995   PSY  12.99
   Psychology, self help            Kinslow, Frank            Beyond Happiness                                      12727   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Kleefeld, Carolyn Mary    Alchemy Of Possibility                                25515   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Kolts & Chodron, Thubten  Open-Hearted Life                                     26129   PSY  35.00
   Psychology, self help            Kopp, Sheldon             Even A Stone Can Be A Teacher                         11886   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Kopp, Sheldon             If You Meet The Buddha On The Road..                  16272   PSY   7.99
   Psychology, self help            Kornhaber, Arthur         Spirit Mind, Body, & The Will To Existence            20140   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Kramer, Joel              Passionate Mind                                       13146   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Krystal, Phyllis          Cutting More Ties That Bind                           14652   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Krystal, Phyllis          Cutting The Ties That Bind                            11666   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Krystal, Phyllis          Cutting The Ties That Bind  Workbook                  23137   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Krystal, Phyllis          Taming Our Monkey Mind                                21717   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Kumar, Satish             Radical Love                                          22632   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Kurtz, Ron                Body-Centered Psychotherapy  The Hakomi Method        13029   PSY  24.00
   Psychology, self help            Lachman, Gary             Beyond The Robot  Life & Work Of Colin Wilson         28422   PSY  26.00
   Psychology, self help            Ladner, Lorne             Lost Art Of Compassion                                17982   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Langer, Ellen J.          Mindfulness                                           19347   PSY   7.95
   Psychology, self help            Laporte, Danielle         Deaire Map                                            21175   PSY  22.00
   Psychology, self help            Laporte, Danielle         Fire Starter Sessions                                 21202   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            LaPuma with Runkis        Awakening Female Power  Way Of The Goddess Warrior    12333   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Larsen, Stephen           Fundamentalist Mind                                   19285   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Laurie & Tucker           Centering  A Guide To Inner Growth                    11460   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Leder, Steve              More Beautiful Than Before                            11725   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Lee, John                 Growing Yourself Back Up                              30701   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Leimer, ChrisTina         Natural Urges                                         29454   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Leonard & Murphy          Life We Are Given                                     13612   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Leonard, Linda            Call To Create  Celebrating Acts Of Imagination       27154   PSY  25.00
   Psychology, self help            Leonard, Linda            Witness To The Fire                                   18450   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            LePera, Dr. Nicole        How To Do The Work                                    22745   PSY  32.00
   Psychology, self help            LePera, Nicole            How To Be The Love You Seek                           17978   PSY  32.00
   Psychology, self help            Lerner, Harriet           Dance Of Connection                                   29709   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            LeShan, Lawrence          Ethic For The Age Of Space                            23809   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Lesser, Elizabeth         Broken Open                                           26936   PSY  20.00
   Psychology, self help            Lesser, Elizabeth         Seeker's Guide                                        21045   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Lesser, Marc              Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader                   31251   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Leu, Lucy                 Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook           26385   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Levine, Peter             Healing Trauma                                        16323   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Levine, Peter             In An Unspoken Voice                                  24250   PSY  23.95
   Psychology, self help            Levine, Peter             Trauma & Memory                                       14097   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Levine, Peter A.          Waking The Tiger  Healing Trauma                      25804   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Levy, Paul                Dispelling Wetiko                                     24534   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Liber, Dominic            Diving In The Inner Ocean (Almaas' Diamond Inquiry    12582   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Licata, Matt              Healing Space                                         27164   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Lind, Richard             Seeking Self                                          27547   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Lindahl, Kay              Sacred Art Of Listening                               30671   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Lindbergh, Anne Morrow    Gift from the Sea                                     31086   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Linehan, Marsha           Building A Life Worth Living                          28561   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Linn, Denise              Four Acts Of Personal Power                           26230   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Linn, Denise              Sacred Legacies                                       25827   PSY  23.00
   Psychology, self help            Linn, Denise              Secret Language Of Signs                              13281   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Linn, Denise              Soul Coaching  (bk is with demo deck)                 24430   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Littlejohn, Darren        12-Step Buddhist                                      19090   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Littlejohn, Darren        Power Of Vow  Everyday Tools For Healing              25731   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Loomis, Mary E.           Dancing The Wheel Of Psychological Types              20393   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Lowe, Paul                In Each Moment                                        26081   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Lozoff, Bo                It's A Meaningful Life                                27316   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Lozoff, Bo                We're All Doing Time                                  15974   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Lu, Chuong                Buddha In Jail                                        12681   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Luce, Pat                 Where East Meets West                                 26368   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Luskin, Fred              Forgive for Good                                      11315   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Luthman, Shirley          Collection  A Continuation Of "Intimacy"              11623   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Luthman, Shirley          Intimacy  The Essence Of Male & Female                12470   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Lynn, Victoria            Dear Sister, Once Abused                              29608   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Macartney, Elke           Be YourSelf Boldly                                    23753   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Mae, Dolly                Choosing Joy In The Midst Of Crisis                   29022   PSY   6.95
   Psychology, self help            Magee, Rhonday            Inner Work Of Racial Justice                          30310   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Magid, Barry              Ordinary Mind  Zen & Psychotherapy                    28976   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Main, Darren John         Spiritual Journeys Along The Yellow Brick Road        15147   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Maisel, Eric              Van Gogh Blues                                        14276   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Mamas, Dr. Michael        How To Be Your Own Best Psychotherapist               26336   PSY  18.95
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   Psychology, self help            Mann, Ronald              Sacred Healing  Integrating Spirituality /Psycho..    25213   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Mansfield, Victor         Synchronicity, Science, & Soul-Making                 23964   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Marcus, Clare Cooper      House As A Mirror Of Self                             21226   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Marcus, Clare Cooper      Iona Dreaming                                         20908   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Mariechild & Goodman      Inner Dance  (OP 04.97)                               17069   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Markham, Ursula           Hypnosis                                              21725   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Markham, Ursula           Managing Stress                                       18778   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Markova, Dawna            I Will Not Die An Unlived Life                        29598   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Marsh, Jeffrey            How To Be You                                         23827   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Martin, Stephen           Keys To The Kingdom                                   29095   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Martin, William & Nancy   Caregiver's Tao Te Ching                              11567   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Masters & Houston         Mind Games (753)                                      25673   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Masters, Robert           Way To Awaken                                         24337   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Masters, Robert Augustus  Bringing Your Shadow out of the Dark                  12818   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Masters, Robert Augustus  Spiritual Bypassing                                   16057   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Mate', Gabor              In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts  (Addictions)           30432   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Maull, Fleet              Radical Responsibility                                31283   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Maxwell, John             15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth                          26732   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            May, Gerald               Addiction & Grace                                     18148   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            May, Gerald               Awakened Heart  Opening Yourself To Love You Need     15802   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            May, Gerald               Dark Night Of The Soul                                23427   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            May, Gerald               Will & Spirit                                         22975   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            May, Robert               Cosmic Consciousness Revisited (185-230-2801)         17562   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            May, Rollo                Courage To Create                                     15646   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            McConnell, Patty          Workbook For Healing  ACOA                            16230   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            McConnell, Susan          Somatic Internal Family  Systems Therapy              27355   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            McGilchrist, Iain         Master & His Emissary                                 20078   PSY  20.95
   Psychology, self help            McGregor, Jim             Tao Of Recovery                                       18340   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            McLaren, Karla            Language Of Emotions                                  20618   PSY  19.99
   Psychology, self help            McLaren, Karla            Rebuilding The Garden                                 27182   PSY  11.00
   Psychology, self help            McMurray, Madeline        Beyond Heroics  Living Our Myths                      22998   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Meade, Erica Helm         Moon In The Well                                      28537   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Meier, C.A.               Consciousness                                         19171   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Mendizza, Michael         Life & Insights Of Joseph Chilton Pearce              24966   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Menkin, Dan               Transformation Through Bodywork                       11409   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Mercedes, Sister Mary     Book Of Courtesy                                      25042   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Mercer, Michael & Troiani Spontaneous Optimism                                  26448   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Metzner, Ralph            Opening To Inner Light                                14968   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Middelkoop, Pieter        Wise Old Man  Healing Through Inner Images            18552   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Miller, Alice             For Your Own Good                                     12021   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Miller, Alice             Thou Shalt Not Be Aware                               18373   PSY  20.00
   Psychology, self help            Miller, David (Edt.)      Jung & The Bible                                      14025   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Miller, William A.        Your Golden Shadow  (OP 7/98)                         20557   PSY   9.00
   Psychology, self help            Millman, Dan              Body Mind Mastery                                     26076   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Millman, Dan              Everyday Enlightenment                                25240   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Millman, Dan              Four Purposes Of Life                                 21869   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Millman, Dan              Laws Of Spirit                                        23248   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Millman, Dan              Living On Purpose                                     27648   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Millman, Dan              No Ordinary Moments                                   21070   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Millman, Dan & Childers   Bridge Between Worlds                                 27751   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Mindell, Arnold           City Shadows (OP 2/2000)                              19873   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Mindell, Arnold           ProcessMind                                           13072   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Mindell, Arnold           Shaman's Body                                         21593   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Mindell, Arnold           Working On Yourself Alone                             11424   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Mindell, Arnold & Amy     Riding The Horse Backwards                            12809   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Miners, Scott             Spiritual Approach To Male Female Relations           13695   PSY   6.50
   Psychology, self help            Mitsuhashi, Yukari        Ikigai30922                                           14995   PSY  10.99
   Psychology, self help            Modi, Shakuntala          Memories Of God & Creation                            28338   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Modi, Shakuntala          Remarkable Healings                                   26476   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Montague, Ashley          Touching                                              13978   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Moore, Thomas             Ageless Soul                                          31292   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Moore, Thomas             Soul Therapy                                          24686   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Moore, Thomas  (Edt.)     Education Of The Heart                                24115   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Morin, Amy                13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do             20998   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Moss, Richard             Mandala Of Being                                      30858   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Moss, Robert              Sidewalk Oracles (Synchronicity)                      21112   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Moss, Robert              Three "Only" Things                                   27605   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Mui, Bex                  House Of Our Queer                                    22006   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Muller, Wayne             How, Then, Shall We Live?                             24065   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Muller, Wayne             Legacy Of The Heart                                   20924   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Muller, Wayne             Sabbath  Finding Rest, Renewal...                     26014   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Myss, Caroline            Self-Esteem (4 CDs)                                   19472   PSY  34.95
   Psychology, self help            Neff, Kristin             Fierce Self-Compassion                                19134   PSY  29.99
   Psychology, self help            Neff, Kristin             Self-Compassion                                       26243   PSY  21.99
   Psychology, self help            Neff, Kristin & Germer    Mindful Self-Compassion For Burnout                   22502   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Nelson, Annabelle         Living The Wheel  Wrking W/ Emotion, Terror, Bliss    21504   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            Nelson, John              Healing The Split                                     30285   PSY  30.95
   Psychology, self help            Nelson, Martia            Coming Home  Return To True Self                      22694   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Nemeth, Maria             Mastering Life's Energies                             30857   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Neumann, Erich            Child                                                 18965   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Neumann, Erich            Creative Man  Five Essays (OP 6/2000)                 20280   PSY  10.95
   Psychology, self help            New England Society Of JA Analytic Life                                         18228   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Newberg, M.D., Andrew     How God Changes Your Brain                            13044   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Newman, Susan             Book Of No: 365 Ways                                  29941   PSY  19.99
   Psychology, self help            Newmann, Erik             Origins & History Of Consciousness                    13134   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Nicholson, Ester          Soul Recovery  12 Keys To Healing Dependence          26624   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Northrop, Suzane          Everything Happens For A Reason                       29486   PSY  24.00
   Psychology, self help            Nsoroma, JojopahMaria     Wisdom Walk To Self-Mastery                           11303   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Nuckols, Cardwell         Ego-Less Self                                         26884   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            O'Malley, Mary            What's In The Way Is The Way                          26840   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            O'Sullivan, Natalie & T.  Ancestral Healing Made Easy                           26924   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Orloff, Judith            Emotional Freedom                                     14940   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Orloff, Judith            Power of Surrender                                    26761   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Ornstein, Robert          Roots Of The Self                                     22550   PSY  12.00
   Psychology, self help            Ortner, Nick              Tapping Solution                                      22401   PSY  16.99
   Psychology, self help            Paddison, Sara            Just Love The People (ISBN 1-879052-05-9)             19630   PSY  11.95
   Psychology, self help            Page, Christine           Mirror Of Existence  Stepping Into Wholeness          26479   PSY  14.50
   Psychology, self help            Panos, A. & Smiles, P.    Now Or Never  Your Epic Life In 5 Steps               30211   PSY  16.00
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   Psychology, self help            Parker, Karen Curry       Introduction To Quantum Human Design                  28114   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Parker, Karen Curry       Quantum Activtion Cards Companion Guidebook           13033   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Parkin, David (ED)        Anthropology Of Evil                                  16147   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Parkyn, Chetan            Human Design                                          31000   PSY  27.95
   Psychology, self help            Parry, Danaan             Warriors Of The Heart                                 19402   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Paul, Shale               Warrior Within  A Guide To Inner Power                20364   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Paul, Sheryl              Wisdom Of Anxiety                                     26456   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Paulin, Barbara           Path Of Promise Path Of Peace (OSI 12/02)             22681   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Pearce, Joseph            Crack In The Cosmic Egg                               22876   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Pearce, Joseph            Evolution's End                                       21382   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Pearsall, Paul            Pleasure Prescription                                 25125   PSY  13.95
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   Psychology, self help            Pearson, Carol            Hero Within                                           14473   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Pearson, Carol S.         Awakening The Heroes Within                           13769   PSY  19.00
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   Psychology, self help            Peck, M. Scott            Different Drum                                        16851   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Peck, M. Scott            Further Along The Roadless Traveled                   21588   PSY  14.00
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   Psychology, self help            Pelletier, Kenneth        Toward A Science Of Consciousness                     15300   PSY   7.95
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   Psychology, self help            Phillips, Jan             Divining The Body                                     20465   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Pinker, Steven            Stuff Of Thought  Language As A Window                15181   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Poos-Benson, Stephen      Sent To Soar                                          14236   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Prather, Hugh             Notes To Myself                                       18521   PSY   6.99
   Psychology, self help            Prendergast, John         In Touch                                              25857   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Progoff, Ira              Dynamics Of Hope (OP 8/92)                            17194   PSY   9.95
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   Psychology, self help            Ray, Sondra               Inner Communion                                       19370   PSY   8.95
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   Psychology, self help            Redfield & Murphy         God & The Evolving Universe                           28778   PSY  20.00
   Psychology, self help            Reeve, Susyn              Choose Peace & Happiness                              29834   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Reich, Wilhelm            Character Analysis                                    25242   PSY  22.00
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   Psychology, self help            Reynolds, David K.        Constructive Living                                   20648   PSY  14.99
   Psychology, self help            Reynolds, David K.        Even In Summer The Ice Doesn't Melt                   14327   PSY   7.95
   Psychology, self help            Reynolds, David K.        Pools Of Lodging For The Moon                         20964   PSY   7.00
