Member Meetings
What we do: CONNECTING, LEARNING, DREAMING! As members of the Seattle Lodge, we hold weekly meetings to learn together, to meditate and explore higher levels of consciousness, and to support each other in our spiritual growth. Members’ meetings are open to the public on the 1st Wednesday of each month. We meet weekly September through June, and have an annual summer break.
2023-2024 season: we meet online every Wednesday night 7:00 – 8:00 pm Pacific Time, September 6 through June 5.
Note: Wednesday meetings are currently held on Zoom in this meeting room.
Study Topics
Discussion topics for the 2023-2024 season are determined by the meeting participants. The updates will be included in the monthly member newsletter, and we frequently post discussion topics on our Slack channel, please let us know if you would like to join us on Slack. You are encouraged to watch the videos and read the material ahead of time, then bring your questions and comments to discuss at the meeting.
- 1st Wednesdays (open to the public) – Potpourri: bring a book, an article, or a personal experience – something on a spiritual topic that you would like to share.
- Other Wednesdays – please check Slack or emailed members’ newsletter for details.
If you are curious, please view our past study topics archive. In the past we also discussed various topics such as Dharma, non-duality, reincarnation, esoteric astrology and studied various books including The Divine Plan, Voice of the Silence, Evolution of the Higher Consciousness and other books related to spiritual growth. Most recently we also focused on the study of the Three Objects of the TS, looking in depth into the comparative religions, philosophies, and sciences, exploring the unexplained mysteries and human potential, and finding ways to experience the unity of all life. We usually rotate topics and study several books throughout the year. If you have a topic that you would like to suggest, please let us know.
Not a member?
If you are not a member and would like to visit one of our meetings just to see what we are about, please join us on the first Wednesday of the month. These Wednesdays are reserved for a social evening of light conversational Theosophical topics and are open to the public. We usually hold meetings online via Zoom, and occasionally also in person at the Theosophical Society library at 717 Broadway East, Seattle. Please drop by or join us online.
Questions? Please email us at
Membership Information
Membership in the Theosophical Society in Seattle is open to any person who is in sympathy with the Three Objects of the Theosophical Society.
The Three Declared Objects of the Theosophical Society
- To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color.
- To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy and science.
- To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.
Explore the meaning of the Three Objects in greater depth on the Theosophical Society in America website.
Become a member to support our work and connect with like-minded people locally and around the world.
Membership Benefits
- Participation in the Lodge members’ meetings
- Member voting privileges
- Members’ discounts in the Seattle Quest Bookshop
- Includes membership in the Seattle Theosophical Library (if you just want to join the library, separate library membership is also available)
Membership Rates
Membership in the Seattle Lodge requires concurrent membership in the Theosophical Society in America.
Membership in the Seattle Lodge
- Basic Membership: $48 for 1 year
- Young Adult (25 years or younger): $24 for 1 year
- Family Membership (two adults living at the same address): $72 per year
- Senior Membership (70 years or older): $24 per year
- Free, non-voting membership is available to children ages 10-18 with parental consent. The parent must be a TSA member.
Membership in the Theosophical Society in America
- Basic Membership: $72 for 1 year
- Young Adult (25 years or younger): $36 for 1 year
- Family Membership (two adults living at same address): $120 for 1 year
- Senior Membership (70 years or older): $36 for 1 year
Dues & Discounts
Our basic annual membership rate is $48 for the Seattle Lodge and $72 for the Theosophical Society in America. We also offer discounts for:
- Families
- Seniors (70 and older)
- Young Adults (25 and younger)