   Psychology, self help            Reynolds, David K.        Quiet Therapies                                       17883   PSY  15.00
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   Psychology, self help            Richardson, Dr. Ronald W. Family Ties That Bind                                 17520   PSY   8.95
   Psychology, self help            Richardson, Peter         Four Spiritualities  Expressions Of The Self          24052   PSY  18.95
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   Psychology, self help            Robbins, Anthony          Awaken The Giant Within                               16285   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Robinson & McCullers      How To Learn To Love Yourself                         13276   PSY   1.95
   Psychology, self help            Roche de Coppens & Peze   Art Of Joyful Living                                  21005   PSY  13.95
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   Psychology, self help            Rosen, Sidney (Edt)       My Voice Will Go With You                             27576   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Rosenau, Helen            Messy Joys Of Being Human                             31190   PSY  17.00
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   Psychology, self help            Rother, Steve             Spiritual Psychology                                  16091   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Roulac, Ann Nichols       Power Passion & Purpose                               11474   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Rubenstein, Ed            Awakening From The Trances Of Everyday Life           26450   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Rubin, Theodore  M.D.     Compassion & Self-Hate                                18236   PSY   6.00
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   Psychology, self help            Sardello, Robert          Love & The Soul                                       24975   PSY  18.95
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   Psychology, self help            Satir, Virginia           Self Esteem                                           13147   PSY   5.95
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   Psychology, self help            Schwartz, Stephen R.      Angelic Dialogues  Work Of Compassionate Self-Care    22321   PSY  15.00
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   Psychology, self help            Skafte, Dianne            Listening To The Oracle                               25892   PSY  23.00
   Psychology, self help            Sliker, Gretchen          Multiple Mind  Healing The Split In Psyche & World    16526   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Small, Jacquelyn          Becoming A Practical Mystic                           27676   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Small, Jacquelyn          Becoming Naturally Therapeutic                        11304   PSY    7.5
   Psychology, self help            Smedes, Lewis B.          Forgive & Forget                                      20142   PSY   5.50
   Psychology, self help            Smiles, Preston           Love Louder 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life              27024   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Smith, Jeffery            Where The Roots Reach For Water                       26576   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Smoley, Richard           Seven Games of Life                                   21279   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Snider & Langevin         Magical Universe  Best Of Magical Blend Magazine      24217   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Spencer, Robert L.        Craft Of The Warrior                                  22291   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            St. James, Elaine         Simplify Your Life                                    30708   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            St. James, Elaine         Simplify Your Life  100 Ways..(078-688-0007)          24858   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Stanislav Grof            Cosmic Game                                           27695   PSY  31.95
   Psychology, self help            Stanley, Colin (Editor)   Ultimate Colin Wilson                                 31265   PSY  25.95
   Psychology, self help            Stephan, Naomi            Finding Your Life Mission (OP 2/98)                   19103   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Stevens, Jose             Transforminng Your Dragons  Fear To Personal Pwr      22215   PSY  18.00
   Psychology, self help            Stone & Winkelman         Embracing Our Selves  Voice Dialogue Manual           15542   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Storr, Anthony            Art Of Psychotherapy                                  19169   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Storr, Anthony            Churchill's Black Dog, Kafka's Mice  (OP ? 08.96)     19209   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Storr, Anthony            Human Destructiveness                                 11115   PSY  10.00
   Psychology, self help            Storr, Anthony            Solitude  A Return To The Self                        18243   PSY  11.00
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   Psychology, self help            Sussman, Janet            Timeshift  Experience Of Dimensional Change           24112   PSY  12.95
   Psychology, self help            Tagliaferre & Harbaugh    Recovery From Loss  A Prsnlzd Gd / Grieving Procss    19155   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Targ, Russell & Hurtak, J End Of Suffering                                      12941   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Tart, Charles             Living The Mindful Life                               22141   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Tart, Charles             Open Mind, Discriminating Mind  (OP 9/95)             18662   PSY  13.00
   Psychology, self help            Tart, Charles             Waking Up (OSI 1/98)                                  14011   PSY  20.00
   Psychology, self help            Tarthang Tulku            Openness Mind                                         12254   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Taylor, Eldon             Mind Programming                                      13972   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Taylor, Steve             Extraordinary Awakenings  (Trauma)                    23613   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Teasdale, Williams, Segal Mindful Way Workbook                                  23622   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Terranova, Kim Stanwood   Technology of Intention                               29498   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Thomas, Gail              Healing Pandora                                       16762   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Thor, Albert              Flight Manual For The Soul                            24632   PSY  15.50
   Psychology, self help            Tick, Edward              War & The Soul                                        18390   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Tick, Edward              War & The Soul (DVD)                                  11246   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Tippett, Krista           Becoming Wise                                         28193   PSY  17.00
   Psychology, self help            Tipping, Colin            Radical Forgiveness                                   25849   PSY  17.99
   Psychology, self help            Toms, Michael             At The Leading Edge  Nw Vnsns/Scnc,Sprtlty & Socty    19576   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Trent, J. Dana            Saffron Cross                                         18116   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Truman, Karol Kuhn        Feelings Buried Alive Never Die                       21639   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Ulanov, Barry             Jung & The Outside World                              21085   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Van Der Kolk, Bessel      Body Keeps The Score  (Healing Trauma)                26524   PSY  19.00
   Psychology, self help            Vance, Bruce A.           Mindscape  (OP 1/2002)                                19069   PSY   9.95
   Psychology, self help            Vanzant, Iyanla           Don't Give It Away!                                   26464   PSY  11.00
   Psychology, self help            Vanzant, Iyanla           Forgiveness (CD incl.)                                13426   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Vanzant, Iyanla           Get Over It  Thought Therapy                          22383   PSY  24.00
   Psychology, self help            Vanzant, Iyanla           In The Meantime                                       25364   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Vanzant, Iyanla           One Day My Soul Just Opened Up                        25696   PSY  18.99
   Psychology, self help            Vanzant, Iyanla           Yesterday I Cried                                     25997   PSY  22.00
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   Psychology, self help            Vaughan, Frances          Shadows Of The Sacred                                 30238   PSY  21.95
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   Psychology, self help            Victor, Maggie            Choice For Love                                       29389   PSY  14.95
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   Psychology, self help            Viscott, David, M.D.      Language Of Feelings                                  18321   PSY   4.99
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   Psychology, self help            Von Franz, M.L.           Individuation In Fairy Tales                          12433   PSY  24.00
   Psychology, self help            Von Franz, M.L.           Redemption Motifs In Fairytales                       14409   PSY  15.00
   Psychology, self help            Wagner, C.Peter           Finding Your Spiritual Gifts                          16991   PSY   5.99
   Psychology, self help            Walker, Nathan            Cultivating Empathy                                   16721   PSY  14.00
   Psychology, self help            Wall & Ferguson           Lights Of Passage                                     23650   PSY   8.00
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   Psychology, self help            Warter, Carlos            Pathways To The Soul                                  27440   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Weber, Robert & Orsborn   Spirituality Of Age                                   23149   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Weinrib, Estelle          Images Of The Self  (POS 5/91...7/98)                 12414   PSY  11.95
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   Psychology, self help            Welwood, John             Toward A Psychology Of Awakening                      27064   PSY  29.95
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   Psychology, self help            Whitfield, Prevatt, Park  Power Of Humility                                     24880   PSY  14.95
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   Psychology, self help            Wickes, Frances           Inner World Of Choice                                 20900   PSY  14.95
   Psychology, self help            Wickes, Frances           Inner World Of Man                                    20901   PSY  16.95
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   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Eye Of Spirit                                         24076   PSY  34.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Eye To Eye  The Quest For The New Paradigm            11955   PSY  18.00
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   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Integral Meditation                                   25321   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Integral Psychology                                   27216   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Integral Spirituality                                 15051   PSY  29.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Integral Spirituality                                 15051   PSY  29.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Integral Vision                                       31101   PSY  18.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Marriage Of Sense & Soul                              25289   PSY  15.99
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Marriage Of Sense & Soul                              25289   PSY  15.99
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               No Boundary                                           13038   PSY  16.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               No Boundary                                           13038   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               One Taste  Daily Reflections On Integral Spir.        25830   PSY  34.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Quantum Questions                                     13342   PSY  23.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Quantum Questions                                     13342   PSY  23.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Religion Of Tomorrow                                  30928   PSY  34.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Sex, Ecology, Spirituality                            22712   PSY  45.00
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Sex, Ecology, Spirituality                            22712   PSY  45.00
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Simple Feeling Of Being                               30374   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Sociable God                                          13661   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Speaking Of Everything (CD)                           16945   PSY  24.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Spectrum Of Consciousness                             13692   PSY  16.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Spectrum Of Consciousness                             13692   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Theory Of Everything                                  28668   PSY  19.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Theory Of Everything                                  28668   PSY  19.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Up From Eden                                          14045   PSY  16.00
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken               Up From Eden                                          14045   PSY  16.00
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken        Integral Life Practice                                26345   PSY  22.95
Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Psychology, self help            Wilber, Ken        Integral Life Practice                                26345   PSY  22.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilkins-Smith, Judy       Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint                     21616   PSY  19.99
   Psychology, self help            Williams, Teasdale  Mindful Way Through Depression (Incl. CD)             19467   PSY  21.95
   Psychology, self help            Wilson, Colin             Outsider                                              13157   PSY  15.95
   Psychology, self help            Winch, Guy                Emotional First Aid                                   31227   PSY  17.00
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   Psychology, self help            Wisehart, Susan           Soul Visioning                                        30471   PSY  17.95
   Psychology, self help            Wolf, Aline D.            Nurturing The Spirit                                  26226   PSY  13.95
   Psychology, self help            Wolinsky, Stephen         Dark Side Of The Inner Child (BO BP 4/25/00)          25774   PSY  14.95
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   Psychology, self help            Wurm, Thomas              Awakened By Heart-Fire                                13080   PSY  12.99
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   Psychology, self help            Young-Eisendrath, Polly   Hags & Heroes                                         12184   PSY  16.00
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   Psychology, self help            Yu, Po-Lung               Habitual Domains                                      20324   PSY  16.95
   Psychology, self help            Zoe, Jenna                Human Design                                          17842   PSY  19.99
   Psychology, self help            Zylowska, Lidia           Mindfulness Prescription For Adult ADHD               12617   PSY  22.95
   Qigong                           Chuen, Lam Kam            Way Of Energy                                         27505   QIG  22.99
   Qigong                           Cohen, Kenneth            Way Of Qigong                                         24349   QIG  20.00
   Qigong                           Connor, Danny             Qigong  Chinese Movement & Meditation                 15640   QIG  14.95
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   Qigong                           Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming       Qigong: Secret of Youth                               13617   QIG  29.95
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   Qigong                           Jwing-Ming, Yang          Qigong Meditation  Small Circulation                  30972   QIG  29.95
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   Qigong                           Jwing-Ming, Yang          Tai Chi Qigong                                        25618   QIG  20.95
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   Qigong                           Reid, Daniel              Harnessing The Power Of The Universe (POSI 8/01)      25854   QIG  25.00
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   Qigong                           Yun, Sheng Keng           Walking Kung                                          24380   QIG  16.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Bengali, Neville S.       Magnet Therapy  Theory & Practice                     25247   RAD  12.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Bhattacharya              Gem Therapy                                           12078   RAD   6.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Bhattacharya              Magnet Dowsing Or The Magnetic Study Of               12780   RAD   7.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Bird, Christopher         Divining Hand                                         11737   RAD  29.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Blackburn, Gabriele       Science & Art Of The Pendulum ... Radiesthesia        14428   RAD  10.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Chandu, Jack F.           Pendulum Book (POS NEWL 2/4/10)                       19067   RAD  19.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Davis & Rawls             Magnetic Blueprint Of Life                            12781   RAD  15.00
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   Radionics, Pendulum              Graves, Tom               Elements Of Pendulum Dowsing (BO NEWL 10/4/00)        18138   RAD   9.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Jurriaanse, D.            Practical Pendulum Book                               14933   RAD  14.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Lawrence, Ron             Magnet Therapy                                        25382   RAD  15.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Lehto, Owen               Vibrations  Practical Study Of The Forces & Health    22711   RAD  17.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Mikkers, Bote             Pendulum Workbook (BO BP 12/28/99)                    24994   RAD  16.95
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   Radionics, Pendulum              Nielsen & Polansky        Pendulum Power                                        14862   RAD   9.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Nielsen, Greg             Beyond Pendulum Power  Entering The Energy World      18458   RAD  11.95
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   Radionics, Pendulum              Olson, Dale               Pendulum Charts / Knowing Your Intuitive Mind         27846   RAD  20.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Olson, Dale W.            Pendulum Bridge To Infinite Knowing                   24662   RAD  16.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Ozaniec, Naomi            Dowsing  A Beginner's Guide                           23876   RAD  11.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Rinker, Fred              Invisible Force  Trad. Magnetic Therapy               21076   RAD  15.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Ross, T. & Wright R.      Divining Mind  A Guide To Dowsing (BO NL 6/21/00)     20323   RAD  10.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Santwani, M.T.            Art Of Magnetic Healing                               25497   RAD   9.00
   Radionics, Pendulum              Stein, Diane              Pendulums And The Light                               14727   RAD  14.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Tansley, David            Chakras Rays & Radionics (POS 12/2009)                11470   RAD  13.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Tansley, David            Dimensions Of Radionics (POS INGR 12/15/05)           11997   RAD  17.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Tansley, David            Radionic Healing  Is It For You?                      17515   RAD   9.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Tansley, David            Radionics & The Subtle Anatomy Of Man                 13358   RAD  17.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Tansley, David            Radionics Interface With The Ether Fields             20854   RAD   9.95
   Radionics, Pendulum              Webster, Richard          Dowsing For Beginners                                 11269   RAD  14.99
   Radionics, Pendulum              Webster, Richard          Pendulum Magic For Beginners                          28834   RAD  15.99
   Radionics, Pendulum              Wethered, Vernon          Practice Of Medical Radiestesia                       16642   RAD   6.50
   Reference                        Allardice, Pamela         Myths, Gods, & Fantasy                                20758   REF  10.95
   Reference                        Ann, Martha & Imel, D.    Goddesses In World Mythology (OP 6/2006)              22931   REF  19.95
   Reference                        Axelrod, Alan             International Ency. Of Secret Societies & Fraterna    25667   REF  18.95
   Reference                        Bartlett, Sarah           Sacred Symbol Magic                                   23760   REF  18.95
   Reference                        Baumgartner, Anne S.      Ye Gods  Dictionary Of The Gods (OSI 10/2001)         20807   REF  14.95
   Reference                        Bayley, Harold            Lost Language Of Symbolism                            26786   REF  27.95
   Reference                        Berlitz, Charles          Native Tongues  Book of Captivating Language Facts    17099   REF   9.99
   Reference                        Biedermann, Hans          Dictionary Of Symbolism                               21615   REF  30.00
   Reference                        Bierce, Ambrose           The Devil's Dictionary                                23215   REF  14.99
   Reference                        Bruce-Mitford, Miranda    Signs & Symbols, an Illustrated Guide                 28102   REF  26.00
   Reference                        Budge, E.A. Wallis        Amulets & Superstitions                               11382   REF  15.95
   Reference                        Carlyon, Richard          Guide To The Gods  (OP 7/98)                          18818   REF  12.95
   Reference                        Cavendish, Richard (Ed)   Encyclopedia Of The Unexplained  Mgc, Occ & Prpsch    18817   REF  19.95
   Reference                        Chaline, Eric             Book Of Gods & Goddesses                              30569   REF  16.95
   Reference                        Chaline, Eric             Symbols Of The Occult                                 26177   REF  24.95
   Reference                        Chan, Wing-tsit (Trans)   Sourcebook In Chinese Philosophy                      19017   REF  28.95
   Reference                        Charonneau-Lassey, Louis  Bestiary Of Christ                                    20941   REF  29.95
   Reference                        Chetwynd, Tom             Dictionary Of Sacred Myths (OP 4/99)                  21711   REF  11.00
   Reference                        Chevalier & Gheerbrandt   Penquin Dictionary Of Symbols                         26256   REF  25.00
   Reference                        Chevalier, Jean +         Penguin Dictionary of Symbols                         13302   REF  23.00
   Reference                        Churchward, Albert        Signs And Symbols Of Primordial Man                   16218   REF  17.95
   Reference                        Cirlot, J.E.              Dictionary Of Symbols                                 11717   REF  34.95
   Reference                        Cohen & Coffin            America Celebrates                                    20189   REF  14.95
   Reference                        Cohen, Daniel             Encyclopedia Of Ghosts                                20168   REF   4.99
   Reference                        Cohen, Daniel             Encyclopedia Of Monsters                              20169   REF   4.99
   Reference                        Cooper, J.C. (BO'd 4/2022 Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Traditional Symbols       15151   REF  19.95
   Reference                        D'Alviella, Goblet        Migration Of Symbols                                  12281   REF  19.95
   Reference                        Danielou, Alain           Phallus  Sacred Symbol Of Male Creative Power         28085   REF  19.95
   Reference                        Dibbley, Dale Corey       From Achilles' Heel To Zeus's Shield                  21160   REF   8.00
   Reference                        DK Publishing             History Of Ghosts Spirits & The Supernatural          22506   REF  35.00
   Reference                        DK Publishing             History Of Magic, Witchcraft & The Occult             15274   REF  35.00
   Reference                        Dunwich, Gerina           Concise Lexicon Of The Occult                         19951   REF   7.95
   Reference                        Foer, Thuras, & Morton    Atlas Obscura                                         18268   REF  40.00
   Reference                        Funk & Wagnalls           Stand. Dictionary Of Folklore, Mythology & Legend     16571   REF  34.95
   Reference                        Gold, Gari                New Age A To Z (X-cept X!)                            21001   REF  10.95
   Reference                        Goldsmith, Elizabeth      Ancient Pagan Symbols (BO 7/06/2007)                  29704   REF  18.95
   Reference                        Goodman, Frederick        Magic Symbols                                         21903   REF  10.98
   Reference                        Greer, John Michael       Occult Book                                           18829   REF  22.99
   Reference                        Griffon, T. Wynne         History Of The Occult                                 22110   REF  19.98
   Reference                        Hall, Adelaide            Important Symbols (Hebrew, Pagan, & Christian)BO'd    29710   REF  14.95
   Reference                        Hall, James               Illustrated Dict. Of Symbols In East & West Art       23628   REF  15.00
   Reference                        Hieronimus, Robert        United Symbolism Of America                           24234   REF  17.99
   Reference                        Hulse, David Allen        Eastern Mysteries Key Of It All Bk 1                  21620   REF  49.99
   Reference                        Hulse, David Allen        Western Mysteries  Key Of It All Book 2               22476   REF  49.99
   Reference                        Illes, Judika             Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints & Sages               14436   REF  32.99
   Reference                        Ingpen, R  & Wilkinson, P Encyclopedia Of Mysterious Places                     19326   REF  29.95
   Reference                        Jansen, Eva Rudy          Book Of Buddhas (POS 8/2014)                          14245   REF  13.95
   Reference                        Jordan, Michael           Eastern Wisdom (BO NEWL 5/2/00)                       25308   REF  24.95
   Reference                        Kastenbaum, R & B         Encyclopedia Of Death (OP 1/2004)                     21345   REF  15.00
   Reference                        Knappert, Jan             Encyclopaedia Of Middle Eastern Myth & Religion       21735   REF  29.95
   Reference                        Kozocari, Owens & North   Witch's Book Of Days                                  22554   REF  15.95
   Reference                        Lehner, Ernst             Symbols, Signs & Signets                              14274   REF  18.95
   Reference                        MacGregor, Geddes         Dictionary Of Religion & Philosophy                   19594   REF  22.95
   Reference                        Manguel & Guadalupi       Dictionary Of Imaginary Places                        28695   REF  27.00
   Reference                        Matthews, Boris (Trans)   Herder Dictionary Of Symbols                          16886   REF  19.95
   Reference                        Matthews, John (Edt.)     World Atlas Of Divination                             14404   REF  24.95
   Reference                        Mishlove, Jeffrey         Roots Of Consciousness (OP?)                          21179   REF  26.95
   Reference                        Monaghan, Patricia        Encyclopedia Of Goddesses & Heroines                  20831   REF  29.95
   Reference                        Moon, Beverly             Encyclopedia Of Archetypal Symbolism                  20092   REF 150.00
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   Reference                        Parker, John              Dialogues With Emerging Spiritual Teachers            28061   REF  19.95
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   Reference                        Rockefeller & Elder       Spirit & Nature                                       15350   REF  16.00
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   Reference                        Zvelebil, Kamil           Poets Of The Powers  Freedom, Magic, & Renewal        17730   REF  12.95
   Reiki                            Baginski & Sharamon       Reiki  Universal Life Energy                          17566   RKI  12.95
   Reiki                            Barnett & Babb            Reiki  Energy Medicine                                24067   RKI  14.95
   Reiki                            Bevell, Brett             Psychic Reiki (BO'd 9/21/2022)                        31048   RKI  15.95
   Reiki                            Bevell, Brett             Reiki For Spiritual Healing                           16801   RKI  15.99
   Reiki                            Bevell, Brett             Reiki Magic Guide To Self-Attunement                  13445   RKI  14.99
   Reiki                            Brown, Fran               Living Reiki  Takata's Teachings                      12474   RKI  12.95
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   Reiki                            Hosak, Mark & Lubeck, W.  Big Book Of Reiki Symbols                             30777   RKI  34.95
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   Reiki                            Usui, Mikao & Petter, F.  Original Reiki Hdbk Of Dr. Mikao Usui                 29195   RKI  14.95
   Reiki                            Verschure, Yasmin         Way To The Light (Reiki Master) BO NEWL 2/8/02)       24179   RKI  16.95
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   Reincarnation                    Newton, Michael           Journey Of Souls                                      21993   REI  18.99
   Reincarnation                    Newton, Michael           Life Between Lives - Hypnotherapy for Regression      25475   REI  18.99
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   Reincarnation                    Patterson, Doris          Man With Nine Lives  (OP 1/99)                        22313   REI  12.95
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   Shamanism                        Eaton, Evelyn             Shaman & The Medicine Wheel                           13621   SHA  10.95
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   Shamanism                        Farmer, Steven            Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guide (CD)           23302   SHA  10.95
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   Shamanism                        Harner, Michael           Way Of The Shaman                                     19187   SHA  16.99
   Shamanism                        Heaven & Charing          Plant Spirit Shamanism                                19438   SHA  16.95
   Shamanism                        Hill, M. & Kandemwa, M.   Twin From Another Tribe (852)                         21960   SHA  16.95
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   Shamanism                        Hultkrantz, Ake           Shamanic Healing & Ritual Drama                       17214   SHA  19.95
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   Shamanism                        Ingerman, S. & Wesselman  Awakening To The Spirit World (with CD)               11600   SHA  19.95
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   Shamanism                        Ingerman, Sandra          Book Of Ceremony  (6 CDs)                             17086   SHA  29.99
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   Shamanism                        Irvin, Jan & Rutajit, A.  Astrotheology & Shamanism                             16258   SHA  24.95
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   Shamanism                        Keeney, Bradford          Bushman Way of Tracking God                           19996   SHA  24.00
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   Shamanism                        Pinchbeck, Daniel         Breaking Open The Head                                29376   SHA  14.99
   Shamanism                        Pinkson, Tom Soloway      Shamanic Wisdom Of The Huichol                        18276   SHA  18.99
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   Shamanism                        Plotkin, Mark J           Tales Of A Shaman's Apprentice                        26138   SHA 800.00
   Shamanism                        Poncelet, Claude          Shaman Within                                         24606   SHA  17.95
   Shamanism                        Powell, Wayne & Miller, P Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing                          30651   SHA  17.99
   Shamanism                        Rael, Joseph              Being & Vibration                                     17604   SHA  30.00
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   Shamanism                        Rosales, Omar             Elemental Shaman                                      11114   SHA  18.95
   Shamanism                        Ross, Dr. A. C.           Mitakuye Oyasin "We Are All Related"                  18853   SHA  12.00
   Shamanism                        Ruiz, Don Jose            Medicine Bag                                          17703   SHA  19.95
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   Shamanism                        Ryan, Robert E.           Strong Eye Of Shamanism                               25993   SHA  19.95
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   Shamanism                        Sarangerel                Chosen By The Spirits                                 28336   SHA  18.95
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   Shamanism                        Scott, Gini Graham        Shamanism & Personal Mastery                          20072   SHA  14.95
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   Shamanism                        Scully, Nicki             Alchemical Healing                                    29895   SHA  20.00
   Shamanism                        Scully, Nicki             Awakening The Cobra (CD)                              17136   SHA  16.00
   Shamanism                        Scully, Nicki             Power Animal Meditations                              29314   SHA  16.00
   Shamanism                        Seidelmann, Sarah Bamford Book Of Beasties  (Guide To Spirit Animals)           30736   SHA  21.95
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   Shamanism                        Star Wolf, Linda          Sacred Medicine Of Bee, Butterfly, Earthworm..        13333   SHA  18.00
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   Shamanism                        Tedlock, Barbara          Woman In The  Shaman's Body                           20231   SHA  18.00
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   Shamanism                        Tomas                     Creative Victory  Reflections On Carlos Castaneda     23270   SHA  12.95
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   Shamanism                        Tunneshende, Merilyn      Don Juan & The Art Of Sexual Energy                   28329   SHA  15.00
   Shamanism                        Tunneshende, Merilyn      Don Juan & The Power Of Medicine Dreaming             28939   SHA  15.00
   Shamanism                        Tunneshende, Merilyn      Medicine Dream  Nagual Woman's Healing (OP 10/02)     24636   SHA  16.95
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   Shamanism                        Villoldo, Alberto         Four Insights                                         30758   SHA  19.99
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   Shamanism                        Yardley, Darrell          Windwalker (BO NEWL 5/14/02)                          27356   SHA  14.95
   Shamanism                        Youngblood & D'Entremont  Path Of The White Wolf (Inc. CD)  Shaman's Way        25422   SHA  17.95
   Small Books & Booklets                                     Inspirations From Ancient Wisdom (comp)               26710   PAM  14.00
   Small Books & Booklets                                     Poster H.H. Dalai Lama (Photo)                        23654   PAM   1.50
   Small Books & Booklets                                     Teacher  Eleven Aspects Of The Guru Rinpoche          21500   PAM   2.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Abbey, Edward             Voice Crying In The Wilderness  (INA 01.94)           20096   PAM   6.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Abel, R. & Hare, W.       Hermes Trismegistus  An Investigation...(POS)         22607   PAM   5.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Agarwal, C.V.             Buddhist & The Theosophical Movements                 23042   PAM   6.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Alcyone                   At The Feet Of The Master (7477)                      20411   PAM   9.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Alcyone (Krishnamurti)    At The Feet Of The Master (107)                       11208   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Allen, James              As A Man Thinketh                                     11132   PAM    4.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Allen, James              As A Man Thinketh                                     11133   PAM   6.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Allen, James              As A Man Thinketh                                     19379   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Allen, James              As A Man Thinketh Vol 2 (NYR NEWL 5/25/99)            18193   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Allen, James              As I Think (Out of Print)                             12499   PAM   9.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Anonymous                 Brotherhood  (Reprinting: no due date in 2011)        11412   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Anonymous                 Christ In You  (see also 29164)                       11500   PAM   9.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Anonymous                 Guide To The Path                                     17495   PAM   3.95
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   Small Books & Booklets           Bendit, Lawrence          Yoga Of Beauty                                        14221   PAM    3.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Besant, Annie             Beauties Of Islam                                     15829   PAM   2.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Besant, Annie             From The Outer Court To The Inner Sanctum             12051   PAM  10.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Bethards, Betty           Way To Awareness  A Meditation Technique              17260   PAM   2.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Blavatsky, H.P.           Voice Of The Silence Mini Cloth (7228-x)              14084   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Bowen, Robert             Madame Blavatsky On How To Study Theosophy (7314)     12728   PAM   3.75
   Small Books & Booklets           Buddhist Publishing Group Great Awakening                                       15418   PAM   3.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Burka, Christa Faye       Pearls Of Consciousness                               16928   PAM   5.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Burnier, Radha            Truth Beauty & Goodness (7576)                        19575   PAM   5.75
   Small Books & Booklets           Burnier, Radha            Way Of Self-Knowledge (7726)                          29500   PAM   2.95
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   Small Books & Booklets           Collin, Rodney            Christian Mystery                                     22563   PAM   5.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Collin, Rodney            Lesson In Religion For A Skeptical World              22564   PAM   6.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Collins, Mabel            Light On The Path (0299-0)                            12669   PAM   6.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Collins, Mabel            Light On The Path (7183) Adyar                        27962   PAM    9.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Collins, Mabel            Light On The Path (7507)                              12668   PAM   9.25
   Small Books & Booklets           Collins, Mabel            When The Sun Moves Northward                          16032   PAM  10.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Conti, Teri               I Am The Treasure                                     19316   PAM   7.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Cooke, Grace              Illumined Ones                                        12408   PAM  12.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Cooke, Grace              Light In Britain                                      12655   PAM   9.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Cooke, Grace              Minesta's Vision                                      26764   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Cooke, Grace              New Mediumship                                        13027   PAM    6.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Coon, Arthur M.           Theosophy In Christianity                             16488   PAM     .6
   Small Books & Booklets           Curtis, Donald            23rd Psalm                                            13986   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Davis, Roy Eugene         Easy Guide To Meditation                              17171   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Davis, Roy Eugene         With God                                              22367   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           De Purucker, G.           Mahatmas & Genuine Occultism                          14679   PAM   5.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Dent, Jenny               Quiet Mind Companion   (White Eagle)                  23583   PAM  11.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Fericy, Joan              Let Go Of The Struggle                                20418   PAM   3.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Fishel, Ruth              Power Of Words                                        20881   PAM    .95
   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                7 Day Mental Diet # 2                                 20634   PAM   4.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                Be Still  #10                                         11300   PAM   4.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                Golden Key #1                                         16627   PAM   3.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                Historical Destiny Of The U.S. (#20) (OP 1/97)        19394   PAM   4.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                How To Bring About Peace                              23200   PAM   2.00
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   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                Lord's Prayer #3                                      12702   PAM   4.95
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   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                Seven Main Aspects Of God #44                         15547   PAM   4.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                Yoga Of Love #5                                       14223   PAM   3.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Fox, Emmet                Your Hearts Desire #6                                 14564   PAM   4.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Goldsmith, Joel S.        Three Essays                                          13834   PAM   1.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Hall, Manly P.            Commentary Upon The Quiet Way                         11556   PAM   4.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Hanson, Virginia          Gifts Of The Lotus (450)                              12099   PAM   5.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Hanson, Virginia          Introduction To The Mahatma Letters (7536)            21838   PAM   3.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Hazelden                  Accepting Ourselves                                   12709   PAM   2.75
   Small Books & Booklets           Hodson, Geoffrey          Yoga Of Light (7040)                                  14222   PAM   3.75
   Small Books & Booklets           Howard, Vernon            50 Ways To Get Help From God                          12348   PAM   2.25
   Small Books & Booklets           Howard, Vernon            50 Ways To See Thru People                            12365   PAM   2.25
   Small Books & Booklets           Howard, Vernon            Conquer Anxiety & Frustration                         14663   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Howard, Vernon            Conquer Harmful Anger 100 Ways                        17814   PAM   2.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Howard, Vernon            Practical Exercises For Inner Harmony                 19625   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Hulst, Dorothy            As A Woman Thinketh                                   11134   PAM   5.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Jangl, Alda & James,      Ancient Legends Of The Twelve Birth Flowers           17878   PAM   3.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Jarrett, R.H.             It Works                                              15909   PAM   4.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Jinarajadasa, C.          Christ & Buddha (7074)                                20952   PAM    7.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Jinarajadasa, C.          Flowers & Gardens (7031)                              18586   PAM   4.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Khan, Adnan               Understanding Oneself                                 23638   PAM   9.99
   Small Books & Booklets           Kindler, Babaji Bob       We Are Atman All Abiding                              25768   PAM   5.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Krawetz, Michael          Self-Esteem Passport (POS NEWL 9/2/99)                16221   PAM   3.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Krishnamurti              At The Feet Of The Master & Towards Discipleship      28495   PAM  12.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Krishnamurti, J.          At The Feet Of The Master (7841)                      11214   PAM    3.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Kunz, Dora                Devic Consciousness                                   20250   PAM   1.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Laing, David              Willing Evolution                                     23487   PAM  12.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Leadbeater, C.W.          Power & Use Of Thought (7317)                         11736   PAM   6.99
   Small Books & Booklets           Lissi, Thru L.            Buddhist Handbook                                     21438   PAM   2.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Lorber, Jakob             Jesus Words For Meditation                            21222   PAM   3.00
   Small Books & Booklets           McClure, Vimala (Edt)     Vegetarian Alternative  How & Why To Stop Eating..    22216   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Mead, G.R.S.              Gnostic Crucifixion                                   12100   PAM   6.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Mills, Joy                O Hidden Life                                         22951   PAM    3.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Mozumdar, A.K.            Today & Tomorrow                                      21622   PAM   4.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Nelson, I.I.              Ancient Wisdom In The Modern School                   19671   PAM   1.00
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   Small Books & Booklets           Ni, Hua-Ching             Heavenly Way  The Union Of Tao & The Universe         17571   PAM   2.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Porter, Diane Cooledge    Little Wind                                           14720   PAM   2.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Price, John Randolph      Success Book (POS 7/2009)                             25104   PAM   7.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Price, John Randolphe     Mastering Money                                       19076   PAM   3.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Pupil, A                  Serene Life                                           15083   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Roskie, Dariel            Too Many Negative People                              19558   PAM   5.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Russell, Walter           Your Day & Night                                      17949   PAM   1.50
   Small Books & Booklets           Sechrist, Elsie           Meditation Gateway To Light                           19937   PAM   3.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Sengtsan (3rd Patriarch)  Hsin Hsin Ming  O/P                                   16584   PAM   4.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Sinnett, A.P.             Pyramids & Stonehenge                                 22878   PAM   5.00
   Small Books & Booklets           Smith, Patrick            Emerald Tablet Of Hermes Trismegistus                 21557   PAM   6.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Theosophy Company         Hypnotism  A Psychic Malpractice                      18679   PAM   2.00
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Beautiful Road Home                                   21621   PAM   9.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Book Of Star Light (BO'd 10/3/2024)                   27809   PAM  12.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Chakras, Auras, Subtle Bodies                         14860   PAM  15.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Earth Healer                                          20635   PAM  11.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Further Steps On The Spiritual Path                   14512   PAM   8.50
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Golden Harvest                                        12136   PAM   9.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Guide For Living With Death & Dying                   13732   PAM  18.95
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   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Light Bringer  Ray Of John                            29025   PAM  18.95
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   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Little Book Of Comfort For The Bereaved               20991   PAM   8.50
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Living With Love (Golden Harvest) (BO'd) 8/1/2024     22510   PAM  11.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Living Word Of St. John                               15276   PAM  18.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Practising Peace                                      12087   PAM  11.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Prayer  Mindfulness & Inner Change                    17792   PAM  14.50
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Quiet Mind                                            11967   PAM   9.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Quiet Mind (0854871640)                               15539   PAM   6.00
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Seeking Serenity                                      21164   PAM    9.5
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Source Of All Our Strength                            24079   PAM  11.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Spiritual Unfoldment 1                                13719   PAM  13.95
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   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Still Voice                                           13741   PAM   9.50
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   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Treasures Of The Master Within                        29351   PAM  11.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               Walking W/ The Angels                                 25951   PAM  13.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               White Eagle Book of Healing Meditations               24900   PAM  24.00
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   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               White Eagle On Festivals & Celebrations               30203   PAM  13.95
   Small Books & Booklets           White Eagle               White Eagle On The Great Spirit                       30204   PAM   13.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Wilshire, Frances         Secrets (BO'd 3/7/2024)                               20694   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Yogananda, Paramahansa    How You Can Talk With God (Pamphlet)                  15192   PAM   4.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Yogananda, Paramahansa    Law Of Success                                        12598   PAM   4.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Yogananda, Paramahansa    Metaphysical Meditations                              12878   PAM    6.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Yogananda, Paramahansa    Psychological Chart                                   22283   PAM   7.95
   Small Books & Booklets           Yogananda, Paramahansa    Scientific Healing Affirmations                       13516   PAM    6.5
   Small Books & Booklets           Yogananda, Paramahansa    Why God Permits Evil                                  29327   PAM    6.5
   Sophia                           Aldredge-Clanton, Jann    She Lives!  Sophia Wisdom Works In The World          26887   SOP  18.99
   Sophia                           Bulgakov, Sergei          Sophia  Wisdom Of God                                 21656   SOP  20.00
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   Spangler, David                  Berg, Jeremy              Gathering Light                                       15267   SPA  15.00
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   Spangler, David                  Spangler, David           Apprenticed To Spirit (BO'd 7/14/2022)                22449   SPA  16.00
   Spangler, David                  Spangler, David           Being Particular (CD)                                 31143   SPA  15.00
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Duplicate by-Subject-by-Author-by-Title Item Records:
   Spangler, David                  Spangler, David           Starheart & Other Stories                             21757   SPA  19.95
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   Spoken Words CDs                 Ashley-Farrands, Thomas   Healing Mantras (CD) (ST363)                          28226   TAL  16.98
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   Spoken Words CDs                 Besant, Annie             Bhagavad Gita (3 CDs) 8949                            11018   TAL  19.95
   Spoken Words CDs                 Blavatsky, H.P. (Meier)   Voice Of The Silence (CD) (8962)                      27488   TAL  13.95
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   Spoken Words CDs                 Chodron, Pema             Good Medicine (2 CDs) (BO'd 6/13/2020)                30918   TAL  24.95
   Spoken Words CDs                 Chodron, Pema             How To Meditate With Pema Chodron (5 CDs)             19854   TAL  29.95
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   Spoken Words CDs                 Dyer, Wayne               Meditations For Manifesting (CD)                      14633   TAL  15.00
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   Tai Chi                          Rones, Ramel              Sunrise Tai Chi (DVD)                                 11992   TAI  29.95
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   Taoism                           Chia, Mantak              Six Healing Sounds (Incl. CD)                         17488   TAO  19.99
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   Taoism                           Cleary, J.C.              Worldly Wisdom  Confucian Teachings Of Ming Dynsty    20664   TAO  15.00
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   Taoism                           Eisenberg, David          Encounters With Qi ("Chee")                           16111   TAO  10.00
   Taoism                           Feng & English            Tao Te Ching                                          24865   TAO  25.00
   Taoism                           Feng & English            Tao Te Ching (Small) 0-679-72434-6                    18551   TAO  16.00
   Taoism                           Fischer-Schreiber, Ingrid Shambhala Dictionary Of Taoism                        12217   TAO  13.00
   Taoism                           Frantzis, B.K.            Great Stillness (Vol.2) Water Method Of Taoist...     30200   TAO  20.00
   Taoism                           Frantzis, B.K.            Relaxing Into Your Being (Vol.1)  Water Method...     30199   TAO  20.00
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   Taoism                           Lee, Ilchi                Living Tao                                            30999   TAO  17.95
   Taoism                           Legge, James              Texts Of Taosim  Vol.I                                19946   TAO  15.95
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   Taoism                           Markert, Christopher      Dan Tien  Your Secret Energy Center (POS 11/12/04)    25519   TAO  12.95
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   Taoism                           Martin, William           Sage's Tao Te Ching                                   17077   TAO  14.95
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   Taoism                           Mitchell, Stephen         Second Book Of The Tao                                11596   TAO  18.00
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   Taoism                           Moeller, Hans-Georg       Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching)                            20797   TAO  26.95
   Taoism                           Ni, Hua-Ching             Complete Works Of Lao Tzu                             19238   TAO  15.95
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   Tarot & Oracle Cards & Books     Los Scarabeo              Tarot Cards Cleopatra Tarot                           15779   TAR  23.95
   Tarot & Oracle Cards & Books     Losche, Norbert           Tarot Cards Cosmic Tarot                              21180   TAR  26.95
   Tarot & Oracle Cards & Books     Lotterhand, Jason C.      Spoken Cabala  (Formerly Thursday Night Tarot)        18738   TAR  29.00
   Tarot & Oracle Cards & Books     Louis, Anthony            Llewellyn's Complete Book Of Tarot                    31059   TAR  24.99
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   Tarot & Oracle Cards & Books     Mandala Publishing        Gita Deck (978-1-886069-80-0)                         17332   TAR  16.95
   Tarot & Oracle Cards & Books     Mandala Wisdom Cards      Gods & Goddesses Cards (1886069468)                   28263   TAR  16.95
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   Therapeutic Touch                Wright, Janet             Reflexology & Acupressure                             28013   TT1   9.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 D.L.L. Society            What Is This? A Tibetan-English Colloquial Dict.      16457   TIB   3.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 David-Neel, Alexandra     Secret Oral Teachings In Tibetan Buddhist Sects       13551   TIB   7.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 David-Neel, Alexandra     Superhuman Life Of Gesar Of Ling                      13777   TIB  27.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 De Charms, Christopher    Two Views Of Mind  Abhidharma & Brain Science         29716   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Deshung, Rinpoche         Three Levels Of Spiritual Perception                  23177   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dhargyey, Geshe Ngawang   Tibetan Tradition Of Mental Development (LTWA)        16455   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma                    Door Mantra Avalokiteshvara (Yellow) DMA3             16718   TIB   6.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma                    Sacred Art Portfolio II  Heart Of Compassion          17700   TIB  35.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publ.              Crystal Mirror Vol. IV                                15761   TIB  12.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publ.              Gesar  Vol. IX No. 1                                  15758   TIB   3.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publ. Staff        Ancient Tibet                                         16809   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publ. Staff (Edt.) Sacred Art Portfolio 2 / Art Of Enlightenment         16811   TIB  35.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publ. Staff (Tr.)  Fortunate Aeon (Tib. Budd. Canon #94) 4 vol. set      16810   TIB 140.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Ancient Tibet  (same as 16809 but cheaper)            11031   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Arthaviniscaya Sutra (Gathering The Meanings)         29248   TIB  25.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Dhammapada  Verses With Tibetan Text                  15186   TIB  20.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Door Mantra Avalokiteshvara Framed (DMA3G)            16990   TIB  20.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         From The Roof Of The World: Refugees Of Tibet         20813   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Gesar  Epic Tale Of Tibet's Warrior-King (DHARMA)     20812   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Kum Nye Relaxation (CD 2) Art Of Dev. Balance         23191   TIB  16.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Kum Nye Relaxation (CD KN10) Transmuting Neg. Ener    23068   TIB  10.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         Ways Of Enlightenment (--> under DHARMA)              17681   TIB  26.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dharma Publishing         World Peace Ceremony  Bodh Gaya                       21720   TIB  35.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dhonden, Yeshi            Healing From The Source   Tibetan Medicine            27277   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Doboom & Mullin           Atisha & Buddhism In Tibet                            13728   TIB   4.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dowman, Keith             Flight Of The Garuda (2nd Edition)                    21674   TIB  22.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dowman, Keith             Masters Of Mahamudra                                  18577   TIB  36.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dowman, Keith             Maya Yoga                                             25232   TIB  15.99
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dowman, Keith             Sky Dancer (Yeshe Tsogyel)                            14378   TIB  22.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dowman, Keith (trans)     Divine Madman                                         19127   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dowman, Keith, transl.    Masters Of Enchantment (OP) see 25444                 17803   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dragpa, Chokyi            Uniting Wisdom & Compassion                           30179   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dragpa, Panchen Sonam     Overview Of Buddhist Tantra (LTWA)                    25137   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dreyfus & McClintock      Svatantrika-Prasangika Distinction                    29530   TIB  34.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Drungtso, Dr. Tsering     Basic Concepts Of Tibetan Medicine                    22440   TIB  20.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Drungtso, Dr. Tsering     Tibetan-English Dictionary Of Tibetan Medicine        22609   TIB  25.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Druppa, Gyalwa Gendun     Training The Mind In The Great Way                    20408   TIB  12.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Dudjom Rinpoche           Counsels From My Heart                                28647   TIB  15.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Evans-Wentz               Tibetan Book Of The Dead                              13949   TIB  14.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Fields, Rick (Transl)     Turquoise Bee  Lovesongs Of The Sixth Dalai Lama      21825   TIB  15.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Finckh, Dr. Elisabeth     Studies In Tibetan Medicine                           18033   TIB   9.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Foster, Barbara & Michael Secret Lives Of Alexandra David-Neel (POS 4/6/06)     30129   TIB  19.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gayley, Holly & Schapiro  Gathering Of Brillian Moons                           30288   TIB  22.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gehlek, Rimpoche Nawang   Good Life, Good Death                                 28570   TIB  24.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gendun Rinpoche           Heart Advice From A Mahamudra Master                  12899   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gold, E.J.                American Book Of The Dead                             19427   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Goldstein, Melvyn         English-Tibetan Dictionary Of Modern Tibetan          27989   TIB  35.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Goldstein, Melvyn         Tibet Phrasebook                                      20032   TIB   2.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Goldstein, Melvyn (Compl) English Tibetan Dictionary Of Modern Tibetan          14809   TIB  40.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gonsalez, David           Chakrasamvara Root Tantra                             20384   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Govinda, Lama             Concepts of Buddhism (CD) 8116                        14013   TIB   7.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Govinda, Lama             Development of Buddhism (CD)                          18046   TIB   7.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Govinda, Lama Anagarika   Foundations Of Tibetan Mysticism                      12020   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Govinda, Lama Anagarika   Insights Of A Himalayan Pilgrim                       20365   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Govinda, Lama Anagarika   Psycho-cosmic Symbolism Of The Buddhist Stupa         13304   TIB  12.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Grace, Nicole             Bodhisattva  How To Be Free                           12437   TIB  12.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Grimshaw, Anna            Servants Of The Buddha  (No Source as of 12.96)       21808   TIB  11.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Guenther, Herbert         Creative Vision  ( OP ?  MOVE/BP01/NEWL don't wk )    17036   TIB  25.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Guenther, Herbert         Ecstatic Spontaneity                                  23683   TIB  30.00
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Guenther, Herbert         Tibetan Buddhism In Western Perspective               15177   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Guenther, Herbert V.      Wholeness Lost & Wholeness Regained                   22106   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Guenther, Herbert/Trungpa Dawn Of Tantra                                        11680   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyaltsab & Namgyal        Path Of Heroes (2 Vols) (under Dharma)                12857   TIB  44.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyaltsap & Dargye         Practice Of Padmasambhava                             22241   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyaltsen & Rogers         Garland Of Mahamudra Practices                        16045   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyaltsen, Khenpo Konchog  Great Kagyu Masters  Golden Lineage Treasury          14475   TIB  14.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyamtso, Kenpo Tsultrim   Sun Of Wisdom  Tchings Of Nagarjuna's Fundamental     29814   TIB  22.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyastso, Geshe Jampa      Purification in Tibetan Buddhism                      27855   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatrul Rinpoche          Generating The Deity (POS NEWL 9/29/06)               23687   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatrul Rinpoche          Generation Stage In Buddhist Tantra                   26870   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatrul Rinpoche, Ven.    Meditation, Transformation & Dream Yoga               29456   TIB  15.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang     Clear Light Of Bliss  Mahamudra                       14316   TIB  17.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang     Heart Of Wisdom                                       15873   TIB  17.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang     Introduction To Buddhism                              17119   TIB   9.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang     Joyful Path Of Good Fortune                           20198   TIB  22.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang     Ocean Of Nectar                                       23354   TIB  26.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang     Tantric Grounds & Paths  The Vajrayana Path           22496   TIB  19.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Janet             Apparitions Of The Self  Autobio of Tib. Visionary    26831   TIB  20.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Lobsang           Bodhicitta  Cultivating The Compassionate             24283   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Lobsang           Memoirs Of A Tibetan Lama                             25610   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Palden            Autobiography Of A Tibetan Monk                       24889   TIB  14.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatso, Thinley & Hakim   Essentials Of Tibetan Traditional Medicine            18874   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Gyatson, Lobsang          Four Noble Truths                                     22207   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hansard, Christopher      Tibetan Art Of Living                                 14911   TIB  14.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hansard, Christopher      Tibetan Art Of Positive Thinking                      16616   TIB  14.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hansard, Christopher      Tibetan Art Of Serenity                               14021   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Harding, Sarah            Life & Revelations Of Pema Lingpa                     29966   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Harding, Sarah            Machik's Complete Explanation (Chod)                  29604   TIB  34.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Harrer, Heinrich          Seven Years In Tibet                                  13633   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Harvey, Andrew            Journey In Ladakh                                     14349   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hayward, Jeremy           Sacred World  Shambhala Warriorship In Daily Life     22869   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hicks, Roger              Hidden Tibet  The Land & Its People                   17386   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hodge, Stephen            Illustrated Tibetan Book Of The Dead                  26372   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hodge, Stephen            Introduction To Classical Tibetan                     20481   TIB  26.00
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hookham, Shenpen          Guru Principle                                        27616   TIB  17.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hopkins, Jeffrey          Emptiness Yoga                                        16515   TIB  39.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hopkins, Jeffrey          Meditation On Emptiness                               15118   TIB  29.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hopkins, Jeffrey          Tantric Distinction                                   21795   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hopkins, Jeffrey          Tantric Techniques (BO'd 11/5/2020)                   18627   TIB  32.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hopkins, Jeffrey          Truthful Heart                                        17421   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hopkins, Jeffrey          Tsong-Kha-Pa's Final Exposition Of Wisdom             18628   TIB  29.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Hopkins, Jeffrey, transl. Analysis Of Going & Coming                            17217   TIB   2.50
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Howard, Anna              Quest For The enlightened Feminine                    15376   TIB  22.99
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Illion, T.                Darkness Over Tibet (BO'd 8/28/2024)                  15548   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Illion, T.                In Secret Tibet (BO'd 12/22/2023)                     15549   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jackson, David            Saint In Seattle  Life Of Dezhung Rinpoche            15142   TIB  34.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jackson, Roger (Transl)   Is Enlightenment Possible ? (OP 3/99)                 21589   TIB  29.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 JEHM Films                Yogis Of Tibet (Video) BO BP 7/8/03                   29597   TIB  19.98
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jest, Corneille           Tales Of The Turquoise                                25541   TIB  12.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jicheng,Li                Realm Of Tibetan Buddhism                             14310   TIB  49.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jigme Rinpoche, Lama      Path Of Wisdom                                        29556   TIB  19.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jigme Rinpoche, Lama      Working With The Emotions                             19053   TIB  16.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jinpa & Elsner            Songs Of Spiritual Experience                         27840   TIB  25.00
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jinpa, Thupten            Fearless Heart                                        16431   TIB  25.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jinpa, Thupten            Wisdom Of The Kadam Masters                           15366   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jinpa, Thupten (Trans)    Mind Training  The Great Collection                   14364   TIB  49.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Johnson & Moran           Sacred Mountain Of Tibet(Kailas) (BO overdue 3/00)    18247   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Johnson, Will             Yoga Of The Mahamudra                                 30695   TIB  14.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jones, Richard            Indian Madhyamaka Buddhist Philosophy Vol. 1          24005   TIB  15.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Jones, Richard            Indian Madhyamaka Buddhist Philosophy Vol. 2          29940   TIB  15.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kalsang, Rinpoche Thupten Shi-Gnas (Samatha) Meditation                         17224   TIB   3.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kalu Rinpoche             Luminous Mind  Way Of The Buddha                      24077   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kalu Rinpoche             Profound Buddhism  From Hinayana To Vajrayana         23403   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kalu Rinpoche             Secret Buddhism  Vajrayana Practices                  23394   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kalu, H.E. Rinpoche       Foundations Of Tibetan Buddhism                       26603   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kapstein, Matthew         Tibetan Assimilation Of Buddhism                      18120   TIB  55.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Karthar Rinpoche, Khenpo  Wish-Fulfilling Wheel  Practice Of White Tara         28753   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Karthar, Khenpo           Instructions Of Gampopa  Precious Garland             12676   TIB  22.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kelly, Bastian & Aiello   Anquish Of Tibet                                      19893   TIB  17.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kelly, Petra, ed.         Anguish Of Tibet                                      24389   TIB  17.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kempo, Karthar            Dharma Paths                                          22326   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kerr, Blake               Sky Burial  China's Crackdown In Tibet                21511   TIB  12.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khechog, Nawang           Awakening Kindness                                    20609   TIB  23.00
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khenpo, Nyoshul Dorje     Fearless Lion's Roar                                  27491   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse Rinpoche, Dilgo  Zurchungpa's Testament                                30863   TIB  29.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dilgo           Brilliant Moon                                        16709   TIB  34.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dilgo           Heart Of Compassion  37 Verses...                     30977   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dilgo           Heart Treasure Of The Enlightened Ones                14608   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dilgo           Hundred Verses Of Advice (see 15720 Paperback)        21023   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dilgo           Wish-Fulfilling Jewel                                 19334   TIB  15.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dilgo & Sangye  Hundred Verses Of Advice                              15720   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dzongsar J.     Guru Drinks Bourbon                                   27761   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Dzongsar J.     Not For Happiness                                     11478   TIB  17.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Khyentse, Jamyang & Dilgo Excellent Path To Enlightenment                       19228   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Klein, Anne               Knowing, Naming & Negation  Tibetan Sautrantika       20433   TIB  19.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Klein, Anne C.            Knowledge & Liberation                                25725   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Klein, Anne Carolyn       Heart Essence Of The Vast Expanse (Inc. CD)           18781   TIB  29.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Klein, Carolyn (edt/tran) Path To The Middle                                    22217   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kolts & Chodron, Thubten  Open-Hearted Life                                     26129   TIB  35.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Komito, David Ross        Nagarjuna's "Seventy Stanzas"                         26380   TIB  27.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kongtrul, Dzigar          It's Up To You                                        11573   TIB  12.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Kongtrul, Jamgon          Treasury Of Knowledge (Books 2,3, & 4)                19159   TIB  49.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Ladner, Lorne             Lost Art Of Compassion                                17982   TIB  15.99
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lamrimpa, Gem             Samatha Meditation (Same as Calming The Mind 23274    18283   TIB  10.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Landaw & Weber            Images Of Enlightenment                               21803   TIB  34.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lati Rinbochay            Meditative States In Tibetan Buddhism (NA 1/2002)     15757   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lati Rinbochay            Mind In Tibetan Buddhism                              16452   TIB  24.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lhalungpa, Lobsang        Life Of Milarepa                                      12654   TIB  16.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lhalungpa, Lobsang        Tibet  The Sacred Realm (OP 5/94)                     19372   TIB  39.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lhundrub, Ngorchen K.     Three Visions  Teachings Of The Sakya Lineage         20939   TIB  15.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lib of Tib Wrks & Archvs  Jorcho  (WISD #B760) The Six Preparatory Practices    19464   TIB   3.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Library Of Tibetan Works  Daily Recitations Of Preliminaries                    16919   TIB   2.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Library Of Tibetan Works  Sublime Path Of The Victorious Ones                   20157   TIB   7.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lindtner, Chr. (trsl.)    Master Of Wisdom  Writings Of Nagarjuna (DHARMA)      16819   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lingp, Jigme        Gathering Of Vidyadharas (Rigdzin Dupa)               20866   TIB  34.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lingpa, Dudjom            Vajra Essence (damaged - price reduced)               12597   TIB  10.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lingpa, Jigme             Steps To The Great Perfection                         22759   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lingpa, Jigme             Treasury Of Precious Qualities (Book One)             28497   TIB  34.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lingpa, Jigme             Treasury Of Precious Qualities Book Two               19230   TIB  34.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lingpa, Jigme      Deity, Mantra, & Wisdom                               30948   TIB  29.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lingpa, Traktung Dudjom   Clear Mirror (BO'd 12/04/2019)                        22751   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lipman, Kennard           Secret Teachings Of Padmasambhava                     20025   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Loden, Geshe Acharya      Essence Of The Path To Enlightenment                  25387   TIB  25.00
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lodoe, Yangchen Gawai     Paths & Grounds Of Guhyasamaja (LTWA)                 25138   TIB  19.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa                Finding Rest in Illusion Trilogy Of Rest Vol. 3       15459   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa                Finding Rest In Meditation (Vol. 2)                   11879   TIB  22.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa                Finding Rest In The Nature Of The Mind (Vol. 1)       11880   TIB  29.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa                Now That I Come To Die                                14215   TIB  17.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa                You Are The Eyes Of The World                         17316   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa / Guenther     Kindly Bent To Ease Us Vol 3                          12556   TIB  16.00
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa / Guenther     Kindly Bent To Ease Us Vol.1                          12554   TIB  18.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Longchenpa / Guenther     Visionary Journey  (OSI 6/94)                         19566   TIB  12.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lopez, Donald             Prisoners Of Shangri-La                               25312   TIB  14.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lopez, Donald             Study Of Svatantrika                                  15279   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Lopez, Donald (Editor)    Religions Of Tibet In Practice                        24474   TIB  21.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Low, James                Being Right Here  Dzogchen Treasure                   30232   TIB  19.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Low, James                Simply Being  Texts In The Dzogchen Tradition         27283   TIB  17.99
   Tibetan Buddhism                 LTWA  Jig-Me Ling-Pa      Dzogchen  Innermost Essence Preliminary Practice      16450   TIB   9.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mackenzie, Vicki          Reborn In The West                                    23921   TIB  13.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Magee, William            Nature Of Things                                      27766   TIB  22.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Maitland, Arnaud          Living Without Regret                                 14415   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Maitland, Arnaud          Reflections Of Faith (Tarthang Tulku)                 24902   TIB  22.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Maitreya                  Maitreya's Distinguishing Phenomena & Pure Being      30462   TIB  18.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Maitreya, Arya     Buddha Nature  Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra          27496   TIB  34.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Martin, Michele           Music In The Sky: Life...17th Karmapa                 29641   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mi-pam-gya-tso            Fundamental Mind                                      25022   TIB  16.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Midal, Fabrice            Chogyam Trungpa  His Life & Vision                    30663   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Midal, Fabrice (Comp.)    Recalling Chogyam Trungpa                             11506   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Middleton, Ruth           Alexandra David-Neel  Portrait Of An Adventurer       18134   TIB  12.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mingyur Rinpoche, Yongey  In Love With The World                                11175   TIB  18.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mingyur Rinpoche, Yongey  Joy Of Living                                         28542   TIB  15.99
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mingyur Rinpoche, Yongey  Joyful Wisdom                                         11247   TIB  16.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mingyur, Yongey Rinpoche  Turning Confusion Into Clarity                        23296   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mipham Rinpoche, Jamgon   Gateway To Knowledge Vol. III (Tripitaka)             22974   TIB  20.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mipham, Jamgon            Gateway To Knowledge Vol. 1 (Tripitaka)               25070   TIB  20.00
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mipham, Jamgon            Just King                                             13441   TIB  24.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mipham, Jamgon            Luminous Essence  A Guide To Guhyagarbha Tantra       18613   TIB  29.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mipham, Jamgon            Wisdom Chapter (Commentary 9th Chap. Way Of Bodh.)    30241   TIB  39.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mipham, Sakyong           Turning The Mind Into An Ally                         29315   TIB  16.00
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Molk, David (Trans.)      Lion Of Siddhas (Padampa Sangye)                      16767   TIB  18.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Morreale, Don (Ed)        Buddhist America (See # 25199)                        17866   TIB  12.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Muller-Ebeling      Shamanism & Tantra In The Himalayas                   29223   TIB  49.95
   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mullin, Glenn             Dalai Lamas On Tantra                                 18967   TIB  24.95
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   Tibetan Buddhism                 Mullin, Glenn             Sacred Sites Of The Dalai Lamas                       12044   TIB  29.95
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   Watts, Alan                      Watts, Alan               Tao  The Watercourse Way                              13835   WAT  17.00
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   Watts, Alan                      Watts, Alan               Wisdom Of Insecurity                                  14175   WAT  17.00
   Watts, Alan                      Watts, Joan & Anne        Collected Letters Of Alan Watts                       27298   WAT   32.5
   Western Mystery Tradition        Abel, R. & Hare, W.       Hermes Trismegistus  An Investigation...(POS)         22607   WMT   5.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Achad, Frater             Ancient Mystical White Brotherhood (Not Available)    11085   WMT  14.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Agrippa, Henry Cornelius  Three Books Of Occult Philosophy (0738755273)         25873   WMT  75.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Cooper, D. Jason          Mithras  Mysteries & Initiation..                     11136   WMT  12.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Cooper-Oakley, Isabel     Masonry & Medieval Mysticism                          17259   WMT  10.75
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Craven, J.B.              Count Michael Maier  Life & Writings                  29971   WMT  16.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Craven, J.B.              Dr. Robert Fludd  Life & Writings                     28016   WMT  27.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Crockett, A. & Beckley,T. Count Saint Germain                                   18573   WMT  21.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Crowley, John             Chemical Wedding By Christian Rosencreutz             31147   WMT  16.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Curtiss, Harriett & F.H.  Voice Of Isis (1913)                                  26455   WMT  36.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Freke, T. & Gandy, P.     Hermetica  Lost Wisdom Of Pharaohs                    26032   WMT  15.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Geldard, Richard          Remembering Heraclitus                                27469   WMT  16.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Gilbert, Adrian           Secrets Of The Stone Of Destiny                       27381   WMT  18.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Godwin & McIntosh         Rosicrucian Trilogy                                   27309   WMT  24.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Godwin, Chanel & Deveney  Hermetic Brotherhood Of Luxor                         23004   WMT  26.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Godwin, Joscelyn          Pagan Dream Of The Renaissance                        11158   WMT  19.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Godwin, Joscelyn          Robert Fludd  Hermetic Philosopher                    11845   WMT  21.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Godwin, Joscelyn          Theosophical Enlightenment                            22370   WMT  34.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Godwin, Joscelyn (Trans)  Chemical Wedding Of Christian Rosenkreutz             20359   WMT  17.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Gosden, Chris             Magic  A History: From Alchemy...                     23300   WMT  22.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Gray, John                Feline Philosophy                                     21992   WMT  16.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Greer, John Michael       Mystery Teachings From The Living Earth               24074   WMT  18.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Hakkinen, Perttu & Iitti  Lightbringers Of The North                            20217   WMT  29.99
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hall, Manly P.            Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egyptians                  12035   WMT  12.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hall, Manly P.            Lost Keys Of Freemasonry                              12710   WMT   8.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Hall, Manly P.            Most Holy Trinosophia (Comte St. Germain)             12964   WMT  16.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Hall, Manly P.            Secret Destiny Of America                             13534   WMT  18.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Hancock, Graham           Talisman (No longer available)                        30459   WMT  28.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Hartmann, Franz           Geomancy  A Method Of Divination                      13962   WMT  14.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hartmann, Franz           Life Of Paracelsus & His Teachings                    12843   WMT  26.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hartmann, Franz           Occult Science In Medicine                            15842   WMT  15.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hartmann, Franz           Rosicrucian Symbols                                   14555   WMT   4.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hartmann, Franz           With The Adepts                                       14435   WMT  14.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Heindel, Max              Ancient & Modern Initiation                           14303   WMT  20.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Heindel, Max              Rosicrucian Mysteries                                 24928   WMT  20.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Heindel, Max              Rosicrucian Phil. In Questions & Ans.                 24929   WMT  25.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Henry, Jacques            Mozart The Freemason                                  30956   WMT  14.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hieronimus, Robert        Founding Fathers, Secret Societies                    30954   WMT  16.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Higgins, Frank            Ancient Freemasonry                                   25150   WMT  37.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Higgins, Frank            Lost Word A.U.M. A Masonic Monograph                  15984   WMT   8.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Higgins, Frank C.         Hermetic Masonry                                      24739   WMT  21.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Hitchcock, Ethan Allen    Red Book Of Appin                                     11673   WMT  17.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Horowitz, Mitch           Uncertain Places (BO'd 9/4/2024)                      28256   WMT  19.99
   Western Mystery Tradition        Howard, Michael           Occult Conspiracy                                     18355   WMT  14.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Howard, Michael           Secret Societies                                      23252   WMT  16.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Huffman, William          Robert Fludd                                          14067   WMT  15.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Incognito, Magus          Secret Doctrines Of The Rosicrucians                  16267   WMT  18.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Irvine, William           Guide To The Good Life  (Stoic Joy)                   31180   WMT  19.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Irvine, William           Stoic Challenge                                       19474   WMT  15.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Jackson, Nigel & Howard   Pillars Of Tubal-Cain                                 29031   WMT  29.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Jaspers, Karl             Anaximander Heraclitus Parmenides Plotinus Lao-Tzu    20724   WMT  15.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Jennings, Victoria        God As Mother  Mystic Christianity & Origins/Soul     29473   WMT  16.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Johnsen, Linda            Lost Masters  (Ancient Greek Philosophers)            27681   WMT  15.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Keightley, Thomas         Secret Societies Of The Middle Ages                   14662   WMT  22.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kennedy & Churchill       Voynich Manuscript                                    27441   WMT  22.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kenyon, Douglas           Forbidden Religion                                    23406   WMT  18.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        King, L.W. (Ed)           Enuma Elish The Seven Tablets Of Creation Vol.1       15730   WMT  18.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        King, L.W. (ED)           Enuma Elish The Seven Tablets Of Creation Vol.2       15770   WMT  19.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kingsford & Maitland      Clothed With The Sun (1889)                           18079   WMT  21.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kingsford & Maitland      Virgin Of The World Of Hermes Mercurius Trismegis     26822   WMT  12.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kingsley, Peter           In The Dark Places Of Wisdom (189-035-001X)           25880   WMT  15.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kingsley, Peter           Reality (1-890350-09-5)                               30595   WMT  25.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kingsley, Peter           Story Waiting To Pierce You                           20065   WMT  14.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kinney, Jay               Inner West  Intro To Hidden Wisdom                    30352   WMT  24.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kinney, Jay               Masonic Myth                                          17205   WMT  15.99
   Western Mystery Tradition        Klein, Victor             Hermes & Christ  The Occult Unveiled                  21291   WMT  15.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Knight & Lomas            Hiram Key                                             18041   WMT  27.99
   Western Mystery Tradition        Knight & Lomas            Second Messiah  Templars, The Turin Shroud...         26199   WMT  18.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Knight, Gareth            Evoking The Goddess (POS 8/5/04)                      21578   WMT  12.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Knight, Gareth            Experience Of The Inner Worlds                        13676   WMT  24.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Knight, Gareth            Magical World Of The Inklings                         19940   WMT  26.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Knight, Gareth            Occult  (OP?)                                         23965   WMT  10.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kramer, Hans Joanchim     Plato & The Foundations Of Metaphysics                11890   WMT  21.50
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kretz, R.E.               Alchemical Search For The Unified Field               15568   WMT  24.99
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kuhn, Alvin Boyd          Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet                    28286   WMT  19.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Kuhn, Alvin Boyd          Halloween  A Festival Of Lost Meanings                23657   WMT  16.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Lachman, Gary             Dark Star Rising                                      12545   WMT  17.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Lachman, Gary             Politics & The Occult                                 12652   WMT  19.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Lachman, Gary             Quest For Hermes Trismegistus                         26770   WMT  24.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Lachman, Gary             Revolutionaries Of The Soul                           23980   WMT  19.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Lachman, Gary             Secret Teachers Of The Western World                  30243   WMT  23.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Lambert, Malcolm          Cathars (BO NEWL due May 2005)                        26673   WMT  33.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Leadbeater, C.W.          Hidden Life In Freemasonry                            12272   WMT  19.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Levenson, Carl            Socrates Among The Corybantes (out of print)          28210   WMT  21.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Levi, Eliphas             Science Of Hermes                                     17331   WMT   4.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Lewis, H. Spencer         Rosicrucian Questions & Answers                       18397   WMT  12.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Lomas, Robert             Turning The Hiram Key                                 11720   WMT  16.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        MacKenna, Stephen         Plotinus  The Enneads                                 21006   WMT  75.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        MacNulty, W. Kirk         Freemasonry  Symbols, Secrets, Significance           30740   WMT  45.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Matthews, Caitlin & John  Western Way  Vol. 1 & 2                               14260   WMT  12.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Matthews, John            Constant Search For Wisdom                            13532   WMT  25.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Matthews, John            Glastonbury Reader  (OP 12/95)                        20234   WMT  17.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Matthews, John & Caitlin  Walkers Between The Worlds                            30479   WMT  26.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        McIntosh, Christopher     Rosicrucians  The History...                          17290   WMT  17.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        McLean, Adam              Triple Goddess                                        14792   WMT  14.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Mead, G.R.S               Hymns Of Hermes                                       17615   WMT  10.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Mead, G.R.S.              Apollonius Of Tyana                                   11101   WMT  21.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Mead, G.R.S.              Corpus Hermeticum                                     24991   WMT  10.20
   Western Mystery Tradition        Mead, G.R.S.              Doctrine Of The Subtle Body In The W Tradition        25041   WMT  20.75
   Western Mystery Tradition        Mead, G.R.S.              Mithraic Ritual                                       15987   WMT   7.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Mead, G.R.S.              Orphic Pantheon                                       17234   WMT   6.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Melville, Francis         Book Of Alchemy  Learn The Secrets...                 30282   WMT  16.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Merrifield, Jeff          Perfect Heretics  Cathars & Catharism                 25082   WMT  14.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Moore, Thomas             Planets Within  Ast. Psychology of Marsilio Ficino    20387   WMT  24.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Moreau, Joseph            Plotinus or The Glory Of Ancient Philosophy           15299   WMT  36.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Newman, P.D.              Theurgy Theory & Practice                             21515   WMT  40.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        O'Shea, Stephen           Perfect Heresy (Medieval Cathars) (POS 12/21/06)      28357   WMT  25.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Percival, Harold W.       Masonry & Its Symbols                                 14444   WMT   6.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Plotinus                  Enneads (978-0-140-44520-6) MacKenna (Trans.)         30384   WMT  19.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Redgrove, H. Stanley      Bygone Beliefs  Excn Into The Occ & Alc Nat of Man    18637   WMT  10.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        River, Charles (Editor)   Eleusinian Mysteries (978-15425341-23)                16034   WMT  11.00
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Robinson, John J.         Dungeon, Fire & Sword                                 25084   WMT  29.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Roob, Alexander           Alchemy & Mysticism (Hermetic Museum)                 12444   WMT  25.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Rouse, W.H.D., transl.    Great Dialogues Of Plato                              18319   WMT   6.95
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Russell, George (A.E.)    Candle Of Vision  Inner Worlds Of The Imagination     11442   WMT  12.99
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   Western Mystery Tradition        Schure, Edouard           Hermes & Plato                                        26103   WMT  15.95
   Western Mystery Tradition        Schure, Edouard           Pythagoras & The Delphic Mysteries                    26104   WMT  18.00
   Western Mystery Tradition        Schure, Edouard           Wisdom Of Pythagoras                                  11877   WMT  12.00
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   Wicca                            Eiker & Sapphire (Edt.)   Keep Simple Ceremonies  Feminist Spiritual Comm.      22725   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Farrar & Bone             Healing Craft  Healing Practices For Witches/Pagan    26572   WIC  15.00
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet & Bone, G.  Progressive Witchcraft                                30107   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet & Stewart   Life & Times Of A Modern Witch (OP?)                  17555   WIC   8.95
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet & Stewart   Pagan Path                                            22885   WIC  16.50
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet & Stewart   Witches' Bible  Complete...                           12373   WIC  28.95
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet & Stewart   Witches' God  Lord Of The Dance                       18418   WIC  26.95
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet & Stewart   Witches' Goddess  Feminine Principle Of Divinity      18419   WIC  26.95
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet & Stewart   Witches' Way                                          23353   WIC  27.95
   Wicca                            Farrar, Janet and Stewart Eight Sabbats For Witches                             23340   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Ferguson, Diana           Magickal Year  Pagan Perspective                      12244   WIC  29.95
   Wicca                            Flowers, Stephen          Icelandic Magic                                       30780   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Forbes, Bronwen           Make Merry In Step & Song                             11835   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Forbes, Bronwen           Small-Town Pagan's Survival Guide                     22002   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Foxwood, Orion            Flame in the Cauldron                                 18234   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Frost, Gavin & Yvonne     Magic Power Of White Witchcraft                       26255   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Furst, Dan                Dance Of The Moon                                     19206   WIC  17.95
   Wicca                            Galenorn, Yasmine         Dancing With The Sun   Celebrating The Seasons        26034   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Galenorn, Yasmine         Magical Meditations                                   30086   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Gardner, Gerald           Gardnerian Book Of Shadows                            27153   WIC  24.99
   Wicca                            Gardner, Gerald           Meaning Of Witchcraft                                 30108   WIC  24.95
   Wicca                            Gardner, Gerald / Scire   High Magic's Aid                                      24330   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Gardner, Gerald B.        Gardner Collection (BO NL 1/5/02)                     26187   WIC  39.95
   Wicca                            Garrison, Cal             Old Girls' Book Of Spells                             22933   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  Complete Book Of Amulets & Talismans                  20279   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene  Complete Book Of Spells, Ceremonies, & Magic          24249   WIC  17.95
   Wicca                            Green, Marian             Witch Alone                                           11602   WIC  18.95
   Wicca                            Greenfield, Trevor        Witchcraft Today 60 Years On                          19669   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Greer & Vaughn            Pagan Prayer Beads                                    30914   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Greer, John               Encyclopedia Of Natural Magic                         27769   WIC  22.99
   Wicca                            Greer, John Michael       World Full Of Gods                                    16830   WIC  30.00
   Wicca                            Griggs, Barbara           Green Witch Herbal                                    27970   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Grimassi, Raven           Hereditary Witchcraft                                 26568   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Grimassi, Raven           Italian Witchcraft  Old Religion Of Southern Eur.     21427   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Grimassi, Raven           Old World Witchcraft                                  22089   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Grimassi, Raven           Spirit Of The Witch                                   22336   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Grimassi, Raven           Wiccan Magick                                         25708   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Grimassi, Raven           Witches' Craft                                        14394   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Grimassi, Raven           Witches' Familiar                                     29649   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Guyett, Carole            Sacred Plant Initiations                              26044   WIC  20.00
   Wicca                            Haight-Ashton, Lady       Pagan Portals The First Sisters Lilith & Eve          29231   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Harrington & Kulystin     Queer Magic                                           16609   WIC  21.95
   Wicca                            Harrington, Christina     Treadwell's Book Of Plant Magic                       11192   WIC  18.95
   Wicca                            Harris, Eleanor & Philip  Crafting & Use Of Ritual Tools (OP 8/06)              25021   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Harrow, Judy              Wicca Covens                                          26031   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Hawke, Elen               Praise To The Moon (POS 5/2013)                       15521   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Higginbotham, Joyce & Riv Paganism  An Introduction To Earth-Centered Rel       29015   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Holland, Eileen           Spellcaster's Reference                               16805   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Holland, Eileen           Wicca Handbook                                        27273   WIC  18.95
   Wicca                            Holland, Eileen & Cerelia Witch's Book Of Answers                               14976   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Hollyhock, Agnes          Wicca Magic                                           17472   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Hopman & Bond             Being A Pagan                                         28781   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Howell, Francesca         Making Magic With Gaia                                29049   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Hughes, Kristoffer        From The Cauldron Born (Welsh Legend & Lore)          23676   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Hutcheson, Cory Thomas    Llewellyn's Complete Book Of North American Folk      24910   WIC  29.99
   Wicca                            Hutcheson, Cory Thomas    New World Witchery                                    22071   WIC  27.99
   Wicca                            Hutton, Ronald            Triumph Of The Moon                                   27387   WIC  18.95
   Wicca                            Illes, Judika             Daily Magic                                           21601   WIC  29.99
   Wicca                            Illes, Judika             Encyclopedia Of 5000 Spells                           28064   WIC  34.99
   Wicca                            Illes, Judika             Encyclopedia Of Witchcraft                            19958   WIC  34.99
   Wicca                            Illes, Judika             Pure Magic                                            22676   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Jackson, Nigel            Call Of The Horned Piper                              29033   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Johnson, Cait             Witch In The Kitchen                                  14557   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Jones & Clifton           Sacred Mask, Sacred Dance (BO NEWL 8/6/02)            24238   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Jones & Matthews          Voices From The Circle                                25297   WIC  15.00
   Wicca                            K, Amber                  True Magick  A Beginner's Guide                       29186   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            K, Amber & Azrael Arynn   Candlemas  Feast Of Flames                            28733   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Kaldera & Schwartzstein   Handfasting And Wedding Rituals                       18179   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Kaldera, Raven            Pagan Astrology                                       16603   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Kane, Aurora              House Magic                                           20491   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Kane, Aurora              Mystical Mushrooms                                    21432   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Karlsdottir, Alice        Norse Goddess Magic                                   26178   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Kemp, Gillian             Good Spell Book                                       28315   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Konstantinos              Nocturnal Witchcraft                                  28829   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Kozocari, Owens & North   Witch's Book Of Days                                  22554   WIC  15.95
   Wicca                            Kynes, Sandra             Llewellyn's Complete Book Of Correspondences          31009   WIC  39.99
   Wicca                            Kynes, Sandra             Magical Symbols & Alphabets                           18069   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Kynes, Sandra             Mixing Essential Oils For Magic                       19005   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Lattari, Cecilia          Herbana Witch                                         17358   WIC  18.95
   Wicca                            Laxer, Judith             Along The Wheel Of Time                               25571   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Leaver, Samantha          Pagan Portals Hellenic Paganism                       30485   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Leland, Charles           Etruscan Roman Remains                                26037   WIC  15.59
   Wicca                            Leland, Charles G.        Aradia Gospel Of The Witches (1-58509-242-8)          20721   WIC  13.95
   Wicca                            Lewis, James R. (Editor)  Magical Religion & Modern Witchcraft                  24434   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Lipp, Deborah             Elements Of Ritual                                    29650   WIC  24.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn                 Calendar Witches' Companion                           25393   WIC  13.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn                 Imbolc  Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials                 23537   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn                 Ostara: Rituals...                                    28214   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn                 Samhain  Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials                29736   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn                 Yule  Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials                   30715   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn Publ.           Beltane  Rituals, Recipes                             25383   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn Publ.           Lughnasadh (Rituals For Lammas)                       24392   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn Publ.           Mabon  Rituals, Recipes...                            25426   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Llewellyn Publ.           Midsummer  Rituals, Recipes..                         28117   WIC  12.99
   Wicca                            Loader, Rhea              Dreamstones  Magic From The Living Earth              24002   WIC  10.95
   Wicca                            Long, Tracie              In Focus Wicca                                        16586   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Magik, Mia                IntuWitchin                                           16432   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Mankey, Jason             Modern Witchcraft With The Greek Gods                 23843   WIC  24.99
   Wicca                            Manning, Al G.            Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft                18506   WIC  24.00
   Wicca                            Markale, Jean             Pagan Mysteries Of Halloween                          28469   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            McArthur, Margie          Lady Of The Sea  Goddess Who Births The New Age       25803   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            McArthur, Margie          WiccaCraft For Families                               21968   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            McColman, Carl            Before You Cast A Spell                               18453   WIC  15.99
   Wicca                            McColman, Carl            Well-Read Witch                                       28670   WIC  14.99
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Advanced Witchcraft                                   25912   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Celtic Myth & Magick                                  22900   WIC  29.99
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Entering The Summer Land                              12845   WIC  17.95
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Inside A Witches' Coven                               24368   WIC   9.95
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Making Magick                                         28180   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Mountain Magic  (Formerly In A Graveyard At Mid...    23243   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Sabbats  A Witch's Approach To Living Old Ways        22345   WIC  24.99
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Spellworking For Covens                               29132   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            McCoy, Edain              Witch's Moon                                          23325   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            McFarland, Phoenix        Complete Book Of Magical Names                        23756   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Meiklejohn-Free, Barbara  Scottish Witchcraft                                   11915   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Mickaharic, Draja         Century Of Spells                                     25749   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Miele, Nicolette          Runes for the Green Witch                             21512   WIC  22.99
   Wicca                            Miller, Jason             Protection & Reversal Magick                          30792   WIC  18.95
   Wicca                            Miller, Richard A.        Magical & Ritual Use Of Herbs                         20283   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Modrzyk, Stanley          Celebrating Times Of Change                           22787   WIC  11.00
   Wicca                            Modrzyk, Stanley          Turning Of The Wheel  Wiccan Bk For Moon/Festivals    18050   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Monaghan, Patricia        Seasons Of The Witch (Incl. CD)                       12116   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Montley, Patricia         In Nature's Honor                                     30966   WIC  16.00
   Wicca                            Moon, Irisanya            Pagan Portals Aphrodite                               12815   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Moon, Sister              Wiccaning                                             28158   WIC  14.00
   Wicca                            Moonsong, Reika           Cat Magick                                            17344   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Moonsong, Rieka           Animal Magic                                          13489   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Morgan, Michele           Simple Wicca (Remainder Cloth)                        27740   WIC   8.99
   Wicca                            Morningstar, Sally        Way Of The Witch                                      20870   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Morrison, Dorothy         Bud, Blossom, & Leaf                                  27902   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Morrison, Dorothy         Craft: A Witch's Book Of Shadows                      28326   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Morrison, Dorothy         Everyday Magic                                        25324   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Morwyn                    Green Magic  Healing Power Of Herbs, Talismans ...    22243   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Morwyn                    Witch's Brew  Secrets Of Scents (0924608196)          22961   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Moss, Vivienne            Pagan Portals Hekate: A Devotional                    29087   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Moura, Ann                Green Magic                                           21368   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Moura, Ann                Green Witchcraft (156-718-6904)                       24062   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Moura, Ann                Grimoire For The Green Witch                          21929   WIC  24.99
   Wicca                            Moura, Ann (Aoumiel)      Green Witchcraft II                                   27969   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Moura, Ann (Aoumiel)      Green Witchcraft III  The Manual                      27023   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Muller-Ebeling &    Witchcraft Medicine                                   30198   WIC  24.95
   Wicca                            Munin, Janet              Polytheisitic Monasticism                             24697   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Green Witch                                           30207   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Green Witch's Grimoire                                11200   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      House Witch                                           31229   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Pregnant Goddess                                      11965   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Protection Spells                                     31111   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Spellcrafting                                         23250   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Wicca  A Modern Practitioner's Guide                  23934   WIC  15.99
   Wicca                            Murphy-Hiscock, Arin      Witch's Book Of Self-Care                             31236   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Nahmad, Claire            Earth Magic (0892814241)                              21630   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Neasham, Mary             Handfasting - A Practical Guide (BO'd NEWL l0/9/13    30821   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Norton-Kertson, Justine   Utopian Witch                                         21683   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Oribello, William         Candle Burning Magic With The Psalms                  24317   WIC  10.00
   Wicca                            Orr, Emma Restall         Living With Honour  Pagan Ethics                      19932   WIC  24.95
   Wicca                            Pajeon, Kala & Katz       Candle Magick Workbook                                26697   WIC  12.00
   Wicca                            Pamita, Madame            Book Of Candle Magic                                  18940   WIC  18.99
   Wicca                            Patterson, Rachel         Animal Magic  Working With Spirit Animal              28856   WIC  10.95
   Wicca                            Pearson, Nicholas         Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden               11889   WIC  24.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      City Magick                                           28377   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Inner Temple Of Witchcraft                            20015   WIC  27.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Instant Magick                                        29917   WIC  15.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Living Temple Of Witchcraft Vol. One                  31120   WIC  21.95
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Mystic Foundation                                     20241   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Outer Temple Of Witchcraft                            20022   WIC  27.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Plant Spirit Familiar                                 21782   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Temple of High Witchcraft                             12070   WIC  29.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Temple Of Shamanic Witchcraft                         11486   WIC  36.99
   Wicca                            Penczak, Christopher      Witch's Shield  (With Audio CD)                       30615   WIC  21.95
   Wicca                            Pennick, Nigel            Ancestral Power Of Amulets, Talismans...              21865   WIC  22.99
   Wicca                            Pennick, Nigel            Pagan Book Of Days                                    15042   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Pennick, Nigel            Pagan Magic Of The Northern Tradition                 19086   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Pepper & Stacy            Magical Creatures                                     27777   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Perry, Laura              Wiccan Wellness Book                                  29495   WIC  14.99
   Wicca                            Pike, Sarah               Earthly Bodies, Magical Selves                        27844   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Polson, Willow            Veil's Edge                                           29594   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Prower, Tomas             Queer Magic                                           15455   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Quin, Halo                Pagan Portals Gods & Goddesses Of Wales               29010   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Raven Wolf, Silver        Solitary Witch                                        29503   WIC  21.95
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         American Folk Magick (formerly Hexcraft)              26706   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            RavenWolf, Silver         Angels  Companions In Magick                          14128   WIC  26.99
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         Halloween  Spells, Recipes, Customs                   27494   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         Hedgewitch                                            27108   WIC  23.99
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         MindLight                                             21712   WIC  15.95
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         Silver's Spells For Love                              29080   WIC   7.95
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   Wicca                            RavenWolf, Silver         Teen Witch  Wicca For A New Generation                25527   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         To Light A Sacred Flame                               25858   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         To Ride A Silver Broomstick                           23607   WIC  15.95
   Wicca                            Ravenwolf, Silver         To Stir A Magick Cauldron                             23608   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Reed, Ellen Cannon        Heart Of Wicca                                        27637   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Reed, Ellen Cannon        Invocation Of The Gods  (OP 6/95)                     18217   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Reed, Ellen Cannon        Witches Qabala  Pagan Path & Tree Of Life             17901   WIC  21.95
   Wicca                            Reynolds, Trish           Question Of Balance (Dr. & The Witch Bk 1)            30029   WIC  17.95
   Wicca                            Roderick, Timothy         Wicca A Year & A Day                                  17511   WIC  27.99
   Wicca                            Rosenbriar, Meg           Healing Power Of Witchcraft                           20444   WIC  14.99
   Wicca                            Ryall, Rhiannon           West Country Wicca  A Journal Of The Old Religion     18720   WIC   8.95
   Wicca                            Sabin, Thea               Teaching Handbook For Wiccans & Pagans                30514   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Sabin, Thea               Wicca For Beginners                                   19390   WIC  13.95
   Wicca                            Sabrina, Lady             Cauldron Of Transformation                            24024   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Sacred Source             Young Pan (BZ-YP)                                     21378   WIC  35.00
   Wicca                            Sanchez, Tara             Temple Of Hekate                                      25136   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Sellars, M.R.             Harm None  (Rowan Gant Investigation)                 14603   WIC   8.95
   Wicca                            Sellars, M.R.             Never Burn A Witch  (Rowan Gant Investigation)        14628   WIC   8.95
   Wicca                            Serith, Ceisiwr           Book Of Pagan Prayer                                  22653   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Serith, Ceisiwr           Pagan Ritual Prayer Book                              20956   WIC  21.95
   Wicca                            Shesso, Renna             Math For Mystics                                      30913   WIC  18.95
   Wicca                            Simms, Maria Kay          Circle Of The Cosmic Muse (Retitled Witch's Circle    21814   WIC  15.95
   Wicca                            Skelton, Robin            Practice Of Witchcraft Today                          23404   WIC  15.00
   Wicca                            Slater, Herman (Edt.)     Book Of Pagan Rituals                                 20610   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Smith, Diane              Wicca & Witchcraft For Dummies                        18414   WIC  21.99
   Wicca                            Spalter, Mya              Enchantments Modern Witch's Gd. To Self-Possession    31308   WIC  26.00
   Wicca                            Stallkamp & Hartung       Inner Practices For The Twelve Nights Of Yuletide     12993   WIC  14.99
   Wicca                            Starhawk                  Earth Path                                            30527   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Starhawk                  Pagan Book Of Living & Dying                          25595   WIC  19.99
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   Wicca                            Starhawk & Valentine      Twelve Wild Swans                                     27822   WIC  16.99
   Wicca                            Stein, Diane              Diane Stein's Guide To Goddess Craft                  27843   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Summers, Montague         Discovery Of Witches                                  29108   WIC  15.95
   Wicca                            Summers, Montague         Malleus Maleficarum                                   25606   WIC  13.95
   Wicca                            Summers, Montague         Witchcraft & Black Magic                              20328   WIC   7.95
   Wicca                            Sylvan, Dianne            Circle Within                                         21678   WIC  13.95
   Wicca                            Taschen                   Plant Magick The Library Of Esoterica                 12991   WIC  40.00
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   Wicca                            Taylor, Astrea            Intuitive Witchcraft                                  28014   WIC  18.99
   Wicca                            Telesco & Hall            Animal Spirit                                         29143   WIC  13.99
   Wicca                            Telesco, Patricia         Cat Magic   Mews, Myths, & Mystery                    26653   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Telesco, Patricia         Folkways  Reclaiming The Magic & Wisdom               23346   WIC  17.95
   Wicca                            Telesco, Patricia         Little Book Of Mirror Magic                           30098   WIC   9.95
   Wicca                            Telesco, Patricia         Magick Made Easy                                      26567   WIC  16.00
   Wicca                            Telesco, Patricia         Mirror Mirror  Reflections Of The Sacred Self         25992   WIC  10.95
   Wicca                            Telesco, Patricia         Urban Pagan                                           21287   WIC  13.00
   Wicca                            Telesco, Patricia (Edit)  Cakes & Ale For The Pagan Soul                        16794   WIC  14.95
   Wicca                            Thompson, Janet           Magical Hearth  Home For The Modern Pagan             23246   WIC   9.95
   Wicca                            Thompson, Janet           Of Witches  Celebrating The Goddess As A Pagan        16942   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Thorne, Thalia            Protection Spells Of A Wicked Witch                   24082   WIC  15.99
   Wicca                            Tuitean & Daniels         Pocket Guide To Wicca                                 25236   WIC   6.95
   Wicca                            Tuitean, P. & Daniels, E. Essential Wicca                                       28696   WIC  20.95
   Wicca                            Vale & Sulak              Modern Pagans                                         28708   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Valiente, Doreen          Charge Of The Goddess                                 11444   WIC  14.99
   Wicca                            Valiente, Doreen          Where Witchcraft Lives                                21299   WIC  14.99
   Wicca                            Van De Car, Nikki         Wellness Witch                                        29519   WIC  18.00
   Wicca                            Walker, J.D.              Under The Sacred Canopy                               30800   WIC  18.99
   Wicca                            Watson, Nancy             Practical Solitary Magic                              15146   WIC  21.95
   Wicca                            Weber, Courtney           Hekate  Goddess Of Witches                            11093   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Weinstein, Marion         Personal Magic                                        22032   WIC  16.95
   Wicca                            Weinstein, Marion         Positive Magic                                        13215   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Weston, Brandon           Ozark Folk Magic                                      20888   WIC  19.99
   Wicca                            Williams, Brandy          Cord Magic                                            29906   WIC  17.99
   Wicca                            Williams, Brandy          Practical Magic For Beginners                         15815   WIC  15.99
   Wicca                            Wolfe, Amber              Personal Alchemy  Hndbk For Healing & Transform'      16290   WIC  17.95
   Wicca                            Wood, Gail                Sisters Of The Dark Moon                              28611   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Wood, Jamie               Enchanted Diary                                       12949   WIC  12.95
   Wicca                            Wood, Jamie & Seefeldt    Wicca Cookbook                                        27628   WIC  19.95
   Wicca                            Worth, Valerie            Crone's Book Of Charms & Spells                       25278   WIC  11.99
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   Wicca                            Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon   Grimoire For The Apprentice Wizard                    17720   WIC  24.95
   Wilber, Ken                      Visser, Frank             Ken Wilber  Thought As Passion                        30313   W.K  31.95
   Wilber, Ken                      Wilber, Ken               One Taste  Daily Reflections On Integral Spir.        25830   W.K  34.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Abadie, M.J.              Goddess In Every Girl                                 22908   WOM  14.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Abrams, Abiola            African Goddess Initiation                            11826   WOM  24.99
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   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Adler, Janet              Arching Backward                                      15554   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ajmera, Ananta Ripa       Way Of The Goddess                                    18690   WOM  26.00
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   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Anderson & Hopkins        Feminine Face Of God                                  14934   WOM  17.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Anderson, Angela          Valley Of Search                                      20523   WOM  11.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Anderson, Lorraine (Edt.) Sisters Of The Earth                                  14963   WOM  15.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Andrews, Lynn             Flight Of The Seventh Moon                            11144   WOM   5.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Andrews, Lynn             Jaguar Woman (Mass)                                   11016   WOM   5.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ann, Imel, Refield, Suter Great Goddess  Introduction To Her Many Names         16486   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ann, Martha & Imel, D.    Goddesses In World Mythology (OP 6/2006)              22931   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ardinger, Barbara         Goddess Meditations (OP 2/2002)                       25917   WOM  17.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ardinger, Barbara         Practicing The Presence Of The Goddess                27647   WOM  16.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ashcroft, Mary            Magdalene Gospel (OSI 8/00)                           23309   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Austen, Hallie Iglehart   Heart Of The Goddess  Art, Myth, Meditations          19352   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Baring & Cashford         Myth Of The Goddess                                   21028   WOM  28.00
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   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Batchelor, Martine        Walking On Lotus Flowers                              24023   WOM  18.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Beck, Martha              Diana, Herself                                        15405   WOM  17.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Berkowitz, Bob            What Men Won't Tell You But Women Need To Know        20662   WOM   4.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bernard, Helene           Great Women Initiates (rosicrucian Library Vol.42)    15241   WOM   8.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Biaggi, Cristina          In The Footsteps Of The Goddess                       28054   WOM  20.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Blackie, Sharon           If Women Rose Rooted                                  22307   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean               Millionth Circle                                      26514   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Artemis: The Indomintable Spirit In Everywoman        23183   WOM  22.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Crones Don't Whine                                    30119   WOM  18.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Crossing To Avalon                                    14661   WOM  16.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Goddesses In Everywoman                               14834   WOM  16.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Goddesses In Older Women                              21455   WOM  16.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Moving Toward The Millionth Circle                    17342   WOM  18.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bolen, Jean Shinoda       Urgent Message From Mother                            28484   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bond & Suffield           Gospel Of The Goddess                                 22530   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bonheim, Jalaja           Aphrodite's Daughters                                 27201   WOM  14.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Borysenko, Joan           Woman's Book Of Life                                  24971   WOM  15.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Boston Women`s Health Col New Our Bodies Our Selves                             13030   WOM  20.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Boucher, Sandy            Turning The Wheel  American Women & Buddhism          21485   WOM  15.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bower, Jody Gentian       Jane Eyre's Sisters                                   25187   WOM  18.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Boyton & Dell             Goodbye Mother, Hello Woman                           23263   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Branscombe, Mara          Sage Huntress Lover Queen                             13884   WOM  18.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Brant, Beth               Gathering Of Spirit                                   11960   WOM  13.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Brockway, Laurie Sue      Goddess Pages                                         14166   WOM  17.95
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   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Brooke, Elisabeth         Women Healers Through History                         23385   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Budapest, Zsuzsanna       Summoning The Fates                                   25702   WOM  22.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Bumiller, Elisabeth       May You Be The Mother Of A Hundred Sons  Jrny/Ind.    19850   WOM  12.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Burlington & Green        Concept Of The Goddess                                25872   WOM  34.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Byrne, Lavinia (Edt.)     Hidden Tradition  Women's Sprtl Writings Rediscov'    20458   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Cahill, Susan             Wise Women                                            25268   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Callan, Dawn              Awakening The Warrior Within                          14513   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Campbell, Eileen          Woman's Book Of Joy                                   26720   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Campbell, Rebecca         Light Is The New Black                                28917   WOM  16.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Campbell, Rebecca         Rise Sister Rise                                      28136   WOM  16.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Carlson, Kathie           In Her Image                                          18351   WOM  16.00
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   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Chambers, Ellen    Beyond The Eagle  Woman's Spiritual Journey           19366   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Charlton, Hilda           Divine Mother Speaks                                  21650   WOM   5.50
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Christ, Carol             Rebirth Of The Goddess                                24572   WOM  24.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Christ, Carol P.          Laughter Of Aphrodite (OSI 7/96)                      17578   WOM  12.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Christ, Judith            Womanspirit Rising                                    14524   WOM  11.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Christian & Stedman (Eds) Feminine Mysticism In Art                             26510   WOM  69.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Christina, Dominique      This Is Woman's Work                                  26425   WOM  18.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Conway, D.J.              Maiden, Mother, Crone                                 21994   WOM  17.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Crawford, Amanda          Herbal Menopause Book                                 12562   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Crawford, O. G. S.        Eye Goddess                                           20043   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Dalberg, Lana             Birthing God  Women's Experiences Of The Divine       22284   WOM  18.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Daly & Caputi             Webster's First New Intergalactic Wickedary           20027   WOM  22.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Dayton, Tian              Magic Of Forgiveness                                  13209   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    De Castillejo, Irene      Knowing Woman                                         12576   WOM  13.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Downing, Christine        Psyche's Sisters                                      11906   WOM  20.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Downing, Christine        Women's Mysteries (BO'd 2/15/2019)                    11982   WOM  20.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Drew, Sarah               Gaia Codex                                            27938   WOM  22.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Duerk, Judith             Circle Of Stones                                      26410   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Dunn, Daisy               Missing Thread                                        22965   WOM  35.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Eason, Cassandra          Moon Divination For Today's Woman                     22492   WOM   6.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Eason, Cassandra          Tarot Divination For Today's Woman                    21262   WOM   7.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Edelman, Hope             Motherless Daughters (2nd Edition)                    26937   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Edwards, Carolyn          Storyteller's Goddess                                 20116   WOM  16.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Eisler, Riane             Chalice & The Blade                                   17892   WOM  18.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ellis, Normandi           Dreams Of Isis                                        22659   WOM  16.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Estes, Clarissa           Warming The Stone Child (CD)                          15210   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Estes, Clarissa           Women Who Run With The Wolves                         12796   WOM  22.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Estes, Clarissa Pinkola   Radiant Coat (2 CDs)                                  16756   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Estes, Clarissa Pinkola   Untie The Strong Woman                                23105   WOM  29.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Flinders, Carol           Enduring Grace                                        18475   WOM  16.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Flynn, Carolyn (Editor)   Sisters Singing                                       13130   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Froehle, Virginia Ann     Called Into Her Presence  Feminine Images Of God      20790   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Furlong, Monica           Visions And Longings: Medieval Women Mystics          24396   WOM  14.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Gadon, Elinor W.          Once & Future Goddess                                 18401   WOM  29.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Gallagher, Ann-Marie      Way Of The Goddess                                    29127   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Garfield, Patricia        Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams                        17579   WOM   5.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    George, Demetra           Mysteries Of The Dark Moon                            20992   WOM  19.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Getty, Adele              Goddess  Mother Of Living Nature                      23891   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Gilchrist, Cherry         Circle Of Nine                                        18814   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Giles, Mary (Edt)         Feminist Mystic (POS 5/92)                            19307   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Gimbutas, Marija          Language Of The Goddess                               19984   WOM  27.50
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Gimbutas, Marija          Living Goddesses                                      26378   WOM  21.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Goldspinner, Jay          Goddess Comes In Living Color  (Coloring Book)        23101   WOM   7.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Goodloe, G. Michelle      I Own My Magic  Self-Talk For Black Women             28176   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Gottner-Abendroth, Heide  Dancing Goddess  Principles Of Matriarchal Aest'ic    20332   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Graves, Robert            White Goddess                                         14177   WOM  18.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Greenfield, Trevor (ED)   Seven Ages Of The Goddess                             31179   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Greenfield, Trevor (Edit) Naming The Goddess                                    24166   WOM  20.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Griffin, Susan            Woman & Nature  The Roaring Inside Her                14517   WOM  13.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Grimshaw, Anna            Servants Of The Buddha  (No Source as of 12.96)       21808   WOM  11.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Griscom, Chris            Feminine Fusion                                       15520   WOM  10.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Gustafson, Fred           Moonlit Path                                          29652   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hamilton, Claire          Maiden, Mother, Crone  Voices Of The Goddess          11289   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Harding, M.E.             Way Of All Women                                      14813   WOM  34.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Harding, M.E.             Woman's Mysteries  Ancient & Modern                   14189   WOM  27.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Harris, Maria             Jubilee Time  Celebrating Women, Spirit & Age         24138   WOM  13.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Harrison, Sabrina         Spilling Open                                         28724   WOM  22.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Harrison, Sabrina Ward    Brave On The Rocks                                    28727   WOM  22.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hart, Hilary              Body Of Wisdom                                        13968   WOM  20.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hart, Hilary              Unknown She  Eight Faces/Emerging Consciousness       29478   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Harvey, Andrew            Return Of The Mother                                  23769   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hawthorne, Nan            Loving The Goddess Within                             20178   WOM  13.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Heath, Richard            Sacred Geometry In Ancient Goddess Cultures           14426   WOM  48.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hieronimus, Zohara        Kabbalistic Teachings Of The Female Prophets          27101   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hirshfield, Jane  (Edt.)  Women In Praise Of The Sacred  Spiritual Poetry       22649   WOM  13.50
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hogan, Linda, ed.         Intimate Nature                                       25504   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hope, Murry               Essential Woman                                       17014   WOM  15.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hopkins, Andrea           Book Of Guinevere  (OSI 4/98)                         15768   WOM   9.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Howard, Judy              Bach Flower Remedies For Women                        17708   WOM  13.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hubbard, Barbara Marx     Hunger Of Eve                                         12181   WOM   7.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hunt, Lisa                Celestial Goddesses                                   28676   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Hurwitz, Siegmund         Lilith  The First Eve                                 12471   WOM  25.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Jayakar, Pupul            Earth Mother  Legends,Ritual Arts Of India            19245   WOM  13.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Johnson, Buffie           Lady Of The Beasts                                    19186   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Johnson, Robert           Femininity Lost & Regained                            19656   WOM  11.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Johnston, Anita           Eating In The Light Of The Moon                       17476   WOM  19.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Joy, Helene K.            Heroine's Journey                                     19681   WOM   9.50
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Kempton, Sally            Awakening Shakti                                      27327   WOM  19.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Kidd, Sue Monk            Dance Of The Dissident Daughter                       25797   WOM  13.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Killen, Patricia O'Conell Finding Our Voices  Women, Wisdom, & Faith            25165   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    King, Laurel              Whistling Woman Is Up To No Good                      21619   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    King, Laurel              Women Of Power (Cloth) (ISBN 0-89087-580-4)           18451   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    King, Theresa (Edt.)      Spiral Path  Explorations Of Women Spirituality       15367   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Klein, Anne               Meeting The Great Bliss Queen                         22603   WOM  18.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Koltuv, Barbara Black     Book Of Lilith                                        20545   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Koltuv, Barbara Black     Weaving Woman (Notebooks Of A Jungian Analyst)        17409   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Korman, Mary Ellen        Woman's Work                                          25732   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Kozocari, Owens & North   Witch's Book Of Days                                  22554   WOM  15.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Kryder, Rowena Pattee     Faces Of The Moon Mother                              20584   WOM   9.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Kuykendall, Richard       Prophetess Of The Earth  Drahciras Last Dance         15333   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    La Russo, Carol           Wisdom Of Women                                       16722   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    LaPuma with Runkis        Awakening Female Power  Way Of The Goddess Warrior    12333   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Lark, Susan M.            Menopause Self Help Book                              20076   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Larrington, Carolyne      Women's Companion To Mythology (OP 12/98)             24496   WOM  25.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Laura, Judith             Goddess Matters                                       15262   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Lee, Scout Cloud          Circle Is Sacred  Stalking the Spirit-Powered Life    22486   WOM  17.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Leonard, Linda            Meeting The Madwoman                                  21140   WOM  19.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Leonard, Linda            Wounded Woman  Healing The Fthr-Dghtr Relationship    14206   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Lerner, Harriet           Dance of Anger                                        16224   WOM  17.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Lerner, Harriet           Dance Of Deception                                    15399   WOM  14.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Lerner, Harriet           Dance Of Intimacy                                     15022   WOM  14.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Lewis, Randine            Way Of The Fertile Soul                               16101   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Loher, Elisabeth          Out Of The Luminous Silence                           23326   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Long, Asphodel            In A Chariot Drawn By Lions  Search For Fem' Deity    16210   WOM  10.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Lorenzi-Prince, Ellen     Goddesses From A To Z                                 13667   WOM  19.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Louden, Jennifer          Woman's Comfort Book                                  13608   WOM  17.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Luke, Helen M.            Woman  Earth & Spirit                                 14187   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mares, Theun              Unveil The Mysteries Of The Female (BO 2/4/09)        26721   WOM  13.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mariechild, Diane         Mother Wit (OP 2/2002)                                12977   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mariechild, Diane         Open Mind  Women's Daily Inspiration                  22621   WOM  14.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mark, Teressa             She Changes A Goddess Myth For Modern Women           20073   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Martinez, Gayle Rose      Journey Into Light                                    13176   WOM  10.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mascetti, Manuela         Aphrodite  Goddess Of Love                            11429   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mascetti, Manuela         Athena  Goddess Of War & Wisdom                       11439   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mascetti, Manuela Dunn    Song Of Eve                                           19192   WOM  18.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Maskall, Marty (Edt)      Athena Treasury  101 Inspiring Quotes By Women        21343   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mason, Jerry (Edt.)       Family Of Woman  World-Wide Photographic Percept'n    11370   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Matthews, Caitlin         Elements Of The Goddess (OSI 5/01)                    18689   WOM   9.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Matthews, Caitlin         In Search Of Woman's Passionate Soul                  24374   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Matthews, Caitlin & John  Ladies Of The Lake                                    12192   WOM  18.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Matthews, Caitlin (Ed)    Voices Of The Goddess                                 19252   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    McAllister, Pam           Reweaving The Web Of Life Feminism                    13444   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    McCain, Marian            Transformation Through Menopause                      15664   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    McCormick, Theresa Mickey Far Cry From Here  A Memoir                           26637   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    McLean, Adam              Triple Goddess                                        14792   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Meade, Erica Helm         Tell It By Heart  Women & Healing Power Of Story      25154   WOM  17.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Melton, Glennon Doyle     Love Warrior  A Memoir                                27406   WOM  25.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Metz & Tobin              Tao Of Women (BO BP01 9/25/01)                        23153   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mildon, Emma              Evolution Of Goddess                                  31217   WOM  18.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Milne, Courtney           Visions Of The Goddess (POS BP01 6/06/00)             26349   WOM  24.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Monaghan, Patricia        Encyclopedia Of Goddesses & Heroines                  20831   WOM  29.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Monaghan, Patricia        Goddess Companion  Daily Meditations On The Femin     28115   WOM  17.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Monaghan, Patricia        Goddess Path  Myths, Invocations, & Rituals           26364   WOM  21.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Monaghan, Patricia        O Mother Sun!  A New View Of The Cosmic Feminine      22281   WOM  12.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Moon, Sheila              Changing Woman & Her Sisters                          11475   WOM  11.50
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Mosich, S. Kathena        Through The Eyes Of The Goddess  Aphrodite            21739   WOM  12.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Murdock, Maureen          Heroine's Journey  Woman's Quest For Wholeness        19108   WOM  21.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Muten, Burleigh (Edt.)    Return Of The Great Goddess                           22343   WOM  20.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Nahmad, Claire            Earth Magic (0892814241)                              21630   WOM  16.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Neff, Kristin             Fierce Self-Compassion                                19134   WOM  29.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ni, Hua-Ching             Mystical Universal Mother                             12844   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Nicholson, Shirley, comp. Goddess Re-Awakening  The Feminine Principle Today    15725   WOM  10.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Noble, Vicki              Double Goddess  Women Sharing Power                   30332   WOM  18.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Noble, Vicki              Shakti Woman                                          15467   WOM  18.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Northrup, Christiane      Daily Dose Of Women's Wisdom                          29726   WOM  15.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Northrup, Christiane      Goddesses Never Age                                   21340   WOM  25.99
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Northrup, Christiane      Mother-Daughter Wisdom                                15743   WOM  22.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Northrup, Christiane      Power Of Joy (CD)                                     29104   WOM  15.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Northrup, Christiane      Wisdom Of Menopause                                   27987   WOM  24.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Northrup, Christiane      Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (BO'd 4/13/2022)       22004   WOM  25.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Northup, Lesley A.        Ritualizing Women                                     26942   WOM  13.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    O'Halloran, Maura         Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind                          22043   WOM  17.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Oda, Mayumi               Goddesses                                             24802   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Oliver, Stephanie         Seven Soulful Secrets                                 29758   WOM  15.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Orenstein, Peggy          Flux  Women On Sex, Work, Love, Kids & Life           21651   WOM  14.95
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Owen, Lara                Her Blood Is Gold  Celebrating Power Of Menstruat'    15817   WOM  13.00
   Women's Spirituality, Goddess    Ozaniec, Naomi            Daughter Of The Goddess  (OP 04.97)                   21614   WOM  14.00
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   Zen                              Forest, Jim               Eyes Of Compassion  (Thich Nhat Hanh)                 22274   ZEN  20.00
   Zen                              Foster, Paul              Beckett & Zen                                         18484   ZEN  18.95
   Zen                              Franck, Frederick         Buddha Eye  Anth. Of Kyoto School                     15661   ZEN  19.95
   Zen                              Franck, Frederick         Buddha Eye  Anthology Of The Kyoto School             12245   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Franck, Frederick         Zen & Zen Classics                                    14579   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Fujisawa, Chikao          Zen And Shinto                                        20334   ZEN  12.00
   Zen                              Gibbs, J. J.              Dancing With Your Books                               19172   ZEN  10.95
   Zen                              Gibson, Morgan            Among Buddhas In Japan                                17577   ZEN  10.00
   Zen                              Gilbert, Zen Master       Upside Down Circle  Zen Laughter                      17960   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Glassman & Fields         Instructions To The Cook  Zen Master                  23982   ZEN  19.95
   Zen                              Glassman, Bernie          Infinite Circle  Teachings In Zen                     28896   ZEN  17.95
   Zen                              Green, James              Recorded Sayings Of Zen Master Joshu                  25701   ZEN  25.00
   Zen                              Green, Joey               Zen Of Oz (POS 7/28/10)                               27419   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Grigg, Ray                Tao Of Zen (POS 9/2005)                               22094   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Gu, Guo                   Passing Through The Gateless Barrier                  27000   ZEN  28.95
   Zen                              Habito, Ruben             Living Zen, Loving God                                30192   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Habito, Ruben L.F.        Healing Breath                                        22826   ZEN  15.00
   Zen                              Hamill, Sam (Trans.)      Poetry Of Zen                                         25166   ZEN  18.95
   Zen                              Hanh, Thich & Anh-Huong   Walking Meditation                                    31243   ZEN  18.99
   Zen                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Anger  Wisdom For Cooling The Flames                  28535   ZEN  18.00
   Zen                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Answers from the Heart                                16313   ZEN  12.95
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   Zen                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Love In Action                                        21445   ZEN  18.95
   Zen                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Mindful Movements (Inc. DVD)                          26616   ZEN  18.95
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   Zen                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Peace Is Every Step  Pth Of Mndflnss In Evrdy Lf      19480   ZEN  17.00
   Zen                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          Peaceful Action, Open Heart (Lotus Sutra)             31155   ZEN  24.95
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   Zen                              Hanh, Thich Nhat          True Love                                             30558   ZEN   6.99
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   Zen                              Harada, Shodo             Moon By The Window (Calligraphy)                      21922   ZEN  24.95
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   Zen                              Haskel, Peter             Bankei Zen                                            30498   ZEN  17.00
   Zen                              Hearn, Lafcadio           Gleanings In Buddha-Fields                            12368   ZEN   6.25
   Zen                              Herrigel, Eugen           Method Of Zen                                         14340   ZEN   7.95
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   Zen                              Hixon, Lex                Living Buddha Zen                                     23332   ZEN  15.95
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   Zen                              Holmes, Stewart W.        Zen Art For Meditation                                15589   ZEN   9.95
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   Zen                              Huai-Chin, Master Nan     To Realize Enlightenment                              22431   ZEN  14.95
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   Zen                              Ikkyu                     Crow With No Mouth (BO'd 7/14/2021)                   27892   ZEN  14.00
   Zen                              Ishaya, Paramananda       Without You There  Zen Of Unity                       22272   ZEN  19.95
   Zen                              Issa, Kobayashi (Hamill)  Spring Of My Life (Haiku)                             11884   ZEN  12.95
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   Zen                              Jensen, Lin               Uncovering The Wisdom Of The Heartmind                26134   ZEN  15.00
   Zen                              Jokin, Keizan             Denkoroku (See #29665)                                28188   ZEN  15.95
   Zen                              Kadowaki, Kakichi         Zen & The Bible  A Priest's Experience  (OP 3/98)     19237   ZEN   8.95
   Zen                              Kanamatsu, Kenryo         Naturalness  A Classic Of Shin Buddhism               23944   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Kapleau, Philip           Three Pillars Of Zen                                  15242   ZEN  18.00
   Zen                              Kapleau, Philip           Wheel Of Life & Death (is now # 25249)                18850   ZEN  12.95
   Zen                              Kapleau, Philip           Zen  Dawn In The West                                 14947   ZEN   7.95
   Zen                              Kapleau, Philip           Zen Of Living & Dying                                 25249   ZEN  24.95
   Zen                              Katagiri, Dainin          Each Moment Is The Universe                           30991   ZEN  24.95
   Zen                              Katagiri, Dainin          Light That Shines Through Infinity                    12127   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Katagiri, Dainin          Returning To Silence                                  12675   ZEN  22.95
   Zen                              Katagiri, Dainin          You Have To Say Something  Zen Insight                25632   ZEN  22.95
   Zen                              Kelly & Martin-Smith      Heart Of Zen                                          21327   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Kenko/Switzer             Idle Jottings                                         18775   ZEN  10.95
   Zen                              Khong, Chan               Learning True Love (Forward Thich Nhat Hanh)          28730   ZEN  22.95
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   Zen                              Kokushi, Muso             Dream Conversations  On Buddhism & Zen                11445   ZEN  16.95
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   Zen                              Kraft, Kenneth            Zen Tradition & Transition                            18133   ZEN  10.95
   Zen                              Kubose, Gyomay M.         Center Within                                         16186   ZEN   7.95
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   Zen                              Larkin, Geri              Stumbling Toward Enlightenment                        23373   ZEN  12.95
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   Zen                              Leggett, Trevor           Fingers & Moons  Zen Stories & Incidents              15416   ZEN  10.95
   Zen                              Leighton & Okumura        Dogen's Extensive Record (BO'd 3/31/2022)             12569   ZEN  26.95
   Zen                              Leighton, Dan & Okumura   Dogen's Pure Standards For The Zen Community          20311   ZEN  20.95
   Zen                              Leighton, Taigen Dan      Cultivating The Empty Field                           20295   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Leighton, Taigen Dan      Faces Of Compassion (Bodhisattvas)                    29527   ZEN  18.95
   Zen                              Leighton, Taigen Daniel   Bodhisattva Archetypes (See # 29527)                  25092   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Lesser, Marc              Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader                   31251   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Levin, Daniel             Zen Life  Book Of Guidance                            16926   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Lieghton, Taigen (trans)  Cultivating The Empty Field (BO NEWL 12/14/99)        22174   ZEN  11.95
   Zen                              Linssen, Robert           Living Zen                                            17826   ZEN  12.95
   Zen                              Loori, John               Two Arrows Meeting In Mid-Air  Zen Koan               22048   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Loori, John Daido         Bringing The Sacred To Life                           25895   ZEN  18.95
   Zen                              Loori, John Daido         Cave Of Tigers  Modern Zen Encounters                 29021   ZEN  17.95
   Zen                              Loori, John Daido         Eight Gates Of Zen                                    17676   ZEN  26.95
   Zen                              Loori, John Daido         Finding The Still Point                               31083   ZEN  15.95
   Zen                              Loori, John Daido         Riding The Ox Home                                    29136   ZEN  11.95
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   Zen                              Loori, John Daido         Zen Of Creativity                                     23059   ZEN  18.00
   Zen                              Loori, John Daido (EDIT)  Art Of Just Sitting  Zen Shikantaza                   29660   ZEN  18.95
   Zen                              Low, Albert               Invitation To Practice Zen                            18331   ZEN   9.95
   Zen                              Low, Albert               Iron Cow Of Zen                                       11402   ZEN   6.50
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   Zen                              Luk, Charles              Ordinary Enlightenment (Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra)    30511   ZEN  15.00
   Zen                              MacInnes, Elaine          Light Sitting In Light  Christian's Exp. In Zen       24133   ZEN  11.00
   Zen                              Maezumi                   Hazy Moon Of Enlightenment                            12227   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Maezumi, T. & Glassman,B. On Zen Practice                                       29534   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Magid, Barry              Ordinary Mind  Zen & Psychotherapy                    28976   ZEN  15.95
   Zen                              Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn    Shamanic Bones Of Zen                                 28637   ZEN  18.95
   Zen                              Martin & Soares           One Hand Clapping  Zen Stories (BO NEWL 1/4/00)       23916   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Martin, Philip            Zen Path Through Depression                           26122   ZEN  13.99
   Zen                              Masuno, Shunmyo           Art Of Simple Living                                  20775   ZEN  20.00
   Zen                              McDaniel, Richard Bryan   Cypress Trees In The Garden                           22300   ZEN  34.95
   Zen                              McDaniel, Richard Bryan   Third Step East  Zen Masters Of America               26106   ZEN  24.95
   Zen                              Merton, Thomas            Mystics & Zen Masters                                 19242   ZEN  17.00
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   Zen                              Merzek, Dennis Genpo      Big Mind Big Heart (with CD)                          25641   ZEN  17.95
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   Zen                              Montgomery, Daniel B.     Fire In The Lotus                                     20150   ZEN  14.95
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   Zen                              Morita, Kiyoko            Book Of Incense  Art Of Japanese Scents               18593   ZEN  15.00
   Zen                              Morreale, Don (Ed)        Buddhist America (See # 25199)                        17866   ZEN  12.95
   Zen                              Musashi, Miyamoto         Book Of Five Rings                                    18635   ZEN  14.95
   Zen                              Musashi,Miyamoto          Book Of Five Rings (Mass market)                      23847   ZEN   9.99
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   Zen                              Port, Dosho               Keep Me In Your Heart A While (Katagiri)              14449   ZEN  15.95
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   Zen                              Roshi, Eido Shimano       Golden Wind  Zen Talks (OP 1/93)                      19132   ZEN  10.00
   Zen                              Roshi, Taizan Maezumi     Appreciate Your Life  Essence Of Zen Practice         28150   ZEN  21.95
   Zen                              Rothenberg, David         Blue Cliff Record                                     25153   ZEN  15.95
   Zen                              Sahn, Master Seung        Compass Of Zen                                        24804   ZEN  20.00
   Zen                              Sahn, Master Seung        Dropping Ashes On The Buddha                          15233   ZEN  16.00
   Zen                              Sahn, Master Seung        Only Don't Know                                       23028   ZEN  27.95
   Zen                              Salajan, Ioanna           Zen Comics  (I)                                       17527   ZEN   6.95
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   Zen                              Sasaki, Ruth (Tr.)        Man Of Zen  Sayings Of Layman P'ang                   15955   ZEN   7.95
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   Zen                              Schireson, Grace          Zen Women                                             24898   ZEN  16.95
   Zen                              Sekida, Katsuki           Zen Training  Methods & Philosophy                    14796   ZEN  17.95
   Zen                              Sekida, Katsuki (Tr)      Two Zen Classics  Gateless Gate/Blue Cliff (          23203   ZEN  35.00
   Zen                              Sen XV, Soshitsu          Tea Life, Tea Mind                                    29203   ZEN  12.50
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   Zen                              Shaku, Soyen              Zen For Americans                                     16900   ZEN  12.95
   Zen                              Shaw, Scott               Zen O'Clock: Time To Be (BO'd 1/24/14)                26340   ZEN  11.95
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   Zen                              Sheng-Yen, Master         Getting The Buddha Mind                               18420   ZEN  11.95
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   Zen                              Shima, Hiroki             Hagakure  The Book Of Hidden Leaves (9781937981419    15732   ZEN   7.99
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   Zen                              Shimano & Tani            Zen Words Zen Calligraphy (BO NYR BP 4/25/00)         23190   ZEN  13.00
   Zen                              Simpkins & Simpkins       Zen Around World                                      24683   ZEN  21.95
   Zen                              Smith, Jean (Editor)      365 Zen                                               26126   ZEN  15.99
   Zen                              Soeng, Mu                 Thousand Peaks  Korean Zen Tradition & Teachers       19911   ZEN  15.95
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   Zen                              Sohl & Carr (Eds)         Gospel According To Zen  Beyond The Death Of A God    18206   ZEN   3.95
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   Zen                              Stevens, John             Marathon Monks Of Mount Hiei  (OP 1.95)               17493   ZEN  12.95
   Zen                              Stevens, John             Three Zen Masters  Ikkyu/Hakuin/Ryokan (POSI 2/99)    16436   ZEN  10.00
   Zen                              Stevens, John (Trans.)    Dewdrops On A Lotus Leaf  (POS 09.94  MOVE)           21565   ZEN  11.00
   Zen                              Stevens, John (Transl&Ed) One Robe, One Bowl                                    11522   ZEN  19.95
   Zen                              Stuart, Maurine           Subtle Sound  Zen Teachings Of Maurine Stuart         23681   ZEN  19.95
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   Zen                              Sunim, Mu Soeng           Thousand Peaks  Korean Zen-Tradition & Teachers       20441   ZEN  14.00
   Zen                              Suzuki, D.T.              Awakening Of Zen                                      27529   ZEN  14.95
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